31 March 2015
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents,
Making sure students understand the importance of maintaining physical fitness and developing healthy habits is an important part of school life at PBC.
It is for this reason that we have a strong and well-developed sports program that we expect all students will experience at some stage in their time at school.
Our innovative Sports Excellence Program plays a key role in our program and has a proud tradition of nurturing the talents of some of Queensland’s leading sports professionals including Joel Parkinson, Karla Gilbert, Shane Smeltz and Ben Hannant to name just a few.
However our commitment to sport goes well beyond developing elite athletes. PBC has a large contingent of students participating in a comprehensive range of competitive interschool sports on a weekly basis.
The success of this endeavour is profound. In 2014, we achieved the following:
- One World Runner-up Team
- One National Champion Team
- 20 National Representatives
- 7 State Champion Teams
- 65 State Reps
These results are first class but they are not our most significant achievement in the sports arena.
Representing the “Reds” is seen as an honour at PBC and our athletes become part of a tradition which imposes high expectations of personal conduct where fair play and good sportsmanship are valued above all else.
Coaches at PBC drill into their teams that we are more concerned with how they play rather than the result and readily leave students out of teams if they will not commit to this ethos.
It is important that parents understand the Red’s ethos and support it through spectating appropriately and pointing out that being a Red is a much bigger achievement than last week’s score.
I am looking forward with great anticipation to this season. Despite inclement weather, our athletes and teams have prepared well and I encourage you to come along and support our school as the opportunities arise.
Stephen Loggie
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: Department of Education and Training
CRICOS No. 00608A
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Report
- Senior School Update
- Shutdown Exams
- Middle School News
- OPTIMA Code – Be Safe
- End of Term
- NAPLAN Approaching for Years 7 and 9
- Term 2 start date
- Education Access Department News
- Special Education Program Term 1 News
- Sporting Recognition
- Debating Win
- Farewell to Utsonomiya Higashi Senior High School visiting PBC from Japan
- Pathways Centre News
- P&C News
- Middle School student Activities Program
- School ANZAC Assembly 2015
- ANZAC Day Mid-Morning Service
- Guidance Officer News
- Uniform Shop Update
- Administration
- Second Hand Uniforms
- Lions International Youth Exchange
- QParents is coming
- Free dental check-ups and treatment for Year 10 students
- Neighbour Day
- The Mother’s Day Classic
- Thrower House School Holiday Program
- Currumbin Eagles Junior Rugby League
- Sports Mentoring Program
- Sensory Movie Day
- Gold Coast Film Festival – Movies for all the Family
- Currumbin RSL ANZAC Commemoration Week Program
Senior School Update
Getting organised for assessment
It is at this time of the term that stress levels can be at their highest. Exams and assignments are due on top of sport, work and social commitments. Accepting and managing this stress is the only successful way to ensure that your young person reaches their potential.
All students know what and when their assessment will happen. They know what they are being assessed on and the type of assessment. The critical part is planning how to maximise the study and revision time they have left.
All students need a plan. One that captures the time they will spend on each subject and when. This plan needs to list the content and skills that will be assessed. They need to have practice questions and examples ready to review. They need the names and numbers of some friends that study the same subjects so they can call if they need some help.
A well-organised study plan is the best tonic to a stressed teenager. So talk to your young person. Are they this well organised? If not, it is not too late. Sit down with them tonight and plan this out.
I wish all the senior students the best of luck in their upcoming assessment and look forward to celebrating their success.
Nigel Hughes
Director Senior School
Shutdown Exams
Senior School shutdown exams are currently taking place. All students should have a copy of their exam timetable. The shutdown timetable is available on the school website under curriculum/testing and assessment and is also on the student K drive at school.
It is a student’s responsibility to know their exam time and scheduled room. Students need to be present at their exams in full school uniform and with all the necessary equipment for the exam at least ten minutes before the exam commences. Students will not be permitted to leave exams early.
Parents are reminded that Year 10 students have normal scheduled classes up to Tuesday 31 March. Year 10 students will only have shutdown exams on Wednesday 1 April and Thursday 2 April.
Interschool sport teams still have scheduled games on Wednesday and students are required to attend. Recreational sport is optional for seniors during shutdown.
