18 February 2019
Newsletter Articles
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The school swimming carnivals were held last week with a great deal of participation, enthusiasm and school spirit. The number of students attending this year was up and the number of students competing was well up. The balance of competition and participation appears to be engaging most of our students in a meaningful, fun and positive manner.
Last week and this week also witnesses the Optima Assemblies for Years 8 to 12 students where we celebrate excellence and improvement in academic achievement, excellence in the arts and sports and participation in community service from Semester 2 in 2018. The initiative to acknowledge the achievements of students in Term 4 the following year came from a school parent. If you have an idea that you believe would assist to improve the school, please let us know.
As the school term is now in full swing, please take the time to view your child’s diary regarding their assessment and assignment schedule. Students should be planning out their term and when to work on their longer term assignments and allocate study sessions at home.
Finally, it was great to receive the feedback as stated below from a presenter who has been working with our students through the week.
“Really appreciated the opportunity to engage with your school during the week. Absolutely not kidding when I say that I was really impressed by the level of respect and manners that the students displayed. You might be surprised by some of the environments and attitudes that I walk into sometimes, so I don’t normally make comment about school spirit and discipline. I have no hesitation in saying you should be proud of your students representation of themselves.”
Chris Capra
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: The Queensland Department of Education trading as Education Queensland International (EQI) CRICOS Provider Number 00608A
Senior School Update
This week has been a busy week with our Annual Senior School Swimming Carnival taking place last Wednesday and our Valentine’s Day Deliveries on Thursday. Huge congratulations to the outstanding efforts of our Senior Student Council. School Captains, Vice Captains and Head Prefects have juggled their study and work commitments to spend many extra hours at school over the past weeks in preparation for the Swimming Carnival Sausage Sizzle and the Valentine’s Day Roses and Chocolate drive. Thank you to Abi Houston and Toby Mayes (School Captains), Grace Selby and Nick Weeks (School Vice Captains), and Head Prefects Regan Hickey, Matt Mihelcic, Kaitlyn Byrne, Tiarne Hughes-Stamm, Nikita Sammartino, Zali Younie, Josh Bevan and Toby Sexton.
All monies raised at the Swimming Carnival and Valentine’s Day will be donated by the Student Council to a student chosen charity at the end of the year. Students are about to go to vote on which charity that will be. Students have created a shortlist including;
The Sanctuary
Provides housing for women, children and their pets. They work tirelessly to maintain their nutrition, provide counselling, re-establish their emotional stability, help them return to work or study and give them access to government support as well.
Gold Coast Youth Service
This non-profit organisation operates all over the Gold Coast with its headquarters located in Miami. It aims to provide support in many areas for vulnerable young people on the Gold Coast.
Surf Rider Foundation
The Surf Rider Foundation is all about educating local communities and helping them to preserve their environment.
This non-profit organisation is one of Australia’s leading providers of early intervention and specialises in autism-specific therapy and care for children but also training and supporting the family.
Every Day Counts!
The start of a new school year always provides us with the opportunity to revisit the key policy documents that allow our school to function efficiently. We encourage everyone to spend some time reading through the front section of the Student Planner. Here you will find the information that will ensure your student complies with PBC’s operational standards, such as our Optima code, uniform code, general procedures, and policy documents.
There are several responsibilities and behaviour expectations that we will be reinforcing throughout the year to ensure your student has the best chance of success. Some of these include:
- Attend school on every school day, being on time and ready to learn
- Act at all times with respect and show tolerance towards other students and staff
- Work hard and comply with requests or directions from all school staff
- Abide by school rules as outlined in the school’s Responsible Behaviour Plan for Students
- Meet homework and assessment requirements
- Wear the correct school uniform every day
- Respect school property and property of your peers
- Act responsibly when traveling to and from school, as you represent the PBC community.
