26 May 2015
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents,
The second half of any semester has heavy assessment demands. Many subjects have assignments which are due between Weeks 4-6 and they are followed close after with end of semester exams.
Learning to perform under pressure is a valuable life skill and the secret to success is in careful planning and organisation. Much of the pressure that students experience is generated either by leaving too little time to prepare for a looming deadline, or spending enough time but not using it effectively.
This pressure often generates significant stress for students and it ripples out into their families creating tension and conflict. The best advice I can offer families who are dealing with this scenario is to work together with their young person to develop a plan for this period.
Below are some ideas to consider when preparing this plan:
- Start by checking the school website to become familiar with exam and assignment schedules
- Make decisions about how much time is required to successfully meet these expectations and develop a weekly schedule to manage time
- Make sure the schedule includes exercise, family time (including chores) and leisure activities
- Work together to maintain excellent attendance. Staying home from school to complete an assignment just puts a student behind in other areas which then needs to be made up
- Reduce work and social commitments as required over this period
- Ensure the schedule includes sufficient time for getting rest
- Maintaining a good diet is especially important.
Parents or students wishing for more advice or support on this very important matter are encouraged to contact the school’s guidance counsellors.
Stephen Loggie
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: Department of Education and Training
CRICOS No. 00608A
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Report
- Senior School Update
- Optima Code
- Assessment
- Middle School News
- Setting goals
- Thanks to parents
- Dean of Students Report
- Every Day Counts
- General Enrolment Information Evening
- Creative Arts Excellence News
- State Philosothon
- Meet the Business Leader
- Sporting Recognition
- Murri Jarjum Academic Award Breakfast
- Middle School Lunchtime Activities Program
- School Musical – 13
- 2015 Premier’s ANZAC Prize
- The Collage – ANZAC poster
- Welcome Lizen High School Taiwanese Study Tour
- Host families required for Japanese students
- Sport Excellence Program 2016
- Pathways Centre News
- Guidance Officer News
- School Based Youth Nurse Notes
- Uniform Shop Update
- Administration
- Resources and Activities Schedule
- Student lockers available
- Second Hand Uniforms
- PBC Alliance
- Parent Connect – Meet and Greet Coffee Morning
- QParents
- What it means to be a Leo
- Completion of Oral Health (Dental) Services
- Wray Organic school fundraiser
- Bowling Family Fun Day
- Queensland Symphony Orchestra School Student Special
- Gold Coast Outrigger Canoe Club
- Palm Beach Scout Club Annual Report Presentation
Senior School Update
Over in Y block it has been our pleasure to welcome the new Acting Deputy Principal of Senior School, Tracey Cardinal. Tracey comes with a wealth of experience and is a valuable addition to our team.
A huge thankyou to everyone who attended parent teacher interviews. With over 2000 individual interviews scheduled, it was an enormous effort that produced great results. The vast majority of people left the interviews happy, informed and inspired. The next steps following on from these interviews is to debrief with your child about the conversations that took place during the interviews and use these conversations to shape goals for your child to work toward in Term 2 and throughout the year. If there are any questions remaining please do contact your child’s teachers via email; email addresses can be found listed on the school website staff contact list.
In recognising an area of great achievement in Term 2, we thank the community for their support in our Creative Arts Excellence Festival. Following in that light, I’d like to extend an invitation to the school Musical ‘ 13 ’ that will be on show from May 28 to 30. Tickets to the show can be purchased from Student Services.
Finally, I would like to once again recognise the outstanding achievements of all of the students that received Optima Awards in the past week. These awards are an important part of our school calendar. Next term Optima Awards will also recognise the greatest academic growth. This award is among the most meritorious of categories as it shines light on those students who have made the most concerted effort to improve. I encourage each and every one of our students to compete for this award and challenge themselves to achieve nothing but their best.
Alyce Cleary
Acting Director Senior School
Optima Code
Our senior students are focused on their school work and contributing to the school community in positive and productive ways. Attending all classes, actively participating in lessons, wearing the correct school uniform, and speaking and acting with respect to others, are the behaviours that form the foundation of PBC's Optima Code Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be A Learner. These are also the behaviours that help keep PBC a safe and successful school.
In my new role as Acting Deputy Principal of Senior School, I will be focusing on maintaining these standards from our students. As important members of the school community, parents can assist by supporting our procedures and decisions when we expect our students to wear the school jumper rather than a hooded sweat shirt, for example, or by encouraging students to attend school all day every day unless there is a legitimate reason not to. When we work together to get the basics right, students connectedness to the school and their academic achievement increases.
Lastly, it's great to see some familiar faces amongst the senior cohort. As Dean of Students a few years ago, I worked closely with some of these students when they were in Year 8 and Year 9. I always knew that they would develop the maturity and leadership skills to set a great example to the younger students.
Tracey Cardinal
Acting Deputy Principal Senior School
- The Senior Schooling Exam timetable will be published on the school website shortly
- Assessment calendars for Term 2 are available on the school website under the curriculum – testing and assessment tab
- Parents and students are again reminded that the school will continue to schedule exams in the last week of each term as this maximises the amount of classes that students have to prepare for the assessment
- Parents are reminded that students will not be able to sit exams early
- Exams and assessments will be conducted up to, and including, Thursday June 25
- The school track and field carnival will be conducted on Friday June 26.