If a student is absent from an exam they must contact the Head of Department of that subject and provide appropriate documentation such as a medical certificate and make arrangements to complete the exam as soon as possible. Applications for extension/change of date forms are available on the school website.
Students will not be allowed to sit exams earlier than the rest of their cohort.
The Year 12 QCS Short response exam on Thursday 2 April is compulsory for all students who wish to sit the QCS test in September. This test will be marked externally by Mighty Minds and the feedback provided to each individual students.
A support session for students who did poorly on the previous short response exam is scheduled for Wednesday 1 April from 1:00pm to 2:30pm in D block. The QCS performance of OP students will affect the OPs of all students and is the most important test students will do this year.
Subject Changes
- Students wishing to make subject changes can collect forms from Y block. These need to be signed by parents and the relevant Heads of Department. All subject changes need to be finalised by the end of Week 2, Term 2.
- Parents and students are reminded that they need to complete at least three subjects for four semesters to complete the core requirements of the QCE.
- Students in Years 11 and 12 need to be passing at least five of their six subjects to be eligible for a QCE. Students whose results indicate that they will not achieve a QCE may jeopardise their enrolment at school.
Overall Positions (OP)
- Year 12 predicted OPs will be calculated at the end of term. Students who receive a predicted OP higher than 15 may need to consider alternative pathways to tertiary studies as they may not gain the required result in their current pathway. Alternative pathways include moving to Selection Rank, or completing a Certificate III course whilst at school. These pathways are generally a better option for students with OPs above 15 as they will give students an option to attend University in 2016. Students who receive predicted OPs higher than 15 will be interviewed by Senior Schooling staff to discuss the best pathway for them.
I’d like to wish all students the best for their upcoming assessments.
Mick McDougall
HOD Senior School
Middle School News
Middle School Open Day
On Thursday 19 March the 2015 Middle School Open Day was held. I would like to thank the many members of our parent body who took the time out of their busy schedules to attend this event. There were approximately 250 parents/guardians in attendance on this day. The Open Day provided an excellent opportunity for parents/guardians to visit our Middle School classrooms and meet with our team of professional staff members and support personnel. In particular, I would like to thank our Year 7, 8 and 9 students who performed superbly in their roles as “Tour Leaders”. The initial feedback I received from parents/guardians that attended this day was that our “Tour Leaders” did themselves proud.
If you would like to view any of the materials that were presented at the Middle School Open Day please visit our PBC website.
Blair Hanna
Director of Middle School
OPTIMA Code – Be Safe
Being safe is one of the global expectations for students. In the context of the Optima Code, being safe means taking responsibility for your own actions to ensure that you do not put yourself or others at risk. Being safe transcends the school boundaries and is expected of our students in all situations.
Lately there have been a small number of students who have been truant from school. This is an example of not being safe.
Students who are truant from school place themselves at all kinds of risk. Risk from traffic, risk from the environment, risk of becoming involved in illegal activities and much worse.
We take the safety of our students very seriously and have stern consequences for students who truant. This includes placing students on Saturday detentions, placing students in the Positive Behaviour Room, removal from lunchtime activities and suspension as a last resort.
You can help us by ensuring that your student is at school every day and talking with them about the importance of being safe and what can happen when they are not supervised during school time.
I urge all students to keep “Be Safe” in their minds over the Easter break and have a relaxing and safe holiday.
Peter O’Brien
Deputy Principal Middle School
End of Term
Term 1 has flown by in the Middle School. Our Year 7 and 8 students have settled and better understand what it means to be a student at PBC, while the Year 9 students are developing their leadership as the ‘seniors in the middle’.
On assemblies, we have talked about using good diet, exercise and regular sleep to help stay in control through the past fortnight’s busy assessment period. While the holidays are definitely a time to relax and vary routine, sticking to some basic principles around these elements will certainly make the return to school easier after the break.
Term 1 Reports
Due to the fact that we assess up to the end of term, Term 1 reports will not be sent home until Friday of Week 2 – May 1. This report will be an Interim Report, meaning that it will only include ratings to indicate your child’s achievement, effort and behaviour in each subject. (More detailed reports are provided at the end of each semester). Reports are emailed home, so it is important to keep your email address current. Should you not receive your child’s report in your inbox on May 1, do check your ‘junk mail’! If it is not there, please contact the school the following week so that the issue can be rectified.