With Term 1 well underway parents should regularly engage in conversations with their student about ‘How are they travelling at school?’ This discussion may take lots of different twists from academic concerns and homework due, through to friendship issues and what events are coming up. All of the resulting conversations are positive in that it builds relationships with the student, parent and school community. If we can support you and your student in making school a positive experience and assist them in achieving their goals, then please contact PBC to engage the relevant support.
Education Queensland developed the ‘Everyday Counts’ initiative to highlight the importance of attending school every day. PBC recognises this, and will actively monitor the attendance of every student. You can assist by encouraging your student to attend school every day and be vigilant in contacting school when absences occur so our record keeping is up to date.
Looking forward to a happy, safe and successful 2019
Assessment Calendars
Assessment Calendars for Years 10, 11 and 12 will shortly be uploaded to the school website. Click on the curriculum tab and then under Testing And Assessment. Students can also download this information from the K drive on the school’s network. This information will be useful for parents and students when planning their study timetable.
All students and parents need to be aware of our Assessment Policy to coincide with the new QCE system. The policy has been published on the school website. As per the previous policy, assessment such as assignments etc. are due at 9:00am on the due date and teachers must make a decision on the evidence which has been submitted at that time. Late assignments will not be accepted. Students requiring extensions need to apply to the relevant Head of Department at least 48 hours before the due date. This policy has some changes in regards to special provision which has had a terminology change to Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA); please refer to the published document for more detailed information.
Shutdown Timetables
Shutdown timetables are currently being collated and will be placed on the school website in the next 2 weeks. Parents are reminded that exams will be in Week 8 and 9 of each term for Years 10 and 12.
All Year 11 assessment will be finalised in Week 7 and 8 of Term 1. Year 11 students will commence new work in Weeks 8 and 9 of this term. Students need to ensure that they appropriately managing their time and do not leave study and assignments to the last minute as they will have numerous assessment items due in Week 7 and 8.
Year 10
Year 10 students are again reminded that their results in Semester 1 will determine their pathway and subject availability in Years 11 and 12. To study an ATAR pathway students need to be achieving at least a B level in English and Maths. If students wish to study senior Science subjects they also need to be achieving at least a B level in Year 10 Science, (Academic Excellence students will have slightly different cut offs).
Year 10s are also reminded that they can commence School based apprenticeships and traineeships (SATS) in Year 10. These courses provide students with paid employment and work skills, 8 QCE points (equivalent of 2 subjects) and a Certificate 3 qualification which may provide tertiary options.
Year 11
Year 11 students will need to have very good time management in 2019 as the units for each subject are only 7 weeks in length including assessment.
In the new QCE unit credits are banked into each students learning account at the end of each unit as opposed to the end of Year 12 in the old system. The implication for this is that students who are not engaged in learning and perform poorly in a number of subjects could find themselves ineligible for the QCE as early as Week 5 Term 2 (20 May). Students have been repeatedly reminded of this and will need to ensure that they are actively engaged in all classes at all times.
Many students will have completed traineeships and higher VET certificates before they sit external exams in November 2020. This will provide students with extra QCE points and help ensure that they get the QCE even if they have a poor external exam. Please see Ms Shreeve in Y block to register for a traineeship.
Year 12
Students are also reminded that they need to be eligible to for a Queensland Certificate of Education to remain enrolled in Senior Schooling. For students in Year 12 this generally means they must be passing at least 5 of their 6 subjects (regardless of whether or not they are completing a traineeship). All students who are doing VET subjects must be up to date at the end of each term. Time will be allocated during shutdown to ensure that these students are up to date. Students who do not complete their competencies will have their enrolment reviewed.
It was wonderful to see all the OP eligible students participate in the first afterschool masterclass with Mighty Minds on Tuesday. We will have 2 more after school sessions in Term 2. Parents should have received an OP prediction email in late January for Year 12 OP eligible students. Parents and students are again reminded that just passing a subject in the OP pathway will not secure a tertiary place and that due to the competitive nature and ranking of the OP (across QLD), that all students need to be maximising their performance and rungs in every class to maximise their OP. Please contact Mr McDougall if you would like to discuss your student’s predicted OP range.