Year 12 QCS and OP boost
These sessions are conducted on Monday mornings from 8:00am in the Trade Training Centre (coffee/tea and toast provided). The next session is QCS boost on Monday May 25, followed by OP boost on Monday June 1.
The QCS boost session is designed to extend our better performing students to ensure the QCS average and range is improved. This will significantly improve the number of OP 1 to 5s achieved. Students who have been regular attendees have seen a significant boost in their test performance. It is strongly recommended that QCS students attend these sessions.
The OP boost session looks at students predicted OPs, how students can improve them, and which subject has the most potential for students to improve their OP. This, in conjunction with improving the QCS performance, will help to lift each students’ OP.
Diploma in Business
As per last year, the school will offer a Diploma in Business course for Year 11 students, commencing shortly. This 18 month course will be conducted after school by an outside provider two afternoons per week. The fee for this course is $2,000 (TBC).
Successful completion of a diploma earns a QTAC rank of 82 which is equivalent to an OP of 9. It will also provide a pathway to university and up to a year’s credit in business degrees. This may mean very significant future savings on the cost of university degrees.
Students who are enrolled in this course will be able to apply for a spare so they can manage their workload. An information evening will be conducted early in Term 3 with representatives from Careers Australia
To register your interest or to obtain more information please contact Mr. McDougall or Ms Halford in the Senior School.
Mick McDougall
HOD Senior School
Middle School News
Term 2 OPTIMA Awards Ceremonies
Throughout the week commencing Monday 18 May, the Year 7, 8 and 9 Term 2 OPTIMA Award Ceremonies have been held. These ceremonies are extremely important events in our school calendar as they provide the Middle School with the opportunity to celebrate the achievements of our most deserving students and publicly recognise these contributions in front of their peers and parents.
During next term’s OPTIMA Award Ceremonies we will also acknowledge those students who have progressed and improved the furthest in learning. As a result, all students have the opportunity to be recognised for their learning success and improvement.
Once again, congratulations to those students who received OPTIMA Awards.
Year 7 and 9 2015 NAPLAN Test efforts
Our Year 7 and 9 students deserve special recognition for their efforts in the National Assessment Program - Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) tests held recently. Both of these student cohorts gave themselves the best opportunity to achieve their potential in this rigorous testing regime. I must also thank the many staff involved in organising the administration of the tests (this is quite a military operation considering approximately 900 Year 7 and 9 students sat these exams) and the teachers that have been working extremely hard with our Year 7 and 9 classes in the lead up to these days. Our school motto, “Nil Sed Optima – Nothing but the best”, was once again on display throughout this preparation and implementation period.
Regardless of their results, I am satisfied that our students have given a great account of themselves.
Optima Plans and use of student organisers
Education research informs us that goal setting is one of the vital ingredients required for students to take responsibility and ownership of their learning. Implementing a goal setting process with students also enables them to reflect on the areas they need to improve upon and the associated efforts they are demonstrating to reach their goals.
In our Middle School, there is an expectation for students to complete their aspirational learning goals for each subject, each term on their Optima Plan in their student organiser. Parents are required to review this plan and sign off on their son/daughter’s Optima Plan each term. If you are yet to do so, please support the school in this valuable learning process. Furthermore, please support the school by reviewing the homework and assignment work that students are required to document in their student organiser. If no documented evidence of homework or assignment work requirements appears in your son/daughter’s organiser please contact their relevant teachers to confirm.
Blair Hanna
Director of Middle School
Setting goals
“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” - Nelson Mandela
At this point in the term, all Middle School students have had a chance to reflect on their achievement, effort and behaviour report from Term 1. This week they will be getting further feedback about how to improve their performance at the parent teacher interviews.
Now is the time to set some clear goals for the end of semester report card. This can seem daunting at first, even impossible, but very small changes can lead to big improvements.
I would encourage every student and their parents to talk openly and honestly about proactive strategies that can help them achieve their goals.
Some examples include:
- Using the student planner daily to plan homework, record assessment due dates and communicate with teachers
- Accessing teachers before school, lunch time or at after school tutorials if extra help is required
- Completing and submitting all assessment tasks on time
- Attending school every day
- Avoiding TV, video games and social media late at night
- Eating a healthy breakfast every day.
Students are encouraged to formalise their OPTIMA goals by writing them in their student planner, complete with parent and teacher signatures. This helps to keep everyone accountable and makes the goal ‘real’.
Congratulations to all students who completed the NAPLAN tests last week. Your conduct and effort were exemplary. I would like to thank all of the teachers who helped supervise the tests and Mrs Hillcoat for organising them.
Fiona Scannell
Acting Deputy Principal Middle School
Thanks to parents
NAPLAN was held on Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13, and Thursday 14 May, with a catch up day for students who missed a test due to illness, held on Friday. Thank you to all the parents who supported their students through this time. The increase in punctuality was significant, showing that parents had made a particular effort to get students to school by 9am on the test mornings. This allowed students to be calm and settled at the start of each paper. The students conducted themselves wonderfully through the exams, and showed themselves giving their best efforts by checking answers at the end of the tests. Congratulations to the students involved, and thank you again to our supportive parent body.
