16 September 2015
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents,
Providing our students with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills and abilities is a crucial component of our school. In fact, student leadership plays a critical role in the success of PBC. The development of these leadership skills can be done both informally and through formal processes. Informally, our students will learn and develop their leadership abilities through modelling from our staff members and also through exposure to key messages delivered through our weekly assemblies and Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program. Formally, the school has a number of key leadership positions that allows students the opportunity to develop their skills by doing and experiencing these roles. In particular, our school captains and vice captains work closely with the school administration to ensure every student is aware of PBC expectations for conduct and actively promote the myriad of opportunities available for them to engage in. Our selected Middle School student leaders are also key members of this collaborative process.
These students take on the responsibility of modelling our high standards each and every day and promote the desired culture of the school. We value dedication, cooperation, fairness and inclusivity and it is imperative that our captains and vice captains embody these values.
The Student Council plays a key role in supporting our school captains and vice captains in meeting their responsibilities. All members of the school council share the responsibility for capturing the student voice and generating the ideas that improves the student experience at PBC.
Our school has a proud tradition of excellent student leadership and I believe there is clear evidence that this tradition has been continued this year. With this in mind, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of these students for their fantastic work in 2015.
I would also like to acknowledge Ms Alyce Cleary, Mrs Sharon Hillcoat and Mr Mitch Kennedy who have worked tirelessly to develop the leadership capabilities of each and every one of these students.
Early in Term 4, the 2016 School Captain selection process will conclude. This intensive process involves nomination, speeches in front of their year level, voting (student and staff) as well as interviews with a selection panel. This year we have had a large number of students apply for the position of 2016 School Captain. Of these students listed below, two students will be selected as school captains and a further ten as vice captains. Recently, the candidates delivered speeches to their cohort, convincing both staff and students of why they were the best choice to lead PBC in the upcoming school year.
Each of the candidates should be extremely proud of their courage and poise whilst delivering these speeches. Next term each of the candidates will attend an interview with the Executive Principal and Director of Senior School after which the final decision will be made. We are very fortunate to have many students who are prepared to accept responsibility for leadership of our great school and I would like to congratulate the following candidates for nominating for positions in 2016:
Boys |
Girls |
Danilo Allen |
Grace Bartlett |
Harry Bartlett |
Chloe Bergquist |
Levi Fredricks |
Ruby Blair |
Christopher Gray |
Georgia Blanckensee |
Sheldon Hernandez |
Michelle Borg |
Angus Houston |
Montana Decke |
Taine Josephson |
Kim De Snoo |
Trystan Karehana-Simpson |
Charlie Duke |
Tommaso Lo Giudice |
Chloe Finlay |
Andre McCarthy |
Rosie Gale |
Conor Putland |
Riley Hay |
Joseph Richters |
Gaby Hoppitt |
Bill Walker |
Giselle Kilner-Parmenter |
Ryan White |
Ruby-Lee Lancaster |
Luke Wyatt |
Jiya Martin |
Ashley Sara Mathew |
Bethany Powell |
Phoenix Starr |
Tennelle Taleni |
Thank you to all of the students who put their names forward and good luck for the remainder of the selection process.
'Synergy - A Night with James Morrison'
What a showcase of talent! Our student musicians performed alongside internationally renowned Australian composer and jazz musician James Morrison AM in our hall on Monday 14 September for an evening performance.
James is well known for his musical ability internationally, composing and performing the opening fanfare to the Sydney Olympic games in 2000. James has performed with the London Philharmonic Orchestra and in two Royal Command performances. His service to music has long been recognised, being awarded the Order of Australia in 1997 with the citation "for service to music and the sponsorship of young musicians”.
It was an amazing opportunity for our students and local students from surrounding schools to witness and perform with a Hall of Fame inductee up close and personal.
Seeing over 400 people from our school community, local businesses, students, parents and staff support this spectacular event was an honour and a testament to our school and the broader community.
Thank you to everyone who was involved and their hard work to make the night such a huge success.

