Middle School Update
Parent Engagement in Learning
Parent engagement in learning is known to lead to improved outcomes for students of all ages.
Parent engagement in learning and everyday positive parenting are major contributors to children’s learning, and can build children’s confidence, motivation, capability and competence as learners.
Please find below some tips that can be used as a starting point at home:
- Communicate the value of education and the importance of schooling
- Encourage educational aspirations and career goals; make plans with children for their future
- Regularly ask your student what they are learning and doing at school, and praise real effort and achievements
- Take an interest in homework, provide help where needed and offer encouragement and support for children to solve problems for themselves
- Have high expectations for academic success and behaviour
- Encourage physical activity and set reasonable boundaries for television, games and online socialising
- Engage children in meaningful conversations about everyday life and topical issues, and encourage critical thinking and the development of ideas
- Have positive, regular interactions with teachers; share knowledge, ideas and concerns.
For students to be successful both at school and into the future it's essential that parents/caregivers work with us, allowing us to tailor teaching and learning to suit each individual child ensuring that every PBC student is prepared for all that life may bring!
PBC is extremely diverse and has a rich culture of high expectations to optimise student learning, mental health, social and emotional well-being. The Middle School team is an extremely hard working team and its vital productive partnerships are strengthened and enhanced with students, staff, parents/caregivers and the wider community. I would like to congratulate students on their attendance, uniform and enthusiasm since the start of Term 2.
We are extremely proud of our students and their outstanding behaviour during our recent PBC ANZAC Day assembly. Certificates were presented to students at our recent year level assemblies for those that participated in the PBC ANZAC Day assembly as wreath layers, student leaders and Air Force and Army cadets. A special thank you to all students that represented PBC proudly in the mid-morning ANZAC Day march.
School Uniform – Uniform Code (MS Student Planner page 10)
- MS Uniform (blue): Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (if worn on Wednesday black shoes must be worn)
- Winter Uniform: PBC navy blue knit jumper or blue or red PBC jacket with the PBC logo can be worn and PBC navy blue track pants, blue with white strip and PBC logo (Term 2 and 3 only)
- Sport Uniform (red): Wednesday only and for HPE lessons (get changed before/after lesson. Students that have HPE in Period 1 may wear their red uniform to school but must change into the blue uniform after their lesson. Period 4 students wear their blue uniform to school and then can wear their HPE uniform home)
- Shoes: PBC socks and/or plain white socks that cover the ankle
- PBC hats
- Every day counts – target 95%
- We expect students to be at school by 8:30am. Any student late to CARE class at 9:00am without an approved absence will be issued with a detention.
- If your child needs to leave school early please have your child go to Middle School Student Services by 8:30am to have the note signed and approved.
- Parents must notify and provide an explanation of a student absence
- Priority of absent notification for a FULL DAY is text message 0447 100 239 or email to absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
- An unacceptable attendance record my lead to disciplinary action - Parent Compulsory Schooling Obligation – Failure to Attend Section 178(4) of the Education Act
- Optima Code: Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner
- PBC Responsible Behaviour Plan for students
- Reds Pledge: ‘relentlessly strive to be my best self and to actively support other to do the same’
Student Information
- update contact details when necessary including phone, email and addresses of the key persons for OneSchool student information (medical updates and court orders)
- contact the Optima team if you have any student wellbeing concerns
- visit the PBC website for parent newsletters, staff emails and assessment calendars
- https://pbc-shs.eq.edu.au/Pages/default.aspx
- Like PBC on Facebook and PBC Alliance www.pbc-alliance.com to be kept up to date with the latest news
It is a very exciting time in the Middle School as NAPLAN is undertaken. The students have been preparing for this through all of their core classes, all year. NAPLAN is held on Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 May. Many students find the testing process tiring, so the best support parents can give is by ensuring the students get to bed early then have a nutritious breakfast to sustain them for the morning. Including some protein, such as eggs or cheese, in breakfast can be helpful. Parents can find additional information at https://www.nap.edu.au/naplan/parent-carer-support
Students should take care to pack the correct equipment the night before each exam. This includes 2B or HB pencils, an eraser, black or blue pens and a simple calculator (for Thursday only).
If a student is ill and misses a test, there is the opportunity for catch-up tests this Friday only. Please advise the school if you hope for your child to complete a catch-up test.
We wish all of our Year 7 and 9 students every success in NAPLAN, and thank their teachers for all they have done to prepare the students to do their best.
This Thursday, the Leo's Club is providing a fabulous celebratory sausage sizzle for our Year 7 NAPLAN students, from 8:00-8:30am. The barbecue will be served in the Middle School Quad.
A huge thank you to the Leo's Club Mentors, Teachers and students for their support of our Year 7s in this important week.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to every parent who gave up their time last week to attend Parent Teacher Interviews. Teachers really appreciate the chance to discuss students’ progress and share important information which can help students in their achievement and their happiness at school.
Remember, that you can contact your child’s teachers at any time, via the Staff Contact list on the school website.