Results will be released in August.
OPTIMA awards for effort and behaviour
It was terrific this week to see so many Middle School students cross the stage to receive an OPTIMA Award for their exemplary effort and behaviour. It is a reminder of the high calibre of students we have in such large numbers at PBC.
Students in Years 7 and 9 have an additional incentive to give their best effort and behaviour this semester and beyond: The OPTIMA Prize. Criteria were listed in last fortnight’s newsletter. Please remind your child of this prize and of the importance of giving their best in every subject, not just their favourite ones.
Parent Teacher Interviews
Thank you to every parent who supported our work by attending the parent teacher interviews. Teachers look forward to continuing conversations with you and providing feedback through the year. The Semester 1 Reports will provide detailed information about your child’s progress from January to June. Students should now be using the advice provided at parent teacher interviews to set goals for improvement.
Sharon Hillcoat
HOD Middle School
Dean of Students Report
I wonder how many of you in recent weeks have looked at your son or daughter and thought “Who are you? Where has my beautiful little child gone?”
It’s very common for parents to feel like they have a new kid in their house overnight. Before you is a grumpy, sometimes surly bigger person with new found ‘attitude’. “They were fine in primary school” is often said by parents.
We know kids in the middle years undergo massive physical, social, emotional, chemical and hormonal changes. There is also lots of research to say this is a critical period in terms of brain development and it can have lasting implications for how they turn out as adults.
They are not kids and not adults and the challenge we all face is to work out what makes them ‘tick’.
Dr David Smith in 2008 summed up what we are trying to achieve in a literature review for the NSW government: He claims that young people in this age group are more prone to disengage from school, family and other significant adults in their lives.
Developing high levels of resilience; encouraging a strong sense of responsibility; promoting effective relationships; providing rigorous, challenging yet achievable tasks and creating relevant connections between what we expect them to achieve academically or personally and their ‘view of the world’, are all key principles in helping our young people become self-motivated, capable adults with a strong sense of purpose and a life-long love of learning.
Building relationships with kids in the Middle School is the key for parents and teachers.
Please stay connected with us; the partnership between home and school has never been more important.
Paul Bullpitt
Dean of Students
Every Day Counts
The message is clear.
Looking back at Term 1 attendance in the Middle School, a couple of key indicators of improvement in comparison to previous years suggest that the message around high attendance is clear and being heard by students and parents.
- In comparison to previous years, there is a significantly higher number of students achieving an attendance rate between 95-100% across Middle School year levels
- 60% of students identified to have had very poor attendance in 2014, have demonstrated improvement by up to 25% in 2015
The positive culture and high expectation around attendance is a succinct component to success in the Middle School.
Parent support
Friday is unquestionably the lowest attended day by Middle School students with a significant majority of absences on Fridays unexplained. The Middle School is seeking parent support in ensuring students attend school five days a week to remain engaged and maintain productive habits which lead into Senior Schooling.
Sandi Mlinar
Middle School Attendance Coordinator
General Enrolment Information Evening
The year is passing quickly and the minds of many Year 6 parents are turning to secondary school options. Palm Beach Currumbin State High has established itself as one of Queensland's leading high schools with a proud record of academic, sporting and artistic achievement.
At the heart of this success is our school culture, which is woven around our school motto 'Nil Sed Optima' which means 'nothing but the best'. On a day-to-day basis our culture demands that every student and member of staff do their best in every lesson, every day.
PBC is holding a General Enrolment Evening where parents and current Year 6 children can tour PBC and find out more about our offerings and expectations. The transition to high school and the enrolment process will also be explained.
When: Wednesday 10 June 2015
What: School Tours from 6:00 pm
Presentation 6:30 pm
Where: School Hall, Thrower Drive Palm Beach
For students and parents who reside within our catchment area and are not applying for entry into an Excellence Program.
To book your seat for the Year 7 2016 General Enrolment Information Evening, please email Lyn Bortolin at lbort5@eq.edu.au or call 07 5525 9340.
We look forward to meeting your families!
Creative Arts Excellence News
CAX Festival
The Creative Arts Excellence (CAX) festival held in Week 2 of this term was a success, with students from all CAX disciplines involved, showcasing their work to audience in the Q block precinct.
A big thank you to all that came along to support our students.
During the festival, the Media students also held a 48 hour film festival competition. The student films went from concept, through filming, to editing all in a 48 hour period, and were then shown in the theatre at the festival where people were able to vote for their favourite film.
Congratulations to the following students:
- Year 9 Teachers Choice Award – Mahlia Hall
- Year 10 Teachers Choice Award – Ben Hayward, Mitchell Feodoroff, Lachy Todd and Harry Glendenning
- Audience Choice Award – Jordan Johnson, Lily Wallace, Murray Hall and Rhys McVeigh
Performances on the Green
Students are always looking for places to show their work, and we have been lucky enough to have an opportunity for our music students to perform “On the Green” to the Year 9 students each Thursday during lunch. Our first performance went well with Taine Josephson and Wes Ambler providing entertainment for these year 9 students. We look forward to the future performances!