Blair Hanna
Acting Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: Department of Education and Training
CRICOS No. 00608A
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Report
- Senior School Update
- End of Term notices
- Middle School News
- A Positive School Culture
- Student Leadership
- Science Department News
- Special Education Program News
- PBC Vocalists Entertain Currumbin War Widows
- Numeracy NAPLAN Preparation
- 2015 Yearbook
- The Collage – ANZAC poster
- Pathways Centre News
- Guidance Officer News
- School Based Youth Nurse Notes
- Uniform Shop Update
- Administration
- Student lockers available
- Second Hand Uniforms
- P&C News
- PBC Alliance
- QParents
- Completion of Oral Health (Dental) Services
- Thrower House School Holiday Program
- PBC Magpies Basketball Club
- Tallebudgera SLSC Bronze Medallion
- Dyslexia Empowerment Week
- Tweed Heads and Coolangatta SLSC Nipper Sign-on Day
- Schoolies Support Team - Volunteers Needed
- Currumbin Eagles JRLFC
Senior School Update
To all of our Year 12 students who recently completed their QCS, congratulations. Eighteen months of hard work preparing has now paid off, you conducted yourselves in a manner that instilled positivity and facilitated group confidence, well done.
To the Year 10 parents and students who recently attended SetPlan interviews, thank you. These interviews provided a great opportunity to sit one-on-one with students and map out individual pathways to success in the Senior Schooling years. If any Year 10 student has not yet completed their SetPlan, please access the school website to gain all relevant documentation. These documents need to be returned to a member of the Y Block Senior School Administration Team by Tuesday 15 September.
To all students who will undertake shutdown exams this week, good luck. Year 11 students will be on exam shutdown all of Week 10. Year 10 students will be on exam shutdown from Wednesday of Week 10. Year 12 students are expected to be at school, in regular classes for the whole week. Following this assessment period teachers will be writing interim reports; parents can expect to receive these reports in Week 2 of Term 4.
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday, please enjoy the term break and come back refreshed and ready to finish off the year on a positive note.
Alyce Cleary
Director of Senior School
End of Term notices
Year 12 students do not have shut down this term. Year 12 classes will all commence Term 4 work in the last week of term and students are expected to attend every day up to and including Friday September 18.
The shutdown timetable for Year 10 and 11 students is published on the school website and the students’ k drive. Students need to know which room has been allocated for their class.
Year 11 students have shutdown during Week 10 Monday 14 September to Fri 18 September. All OP students also need to sit the QCS practice tests on Friday 18 September. These tests are very important as the data from these is used to determine class groupings in Year 12. Students are reminded that they need to bring calculators, compass and protractors to the QCS exam.
Year 10 students have normal classes on Monday through to Tuesday of Week 10 and then have shut down on Wednesday 16 September through to Friday 18 September.
During the Year 10 and 11 shutdown, students should only attend if they have a scheduled exam, VET catch up or are meeting a teacher.
VET modules
Year 11 students who are behind in their VET subjects will be sent a letter. These students will have to attend during shutdown to catch up on their VET modules. The student’s VET teacher will provide the exact date and location of the catch up sessions.
Assessment extension or change of date
Students are again reminded that they must apply for an extension or change of date with the relevant Head of Department if they are going to miss assessment. These are available on the school website. They will not be allowed to sit an exam before the rest of the cohort. Going on holidays before the end of term does not constitute a valid reason for an extension/change of assessment date.
Year 12 QCS Classes
Year 12 QCS classes in period 4 Wednesday are now completed. All Year 12 students can now leave school at 1:25pm on Wednesdays.
I’d like to wish all students the best for their upcoming assessment.
Mick McDougall
HOD Senior School
Middle School News
At PBC we focus on developing the individual talents and abilities of our students; and no term highlights that more than Term 3. Students have been competing on and at eisteddfods, sports carnivals, surf comps, maths challenges, debates, leadership selection processes and Science Technology Engineering challenges to name just a few. Whilst our Excellence Programs obviously attract students of many and varied talents, it is students across the whole Middle School who have been shining in the last 10 weeks.
We as a school and a teaching team, aim to support our students to do nothing but the best across their areas of talents and in all aspects of their schooling. Many parents have commented to me over the years how they value that in our Excellence programs we have high expectations for our students across all areas and not just in their identified talent. Students are expected to maintain their attendance, behaviour and academic grades to hold their position in the specialist programs. This high level of expectation is a strong part of our school culture.
PBC students are encouraged to do their best regardless of whether they are top of the podium or head of the class. This culture of recognition and coaching continues to improve the performance of our students.
