Palm Beach Currumbin State High
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Thrower Drive
Palm Beach QLD 4221

Phone: 07 5525 9333
Fax: 07 5525 9300

Senior Secondary Update

Thankyou to all of our students, staff and parents for a wonderful Semester 1 of 2024. PBC over the last couple of weeks has been typically busy as our students finalise assessment both in and outside of the classroom. Particular mention must be reserved for our creative arts students, with Eisteddfods, drama showcases, fanfares and camps forming much of the last fortnight. It's a pleasure to share some photos of recent events - from Bingo to band camp, whale watching to yacht shopping - our seniors have taken selfies with turtles, danced as inflatable babies, soaked up sunsets on mountain tops & everything in between!  

Good luck to our Year 10 and Year 12 students in their respective shutdown periods (dates listed below) and a safe and happy Winter break to all of our PBC families. 

Aquatic Practices Excursion – Cook Island 

Instrumental Music Camp 

Year 12 Bingo Night 

Lizen International Study Tour 

Brisbane Performing Arts Challenge 

Boat Show Excursion 

YEAR 10  

SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday 06/08 – Grade 10 SET Planning Info Night  
(selecting subjects for Year 11 & 12).  

What is SET Planning?  

Year 10 students have now reached the point in their Senior Schooling where we are asking them to plan their pathway, including subjects, for Year 11 and 12.  

To help in making the best possible choices we strongly encourage you and your student to attend an information evening for all Year 10 families. The aim of the evening is to receive essential information on Senior Pathways as well as have the opportunity to tour our faculties and speak directly to subject teachers about the subjects on offer. In addition, a variety of representatives including Griffith Uni, Southern Cross Uni, Gold Coast TAFE, Gold Coast Trades College and Prestige Training Services will be available to answer any questions you have regarding a wide range of certificates and courses on offer. An invitation will be emailed to parents early next term. 

Year 10 students will have shutdown for exams in week 10 . Exams will be scheduled from Monday June 17 up to and including Friday June 21.  


YEAR 11  

Year 11 students have normal classes every day for the rest of the term. They will have assessment in week 2 of term 3 for many subjects. Due to the compressed nature of the year 11 curriculum many year 11 students will have assignment tasks and exams to study for over the holidays.  


Year 11 subject changes are now closed as students are currently well into Unit 2. The Assessment Calendar for Unit 2 has also been published on the school website; this is a useful tool to assist students with their time management and study timelines. Unit 2 concludes with a full week of shutdown exams in the last week of term 3 (September 9 to 13). Year 12 and Unit 3 work then commences in term 4 and this is the last juncture that students will have to change classes. 


YEAR 12  

SAVE THE DATE: Tuesday 06/08 – Year 12 Pathways Evening    

Year 12's will have normal classes on Monday 17/06 and Tuesday 18/06 (week 10) and then have an exam shutdown commencing on Wednesday 19/06 up to and including Friday 21/06. Many subjects will have assignment tasks due in weeks 2 to 3 of next term.  


All parents have now received an email regarding First Aid qualifications available to their student. All students will benefit from gaining these skills & any students who have failed or are at risk of failing a subject are strongly encouraged to complete this course as will improve their likelihood of attainting a QCE. For further info please contact Mr McDougall in Y Block or at 



Shutdown Calendars  

Year 10 and 12 shutdown dates are published on the school website ( Students are expected to know the date, time and room of their assessments.  


Study Techniques  

The link below is an academic paper on improving study techniques amongst students, which may be useful when parents are discussing the best way to prepare for external exams. Note… late night cramming whilst listening to music has been proven as ineffective!  


School Based Traineeships  

Year 10s and 11s are again encouraged to register for School based traineeships and apprenticeships (SAT) in Y block. A SAT will give students paid employment, work experience and a Certificate 3 qualification which gains extra QCE credits, but also opens up a tertiary pathway. Please contact Ms Shreeve in Y block for more information or at .   


QCE Eligibility  

All Year 11 and 12 students should by now have registered for the QCAA student portal on the myQCE website ( ). They also should have completed the Academic Integrity Course in the Online Learning section. This will become a pre-requisite of the QCE.   

Students are expected to pass at least 5 out of their 6 subjects to remain eligible for the QCE and to remain enrolled in post compulsory schooling.  If students have been disengaged and not working appropriately they could find themselves in a position where they are ineligible for the QCE at the end of Unit 1. For more info on QCE:   


Assessment Policy