We have been lucky to have a number of opportunities to view some professional shows with our students. Drama students went on excursion to see two different shows “One day of the year” and “Carnival of the Animals”. While Dance students have been to see “Cirque de Soleil” and the Queensland Ballet perform “Coppélia”.
Heath Keating Dance Master Class
We are lucky to have strong connections with the alumni of our program, and were excited that Heath Keating could come back and run an amazing master class for our dance students while he was back on the Gold Coast. It was great to have someone who is currently in the industry come and work with the students of our program.
Voices in Paradise
Our vocalists have been invited back to be a part of the “Voices in Paradise” workshop and performance at Griffith University and The Arts Centre Gold Coast, this is a great opportunity for students to learn from industry professionals, and be able to work with other students and young people who have similar talent.
ANZAC Centenary projects
A big thanks once again to the amazing work completed for the ANZAC Centenary by the Visual Art Excellence students, led by Ms Paula Hall. They put a lot of their time in to complete the RSL Poster over the past few years (which is for sale at student services), constructed poppies for the Elephant Rock installation, and also provided sketches for the pop up museum. What a fantastic way to showcase the talents of our students. We also had Miss Grimmer prepare poetry performances with her Year 7 and 8 Drama students as a part of the Pop up museum launch, and Mrs Tassone led the Vocal group to perform at the Centenary Sleepout. Thanks to all involved!
PBC Musical – ’13!’
As you can see, it has already been a busy term and we are also in the final stages of rehearsals for our musical 13! A New Musical. This event is being held in the theatre this year to launch our newly refurbished space. Performances are on May 28, 29 and 30 at 7:30pm. Tickets on sale at Student Services.
State Philosothon
Tayla Meyer has been named the 2015 ‘Most Promising Philosopher’ and PBC named the second best team at the State Philosothon held at the University of Queensland last weekend. Congratulations go to all eight students who participated on the day. Each performed very well and were a credit to their Philosophy Teacher, Ms Deborah Reid, who had them extremely well prepared.
Students engaged in four individual rounds of a community of inquiry where they were required to participate in collaborative discussion across four different topics.
- Should moral issues be decided by experts or by the general public?
- Rights are for rich people
- We care more for our pets than for some people, and that’s OK
- Our identity is as much a virtual construct as it is a physical one
The groups kept changing so as everybody was exposed to conversation with different students. A Community of Inquiry is very different to debate as it strives for the group to reach a common consensus on the topic. The focus isn’t on being right or wrong nor trying to persuade others that your point of view is more correct. Rather, it is about involving everybody in the group and building upon the arguments of others. Each inquiry lasted for 45 minutes and individuals were scored by a different evaluator in each session.
We are immensely proud to have taken out two of the four awards in the Senior Division as this was only our second foray into this hotly contested competition which has been dominated by Brisbane private schools in the past.
We are eager to defend our awards next year.
Sally Farrell
HOD Academic Excellence
Meet the Business Leader
On Monday 18 May, ten of PBC’s accounting students travelled to QUT Garden’s Point Campus to attend an event which was organised by Chartered Accountants Australia called ‘Meet the Business Leader’.
This program gave students an insight into what life as a business professional is really like – the challenges, benefits and rewards.
Students were able to speak to successful business professionals across Australia who provided them with invaluable advice on the career options they have available to them within the business world.
Students thoroughly enjoyed the event as it enabled them to see the possibilities that are on offer with a business degree.
Nikki Stephen
Accounting Teacher and Business Academy Coordinator
Sporting Recognition
PBC Cross Country Report
The PBC cross country was run on Tuesday 5 May 2015. The races were hotly contested this year with over 750 students participating. The top ten placegetters will now go on to represent PBC at the Oceanic District Cross Country Championships on Thursday 28 May at the Pizzey Park Track and Field Complex Miami.
Our placegetters on the day were:
Category |
First place |
Second place |
Third place |
12 years girls |
Amelia Nelson |
Zoe Jenner |
Bronte Malcolm |
13 years girls |
Mackenzey Ormiston |
Alisa Yamada |
Nikita Sammartino |
14 years girls |
Drew Younger |
Tiffany Chavez |
Amber Tansley |
15 years girls |
Mackenzie Hay |
Ashleigh Kelley |
Cassidy Ormiston |
16 years girls |
Alex Humphreys |
Erica Chavez |
Ruby Price |
17 years girls |
Charley Trapp |
Kuepper Feehan |
Kendall Parker |
12 years boys |
Adam Page |
Brinn Little |
Jay Ogden |
13 years boys |
Sam Gordon |
Sam McAuliffe |
Brandon Taylor |
14 years boys |
Ese Osodolar |
Luke Haining |
Sam Delaney |
15 years boys |
Tom Weeks |
Tom Campbell |
Jacob Hall |
16 years boys |
Charlie Frentz |
Jye Damsma |
Charlie Tighe |
17 years boys |
Jack Lund |
Harry Gibson |
Jye Dean |
18 years boys |
Reece Bailey |
Lewis Huckstep |
A squad of runners then backed up to compete at the QLD All Schools Championships held at Kedron the following weekend. While there were many good performances on the day, our first year athletes of Year 7 led the way. Mackenzey Ormiston dominated from start to finish to win the 13 years girls race, while Sam Gordon was well up near the front in his 4th placing. Our 14 years girls Drew Younger, Tiffany Chavez and Amber Tansley were unlucky not to win the team’s title, finishing second after a count back. While our 15 years boys Tom Weeks, Tommy Campbell and Ethan Galloway received the bronze medal in their team event.