As the term closes, I encourage students to be in attendance through to Friday 18 September. I wish you all a restful and safe break and we will see you on Tuesday 6 October!
Anita Sgalippa
Acting Director of Middle School
A Positive School Culture
At PBC we strive for excellence in all areas. Our messages to students whether in the classroom, on the playground or at assembly, are always centred around our OPTIMA code and our school motto “Nil Sed Optima – Nothing but the Best”.
There are many ways that parents can support this message of excellence at home and in the wider community. In doing so, parents will be helping to create a positive school culture.
Here a few examples to get you thinking:
General Conversations
A simple but very powerful idea is to just ask “How was your day today?” and to not accept the one worded answer in reply! Prompt your young person to elaborate by asking a follow up question such as “Tell me three good things that happened at school today”. This simple prompt will more than likely get them thinking about all the positive things going on at school and will facilitate a positive conversation at home about school.
Encourage students to use their school planner as a one stop communication tool for all assessment, key dates and homework. By using the planner and regularly engaging students in a conversation regarding their academic progress, a culture of achievement is promoted in the home and students ‘see’ that it is valued. If an assessment item is due soon, ask them about their draft and what they have done with the feedback from teachers.
Feedback to school and wider community
In society the ‘good news stories’ are often overshadowed by more negative ones in most forms of media. This can happen in the school community too and so extra energy is sometimes required to ensure that the positive messages about PBC are being spread. If you have the opportunity to send a positive message about a teacher, a program, a sporting event, a fundraising activity, about anything at all really, please pick up the phone, click on the send button, log on to the Facebook page or speak to other parents. The more parents that do this the more momentum will build in this area. From personal experience I can say that it really makes a difference to a teacher’s day to hear positive recognition for something that they do daily as ‘part of their job’.
As parents you are the key role models for our students. They notice what you do and say about PBC. Please take some time to think about how you can contribute to building a positive school culture.
Fiona Scannell
Acting Deputy Principal Middle School
Student Leadership
I have recently had the opportunity to be part of the interviewing of a large number of Year 8 candidates for Middle School Student Leadership 2016 positions. All of the students presented themselves well and displayed fine leadership qualities, an indication of the calibre of young people attending PBC. A final selection will be made shortly and the Leaders formally announced at the OPTIMA Assembly in Week 5.
Meeting Academic Commitments
The end of term is nearly with us, and students are anticipating their well-earned breaks. The Middle School has experienced a remarkable term, with Years 7, 8 and 9 making significant improvements as groups across all aspects of their schooling. They are to be congratulated on their efforts.
A reminder once again that students are expected to attend school up to and including Friday 18 September. The holidays extend for a fortnight, with school returning on Tuesday 6 October. A reminder that students who have not met their academic commitments by completing all assessment at the end of term will be required to do so on the first day back.
Middle School Term 3 reports will be emailed home to parents on Friday 16 October. These are interim reports, meaning that they provide an indication of your child’s academic achievement, effort and behaviour in each subject, without comments. Should you have particular concerns, do contact your child’s teacher directly, using the staff contact list on the PBC website.
School Holiday Activities
The school holidays are a great opportunity for students to extend their learning in informal settings, relax and prepare for their final term.
The Gold Coast City Council and Wesley Mission have a fabulous program of free school holiday activities, run through Thrower House (across the road from PBC). Each day is packed from 9am to 5pm with games, craft and social events catering for young people aged 12 to 17.
For details, please visit:
Or view their program here:
Sharon Hillcoat
HOD Middle School
Science Department News
Galaxy Explorers – Class 7C
Students of 7C participated in an extra-curricular science activity this term by becoming Galaxy Explorers as part of a citizen science project.
The purpose of Galaxy Explorer as a citizen science project is to ask regular people to help astronomers classify galaxies, with students of 7C classifying over 1700 galaxies.
Galaxy Explorer is part of the Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA) project – a global research project led by Professor Simon Driver from the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) in Western Australia.