Pathways Centre
The Pathways Centre is open before school and first break every day. Drop into Y Block and apply now for a wide variety of Traineeships and/or Job opportunities. The job boards are regularly updated, speak with our Industry Liaison Officer about turning your current job into a traineeship.
Useful websites
- The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority has created a new website. This is a great source of information on the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE), Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), Senior Education Training (SET) Plan, future pathways, subjects and assessment.
- The Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre has released a new tertiary course search engine. This is a new National higher education admissions platform which will be useful for students researching nationwide tertiary options.
- Griffith University has updated their admissions pathways. This document highlights the large range of courses that students can apply for a Griffith University with VET qualifications such as Certificate III, IV or Diploma in 2020.
Middle School Update
‘Say No to Drugs’
Tony Parsons recently presented ‘Say no to drugs’ to our students and parents. He highlighted how the drug trade has influenced our national identity especially with ice and ecstasy. Raw images of the drug scene were discussed and the need for an attitudinal generational change to reduce it. Key messages for students included:
- Cigarette smoking and alcohol may be an entry point to the drug trade
- Make a line in the sand and say “NO this is NOT MY THING” rather than making an excuse even for tobacco and alcohol
- Anxiety and depression are linked to drug use and abuse
- Do not get into any car with a drug induced driver
- Toxicity of drugs has changed eg marijuana THC level and pills
- Pill testing does not test purity (the type of pill can be tested but not the binding agent).
- Never leave a person if they have a suspect reaction to drugs and ring 000 to get an ambulance
Key messages for parents included:
- Know your facts
- Be clear in your beliefs
- Look for opportunities to start the conversation
- Ask questions
- Make sure they understand the associated harms
- Set rules and consequences
- Check your child’s phone
Schools play an invaluable role in looking after the health of their students. Immunisation against a number of diseases is one strategy which contributes to the wellbeing of both the individual and the community as a whole. Queensland Health’s annual School Immunisation Program provides the opportunity for students to be vaccinated against a range of diseases.
Parents that have email access will receive information from Queensland Health and if you participate in this year’s program you will receive online information to complete. Any parent that does not have access to online forms please send your child to their respective Middle or Senior School Student Services office to collect the hard copy Immunisation consent form and return to the same office.
2019 PBC Immunisation Dates
Middle School
- Year 7 students: Term 1 Week 9 Tuesday 26 March and Term 4 Week 4 Tuesday 29 October
The following vaccinations are offered for Year 7 students:
- human papillomavirus (HPVN)
- diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (whooping cough)
Senior School
- Year 10 students: Term 2 Week 5 Tuesday 21 May
- Any parent/caregiver that is unable to access online forms may either visit the Middle School Student Services office to collect and complete the form or have your child take the form home for completion and return to PBC.
The following vaccination are offered for Year 10 students are offered:
- meningococcal A,C,W and Y disease.
Parent/caregivers who do not return a consent form indicating ‘No to Vaccination’ will not be contacted. Children will not be vaccinated without a valid consent form.
In order for your child to have a successful 2019 at PBC, it is vital that your child attends every day, is punctual, and must be present for roll marking at the beginning of every class unless there is a valid excuse for absence.
The Parent Guide for Attendance can be found on the PBC website. This useful guide provides you with all the information you need should your child be required to miss any part of their school day.
Full Day Absence
Parents/caregivers must notify the school and provide an explanation of a student absence by 9:00am on the day of the absence. Only ONE notification is required.
The priority for notification is:
- Text Message – 0447 100 239 – provide student name, date and reason for absence OR
- Email – absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au – provide student name, date and reason for absence OR
- Phone – 07 5525 9333 – provide student name, your name, date and reason for absence OR
- QParents App
Text messages are sent out to parents at 10:00am to notify you of an unexplained absence. If you receive a text message, you can reply to the message, providing your student name and reason for absence.