Many more races now lie ahead for our cross country squad this term, with the Canterbury College Invitational meet, District championships, Regional Championships and the QLD leg of this year’s world team trials.
Good luck to all competing, go the Reds!
Ronald Martinenko
Track and Field Sports Excellence Coach
Murri Jarjum Academic Award Breakfast
The Term 2 Murri Jarjum Academic Award Breakfast welcomed Year 7-12 students, parent/guardians, grandparents and Luke Dumas from Deadly Choices.
Congratulations to our top achievers:
Year 7 |
Ezra Hayes |
Year 8 |
Charli Hart |
Year 9 |
Kai Sampson |
Year 10 |
Summa Mount |
Year 11 |
Giselle Kilner-Parmenter |
Year 12 |
Brent Woolf |
Wendy Wise
HOD Education Access Centre
Middle School Lunchtime Activities Program
Last Thursday saw the first instalment of ‘Performances on the Green’, an acoustic music session facilitated by Year 11 Music Excellence students to entertain the Year 9 cohort during their lunch break. This activity was a great success and was well received by all involved. It is hoped that ‘Performances on the Green’ will be a regular on our Lunchtime Activities Program. We would like to say a big thankyou to Wes Ambler and Taine Josephson for giving up their own lunch break to provide this fantastic entertainment for the Year 9 students!
Other big hits over the last few weeks have been Queensland Cricket’s cricket workshops, Miami Oz-Tag’s Lunch Time Legends Program and Mr Munro’s social tennis, attracting in excess of 20 students for each session!
Term 2 has seen the addition of some external providers to our Middle School Lunchtime Activities Program. We welcome on-board Miami Oz-Tag running their Lunch Time Legends Program every Monday, Fitness Assault offering Boxing Fitness classes also on Mondays, and Queensland Cricket who are facilitating cricket workshops every Friday. These organisations provide their fun, healthy activities to our school free of charge for which we extend our thanks!
For more information on these organisations and to see how you can get involved with them, check out Miami Oz-Tag at www.miamioztag.com, and Queensland Cricket at www.qldcricket.com.au.
We would also like to thank the many teachers who volunteer some of their very little spare time to facilitate the various activities, most of them on a weekly basis. Without your participation this program would not be possible.
Rita Matthews
Student Activities Officer
School Musical – 13
Tickets to the PBC musical '13!' are now available at student services and selling fast!
When: 28, 29 and 30 May at 7.30pm
Matinee: 28 May at 10am
Where: PBC Theatre
Ticket price: $15 students; $20 adults.
Limited seating available - bookings essential.
2015 Premier’s ANZAC Prize
On ANZAC Day I was fortunate enough to represent Palm Beach Currumbin State High School, PBC Leos Club and the State of Queensland at the 100th Year Commemoration Services held at Gallipoli as one of the winners of the 2015 Premier’s ANZAC Prize.
This was an extremely emotional and life-changing experience which I will never forget. We also toured the Western Front in Belgium and France where I had the opportunity to proudly share the stories of my relatives who were killed in action and visit their graves.
In addition to this, as a group, we raised over $21,000 to donate to the very worthy organisation Mates4Mates, of which I individually raised $1,269. This would not have been possible without the support of the PBC Leos, the Palm Beach Lions, the P&C, and the Honourable Jann Stuckey, Member for Currumbin. It was truly an honour to be given such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Emily Ireland
Year 10 Student
The Collage – ANZAC poster
The Collage 100 Year Anniversary Commemorative ANZAC poster was designed by students in the Visual Arts Creative Excellence program over a two year period here at PBC.
Profits made from the sale of The Collage goes to supporting Veterans, including Soldier On Australia and White Crosses New Zealand.
Prints of The Collage can be purchased at Student Services for $19.95.
Welcome Lizen High School Taiwanese Study Tour
Lizen High School Taiwanese Study Tour arrived on Wednesday 20 May and will be with us till the 9 June with 36 students and two staff.
Lizen High School has been coming to PBC since 2002. This is their 11th year visiting us. Our schools signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 2013 and we are very proud that they have chosen us to be partners in this cultural exchange. The Lizen High school students are very proud of their school and perform well academically.
During their stay, the students will have the opportunity to be accommodated by PBC homestay families who generously open their homes and show them the wonderful Gold Coast. PBC buddies are also involved with our Taiwanese students and take them to scheduled activities and their classrooms.