Holiday Activities
When you are considering what your Middle Schooler might do during the holidays, you may wish to jump on a train and head to the Queensland Art Gallery or the Queensland Museum. More locally, the Gold Coast Arts Centre has a Youth Program that may be of interest. Our school is near the doorstep of incredible national parks and world heritage areas, while the Gold Coast City Council often runs free or inexpensive events for young people over the holidays. This autumn break can be an opportunity to enhance the learning students do at PBC and broaden their horizons through engaging and fun family activities.
I wish all our students and their families a safe and restorative school holiday.
Sharon Hillcoat
HOD Middle School
NAPLAN Approaching for Years 7 and 9
Week 4 of Term 2 will be a busy time for students of Years 7 and 9, as they sit the examinations of the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN).
NAPLAN tests reading, writing, language conventions and numeracy. The assessments are undertaken nationwide, every year, over three consecutive days. The tests are presented as a combination of multiple choice, short response and extended writing. Most Year 7 students will have completed NAPLAN in Years 3 and 5, while Year 9 students are likely to have sat the exams in Year 7.
Should you have any concerns about your child sitting NAPLAN, please contact me at shill242@eq.edu.au
Sharon Hillcoat
HOD Middle School
Term 2 start date
Term 2 2015 will resume for all students (Year 7-12) on Monday 20 April.
School Watch
Keep our school safe. Please call School Watch if you see anything suspicious over the school holidays: 13 17 88.
Have a safe and happy holiday!
Education Access Department News
The Education Access Department is now located in B Block and encompasses Learning Support Year 7-9, Literacy and Numeracy (LAN) Year 7-9, QuickSmart Literacy Intervention Year 7 and 8, Reading Every Day for Success (RED4S) Year 7, and Indigenous Education Years 7-12. We welcome our new students in Years 7 and 8, new staff to our department and new students to PBC in other year levels.
Success in 2014 occurred with many Year 8-10 Learning Support students improving their academic performance in the National Curriculum core subjects of English, Mathematics, Science and SOSE in attaining a C standard each term. Also our Year 9 Learning Support students had the greatest relative gain in NAPLAN from Year 7 to Year 9 NAPLAN performance. Congratulations to all of the students and staff involved.
This year we are continuing our focus on literacy and numeracy within the department with Elizabeth Gill our Literacy and Numeracy Coordinator and Elizabeth Carter the QuickSmart Coordinator leading our specialised programs.
LAN Program
The PBC LAN program has increased in size this year and is currently supporting 240 students in Year 7, 8 and 9. The aim of the program is to encourage and develop the knowledge, skills and understanding required in the Core subjects by targeting the specific focus areas required to obtain a “C” standard in assessment tasks.
The Year 7 and 9 students are currently focusing on the skills required to reach National Minimum Standards in the May NAPLAN testing and the Year 8 students have been developing their writing skills in the area of journal entries and the analysis of news media texts and their understanding of probability and financial mathematics. All classes have settled well and students are reporting significant improvements in their understanding and participation in lessons.
PBC RED4S Program
The PBC RED4S program has begun again in earnest in 2015. The structure of the program supports the decoding and comprehension skills of the Year 7 Learning Support students. Our focus novel this semester is the ‘The Boy in Striped Pyjamas’ by John Boyne. This novel is thought provoking and encourages the students to infer and determine the relationships between the characters and events within the text and the historical period in which it is set, Germany during WWII. The participation levels and enthusiasm of the students is a delight to experience and Mrs Gill looks forward to a successful and enjoyable year.
QuickSmart Program
Due to the success of the 2014 Year 8 QuickSmart program, we have increased students from 16 in 2014 to 36 this year and have included both Year 7 and 8. We also have an additional Teacher Aide to facilitate the program with Miss Carol and Miss Liz. This program will continue for the whole year. We are very excited to have our own designated QuickSmart room in B Block.
EAC Information Meeting
We would like to thank our parents and students who attended the Week 7 EAC information meeting. We welcome all parents to contact your child’s teacher when required and regularly visit the PBC website for any school information including staff emails, Semester assessment calendar and reporting timelines.