Homework Happens!
By now, all Middle School students should be established in their homework routines. Students are given more responsibility for their learning than in primary school. They are required to engage in independent learning to compliment class activities.
All homework should be recorded in the Student Planner and parents are encouraged to check this regularly.
In Year 7, homework is up to but generally not more than 3-4 hours per week while in Years 8 and 9, homework is up to but generally not more than 5 hours per week. Homework may include set tasks, extension of class work, projects, assignments and research.
Should you be concerned that your child is spending more than this time on their homework, please contact their class teacher via email in the first instance. These are listed on the Contact page on our website.
Reading for Pleasure
When did your family last visit the local library? Students are also encouraged to read for pleasure, to broaden their literacy and their general knowledge. While our Library is currently being rebuilt, students are encouraged to become members of their local community library, and borrow books that interest them. The value of reading includes improved memory, expanded vocabulary, the development of stronger analytical skills, improved focus and concentration – all of which make learning easier.
By now, all students should have set their OPTIMA Goals for the term, in their Student Planners. Discuss your child’s goals with them. Are they realistic? Do they provide some challenge? Your initials in the Planner will tell your child and their teachers of your support for the student’s goals.
Timetable Changes
For 2019 PBC has made changes to the timetable structure to accommodate the diverse combinations of subject offerings our students require. However for most Middle School students, the timetable is quite similar to previous years.
In Years 7 and 8, students will study English, Maths, Science and Humanities all year. On the fifth line, Year 7 and 8 students cycle through five week units of The Arts (Drama, Music, Visual Art and Dance) and Technology (Food, Media, Design and Engineering). On the sixth line, core students study a semester of HPE and a semester of Languages (Spanish or Japanese). Sports Excellence students study their chosen sport for a full year instead. Similarly CAX students study a semester of HPE and a semester of Technology.
In Year 9, students study Maths, English and Science. They also complete a one-semester course of HPE, which rotates with one semester of Humanities. The remaining two lines are electives, chosen by the students.
If you have further questions concerning our timetable, please contact the Middle School Office.
The Arts / CAX News
The Arts and Creative Arts Excellence programs have hit the ground running this year with various opportunities offered to students to extend and refine their creative talents.
In February, 36 Year 7-12 students involved with the PBC Vocal Ensemble, went to Thunderbird Park to participate in a 3-day vocal workshop. This was an opportunity to learn repertoire, bond and create memories that would last a lifetime. Students learnt about their voice, how it works, vocal health and good vocal technique from excellence teachers Mrs Tassone and Mrs Davidson. Students also engaged in two professional workshops from the Barbershop Quartet ‘Blenders’, and Jazz artist Kacey Patrick.
These industry artists taught the students about accent method and helped them create a unified resonating sound. Through challenges such as mud and spiders, the group worked together to find their voices as one. Vocal Group students were exceptionally grateful for the opportunity to have such a rich and fulfilling experience. Thank you to our Vocal Director, Mrs Tassone and Music Excellence Teacher Mrs Davidson for providing this awesome opportunity to our PBC vocalists.
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On 18 February, all Year 8-12 drama students will watch “The Apology” by Shock Therapy Productions. Sam Foster and Hayden Jones will perform “The Apology”, which is inspired by a true story of a high school student who took revenge on a classmate who had been bullying him after his father advised him to “fight back”, The Apology is a searingly honest look at the repercussions of taking revenge and the long term effects that bullying can have. Following this Sam and Hayden will undertake a physical theatre workshop with our senior drama excellence students.
We are excited to announce that PBC’s first ever Working Musician’s Program kicks off this coming Tuesday, 19 February. This new program is geared toward preparing budding musicians for the realities of the music industry. Weekly afternoon sessions will be workshop-based and run by various industry professionals, including our very own Mrs Eliza Davidson. Students will look at four major topics through the year, these being song writing, live performance, audio production and independent release.