Whilst here, the visiting students will also participate in Indigenous cultural activities, cooking classes, sport activities including zumba and interact with tourism students who will take them for a walk of the local area and the beach. The students will also have the opportunity to see the talents of PBC students performing in the Musical ‘13’ on Thursday 28 May.
The tour will wrap up with a farewell ceremony on Friday 5 June where students, buddies and homestay families all come together to share cultural music, dance and singing performances, gifts and to say goodbye. They depart for Sydney on Monday 9 June for a brief visit before returning home to Taiwan.
Please make our visiting students feel welcome and take the time to speak to them to find out more about their culture and school life in Taiwan.
Corinne Van Put
International Student Coordinator
Host families required for Japanese students
PBC will host a study tour for Japanese students from 11 to 23 August. The students will be from 13-17 years old.
Host families will be subsidised by $80/night/two students. Host families will be required to supply three meals a day, transport to and from school and a warm, friendly home.
If you are interested in hosting a student or require further information please contact Naomi or Judy on (07)55920575 from Japanese Advisory Service.
Sport Excellence Program 2016
If you have a student currently in Year 6 would like to trial for a Sports Excellence program for Year 7 2016, please submit your application as soon as possible. The Sports Excellence trials will be held on 23 and 25 June 2015.
Your child will not be eligible to trial until an approved application has been submitted.
For further enquires please contact Tara Gonzales-Judd on 07 5525 9418 or email tgonz6@eq.edu.au
Tara Gonzales-Judd
Excellence Enrolments Officer
Pathways Centre News
School based traineeships available for Year 10 and 11 students in 2015
Cert III Hospitality – Café by the Bridge, Café Caribou Tugun, Olives Pizza and Pasta, Ocean Art Café and Gallery, The Deck Café Currumbin, Hard Rock Café, Tugun Surf Club, Crust Pizza Broadbeach, Zest in Tugun, JJ’s Bilinga, Crema Espresso Robina and Pacific Fair, Dumpling Republic Robina, Pizza Hut the Pines.
Cert III Commercial Cookery – Currumbin Waters. For a student passionate about food.
New Café opening in Burleigh are looking for staff to work front and back of house.
Subway – Traineeships Robina and Palm Beach.
Jupiters Casino Broadbeach – School based traineeship opportunities in all areas. A guest speaker will be coming soon to assembly. See Ms Shreeve to give your expression of interest.
Cert III Business – 7 Eleven Palm Beach stores seeking school based trainees.
Indigenous Traineeship – St George Bank, Westpac Bank and Dominos Mermaid Beach.
Work Experience – Direct Hire, small engine mechanics.
Cert III Hairdressing – Salon 35 are seeking a school-based hairdresser, will suit Year 11 or 12 student wanting to make hairdressing a career.
Cert III Sport and Rec – Miami and Burleigh Pools includes Pool life Guard, First Aide and CPR
Traineeships - Wendy’s The Pines, immediate start.
Expressions of interest – Bunnings Warehouse Burleigh. Year 10 students only.
Year 10 students interested in working in the health industry, our guest speaker from the assembly held on 22 April is taking expressions of interest now in the Pathway Centre. The program will cover all areas of health including aged care, nursing, horticulture, kitchen, physio, orderly etc. Local health facilities available.
Love your current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let’s see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.
The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break to apply for any of the above positions
Please see Ms Shreeve to apply.
Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison Officer
Guidance Officer News
Bond University school visit
If you are a Year 11 or 12 student interested in going to Bond University then please attend a school talk in the Trade Training Centre on Friday May 29 from 11.30am – 12.15pm.
Students will have the opportunity to ask questions about scholarships, student for a semester programs, future courses and anything else Bond University has to offer.
Exam Survival
Steve Jones
Guidance Officer Senior School
Walking the Talk to Wellbeing
The benefits of physical activity for mental health are well-known, but for some people the word exercise is off-putting, summoning up images of sweaty discomfort. Walking is a gentle form of exercise that has the advantage of getting you out into the great outdoors.
For the last decade, a team at the University of Essex has been studying green exercise: physical activities in nature. Their research suggests that as little as five minutes of green exercise is enough to boost mood and self-esteem. Physical activity close to water, such as a river, lake or sea, is linked to the greatest improvement in mood.
With depression it isn’t only the high intensity physical activities that have a positive impact in reducing symptoms. Less strenuous activity involved in walking also has benefits. Researchers at the University of Stirling have demonstrated that walking is an effective intervention for depression and has an effect similar to other more vigorous forms of exercise. The meta-analysis of green exercise by Barton and Pretty shows that improvements in self-esteem decline with growing intensity of activity, which is a plus for those of us who favour a milder form of exercise.
Walking as an intervention is not only for personal well-being, it is also making its way into the workplace as a business tool. The act of moving physically seems to get things shifting mentally. “Solvitur ambulando” is a Latin phrase which means “It is solved by walking.” If I feel stuck on an issue I will problem-solve by going for a walk. I have also incorporated “Walk and Talk” sessions with the students this term. The walking leads to positive emotions, which enable us to think in creative, flexible, and productive ways.