Homework Club
The PBC Homework Club is available for students Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays 8am-8.45am and Tuesday afternoons 3.15-4pm in the PBC Resource Centre. We encourage students to attend. Miss Liz and Miss Carol are also available in B1 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8.15am-8.45am for any additional assistance.
2015 Indigenous Support Team
The 2015 Indigenous Support team includes Wendy Wise HOD EAC, Chris Patison Academic Liaison, Errol McDonald Attendance Liaison and Selwyn Apanui In-class Support Liaison. Our team have been very busy working to improve Murri Jarjum student outcomes and aligning to the national ‘Closing the Gap’ priorities of attendance, achievement and retention. The Mibunn group has been established this year to improve student learning every Wednesday morning 8am-8.45am with Errol and Selwyn in B Block for any Year 7-12 students.
We congratulate our ongoing 2014/2015 QATSIF students Fletcher Harrold, Madison Lucas, Tyler Hart, Mina Durbidge-Campbell, Gabrielle Najjar, DJ Blake and welcome the new 2015 recipients Sally Treveton, Brodie Lamos-Freestone, Charlie Duke, Giselle Kilner-Parmenter, Emily Burn, Jackson Fisher and Cooper Harris. These students have been the recipients of $30,000 to support their pathway to completing Year 12 and gaining a QCE. Each student is a positive Murri Jarjum role model and has attained and sustained high standards in their achievement and attendance. We are also extremely proud to congratulate Fletcher Harrold as a 2015 PBC Vice Captain with the opportunity to lead both indigenous and non-indigenous students in his various roles in 2015.
The 2015 PBC Bpootharum dancers travelled to Brisbane recently to perform at the Edmund Rice Performing Arts Centre to celebrate the successful Round 6 QATSIF recipients. Dominic Bryan-Thompson, Blake Buxton, Fletcher Harrold and Blake Roberts led Tayte Lamos, Tyreece Wood, Jackson Fisher, Ezekial Cora, Jardi Knox, Stefanie Noffke, Britany Noffke, Stephanie Jurisich and Tillylah Boler-Johson in an excellent traditional dance performance with Bundjakiel dancer PBC alumnus Stephen Larcombe and Mick Baxter playing the didgeridoo.
Murri Jarjum
Our Term 1 Murri Jarjum Award Breakfast welcomed 70 students and parents to celebrate our 2014 successes. We look forward to meeting more parents in Term 2 and congratulate our 2014 Semester 2 Top Achievers Year 8 Braith Gausden, Year 9 Summa Leigh–Mount, Year 10 Giselle Kilner-Parmenter and Year 11 Sally Treveton. Other high performers included Jasper Garner, Kai Sampson, Kacey Meehan, Kyla Peacock, Stefanie Noffke, Britney Noffke, Charlie Duke, Madison Lucas, Tyler Hart, Fletcher Harrold and DJ Blake.
Congratulations to our Murri Jarjum students beginning Term 1 on a positive note. Teachers across a variety of subjects have been making an array of positive comments regarding how well the students have settled in and have been participating in learning activities within their classes. This information will be provided to parents/guardians via the Mid-Term Reports. The process of Mid-Term reporting is continuing in 2015 to strengthen student/parent/teacher partnerships and maximise student outcomes. It is now every student’s challenge to use this information and feedback from their teachers to make a priority to hand in draft assessments and prepare effectively for their final Term 1 assessment tasks.
Solid Pathways Program
This year has seen the first partnership with South East Region, Education Queensland and the University of Queensland to deliver the Solid Pathways Program at PBC. This program is a unique, academic extension program for identified students performing in the top two NAPLAN bands. This Critical and Creative Thinking program connects students with similar peers to extend their learning and maintain their level of achievement as they transition through school into tertiary studies. Congratulations to our PBC participants Year 12 Sally Treveton, Year 11 Giselle Kilner-Parmenter, Nyree O’Connor, Year 10 Jayden Burns, Isabella Lewis, Jemma Macmillan, Year 8 Charli Hart and Bridie Prater. Students are also able to have regular visits to UQ and participate in booster programs, camps and university courses to identify tertiary study as a legitimate pathway.
Wendy Wise
HOD Education Access Centre
Special Education Program Term 1 News
Congratulations to the fantastic staff from the Special Education Program who have worked tirelessly to ensure that our students had a smooth start to the year.