With the help of citizen scientists, the astronomers will be able to very quickly build up statistics as to how many galaxies have bars, how many have spiral arms, how many have bulges, how many are in a state of merging, and how many look very smooth. “These statistics can be used to build a model of how the entire galaxy population in the universe has evolved,” says Driver. “It would take an enormous amount of time for us to go through every galaxy one by one – we’re just a team of five or six here.” There were over 200,000 images of galaxies between 800 million to 4 billion light-years away to be classified by citizen scientists in Galaxy Explorer. The images of the galaxies came from one telescope at the Apache Point observatory, New Mexico and the other, an infrared component from the VISTA telescope in Chile. Comparing distant galaxies will help scientists understand inconsistencies with what’s observed in the universe and what’s predicted by Einstein’s equations, and as a result may change our fundamental understanding of dark matter and dark energy. Comparing galaxies also help astronomers understand how galaxy evolution has changed through time, which will provide insight into how the processes in the universe have evolved.
Below are some comments from 7C students, describing what they enjoyed about participating in Galaxy Explorer:
- “I liked to see all of the different varieties of galaxies out there, and to be able to do it independently.” Tanisha
- “It was fun!” Maika
- “I liked to view the galaxies far, far away, and to see how many different types there are. I particularly like the one where there were 3 galaxies really close together.” Megan
- “I really enjoyed finding and classifying those galaxies with spirals or were cigar shaped.” Hughie
- “It was interesting to see the different sizes and characteristics of the galaxies.” Christina
Leanne Bramley
HOD Science
Special Education Program News
Community Access Year 7
Students in Year 7 have been accessing the Elanora library and the Pines Shopping centre on a Monday afternoon to support a range of literacy and numeracy skills that are being taught in LAN classes at PBC.
Students have really enjoyed becoming members of our local library and borrowing a range of books, magazines and DVD’s for both the home and school setting.
Students are also given the opportunities to practise their money skills and the purchase of goods for home. They all enjoy buying their lunch and eating it with the company of one another in an alternative environment to school. Today we opted for healthier choices such as subway, sushi, fruit smoothies and kebabs. Some of the students even tried Miss Williamson’s Kale chips.
Thanks to our school, parents, and the SEP department for supporting this important program for our students. We are hoping to continue this program into Term 4 and build on our skills including accessing transport in the community. The Year 7 teachers are currently looking at a variety of local options to build our social skills and LAN skills for Term 4.
Zoe Williamson
SEP Teacher
PBC Vocalists Entertain Currumbin War Widows
On Monday 7 September a group of talented vocalists from PBC were invited to perform for the Currumbin War Widows. A range of performances were prepared and presented, all being well received. Thank you to the students involved.
Performance list:
Vocal ensemble - Joyful Joyful
Chloe Finlay - Take me to Broadway
Amon Hall - Hallelujah
Sheldon Hernandez and Chloe Finlay - I Dreamed a Dream
Jake Ireland - Riptide
Rochelle De Snoo - Lay me Down
Taine Josephson - Time to Bleed
Keiarn Chesebro - Confidence
Vocal ensemble – Royals
Shane Roberts
HOD The Arts
Numeracy NAPLAN Preparation
In the special programs lesson on Wednesday this semester, Year 8 students have personalised lessons designed to support their numeracy development and ensure that they get the best possible outcome in the NAPLAN tests next year. These programs have been designed in conjunction with Mighty Minds Education Consultants and the students go to a different class each week dependent on their identified needs.
To maximise the success of this program, the students should bring a display folder to school on Wednesdays so they can put the resources provided in this and keep them to support revision for NAPLAN next year. Students will also be set homework each week to complete any of the work they did not do in class.
Thank you for your support of the students in this.
Cathy Clipson
Acting HOD Mathematics
2015 Yearbook
Have you ordered your 2015 Yearbook?
Don’t miss out on having a wonderful reminder of this year at PBC!
The OPTIMA yearbook is filled with photos of school events, sporting, creative arts, student achievements, and of course lots of photos from the year!
Yearbooks are just $30 and are a great keepsake.
Order yours today! (No payment required for 2015 Year 12 students.)
Payment Options
Pay in person:
- Payment can be made at the Student Services office 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Credit Card and Debit Cards (EFTPOS), Cash, Cheques and Money Orders are accepted.
Pay by phone (by credit card only):
- Call the school on 5525 9333 Monday to Friday between 8:00 am to 3:00 pm
- Please have the account and your credit card details with you when you call.
- VISA and MasterCard accepted.
Pay by Direct Credit:
- You have the option to make the payment direct to the school bank account.
- Please quote the reference below to ensure payment is credited to your account.