“Walking brings connection, not only with nature herself with every step you take, but with your own nature, with your companions, be they human or other than human. It is the best food for the soul.” ~ Satish Kumar
Barton, J., & Pretty, J. (2010). What is the best dose of nature and green exercise for improving mental health? A multi-study analysis. Environmental Science and Technology, 44: 3947-3955. Abstract.
Robertson. R., Robertson, A., Jepson, R., & Maxwell, M. (2012). Walking for depression or depressive symptoms: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 5 (1), pp. 66-75. Original paper.
Anna Willis
Guidance Officer Middle School
School Based Youth Nurse Notes
Mental health is an essential part of wellbeing, and there’s a lot you can do to promote good mental health for your child. It also helps to know what to do if you think your child has a mental health problem.
Mental health is a way of describing social and emotional wellbeing. Good mental health is central to your child’s healthy development. It is associated with:
- Feeling happy and positive about yourself and enjoying life
- Healthy relationships with family and friends
- Participation in physical activity and eating a healthy diet
- The ability to relax and to get a good night’s sleep
- Community participation and belonging.
We need good mental health to build strong relationships, adapt to change and deal with life’s challenges. Adolescence can be a risky period for mental health problems with many changes and challenges occurring for teenagers in these short few years of their life. Keep good communication going and seek professional help if needed.
Contact Numbers
- Parentline: 1300 301 300
- Beyond Blue: 1300 224 636 or visit www.beyondblue.org.au
- Headspace: (07) 5509 5900 or visit www.headspace.org.au/Southport
- Headspace Tweed Heads: (07) 5589 8700
- Lifeline: 131114 or visit www.lifeline.org.au
Judy Nunn
School Based Youth Nurse
Uniform Shop Update
Uniform Shop Trading Times – Term 2 2015 |
Monday to Friday |
8:15am to 10.30am |
Closed 1st lunch break |
The PBC knitted jumper is now available to be purchased from the Uniform Shop. Get in quick before the cold weather sets in. Cost is $48.
Tracksuit pants
Tracksuit Pants are now available to be purchased from the Uniform Shop. Cost is $55. Please be aware that we have limited stock. Small and medium sizes have sold out.
CAX shirts
If you ordered a CAX shirt they are available to be collected from the Uniform Shop.
Bucket hats/PBC caps
Bucket hats and PBC caps are now available to purchase from Uniform Shop. These hats are a compulsory part of the uniform and are recommended for all outdoor activities. Cost is $15 each.
PBC school bags
PBC School Bags are now available from the uniform shop and selling fast.
Features include:
- Lifetime guarantee
- Padded laptop pocket
- Water resistant
- Ergonomic design
- Mesh drink bottle holder
- $70 each
Volunteers needed
If there are any volunteers who would love to spend a couple of hours each week in our very busy Uniform Shop and or Canteen we would love to hear from you!
Please contact Mandy on 55259331 for further details.
Payment methods available:
- Flexischools Online www.flexischools.com.au
- Credit Card
- Cash
- Cheques not accepted
If you are unable to come into the Uniform Shop you are more than welcome to call on 07 55259331 and pay for any uniform item over the phone.
Mandy Webb
Uniform Shop Coordinator
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: PALM BEACH CURRUMBIN SHS General A/C
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2015 SRS8 or 2015 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2015 Fees |
$330 |
1st instalment overdue |
Student Resource Scheme |
2015 Fees |
$165 |
2nd instalment overdue |
Excellence Program Fees |
Excellence program 2015 students |
Various |
Overdue |
2015 Instrumental Music Program |
Years 9-12 |
$75.00 |
Overdue |
QCS 2015 |
Year 12 students |
$50.00 |
Overdue |
Interschool Sport |
Interschool Sport 2015 |
$100 |
Overdue |
Advanced Surfing |
Advanced Surfing students |
$180 |
Overdue |
2015 Music Camp |
Music students |
$200.00 |
Due now |
Year 12 Geography Excursion |
Year 12 geography |
$120.00 |
Due now |
UQ Interaction Design Exhibition |
Year 11 and 12 students |
$13.00 |
Due now |
Big Day in IT |
Year 12 students |
$10.00 |
Due now |
CGen Excursion |
CGen students |
$28.00 |
Due now |
Oceanic District Cross Country |
All year levels |
$10.00 |
Due now |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
Most excursions do not appear on student statements. If you have any queries please call Lynne Riley in Student Services on 07 5525 9308.
Lost Property
Please check with Student Services for items like pencil cases, lunch boxes, etc. If you have lost an article of clothing (jumpers, shoes, hat) please check with the Uniform Shop.
Student lockers available
Student lockers are available for hire at PBC.
- $6.00 for locker hire
- $24.00 for PBC approved combination lock (this will be the property of the student)
- Lockers available are located at G Block
- Payments can be made at Student Services
Please visit the facilities tab of the school website to read the locker hire agreement.
Second Hand Uniforms
If you are holding on to old or unwanted school uniforms, please donate them to student welfare.
If your uniforms are good condition, please drop them off to the Student Services.
PBC Alliance
Nepal Earthquake Fundraising Breakfast
The PBC Alliance would like to invite you to join us at breakfast to fundraise for Reach out Nepal on Friday 29 May.