Our Years 7 and 8 students have started high school with the right attitude and behaviours that will continue to make them valuable members of the PBC community. These students have engaged with not only the schoolwork, but also the rules and processes that make PBC a safe and respectful school environment.
The Middle School SEP precinct has proven to be a relaxed and productive space, with organised lunch activities supervised by school staff.
The senior students are participating in a range of work readiness and post schooling subjects and opportunities, led by Mr Walsh who was recently recognised at a regional event for leading this area of work and establishing PBC as a "show case" school for this sort of program.
Our older students are also focused on assessment at this time of year and teachers are working closely with them to ensure that organisational and planning skills continue to be developed.
As always, our commitment to the 'whole' student, not just the academic achievement, means that on a daily basis our Teachers and Teacher Aides are assisting the SEP students with enhancing their social skills, building friendships and developing everyday living skills.
Tracey Cardinal
HOD Special Education Services
An Extremely Busy Start to 2015
We have had a strong return to work experience, transitions to post schooling successes and a growth in Senior Schooling QCIA applicants. There was a great transition success last year with Scott’s School Based Trainee of the Year nomination (Bunnings Warehouse). Lachlan and Hayley’s post-school programs have seen these two students grow into fine young adults. We also have had a number of successful applications for school-based traineeships in 2015.
This term saw an important return to RSL Care (Aged Care) Galleon Way for work experience opportunities for several students. Also, the venture into I.T. support work experience has seen our very capable students busy with maintenance and repair of laptops.
The work experience program offers our students a needs basis opportunity to develop their skills so they are ready to tackle the next phase of their learning.
We are currently working on learning goals for our new QCIA students, exploring more work experience ventures and developing a strong transition culture. This is aided by the multipurpose C2 classroom which is specifically designed to encourage the further learning needed for transitioning into post school options.
CJ Walsh
QSIA and Transitions Coordinator
Life Skills
Students in 9S Lifeskills have been enjoying an exciting classroom global exploration of various countries in the world.
On their journeys into China, America, Italy and other countries, we have explored traditional cultures, maps, economic climates, languages, flags, and interesting features in these parts and learnt about cultural differences.
Investigating cultural foods has been a highlight as the students have taken the time to use their cooking talents, as well as developing social skills to cook and later consume the food delights of the cultures being explored.
The students have engaged themselves in a variety of creative class activities to enhance their understanding of these interesting places. Amongst 9S there has been a keen interest towards the possibility of future travel to these parts of our world.
Kylee Gelkov
Middle School Special Education Teacher
Sporting Recognition
PBC Sport Excellence Kayakers Impress at the National Titles
March has seen the culmination of a busy start to the year for PBC sprint kayak racers, with eight athletes, Hayden Clark, Tom Green, Claudia Watmough, Jamie Cox, Carter Brodhurst-Hill, Chaise Richardson, Kelsea Sterry and Hannah Lund contesting the national titles at the Regatta Centre in Penrith (the home of the rowing and Kayaking sprint events for the Sydney Olympics). Many of these athletes were attending their first Australian Titles.
The Australian Titles are conducted over five days with some athletes racing every 2-3 hours across the entire competition contesting heats, semi-finals and finals.
All competitors showed great competitive spirit with all gaining medals in a variety of events across the five days of competition and most progressing to finals of all individual events.
Tom, Chaise, and Carter all placed in the 200, 500 and 100-meter individual events. The stand out performances from these three were Chaise who won gold in the 200 meters U/12 girls whilst Tom gained gold in the U/16 2500 meters event.
Kelsea Sterry teamed with athletes to form a formidable U/14 girl K4 team which took gold in the 200, 500, and 100 meter events, Kelsea also teamed with a Sunshine Coast paddler in the double taking out gold in the K2 200, and 1000 meter events.
All other athletes teamed with a variety of PBC and non-PBC paddlers to gain medal-winning positions in K2 and K4 events.
Tom Green caped off a fantastic event by being selected in the Australian Junior Olympic Hopes Team to compete in Poland in September.
Well done to all competitors for the way they prepared and contested this event.
Finally, a special congratulations to Tom Green and Hayden Clark who have just been selected in the National Talent Squad for 2015-2016.