- Account Name: Palm Beach Currumbin SHS General Account
- BSB: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads
- Account No: 00090303
- Reference: Please record both your Student’s Id and the reference code 2015MAG
Please download our yearbook order form here:
The Collage – ANZAC poster
The Collage 100 Year Anniversary Commemorative ANZAC poster was designed by students in the Visual Arts Creative Excellence program over a two year period here at PBC.
Profits made from the sale of The Collage goes to supporting Veterans, including Soldier On Australia and White Crosses New Zealand.
Prints of The Collage can be purchased at Student Services for $19.95.
Pathways Centre News
School based traineeships available for Year 10 and 11 students in 2015
Cert III Children Services – Head Start Child Care Currumbin and Kool Kids Childcare Centres, applications open now for Year 10 students.
Introduction to Commercial Cookery – Do you have a passion for cooking but not sure if it’s the career for you? Ignite Education are running an introduction to Commercial Cookery for the first 16 students. Be shown through a commercial kitchen, watch demonstrations by their leading chef trainers, practice basic knife skills, hear their industry stories and lots more.
Cert III Disability Traineeship – Endeavour Foundation are offering a traineeship in disability at their Mermaid Waters facility.
Cert III Business – First National the Pines, Burleigh and Palm Beach. This is an Office Admin roll.
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary – School based traineeships in hospitality, tourism and business retail.
Cert III Hospitality – Le Petite Pantry, 52 Espresso Nobbys Beach, Olives Pizza and Pasta, Koffee Shack, Crust Pizza Broadbeach, Crema Espresso Robina and Pacific Fair, and Sumptuous Fine Foods
School Leavers
High Flying Commercial Cookery – Alpha Flight Services is a leading inflight catering company and looking for 2016 Apprentices
Butcher Apprenticeship – Suit School leaver. Applicants must have transport as no public transport available; butcher is in Burleigh location.
Landscaping Apprenticeship – For school leaver at Boyds Bay
Cert IV Sports Coaching – Netball and Rugby League. Recruit for Success; cost $650.
Love your current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let’s see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.
The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break to apply for any of the above positions
Please see Ms Shreeve to apply.
Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison Officer
Guidance Officer News
QTAC - University Applications
If you are planning on going to University next year you MUST do a QTAC application.
QTAC Applications open on 5 August and close on 30 September 2015.
Before you apply
Connect with QTAC on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for the latest news and updates.
Year 12 QTAC presentation
The QTAC Year 12 PowerPoint presentation has information on applying, choosing and ordering preferences, key dates, QTAC fees, offers and more. Use it to get the most out of your QTAC application.
Application steps are given on page 44 of the QTAC GUIDE.
For more information go to: QTAC website: www.qtac.edu.au
University – Direct Entry Programs
The Griffith Connect Guaranteed Admission Scheme grants appropriately qualified students, based on Year 11 and semester 1 Year 12 results, guaranteed admission into a range of Griffith programs. Offers to students will be through the QTAC offer rounds in late November or December.
You must have finalised QTAC application with your possible Connect program listed as one of your preferences. To receive an early offer in late November or December you would need your Connect program listed as your highest eligible preference, otherwise you will be considered in the main offer round in January.
Applications into the Griffith Connect Guaranteed Admission Scheme include:
- Applicants are studying at a Griffith Connect Partner School.
- Applicants are current OP# or IB Diploma~ eligible.
- Assessments are based on semester 1 and 2 Year 11 and semester 1 Year 12 results.
- Applicants must meet all Connect admission requirements listed under each program and have at least a satisfactory achievement in remaining subjects.
- Domestic and domestically studying international students are eligible.
- All Queensland Conservatorium and Education programs are excluded.
# OP – Overall Position ~ IB Diploma – The Diploma of the International Baccalaureate
Before you start your application, it is important to note that you will be required to provide a copy of your official high school reports for 3 semesters: Semesters 1 and 2 from Year 11 and semester 1 from your Year 12 results. Please ensure you have a copy of these available for uploading.
Applications close on 30 September 2015, 9:00 pm Australia/Brisbane +10:00
Education Degrees – Southern Cross University
Southern Cross University has an exciting announcement for students interested in studying teacher education at university in 2016. Entry into our teaching degrees will be based on an indicative ATAR 70 or OP 13 with no additional prerequisite entry requirements. Our education degrees are combined with a Bachelor of Arts to ensure a comprehensive foundation for our Education students in relevant discipline areas like Mathematics, English and Science.
