Junior School Awards Ceremony
On 4th November we celebrated our annual awards night. It was wonderful to see such a range of students in specific subject areas and also for leadership and participation across our wider school community in school-based clubs and communities.
Special mention to the students listed below who represent our top academic achievers in each year level selected from the academic excellence cohort of around 100 students in each year. Our mastery and engagement winners who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement across all four core subjects and very high levels of engagement at schools demonstrated through attendance and effort, academic excellence students are not eligible for this award, instead it is chosen from the remaining 350 strong cohort. Well done to all students acknowledged on the night.
Highest Academic Achiever Year 7 - Archer Coles
Highest Academic Achiever Year 8 - Erica Callaghan
Highest Academic Achiever Year 9 - Isla Crossan
And our Mastery and Engagement Awardees:
Year 7 – Clara Cortese
Year 8 – Frankie Shearer
Year 9 – Rhani Slockee
Transition Day for Year 7 2025
This special event will occur on Monday of Week 10. Separate details about the day and what to bring will be emailed to families in coming weeks. The official cut off for enrolments to be in to attend the transition day is 15th November.
Full Day
Parents/Caregivers must notify the school and provide an explanation of a student absence by 9:00am on the day of the absence. If the school has not been notified of a student’s absence by 9:00am, parents/caregivers will receive a text message by 10:00am. This text message can be replied to, providing the student’s name, year level and reason for absence.
Absence of 3 or more days
If a student is likely to be absent for more than three days, parents/caregivers are to notify PBC in writing by text message or email to absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au stating the student’s name, year level, dates of absence and the reason for the absence. A medical certificate can also be emailed to absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
Late Arrivals
- Any student that arrives after 9:00am must present to Junior Secondary Student Services for self-sign in process. An SMS/text message from parent/caregiver will approve their sign in at school. A “late pass” will be issued to the student prior to attending class.
- Non-approved notes or failure to present a note may result in disciplinary action.
- Heads of Year will monitor late arrivals. Consistent late arrivals that impact engagement with school process may result in a disciplinary action.
Early Departure
Notes are to be written and signed by a parent/caregiver and presented to Junior Secondary Student Services prior to 8:45am that day.
The sign out note must specify the following:
- The specific reason for signing out (doctors, dentist, etc).
- The time and date that you need to sign out of school with printed parent / guardian name and signature.
- If a medical appointment, please include the time, location and professional.
Notes will be approved by the Head of Year and should then be collected prior to signing out of school at Junior Secondary Student Services.
Non-approved notes and absences may lead to disciplinary action.
Students will only be approved for Lunch 1 @ 11.30am and Lunch 2 @ 1.20pm departures.
Report to Junior Secondary Student Services with the signed note to obtain an ‘Early Departure’ pass.
It is appropriate for students to sign out no more than three times a term for an appointment or an activity during school hours.
Heads of Year will monitor early departures. Consistent early departures that impact engagement with school process may result in a disciplinary action.
If your student becomes ill at school and is sent home, they will be issued with a leaving slip by the Sick Bay Officer. If they return later in the day they will need to report to the Junior Secondary Student Services and sign in. Administration Officers or Heads of Year may contact home to query the validity/frequency of appointments during school hours.
Attendance is monitored daily and followed up by the Head of Year. Truancy will lead to disciplinary action such as natural consequences like making up time at afterschool detentions.