Glen Clark
Kayak Excellence Teacher
QLD School Swimming Titles
Congratulations to Sophia Williams who competed last week at the QLD School Swimming Titles at Chandler in Brisbane and has achieved the following results:
- Gold - 200 Butterfly (RECORD)
- Bronze - 100 Butterfly
- 6th place - 200 IM
Sophia will now be competing at international level at the Pacific School Games held in Adelaide in November. A fantastic achievement!
Debating Win
Congratulations to the Year 7 debaters who won their first debate of the Gold Coast Debating Association’s Competition against Kings Christian College on Wednesday 11 March.
The team argued the affirmative side of the topic “That cats make better pets than dogs”. Well done to speakers (from left to right) Alisa Yamada, Hamish Munro and Jaime Pryor, chairperson Connor Grew and Coach Mrs McGovern.
Alison McGovern
English and Social Sciences Teacher
Farewell to Utsonomiya Higashi Senior High School visiting PBC from Japan
PBC would like to wish a fond farewell to Utsunomiya Higashi Senior High School visiting PBC from Japan.
We wish all our departing students safe travel home and hope they have life long memories of their time at PBC.
Here are some pictures of the student’s incredible performances and calligraphy.





Corinne Van Put
International Student Coordinator
Pathways Centre News
School based traineeships available for Year 10 and 11 students in 2015
Cert III Hospitality – Tugun Surf Club, Crust Pizza Broadbeach, Zest in Tugun, Sumptuous Fine Foods Currumbin, Lunchland Burleigh, JJ’s Bilinga, Tallebudgera Surf Club, Coolangatta Surf Club, Crema Espresso Robina and Pacific Fair, Dumpling Republic Robina, Euro Corner Miami and Pizza Hut The Pines.
Cert III Hairdressing - Spirit of Hair the Pines are looking for a school based apprenticeship. Open to Year 10/11 students.
Business/Retail – Trade Secret Burleigh, NewsXpress The Pines, Piece of Pie Burleigh.
Cert III Business – Jupiters Casino.
Business Administration – PSI Screen Printing Currumbin.
Indigenous Traineeship – Westpac Bank, Dominos Mermaid Beach and Coles Supermarket.
Love your current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let’s see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.
The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break to apply for any of the above positions
Please see Ms Shreeve to apply.
Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison Officer
P&C News
Thank you to the parents that attended last week’s P&C AGM. We would like to congratulate and welcome the 2015 committee:
President: Andrew Budd
Vice-President: Kellie Trigger
Secretary: Ian Roberts
Treasurer: Susan Lu
We have one final Meet and Greet this term on Wednesday 1 April from 7.30am-8.30am in the Trade Training Centre. All welcome! Thank you to the parents, friends and staff who have attended these sessions across the term. These sessions have proved very informative and provided opportunities to network with other parents and school staff.
The first P&C meeting for Term 2 will be Tuesday 21 April from 6.30pm-7.30pm in the Main Administration Building. Parents and members of the community are welcome to attend. P&C meetings are held the 3rd Tuesday of each month, whilst these meetings will continue the P&C is looking at alternative times and formats to add to the schedule, please email your suggestions to pandc@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au
We look forward to an exciting year ahead!
Brook Morton
Family Liaison Officer
Middle School student Activities Program
This term saw the implementation of a Lunchtime Activities Program for our Middle School students. The lunchtime activities program incorporates a variety of activities, both sport and non-sport related, and aims to appeal to as many Middle School students as possible. Some big hits this term have been our interclass touch football competition for Year 7 students, social tennis, 3v3 basketball, news group and the hang out room; a safe, quiet space to sit and listen to music, chat, use a laptop, read or study.
We would like to say a big thank you to all the teachers and senior students who have volunteered their precious spare time to facilitate all the lunchtime activities and we look forward to introducing more activities in the coming term.
Rita Matthews
Student Activities Officer
School ANZAC Assembly 2015
On Friday morning 24 April, we will be conducting our Annual Anzac Day ceremony. It will be held on the main assembly parade grounds. I would like to take this opportunity to personally invite you to what has become an important function in our school year.
The program will be conducted by our School Captains and will involve the Cadets, the Concert Band, and wreath layers from each year level. This year again we will be particularly honouring the service of our armed forces in international conflicts and peacekeeping missions.