We have also created pathway courses for students who may not yet have reached the academic level required to gain entry directly into a teaching degree. For students who are academically capable but don't quite reach the ATAR, we are offering the Bachelor of Educational Studies which has an indicative ATAR 60 or OP 15. Students who successfully complete the first 8 units of this degree, equivalent to one year of full-time study, can transfer into an SCU Education degree with full credit.
Students who need additional assistance to build their academic skills can apply for our fee-free Preparing for Success Program. After successfully completing this course in the first teaching session of 2016 they can apply to enter an education degree of their choice in second session.
Students can choose from our innovative range of teaching degrees:
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary/Early Childhood)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Primary/Secondary)
- Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
- Bachelor of Technology/Bachelor of Education (Secondary)
Or our pathway courses:
TAFE Queensland Gold Coast - 2016 Schools Programs now OPEN for applications
- NOW – Applications open online at www.studentrego.com (all applicants will need to enter code TAFE3 to apply)
- 23 October 2015 – Applications close
- Week commencing 26 October 2015 – Endorsements due for Schools Program applicants via the Pathways system
- 9 November 2015 – Enrolments open via Customer Service
- 27 November 2015 – Enrolments close strictly at 5:00pm
- January/February 2016 – Courses commence
Do University Differently
TAFE Queensland Gold Coast is currently running a QTAC and Higher Education Campaign – “Do Uni Differently”.
The main message is to consider TAFE Queensland Gold Coast a post school option, with our Diploma and future Bachelor programs. Below is a link to the website with further information. Students and parents are encouraged to enter their details to obtain a free guide. The guides cover the following:
- Ace your final year – Survive and Thrive in Year 12
- University Survival – Parents guide to Year 12
To obtain the guides please forward the following link on to your students
Steve Jones
Guidance Officer Senior School
School Based Youth Nurse Notes
Wishing all the students and families a happy and restful holiday and look forward to seeing you all for the last term of 2015.
I have included a few contact numbers if needed for support over the break:
Lifeline: 13 11 14 (http://www.lifeline.org.au)
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 (www.kidshelpline.com.au)
Parentline: 1300 301 300 (www.parentline.com.au)
Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 (www.beyondblue.org.au)
Headspace: 55095900 (www.headspace.org.au/Southport)
Judy Nunn
School Based Youth Nurse
Uniform Shop Update
Uniform Shop Trading Times – Term 3 2015 |
Monday to Friday |
8:15am to 10.30am |
Closed 1st lunch break |
Term 4 Trading Hours
During Term 4, the uniform shop will be open from Monday to Friday from 8.15am to 12.30pm.
Lost property
The uniform shop is holding a large amount of named and unnamed lost property if your child has lost something can you please ask that they come and have a look through the lost property bins.
The PBC Knitted Jumper is available to be purchased from the Uniform Shop. Cost is $48. Please contact uniform shop for sizes available.
Tracksuit pants
Tracksuit Pants are available to be purchased from the Uniform Shop. Cost is $55.
Please be aware that we have limited stock. We have sold out of size small, medium and large. We have plenty of stock in J8, J10, J12, J14 and size XS.
Bucket hats/ PBC caps
Bucket hats and PBC caps are now available to purchase from Uniform Shop. These hats are a compulsory part of the uniform and are recommended for all outdoor activities. Cost is $15 each.
PBC school bags
PBC School Bags are now available from the uniform shop and selling fast.
Features include:
- Lifetime guarantee
- Padded laptop pocket
- Water resistant
- Ergonomic design
- Mesh drink bottle holder
- $70 each
Volunteers needed
If there are any volunteers who would love to spend a couple of hours each week in our very busy Uniform Shop and or Canteen we would love to hear from you!
Please contact Mandy on 07 5525 9331 for further details.
Flexischools Orders
If you have made an order for your child via Flexischools can you please ask that they come and pick it up from the Uniform Shop.
Payment methods available:
- Flexischools Online www.flexischools.com.au
- Credit Card
- Cash
- Cheques not accepted
If you are unable to come into the Uniform Shop you are more than welcome to call on 07 5525 9331 and pay for any uniform item over the phone.