As part of this fundraising event, a special auction is currently being held via our Alliance Facebook page between Monday 25 May and 3pm Thursday 28 May. You do not need to attend the breakfast to participate in the auction.
Auction items include:
- Breakfast specially prepared by Paul Bullpitt, 2014 My Kitchen Rules semi-finalist
- Four tickets to Titans Vs Bulldogs game at Cbus Super Stadium on 14 June 2015
- Two box seats for Burleigh Bears vs Norths Devils home game on 14 June 2015
- Two box seats for PBC Reds vs Keebra Park game at Burleigh Bears on 10 June 2015
- 2014 Broncos signed football and jumper
Please see PDF attached for list of items and bidding instructions.
Make sure you like our Alliance Facebook page so you can place your bids and stay up to date:
Bids can also be placed by emailing alliance@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
Please RSVP by Tuesday 26 May by calling Caitlin Lea on 07 5525 9312 or email alliance@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
Proceeds from the breakfast and auction will be donated to Reach out Nepal.
Business Directory
Help us to create a local network for businesses within the PBC community by following the link below and supporting the businesses listed in the Alliance Business Directory:
Get involved
Being part of the PBC Alliance Business directory aims to connect your business with a network of friends, parents, and members of the PBC Alliance business community.
This listing is included as a link in the fortnightly PBC parent newsletter (as shown above), PBC Alliance Facebook page and the school website.
To list your business in the PBC Alliance Business Directory please complete a PBC Alliance membership form and Business Directory form and return these to the email address listed below.
If you would like more information please contact Caitlin Lea on 07 5525 9333 or email alliance@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
Parent Connect – Meet and Greet Coffee Morning
‘Responding effectively to challenging teen behaviours and conflict’
Presented by: Lives Lived Well
When: Wednesday 27 May 2015
Time: 7:30am – 8:30am
Where: Trade Training Centre
Parent Connect aims to provide a forum for parents and carers in our school community to:
- Hear about practical strategies to support their children
- To meet with other parents and carers and discuss common issues
- To connect with different support people at our school.
Parent Connect is an initiative of Palm Beach Currumbin High School P&C. If you would like to suggest future topics for discussion please contact the P&C pandc@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
P&C Association
The P&C meet regularly and provide a forum for the school parents and broader community to discuss their value, hopes and ideas for the school.
Our P&C meets on the third Tuesday of the month during school terms, our next meeting is on 16 June at 6:30pm in the School Admin Conference Room. All new members are welcome.
For those of you that cannot attend but would like to provide feedback or suggestions, please email pandc@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au and remember to -
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/PalmBeachCurrumbinStateHigh |
Just for registering for QParents, Joanne Parker, a lucky PBC parent, has won an iPhone 6. Congratulations Joanne!
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians to interact with the school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child’s student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
If you haven’t yet registered, visit https://qparents.qld.edu.au/#/login to register today!
QParents enables parents to access and manage student:
- Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence
- Behaviour details
- Academic report cards
- Class timetables
- Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
- Viewing and updating student details, including medical conditions and address
- Enrolment details
What it means to be a Leo
The feeling of knowing that you have done something, for lack of a better word, good; is an addictive feeling. The feeling fills oneself with joy and pride and much more. It's a notch on your belt which signifies the best of people, and for me that is a major goal all humans should aspire to. The Leo’s badge for me was a trophy I will wear with honour.
The Leo Club has inspired me to develop a sense of community awareness and a sense of fellowship within the club. Because of this, I have gained respect and appreciation from other members in the club and I will always cherish the friendships built along the way.
Although the Leo Club is small, it is determined in its efforts to support the community and develop meaningful relationships with diverse community sectors.
PBC Leo Club member
Completion of Oral Health (Dental) Services
Gold Coast Oral Health Services will commence offering free oral health (dental) services to eligible students enrolled at Palm Beach Currumbin High School starting 26 May 2015. This service will be provided Onsite by Mobile Dental Van 185.
To arrange an appointment for your child telephone:
The Oral Health Client Service Centre
1300 300 850
Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 4.30 pm
Excluding Public Holidays
Child Dental Benefit Schedule Vouchers are accepted. When your child’s $1000 cap is reached, there will be no out-of-pocket expenses provided your child meets *eligibility criteria.
* Eligibility – All Queensland resident children aged four years or older who have not completed year 10 of secondary school.
Further information on public funded oral health services can be accessed via URL:
Wray Organic school fundraiser
Bowling Family Fun Day
Currumbin RSL are hosting a family fun bowling day supported by Go Bowling Ashmore to fundraise for our recipient charity for 2015: Soldier On.
The super fun Family Bowling day will be held on Sunday 7 June from 2pm at Ashmore Bowl. Tickets are only $15 per person and include two games and shoe hire. There will be other activities such as face painting and a free jumping castle. Great family fun.
$5 from EVERY ticket goes towards helping to establish a Soldier On - Helping our Wounded Warriors facility in Currumbin.
Queensland Symphony Orchestra School Student Special
Griffith University Institute for Glycomics presents Queensland Symphony Orchestra School Student Special, supporting Childhood Leukaemia research.