Our ceremony will commence at approximately 9.20am. At the conclusion of the ceremony please stay and enjoy morning tea.
I hope you are able to join us on this special occasion of remembrance.
For seating and catering purposes, please respond by Monday 30 March by contacting Lyn Bortolin by telephone on (07) 5525 9340 or emailing lbort5@eq.edu.au
Stephen Loggie
Executive Principal
ANZAC Day Mid-Morning Service
On Saturday 25 April 2015 the Anzac Day Mid-Morning Service will once again be held at the Currumbin RSL Cenotaph.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite PBC students to march at this Service.
The March:
- Assembles in Winders Park, Duringan Street Currumbin at 10.30am, departing at 10.45am.
- Followed by the Mid-Morning service at the Currumbin-Palm Beach RSL Cenotaph at 11.00am.
Students wishing to represent the school in the ANZAC Day March are required to wear their full school uniform.
I hope you are able to join us on this special occasion of remembrance.
If your student wishes to participate please respond by Thursday 2 April by contacting Lyn Bortolin by telephone on (07) 55 259 340 or emailing lbort5@eq.edu.au.
Stephen Loggie
Executive Principal
Guidance Officer News
Applications for the May Student for a Semester program open
Applications for the May 2015 Bond University Student for a Semester Program are now open and will close on Friday, April 10. This program is the perfect chance for your ambitious Year 11 and 12 students to gain an authentic university experience, as they study a Bond subject, attend regular lectures, meet current Bondies, and get involved in university life.
- The Student for a Semester May timetable outlines the available list of subjects
- Applications are open to all current Year 11 and 12 students
- Students who successfully pass two Student for a Semester subjects may be eligible for direct admission* into Bond’s full degree programs upon completion of their Year 12 studies (some restrictions apply*- see Bond website for more information)
- The online application form, further program information and key dates can be found at www.bond.edu.au/student-for-a-semester
- The May semester runs from Monday, May 18 - Saturday, August 22, 2015
- The program fee for 2015 is $238 and includes full use of Bond’s campus facilities
- The Student for a Semester program flyer provides further information
- Every participant will have their own Bond Student Mentor to call upon at any time during the semester, in addition to full support from our Bond staff.
For further information please visit the website: www.bond.edu.au/student-for-a-semester.
TAFE Trade Start
Find out about the 12-week pre-apprenticeship TRADE START course offered by TAFE Queensland Gold Coast in partnership with Construction Skills Queensland (CSQ).
Worried that a young person you care about may be using drugs?
Please read the attached article from the Ted Noffs Foundation.
Steve Jones
Guidance Officer Senior School
Uniform Shop Update
Uniform Shop Trading Times – Term 1 2015 |
Monday to Friday |
8:15am to 9.30am |
Open 1st lunch break |
11.25amto 12.15pm |
Uniform Shop Trading Times – Term 2 2015 |
Monday to Friday |
8:15am to 9.30am |
Closed 1st lunch break |
Please refer to the website for all price lists and order forms.
If you ordered a CAX SHIRT they are available to be collected from the Uniform Shop.
Bucket hats and PBC caps are now available to purchase from Uniform Shop. These hats are a compulsory part of the uniform and are recommended for all outdoor activities. Cost is $15 each.
PBC School Bags are now available from the uniform shop and selling fast.
Features include:
- Lifetime guarantee
- Padded laptop pocket
- Water resistant
- Ergonomic design
- Mesh drink bottle holder
- $70 each
The PBC knitted Jumper is now available to be purchased from the Uniform Shop. Get in quick before the cold weather sets in. Cost is $48.
Payment methods available:
- Flexischools Online www.flexischools.com.au
- Credit Card
- Cash
- Cheques not accepted
If you are unable to come into the Uniform Shop you are more than welcome to call on 07 55259331 and pay for any uniform item over the phone.
Mandy Webb
Uniform Shop Coordinator
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: PALM BEACH CURRUMBIN SHS General A/C
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2015 SRS8 or 2015 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2015 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$330 |
1st instalment overdue |
Student Resource Scheme |
2015 Fees |
$165 |
2nd instalment overdue |
Excellence Program Fees |
Excellence program 2015 students |
Various |
Overdue |
2015 Instrumental Music Program |
Years 9-12 |
$75.00 |
Overdue |
QCS 2015 |
Year 12 students |
$50.00 |
Overdue |
Interschool Sport |
Interschool Sport 2015 |
$100 |
Overdue |
Cert 3 Educational Support |
Year 11 students |
$500 |
Overdue |
Advanced Surfing |
Advanced Surfing students |
$180 |
Overdue |
Arts – One Day of the Year |
Arts |
$32.00 |
Due now |
Holden Driving Centre |
Year 11 students |
$67.50 |
Due now |
Coppelia |
Year 10 CAX students |
$28.00 |
Due now |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
Most excursions do not appear on student statements. If you have any queries please call Lynne Riley in Student Services on 07 5525 9308.
Lost Property
Please check with Student Services for items like pencil cases, lunch boxes, etc. If you have lost an article of clothing (jumpers, shoes, hat) please check with the Uniform Shop.
Second Hand Uniforms
If you are holding on to old or unwanted school uniforms, please donate them to student welfare.
If your uniforms are good condition, please drop them off to the Student Services.
Lions International Youth Exchange
Since 1961 Lions clubs have arranged for young people aged between 16 and 21 years to travel to a variety of international destinations for up to six weeks during the summer holidays.
Whilst overseas, they live with one or more families associated with Lions International to experience firsthand a new culture, customs and lifestyle. Unlike some other exchanges, the program does not involve school attendance or employment.
Destinations include Continental Europe, Britain, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand and North and South America. While accommodation is provided free by host families, participants are responsible for fares and personal spending. Youth intending to stay in Japan and France must be able to converse in those languages.
Applications for Lions Youth exchange close on 30 June 2015.
If you are interested in the program, please contact Graham Dutton on 55985927.
QParents is coming
Great news! PBC is proud to be one the first schools in Queensland to offer QParents, as part of a pilot program in the first half of 2015.
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians of Queensland state school students to interact with their child’s school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child’s student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
QParents allows parents to connect instantly with their child’s school to access and manage their child’s student information, including:
- Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence
- Academic report cards
- Class timetables
- Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
- Viewing and updating personal student details, including medical conditions and address
- Enrolment details.
QParents will assist both staff and parents in sharing and responding to information in an efficient and effective way.
We will be sending out invitations for parents to register for QParents in Week 1, Term 2.
QParents won’t replace the traditional ways you communicate with our school, but it will provide another way to communicate with us.
More information about QParents can be found on the QParents website.
Free dental check-ups and treatment for Year 10 students
Gold Coast Oral Health Services are now offering free dental check-ups and treatment to students enrolled in year 10.
To arrange an appointment for your child telephone:
The Oral Health Client Service Centre
1300 300 850
Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 4.30 pm
Excluding Public Holidays
Gold Coast Oral Health Service provides a free dental program for all Queensland resident children aged four years or older who have not completed Year 10 of secondary school. A qualified team of dentists, oral health therapists, dental therapists, and dental assistants will work together to meet your child's specific dental health care needs.
Dental health care is provided at dental clinics located across the Gold Coast or at mobile dental clinics located onsite at your child’s school. Parents/Guardians may be required to transport children to and from dental appointments.
Parents are encouraged not to wait to treat a problem; instead they are invited to arrange a check-up for their child/children at least once a year.
The Mother’s Day Classic
Sports Mentoring Program
Palm Beach Aquatic Centre is currently investigating the opportunities that exist in operating a Sports and Activity based Out of School Hours program within Palm Beach Currumbin High School for before and after school hours. The program is currently under development and we are asking for feedback as to what should be included within the program currently being developed specifically for the students attending PBC.
To register your interest to be part of the “think tank” to formulate the curriculum and operating program please email jparker@belgravialeisure.com.au. If you are not interested in being part of the program but have some thoughts you’d like to share then feel free to email those through as well.
James Parker
Operations l Palm Beach Aquatic Centre
Currumbin RSL ANZAC Commemoration Week Program
The Board and Management of Currumbin RSL are excited to advise you of the extensive program of events and activities spanning the week of 19 – 23 April, 2015. The theme of the program is to educate and commemorate the milestone of the Centenary of WWI and in particular the battle of Gallipoli thought to have, in many ways, shaped the history of our nation.
Please follow the link below for a list of the program inclusions.