Palm Beach Currumbin State High
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Palm Beach QLD 4221

Phone: 07 5525 9333
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Community Notices

Could 48hrs Save Your Sporting Season?

Alex and Max love playing soccer. Unfortunately, mid-season both sustained devastating ankle injuries.

It was from this very moment their stories unfolded in contrasting ways, showcasing the power of acute injury management.

Alex, a diligent individual, recognising the importance of immediate action, wasted no time and began the acute injury management protocol, R.I.C.E.R – Rest, ice, compression, elevate, review.

Alex informed his coach immediately and checked in with the physiotherapist Monday morning. Alex diligently performed exercises to regain strength, balance, and flexibility.

Meanwhile, Max took a different approach.

Believing it was “just” an ankle sprain, Max ignored the discomfort, assuming it would heal on its own.

Max continued to walk on it, tried a bit of running, strapped it up and tried to carry on.

As time passed, a remarkable difference emerged.

Alex, with disciplined injury management, experienced an accelerated recovery. His ankle regained strength, stability and had minimal pain within just a few weeks – in time for the grand final.

On the other hand, Max's neglected ankle injury worsened.

Despite later seeking help he experienced chronic pain, restricted mobility, and poor stability. Max's failure to address the issue in its early stages resulted in a prolonged recovery journey.

The divergent paths of Alex and Max vividly highlight the significance of acute injury management.

While Alex achieved a swift and successful recovery. Max's neglect and ignorance led to prolonged suffering and limitations.

This story serves as a powerful reminder to everyone who encounters acute injuries.

Prompt and proper management can make all the difference, accelerating healing, restoring function, and allowing individuals to reclaim their active lives.

Want to know more? Check out the Acute Injury Management Cheat Sheet attached,

Stay well!

Adrian Kan

P. S Did reading this make you wonder if I could help you in some way?

Shoot me an email with any questions or queries. I will get back to you as soon as I can with an answer — so feel free to ask us anything at a//.

You can always book an appointment if you think that’s what you need. Simply scan the QR code or click the link here and book a time that suits you.