Mandy Webb
Uniform Shop Coordinator
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: PALM BEACH CURRUMBIN SHS General A/C
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2015 SRS8 or 2015 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2015 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$330 |
Overdue |
Student Resource Scheme |
1st instalment: 2016 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$170 |
Overdue |
Excellence Program Fees |
Excellence program 2015 students |
Various |
Overdue |
Year 12 Formal and Graduation |
Year 12 students |
Deposit: $50 |
Overdue |
Balance: $85 |
18 Sept 2015 |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
Year 12 Graduation Guest Tickets
Guest tickets for the Year 12 Graduation will be available at Student Services from Tuesday 6 October. Students graduating are permitted to invite up to four guests. Guest tickets are $15.00 per person.
Most excursions do not appear on student statements. If you have any queries please call Lynne Riley in Student Services on 07 5525 9308.
Lost Property
Please check with Student Services for items like pencil cases, lunch boxes, etc. If you have lost an article of clothing (jumpers, shoes, hat) please check with the Uniform Shop.
Student lockers available
Student lockers are available for hire at PBC.
- $6.00 for locker hire
- $24.00 for PBC approved combination lock (this will be the property of the student)
- Lockers available are located at G Block
- Payments can be made at Student Services
Please visit the facilities tab of the school website to read the locker hire agreement.
Second Hand Uniforms
If you are holding on to old or unwanted school uniforms, please donate them to student welfare.
If your uniforms are in good condition, please drop them off at Student Services.
P&C News
The next PBC P&C meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 15 September at 6.30pm in the main administration building. All members of the school community are welcome to attend.
PBC Alliance
Business Directory
Help us to create a local network for businesses within the PBC community by following the link below and supporting the businesses listed in the Alliance Business Directory:
Get involved
Being part of the PBC Alliance Business directory aims to connect your business with a network of friends, parents, and members of the PBC Alliance business community.
This listing is included as a link in the fortnightly PBC parent newsletter (as shown above), PBC Alliance Facebook page and the school website.
To list your business in the PBC Alliance Business Directory please complete a PBC Alliance membership form and Business Directory form and return these to the email address listed below.
If you would like more information please contact Caitlin Lea on 07 5525 9333 or email alliance@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
Like us on Facebook!
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians to interact with the school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child’s student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
QParents enables parents to access and manage student:
- Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence
- Behaviour details
- Academic report cards
- Class timetables
- Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
- Viewing and updating student details, including medical conditions and address
- Enrolment details
If you haven’t yet registered, visit https://qparents.qld.edu.au/ to register today!
Completion of Oral Health (Dental) Services
Gold Coast Oral Health Services will commence offering free oral health (dental) services to eligible students enrolled at Palm Beach Currumbin High School until 18 September. This service will be provided Onsite by Mobile Dental Van 185.
To arrange an appointment for your child telephone:
The Oral Health Client Service Centre
1300 300 850
Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 4.30 pm
- Excluding Public Holidays
Child Dental Benefit Schedule Vouchers are accepted. When your child’s $1000 cap is reached, there will be no out-of-pocket expenses provided your child meets *eligibility criteria.
* Eligibility – All Queensland resident children aged four years or older who have not completed year 10 of secondary school.
Thrower House School Holiday Program
Follow the link to the PDF below to view the Thrower House School Holiday Program:
PBC Magpies Basketball Club
Junior Summer League begins on October 9-10 and goes through until December 11-12 2015. Playing summer comp is all about having fun and enjoying the game of basketball.
If you are interested in playing please email pbcmagpiesbb@gmail.com to receive more information and a registration form.
Age Groups: U11, U13, U15, U17, U19.
Registrations close Saturday 12 September.
Tallebudgera SLSC Bronze Medallion
Follow the link to the PDF below to read about the Tallebudgera SLSC Bronze Medallion course:
Dyslexia Empowerment Week
Follow the link to the PDF below to read about the free community screening of “Understanding and Identifying Dyslexia” and Q&A forum in recognition of Dyslexia Empowerment Week:
Tweed Heads and Coolangatta SLSC Nipper Sign-on Day
Follow the link to the PDF below for more information about the Tweed Heads and Coolangatta SLSC Nippers Sign-on Day:
Schoolies Support Team - Volunteers Needed
Follow the link to the PDF below to find out about volunteer opportunities for the 2015 Schoolies Support Team with Crime Stoppers: