13 May 2019

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PBC's Inagural Gala Dinner

Palm Beach Currumbin State High School is preparing for its inaugural fundraising Gala to be held at the school Saturday 25 May 2019, bringing together our school community for a fun and memorable event and to raise funds for the new Library +Plus project. We hope that you will be able to join us on the evening.
Details of the event and how to RSVP are below.

We are also asking local businesses to support our fundraising efforts by donating goods or vouchers for the raffles and auction that will be held on the night. Please note that donations are tax deductible.

To assist with donations or other enquiries please contact us on pandc@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au

We are excited to celebrate and showcase our school and to fundraise for the new heart and soul of the PBC community.


Entertainment Books - Fundraising


We are excited to be offering pre-purchase options on the 2019/2020 Entertainment Book. With many popular new businesses in our  membership, we have the most exciting Gold Coast Entertainment Membership yet. Plus with all the additional bonus offers for pre-purchase, it is sure going to be a great Book for you this year! 

Click the online Order Page link, https://www.entertainmentbook.com.au/orderbooks/14425k9 to pre-purchase your Book now and receive the pre-purchase Bonus Offers. All proceeds from the Entertainment Book purchases will be going towards our Library Precinct Project so please support our School and enjoy some great discounts while you do it!

Thank you, Palm Beach Currumbin SHS P&C Association

Dates to Remember

14-15 May


21 May

Year 10 Immunisations

21 May

P&C Meeting

25 May

PBC Gala Dinner! – Book your table!!

28 May

School Council Meeting

30 May

Athletics – Throwing Events

31 May

PBC Alliance Breakfast


PBC Athletics Carnival

On Saturday, Week 3 of Term 2, eight students represented PBC at the UQ Philosothon. Over the course of the day, 190 students from schools across Queensland discussed such issues as:

  1. Some animals should have the same rights as humans
  2. We should look forward to AIs that are smarter than us
  3. The most important issue in the world today is the environment
  4. We should work towards a single human culture

The purpose of the discussion is to collaborate in order to reach some kind of consensus. Intellectual discussion is exhausting so our very tired students were rewarded with placing in the top three schools and the right to compete at the Australasian Philosothon held later this year in Canberra. PBC students were a standout on the day as commented on by organisers and philosophy teacher judges. This is the fourth consecutive year that PBC competes at the Australasian Philosothon - a remarkable achievement considering the calibre of competing students and their schools.


Pictured: Back LtoR: Robbie James, Brock Watson, Kobi Wickens, Aiden Ikefuji, Nick Weeks, Georgia Loy

Front LtoR: Jessica Fairburn, Talulah Ratcliffe

Parent Engagement in Learning

Parent engagement in learning is known to lead to improved outcomes for students of all ages. 

Parent engagement in learning and everyday positive parenting are major contributors to children’s learning, and can build children’s confidence, motivation, capability and competence as learners.

Please find below some tips that can be used as a starting point at home:

  • Communicate the value of education and the importance of schooling
  • Encourage educational aspirations and career goals; make plans with children for their future
  • Regularly ask your student what they are learning and doing at school, and praise real effort and achievements
  • Take an interest in homework, provide help where needed and offer encouragement and support for children to solve problems for themselves
  • Have high expectations for academic success and behaviour
  • Encourage physical activity and set reasonable boundaries for television, games and online socialising
  • Engage children in meaningful conversations about everyday life and topical issues, and encourage critical thinking and the development of ideas
  • Have positive, regular interactions with teachers; share knowledge, ideas and concerns.

For students to be successful both at school and into the future it's essential that parents/caregivers work with us, allowing us to tailor teaching and learning to suit each individual child ensuring that every PBC student is prepared for all that life may bring! 


PBC is extremely diverse and has a rich culture of high expectations to optimise student learning, mental health, social and emotional well-being. The Middle School team is an extremely hard working team and its vital productive partnerships are strengthened and enhanced with students, staff, parents/caregivers and the wider community. I would like to congratulate students on their attendance, uniform and enthusiasm since the start of Term 2.

We are extremely proud of our students and their outstanding behaviour during our recent PBC ANZAC Day assembly. Certificates were presented to students at our recent year level assemblies for those that participated in the PBC ANZAC Day assembly as wreath layers, student leaders and Air Force and Army cadets. A special thank you to all students that represented PBC proudly in the mid-morning ANZAC Day march.

School Uniform – Uniform Code (MS Student Planner page 10)

  • MS Uniform (blue): Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (if worn on Wednesday black shoes must be worn)
  • Winter Uniform: PBC navy blue knit jumper or blue or red PBC jacket with the PBC logo can be worn and PBC navy blue track pants, blue with white strip and PBC logo (Term 2 and 3 only)
  • Sport Uniform (red): Wednesday only and for HPE lessons (get changed before/after lesson. Students that have HPE in Period 1 may wear their red uniform to school but must change into the blue uniform after their lesson. Period 4 students wear their blue uniform to school and then can wear their HPE uniform home)
  • Shoes: PBC socks and/or plain white socks that cover the ankle
  • PBC hats


  • Every day counts – target 95%
  • We expect students to be at school by 8:30am. Any student late to CARE class at 9:00am without an approved absence will be issued with a detention.
  • If your child needs to leave school early please have your child go to Middle School Student Services by 8:30am to have the note signed and approved.
  • Parents must notify and provide an explanation of a student absence
  • Priority of absent notification for a FULL DAY is text message 0447 100 239 or email to absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
  • An unacceptable attendance record my lead to disciplinary action - Parent Compulsory Schooling Obligation – Failure to Attend Section 178(4) of the Education Act


  • Optima Code: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner
  • PBC Responsible Behaviour Plan for students 
  • Reds Pledge: ‘relentlessly strive to be my best self and to actively support other to do the same’

Student Information

  • update contact details when necessary including phone, email and addresses of the key persons for OneSchool student information (medical updates and court orders)
  • contact the Optima team if you have any student wellbeing concerns
  • visit the PBC website for parent newsletters, staff emails and assessment calendars
  • https://pbc-shs.eq.edu.au/Pages/default.aspx
  • Like PBC on Facebook and PBC Alliance www.pbc-alliance.com to be kept up to date with the latest news


It is a very exciting time in the Middle School as NAPLAN is undertaken. The students have been preparing for this through all of their core classes, all year. NAPLAN is held on Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May. Many students find the testing process tiring, so the best support parents can give is by ensuring the students get to bed early then have a nutritious breakfast to sustain them for the morning. Including some protein, such as eggs or cheese, in breakfast can be helpful. Parents can find additional information at https://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/parent-carer-support

Students should take care to pack the correct equipment the night before each exam. This includes 2B or HB pencils, an eraser, black or blue pens and a simple calculator (for Thursday only).

If a student is ill and misses a test, there is the opportunity for catch-up tests this Friday only. Please advise the school if you hope for your child to complete a catch-up test.

We wish all of our Year 7 and 9 students every success in NAPLAN, and thank their teachers for all they have done to prepare the students to do their best.

This Thursday, the Leo's Club is providing a fabulous celebratory sausage sizzle for our Year 7 NAPLAN students, from 8:00-8:30am. The barbecue will be served in the Middle School Quad.

A huge thank you to the Leo's Club Mentors, Teachers and students for their support of our Year 7s in this important week.

Parent Teacher Interviews

Thank you to every parent who gave up their time last week to attend Parent Teacher Interviews. Teachers really appreciate the chance to discuss students’ progress and share important information which can help students in their achievement and their happiness at school.

Remember, that you can contact your child’s teachers at any time, via the Staff Contact list on the school website.

We encourage parents/caregivers to email your student’s excellent recent achievements to us. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student’s achievement and include at least one photo, and/or any links to media articles that we can share via our Parent Newsletter, internal communications and Facebook.

Oceanic District Cross Country

A huge congratulations to the PBC Cross Country Team who took away TEAM GOLD at the Oceanic District Cross Country Championships last week at Pizzey Park. Special mention to our XC Captain’s Mackenzey Ormiston and Samuel McAuliffe plus Ethan Gray and Starr Scott who all took individual Gold in their events. Great effort to everyone who took part – bring on Regionals!

Young Archie's Awards

PBC is thrilled to announce that last week Lily Norman’s artwork “Johnny” was selected as a finalist in the prestigious Young Archie’s Awards. Out of over 2000 entries, 30 are selected as finalist and will be on display at the Gallery of NSW. Congratulations Lily the work is truly amazing. Check out more details on the work by following the link https://www.artgallery.nsw.gov.au/prizes/young-archie/


South Coast Waterpolo Championships

Congratulations to Year 11 student Charlotte Loring who competed with the South Coast team at the State Waterpolo Championship recently. After 7 games Charlotte's team topped the plate division before going on to win all their remaining games to claim first place for the division. Charlotte also received the encouragement player of the tournament for her division and was the only goalie in the tournament to not let in a goal. What a fantastic result! Well done Charlotte.

Year 7/8 Female Rugby League

In Term 1 our Year 7/8 female rugby league team competed in the Titans Schoolgirl Challenge. Led by their coach, Ethan Roberts, the girls played 4 games in all and came away with 2 wins and 2 losses.

Week 1 the girls played Keebra #1 and Beenleigh 1 (both sport excellence schools). The girls put up a great fight against both teams and came away with one loss and one draw. Week 2 we were up against Merrimac SHS and Keebra #2. This time the girls came away with one win and another draw.

This term features the Karyn Murphy Cup 2019. The Karyn Murphy Cup competition runs for 8 weeks and is comprised of schools from all over the Gold Coast.

With the girls enjoying the competition in term 1, they are all looking forward to Term 2 footy.

Senior Debating

PBC has two teams in the Senior Debate Competition this year. They have debated in two rounds against stiff competition and won both times. These are the topics they argued:

  • Privacy is a privilege not a right.
  • We should be vegetarians.

Coming up is the short prep part of the comp where students get the topic at 5:00pm and begin the debate at 6:00pm. One hour to prepare an eight minute argument is a tough gig - but they're up to it.


Queensland School Sport Rugby League Championships

Congratulations to PBC's Reico Ratana who was part of the South Coast Rugby League school team that competed at the Queensland School Sport Rugby League 14-15 Years State Championships. South Coast won the championship undefeated. What a great result! Well done Reico.

Queensland School Netball Championships

Congratulations PBC Netball Excellence students Brielle Reeves, Kiera Tufuga, Dakota Newson, Kyla-Rose Onehi-Karena, Brooke Swindells and Bayley d'Hotman de Villiers who represented South Coast School Sport in the QLD State Netball Championships in Townsville on 2-5 May finishing Runner-ups.

A big congratulations to PBC's Bayley d'Hotman de Villiers and Dakota Newson on being selected into the Queensland Secondary Schools U15 Netball team for 2019. The Australian National Championships will run 20-26 July 2019 at the Caloundra Indoor Stadium and will compete against the best U15 teams from ACT, NSW, NT, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC and WA.

National Athletics Championships

Congratulations to PBC's Starr Scott who competed at the National Athletics Championships in Sydney last month and placed 4th in the 800m finals, U16’s. 
Starr ran an amazing race, running a PB of 2:13. What a fantastic achievement! Well done Starr.



Australian Surf Life Saving Championship

Congratulations to PBC's Toby Mayes Year 12 who won Silver in the Australian u17 Surf Race at the Australian Surf Lifesaving Championship at North Broadbeach. Fantastic effort Toby! 


Click the links below to hear the latest from PBC’s Wellbeing Team.

Senior School Guidance Officer

Read the attached article for the latest information targeted to senior students of careers and pathway information.

Middle School Guidance Officer

Click to find an article on the bullying of teachers by students and parents.

Senior School Maths

One of our biggest focuses in senior school maths over the next couple of years is getting students to understand that success for every student is different. We want students to learn about themselves; we want them to come to understand what is required to be the best version of themselves.

Year 10

Year 10 students in term 1 managed to outperform the usual beginning of senior school trend with nearly 90% receiving a C grade or better. It is now time for students to consolidate and be ready for a challenging Term 2 with Quadratics and Trigonometry being the main content areas. To ensure success our teaching team will be focusing on Simple Familiar questions as they are the fundamentals and take up 60% of the exam. These are the questions students will practice most and are accessible to every level of maths student.

Simple Familiar

Problems of this degree of difficulty require students to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the subject matter and application of skills in a situation where:

  • relationships and interactions are obvious and have few elements; and
  • all of the information to solve the problem is identifiable; that is the required procedure is clear from the way the problem is posed, or
  • in a context that has been a focus of prior learning.


Year 11

Essential MathsStudents will be doing their first exam in the coming weeks and their study for this should be well underway. They will be covering Unit 1 topics: Percentages, Data and Graphs. Students are reminded that they will need to have a calculator, writing equipment and a ruler for the exam as there will be no borrowing of equipment during the exam due to being unprepared.

Mathematical Methods – The end of Unit 1 exam is also approaching and students have really lifted in their study habits and many are taking advantage of the resources available to them.


  • Educreations.com
  • Mathspace.co
  • Practice exams
  • Online textbook resources
  • Subject Onenote

Students should speak with their teacher if they have any questions about these resources. Students are strongly encouraged to try new strategic study habits to figure out how they could reach their full potential. Year 11 is a learning year; students should be learning both content and what habits work best for them.

General MathematicsStudents are deep in their Problem Solving and Modelling Task (PSMT) and drafts should have been submitted. The PSMT is a guided practice run for the 20% task they will do at the beginning of next year and the most important thing students need to take from doing the task is a better understanding of the criteria sheet.

An example challenging criteria point can be seen below:

Criteria – Solve

Accurate translation of all aspects of the problem by identifying concepts and techniques.

 It is important to explain the concept, but particularly how it is going to be used to answer the task. (can organise into tables)

  • "All" refers to concepts/techniques used to solve, evaluate and technology.

Example 1: (N.B. this is an excerpt from a Mathematical Methods student’s work. Content is not important for General Maths)


Example 2: Students may benefit from strategically organising their concepts to explain and show how.


Trent Hage
HOD Maths

Middle School Maths

Assessment - This term Year 7, 8 and 9 mainstream mathematics assessment will consist of an end of term exam. A more detailed breakdown of assessment is available on the PBC website (click here for more assessment information as well as the PBC assessment policy and application for extension or change of date form). Please see below for assessment due dates:

Middle School Term 3 Mainstream Mathematics Assessment





Exam - Solving Algebra and Chance Problems

Date: Week 9, Lesson 1


Exam  - Number, Algebra and Volume

Date: Week 8, Lesson 3


Exam - Patterns & Algebra / Pythagoras & Trigonometry

Date: Week 9, Lesson 1


Being prepared for learning in Mathematics - The start of term is a timely reminder about the importance of being prepared to learn in every Math lesson. Math preparedness is bringing a textbook and calculator to every lesson. If students have a BYOD and are finding that bringing their laptop and textbook is too cumbersome a digital version of the textbook is available. Students can check if they have access to the digital version of the textbook by checking the sticker inside the front cover of their textbook. If the sticker looks like the image below they can access the digital textbook using the details provided. If not please direct your child to speak to their Math teacher or if they have any issues accessing the digital version.


A note about calculators.  Students are expected to have their own scientific calculator for all Maths lessons.  Casio is the preferred model (see image below) at PBC but any scientific calculator is acceptable.  Students are not permitted to use their mobile phones as a calculator. Please make sure that your son or daughter is prepared for every Maths lesson by bringing a calculator to school every day. Thank you for your support with this.


Problem Solving using Polya

The Polya problem solving method gives students a process for attacking those difficult Math problems. The process involves:

  • See – Understanding what the problem is asking
  • PLAN - Making a plan to solve the problem
  • Do – carrying out their plan
  • CHECK – checking that their answer is reasonable and works

Please encourage your child to use these as guidelines if they are ‘stuck’ on their Maths homework.


Bianca Deague
HOD MS Maths

Reminder that all Year 7 students are required to bring their One2One laptop to school fully charged and ready to use in class every day.  If your child’s computer is not functioning properly please ask your child to present their computer to the IT Department during the lunch breaks to get it repaired at no charge.

Tip: Please ensure that your child has a solidly constructed protective case for their One2One laptop.  90% of damaged computers coming into the IT office were not protected by a case at the time of the incident.  Cases are available at local department store at quite reasonable prices.

Thank you

Anton Tomassen
Head of Department – IT

Gold Coast Junior Council Meeting

On Tuesday 30 April PBC was well represented at the Gold Coast Junior Council meeting by four outstanding students: Bodie Potter, Liam Comerford, Jaime Pryor and Hamish Munro. The Junior Council meetings provide the students with a chance to participate in a range of experiences:

  • Collaborating with peers from both private and public Gold Coast schools
  • Interact with and meet local councillors
  • Gain an understanding of how the council plans for and operates during large scale events
  • Discuss real issues affecting the youth of the Gold Coast and provides a platform to have their voices heard
  • Learn how to access resources and work together to help the Gold Coast community
  • Provides opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills

During the last meeting our students got the opportunity to be part of the official presentation at Council Chambers where Tom Tate inducted the new Gold Coast Junior Council Executive Committee for 2019. Both Year 11 students from PBC (Hamish Munro and Jaime Pryor), showed great initiative to be part of the process of delivering a speech to their peers in order to display their leadership skills and have the chance to be voted onto the Junior Council Executive Committee. Hamish and Jaime delivered excellent speeches. A big congratulations goes to Hamish who was voted in as a member of the Executive Team for 2019.

During the last meeting the students had the opportunity to meet a number of staff from various sectors of the Gold Coast Council such as Warren Young – Chief Lifeguard, various current councillors, and staff from the Animal Management area. The students gained an insight as to what their role involves, how it has changed over time and how they got their positions. The students asked some very pertinent questions based on our part of the Gold Coast and how it impacts young people in our community.

Well done to Bodie, Liam, Jaime and Hamish for representing PBC with pride.

Melissa McGuiness Safe Driving Presentation

Last week Year 12 students welcomed inspirational guest speaker Melissa McGuinness to PBC. Our students sat silent as Melissa told of the devastating loss six years ago of son Jordan, who died at 18 as the result of his drink driving. Four other young lives were also lost as a result of this accident. As Melissa says, “My story resonates with teenagers because I reinforce this point: ‘Imagine it’s not me here today talking. Imagine it’s your Mother, and she is talking about you’.” Many of our Year 12’s stayed back after the presentation to speak with Melissa, and share their sorrow at what Jordan’s family and friends have suffered.

Our students commented that the presentation was confronting, powerful and courageous. Many were sombre as they reflected on the aftermath of what the lives of families and loved ones looks like when an avoidable tragedy such as this occurs.

Vice Captain Nick Weeks

“I LOVED the presentation; I think it was very eye-opening and confronting but that was definitely necessary to accurately convey the depth of the message she was giving. I really do think every 17 year old on the Gold Coast should see this presentation before they get their P's.”

Head Prefect Nikita Sammartino

“Melissa helped so many young individuals from PBC to truly understand the consequences of reckless driving. It was truly life changing and has made me realise how responsible, safe and cautious you really need to be when driving.”

Thank you to Melissa for sharing your journey – I know that you had a tremendous impact on our students.

Assessment Calendars

Senior school assessment calendars have been published on the school website under the curriculum tab. This is a useful tool for parents and students in preparing their study timetables.

The Year 11 Unit 1 examination timetable has also been published on this link as well as the school’s assessment policy and application forms for extension/change of date and Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA).


Year 10 and 12 shutdown timetables for the end of term will be published soon.

Year 10 into 11 student pathways

Year 10 students and their parents need to be aware of the following requirements for students to study in the ATAR pathway in 11 and 12.

To study 4 General subjects and be eligible for an ATAR students must achieve;

2020 Subject 2019  Required Results at end of Semester 1
General Maths  C in Maths
Mathematical Methods / Specialist Maths  B10 in Maths
Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Marine Science  B in Year 10 Science

Students who achieve a C5 in Maths and English in Semester 1 Year 10 may still be able to study General Maths and General English in Year 11 however will not be able to study 4 ATAR Subjects. More information regarding subject selection for year 11 will be published in term 3.

Student Engagement

All Year 11 and 12 students are reminded that they have to continually demonstrate that they are actively engaged in the learning process to remain enrolled in post compulsory schooling. Students demonstrate this by completing, submitting and passing their assessment in subjects, remaining eligible for the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and complying with school policies and procedures. Students whose academic performance indicates that they are no longer eligible for the QCE will have their enrolment monitored and reviewed by the senior schooling team.

Year 11 Unit 1 Assessment

Year 11 students should be busy revising work and completing assignments for their upcoming assessment. All assessment for Unit 1 should be completed by Tuesday 21 May. There will be no shutdown for these exams and students will be expected to attend school every day. It is vitally important that Year 11s are actively revising and preparing for assessment now as they will have numerous exams and assignments due in the same week.

Year 11 students will have the opportunity to change subjects at the end of this assessment period subject to timetable availability.

Subject changes

Year 11 students will have the opportunity to change classes subject to timetable availability at the end of week 5. Students will be able to attend a session in Y block at first break on Thursday 23 May to see subject availability. They will then need to seek the permission of the Heads of Department of their new subject and parents before a change will be processed.

Certificate II in Tourism

Any Year 11 student or non OP Year 12 student wishing to complete this Certificate during sport on Wednesday afternoons should see Mr McDougall or Ms McQueen as soon as possible. This course is free for students that have not used their VETis funding.

As well as improving students employment prospects this course is worth 4 QCE so is highly recommended for students that are currently not on track to achieve the QCE due to poor academic performance.

Overall Positions (OPs)

Year 12 OP students have had the opportunity for OP prediction interviews and OP predictions were emailed out to parents last week.

OP students can maximise their OP by:

  • Improving their rung; e.g. moving from a B5 to a B6
  • Improving their rank position in the subject cohort
  • Improving the QCS test average of OP students in that subject and the OP cohort

The 12 QCS students had a masterclass with Mighty Minds on Tuesday and have the final afterschool masterclass of the term on Tuesday 14 May in the Trade Training Centre from 3:15 to 4:45pm; attendance at these classes is compulsory for students that wish to remain OP eligible.

During Term 3 12 QCS students will be required to attend school during sport time and afterschool until 3:30pm for the 4 weeks leading up to the QCS test in September.

Additionally students that have performed poorly on the QCS practice tests will be required to attend additional support tutorials to improve their performance and the performance of the QCS cohort.

Wednesday QCS classes continue to commence at 8:00am up until the QCS test in September.

Pathways Centre

School based traineeships available

Lots of exciting traineeship opportunities available in the Pathway Centre Y Block for Year 10/11’s to start Term 2. Job boards will be updated regularly with new positions. Students can collect a registration form and apply now.

A variety of traineeships are on offer with a focus on business, hospitality, retail and tourism.

Event Cinemas Robina & Pacific Fair – Recruitment and information nights Wednesday 22 May

Hospitality and Business Traineeships:

Kirra Sports Club
Saltwater Currumbin
The Deck Café Currumbin
Third Base Coffee
The Bohemian Club Coolangatta
Palm Beach Surf Club
Coffee Club Burleigh James St
The Meatsmith the Pines
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
Nerang RSL
Coming Home Co. Robina
Coffee Club Coolangatta
Lakeview Café Burleigh
Zeus Robina
Guzman Y Gomez Robina
The Cheesecake Shop - Nerang
Zarraffas Tugun and Palm Beach & Burleigh
Brumbys Bakery the Pines
Lava Carts Robina
Crema Espresso the Pines, Robina & Bundall
The Boatshed Restaurant Kiosk
Seaworld Cruises

School based vacancies links:

Ignite Education: https://www.ignite.edu.au/job-vacancies/

Aurora Training Institute please visit their vacancy page: http://www.aurora.edu.au/schools-program/

Prestige Training Services vacancies, please visit this link for more opportunities: https://hcm612.peoplestreme.net/PrestigeServiceTraining03ne2016/erec_external.asp

There are more opportunities on the job boards. Please come into Y Block to register.

Love your current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let’s see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.

The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break to apply for any of the above positions.

Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison Officer

Dear Parents and Caregivers,

Sgalippa_Anita_Copy_.jpgCurrently Chris Capra is overseas in Canada presenting at a conference, representing PBC. The school has also been asked to present at a Conference in Sydney next week. It is great for state education that this school is being recognised at a national and international level.

Locally it has been a busy few weeks which I am sure you will see from this edition. Thank you to the over 800 parents who attended Parent Teacher Interviews in the week past. This opportunity to discuss your child’s progress is one that we value highly, as it is when we are on the same page, that our young people will have the most growth. I would encourage you to continue the connection with your child’s teachers via email as needed throughout the remainder of the year.

Our education system is making some changes to how contract teachers are reviewed and a practice that has been routine at PBC for many years has now been formalised for teachers across Queensland. Any teacher on contract will be formally observed and receive a written feedback report which will be available to them and to all schools looking to recruit teachers. The plan is that this will strengthen the pool of teachers that we can access to meet our HR needs when permanent staff are needing leave.

Next week our teachers will participate in our once a term Twilight professional Development sessions with a focus on pedagogy especially in relation to Positive Behaviour and the Art of Science and Teaching. Other features include external speakers from QCAA on differentiation in numeracy and understanding complex trauma and its educational impacts.


Anita Sgalippa
Acting Executive Principal

CRICOS Provider Name: The Queensland Department of Education trading as Education Queensland International (EQI) CRICOS Provider Number 00608A

Mobile Dental Clinic – Gold Coast Oral Health Service


The School Dental Van is at PBC until mid June 2019 and are offering FREE dental treatment.

To book your child's FREE* dental check phone 1300 300 850. If a parent is unable to attend, please get your child to collect a consent form from the van and bring it to their appointment. This is a free service for eligible students.

* Eligibility criteria applies. For more information visit www.goldcoast.health.qld.gov.au/oral-health 


Thrower Drive Stage 2 – Notice of Works


Aspergers Support Group


Gold Coast Waterpolo

Waterpolo_logo.pngCome and Make a Splash - Gold Coast WaterPolo Winter Junior Development

The Gold Coast Waterpolo Association invites all interested Juniors (Current players and anyone wishing to try waterpolo) to join us for our 6 week Winter Blast program.
This 6 week training program commences at Miami Swimming Pool, Pizzey Park on Wed 15 May @6:30pm through until 26 June.

Players will be coached to improve essential waterpolo skills, develop game play but most importantly , have fun. No prior waterpolo experience necessary!

2 age groups available;

  • 12 and under
  • 12 to under 17s

Costs: Current Registered Players : $30

New Players : $30 + Registration fee with Qld Waterpolo

(Pool entry not included)

Register your interest now and come and have a blast! info@goldcoastwaterpolo.com.au or juniors@goldcoastwaterpolo.com.au

Uniform Shop


Cashier Window Operating Hours

Over the counter payments can only be accepted between 8:00am and 1:00pm on Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can make payments via BPOINT from your invoice or statement or Direct Deposit.

For Internet banking please use the details below:

School’s Bank Account:  PALM BEACH CURRUMBIN SHS General A/C

BSB Number:                  064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads

Account Number:           00090303

Reference/Details:        Record both Student ID AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2018 SRS8 or 2018 ACEX10)


SRS Fees

Make payments the quick and easy way using BPOINT. Visit www.bpoint.com.au/payments/dete, follow the prompts or phone BPOINT on 1300 631 073.

Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulty can email ParentSupport ParentSupport@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.

Payment plan options are available including Centrepay -a service to families whereby periodic payments can be made to the school or Direct Debit via credit card (monthly). Paperwork is available from the Student Services Office to activate either of these plans.



To secure a locker, please return the Locker Hire Agreement attached and make payment to Student Services as soon as possible. Locker Hire is $44.00 for the year, which includes the hire of a padlock.


QParents is an app for your smart phone that allows you to keep your child’s educations journey in your hands.


Saver Plus


Business Directory – support our local businesses


If you are looking to support our local businesses and local community when looking for a product or service look no further than the PBC Alliance Business Directory. All the listings are supporters of our students and local so please support those that support PBC. https://www.pbc-alliance.com/business-directory.html


Would your business like to support our students?

Become a Partner today

If you are interested in learning more about the PBC Alliance visit our website! www.pbc-alliance.com

We would like to give a huge shout out to our 2019 PBC Alliance Partners! The support of these amazing businesses, for our students, is hugely appreciated.

Bendigo Bank – Tugun Community Bank Branch

Aurora Training Institute

Prestige Service Training

Griffith University

Leading Teams

Southport Sharks

Veteran Mentors

Choices Media

ACTV Strenth Co

Capital Pest Management

CHG Wealth

Stone Style

Currumbin RSL

Trade Glass

Inspire Physiotherapy

Firewire Surfboards

Tweed Sea Sports


Gold Coast United FC

Bond University

Wilson Haynes Solicitors

Fraser Financial Services

Big Screen Video

Mighty Minds



Burleigh Bears Rugby League

Currumbin Junior Rugby League

Storm Cycles

The Meatsmiths, Elanora

Palm Beach Surf Club

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