Spaces are limited, so if you are interested, please see Mrs Davidson ASAP or email exdoh0@eq.edu.au to discuss possible enrolment. (Please note this program is currently only open to Year 9-12 students only.)
On 27 February, the 11 and 12 CAX drama students and 10 drama students will travel to QPAC to watch “A Death of a Salesman”. A fabulous opportunity for our students to see a classic piece of theatre in the realism style.
The Year 7 – 12 dance excellence students have been workshopping with PBC Dance Alumni Mackenzie Lintmeijer, Anna Johnson and Rochelle DeSnoo and Brisbane choreographer April Williams. The routines vary in genres and will form performance and technique assessment for Term 1 and also eisteddfod repertoire for 2019. Ms Hall, Ms Swanborough and Ms Skyring are currently auditioning a super team who will be given the opportunity to learn choreography and attend full day workshop Sunday 24 February with Sydney choreographer Keith Hawley.
Year 8 Visual Arts Excellence students have commenced their course with a study of still life drawing, looking at both traditional and contemporary styles. They started the term by doing drawing exercises to build their skill base and next week will start their major tonal drawing; a flat lay still life that they have designed and photographed themselves.
The Year 9 Visual Arts Excellence students have, similarly, started the school term with drawing practice. Their major work will be a tonal drawing of someone they know, with the idea that this piece may be considered masterful enough to be entered in the Young Archies, a drawing competition that forms part of the Art Gallery of NSW Archibald Prize exhibition.
In Year 10 Art Excellence, an introspective look at ‘self’ is the topic at hand. Students complete a series of works on paper that are themed so as to have students consider their art from a personal context. This series of work will consist of nine individual works. Each of these pieces has a different topic as a basis for the composition. Students are enjoying the self-reflection.
Loren Skyring -HOD The Arts, Creative Arts Excellence
Sport Ex News
PBC has engaged the services of ACTV Strength company to deliver our new speed and agility program. All Year 9 students will undertake two 8-week blocks of speed and agility training with specialist coaches throughout the year. Term 1 will see the Year 9 Rugby League, Soccer, Touch and Tennis students undertake their first 8-week block of training. To support this program and offer all other students an opportunity to undertake specific speed/agility training ACTV will be offering a before school program. These optional user pay sessions will be conducted at PBC on a Wednesday morning between 7:30 and 8:30am. Further information relating to cost, booking system and starting dates are outlined in the below attachment. Please note bookings and payments must be done on line through the link provided.
New EQ Mouthguard policy
Applies to all Rugby League and AFL students.
EQ has recently updated the policy re the wearing of mouthguards regarding contact sports. Please read the excerpt below and note that no mouthguard will mean no play.
The Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment (CARA) guidelines for all contact sports have been revised to support teachers in completing risk assessments for these activities with students.
Students are required to wear mouthguards when participating in all contact sports. The revised CARA guidelines for contact sports specify students are required to wear a mouthguard when participating in Australian football, rugby league, rugby union, hockey, water polo and handball (European/team).
The Department strongly recommends that students wear custom-fitted mouthguards. Schools are required to provide information about the different types of mouthguards to parents to assist them to make an informed choice for students. The CARA guidelines provide links to Sport Medicine Australia - Dental Injuries and the Australian Dental Association recommendations
Neil Mackay - HOD Sports Excellence
House Update
Swimming Carnival 2019
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Last week, PBC once again held its annual Swimming Carnival. The carnival took place over 2 days with the middle school starting us off on Tuesday before the Seniors took over on Wednesday.
Once again there was something for everyone, not only the swimming races themselves but also the alternative activities ensuring all students were catered for. The standard of swimming was as high as ever with the top 2 students in each race going on to the district championships. The students who opted out of the competitive races were given the opportunity to have a free swim, enter the bomb competition or race their friends on one of the 2 slip’n’slides, water slides or the giant inflatable obstacle course. Students and staff also made good use of the dunk tank to cool off. Day 2 saw the senior school swimming carnival finish with PBC’s first ever ‘Iron race’ where the crowd were on their feet as they watched 4 leaders from each house swim 50m, then make their way through the different inflatables, then finishing with another 50m swim!
With all carnivals there has to be a winner and after the middle school day the Phoenicians held a small lead over the Vikings with the Athenians and Spartans in 3rd and 4th respectively. After the senior points were added to the middle school points from the previous day, we had a winner….. VIKING House! followed closely by Phoenicians with the Athenians 3rd and Spartans 4th.
Congratulations to all of the Vikings that took part and well done to all of the PBC students that got involved in either carnival. A great day was had by all!!!
Tim Hart, Vikings House Leader
Sustainability News
Sustainability Recap!
Sustainability is high on PBC’s agenda this year. In only a few short months, we have raised more than $3,100 through the Container Deposit Scheme. This money will be used to fund sustainability initiatives voted on by students in the not-too-distant future. Please continue to support the Container Deposit Scheme by bringing your orange bag (or plastic bag/box) full of eligible drink containers every second Wednesday. The next collection is on Wednesday 20th February at the Reds Gate on the oval between 7am and 9am.
Clean Up Australia Day!
The next big sustainability event on the calendar is Clean-Up Australia Day. PBC will be hosting a beach and waterway clean up from 3:30-5:00pm on Friday 1 March. All students, staff, their families and members of the local community are welcome to attend. We will meet at the Trade Training Centre adjacent to the administration building at 3:30pm to distribute the equipment before heading off to remove as much litter as we can from the mangroves, creek and beach.
Immediately after the clean-up we will be having a barbecue outside the PBC Theatre from 5:00-6:00pm followed by a screening of the new documentary film, Beauty and the Reef at 6:00pm. This film, directed and produced by local filmmaker Lin Sutherland, documents the impact of climate change on The Great Barrier Reef and outlines how we can create change to help preserve this natural wonder. The film runs for approximately 51 minutes and following the screening there will be a Q&A session with Lin and special guests. Entry to the film screening requires a gold coin donation for students or a note donation for parents and community members (at the door). Students, staff, families and members of the local community are all invited to attend. See you on Friday 1 March!
For more information or to register your interest/attendance please visit:
News from the Wellbeing Team
Click the links below to hear the latest from PBC’s Wellbeing Team.
Senior Guidance Officer
Information about university options, open days, scholarship and competitions and other opportunities.
Middle School Guidance Officer
Click to find an article on looking after your mental health this Christmas.
General News
Follow us on Facebook
Inspire Physiotherapy
Hi PBC Community,
I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday and are keen to rip into 2019!
Just a reminder the physiotherapy service for PBC is up and running again in 2019. The clinic is open all day Monday's, Tuesday's, Thursday's and Friday's and is located by the school tennis courts. This year we have added a free injury clinic on Monday afternoons between 3:00-6:00pm. These sessions are 15 minutes long and are open to all students at PBC. They will involve a thorough assessment of the injury followed by education on how to manage it and a treatment plan.
To book online for the free injury clinic click on the following link:
Or book online through our website:
Keep your eye on this space in upcoming newsletters for some handy tips on how to manage and prevent injuries over the course of the year. I look forward to supporting the PBC community in 2019.
Matt Fechner - Physiotherapist
PBC – Student Photos
School Photo will be taken over the next couple of weeks. Your student should have bought home their unique school photo order envelope from MSP Photography already. PBC’s full blue (day) uniform must be worn for the photos according to the PBC Uniform Code. It is important that every student bring in their photo envelope on photo day to hand to the photographer. This identifies the student and is required even if no photo order is being placed.
Photo Days:
Thursday 21 February – Years 7, 9 and
Tuesday 26 February – Years 8, 10 and 12.
If they are unable to make their scheduled day they can have their photo taken on Friday 8 March.
This is a great opportunity to have your child’s school memories captured forever
Please take time to read the relevant information on the MSP Photography order envelopes and remember these helpful points:
- Ensure your order is placed by photo day to avoid any late fees.
- Ordering online using your child’s Unique Shoot Key is the easiest, safest and most secure way to order. If you do not know their Unique Shoot Key, please call our office on the number below.
- If enclosing payment inside an envelope, please ensure the correct money is provided as no change is given. Cash, cheques and money orders are accepted.
- Don’t seal envelopes inside each other. You can pay for all children in one envelope, however each child needs to have their own envelope on photo day. Please indicate on the child’s envelope that contains all sibling payments the names of the children you are paying for.
For any enquiries, please feel free to contact MSP Photography on:
Email: admin.gcnr@msp.com.au
Phone: 07 5668 9110 f 07 5520 2900
2018 Yearbook is Available!
The Optima Yearbook is our annual magazine targeted to students and parents as a fantastic way to remember 2018. Featuring loads of photos, faculty and event articles, messages from staff and students and covering every cohort, the yearbook is an excellent keepsake for all students to be able to look back on in the years to come and remember their time at PBC.
The Yearbook is available for collection by all students that pre-ordered. Please head to Student Services for your copy. We have extra copies so head to Student Services to purchase your copy for just $30. Don’t miss out! There are only a limited amount of extra copies available.
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Student Achievements
We encourage parents/caregivers to email your student’s excellent recent achievements to us. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student’s achievement and include at least one photo, and/or any links to media articles that we can share via our Parent Newsletter, internal communications and Facebook.
Surf Lifesaving
Congratulations to Stirling Crawford, Elijah Hughes and Sienna Lee who competed for their surf Lifesaving club Cudgen Headland at the Envirobank SLSNSW Country Championships. Cudgen won the title for the third time in a row with an impressive 1128 points followed by rival Byron Bay with 687 and Warrilla Barrack Point with 479. Stirling placed 1st in U15 sprints and flags. Eli 2nd in Flags and Sienna 4th in U15 Flags. Stirling also recently competed at round 4 of the Oceans 6 series placing first in both U15 Flags and sprints
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Congratulations to PBC’s U17 Girls Basketball Team who earned national gold at the Australian Schools Championships in Melbourne in December last year. The girls were undefeated in the U17 Div 2 competition and convincingly won the final against Aquina’s who had the home crowd. PBC showed true sportsmanship and should be commended on finishing off the year with their best basketball. Congratulations to all girls involved. Coach Bec Schultz was incredibly impressed by her team’s performance.
Back row L-R: Bec Schatz (coach), Maddison Andrews, Antonia Adkins, Tatiana Wright, Kate Walker, Tayla Sleaford, Cyprus Tarawhiti. Front Row L-R: Casey Walker, Ella Brow, Jayde Trapnell, Amelia Andrews, Halle Brooker
Congratulations to PBC Alumni Tommy Campbell! Tommy has been selected to represent Australia at the IAAF world Cross country championships in Denmark next month. That's amazing! We are cheering for you Tommy!
Dates to Remember
19 Feb |
Year 9 Optima Assembly, Hall |
19 Feb |
P&C Meeting, Trade Training Centre |
20 Feb |
Selective Entry @ PBC – Excellence Program Info Night, 6:00pm Hall |
21 Feb |
Year 8 Optima Assembly, Hall |
21 Feb |
School Photos Day 1 – Year 7, 9, 11 |
26 Feb |
School Photos Day 2- Year 8, 10, 12 |
28 Feb |
Parent Connect – Cyber Safety –6:00pm PBC Theatre |
1 Mar |
Clean up Australia for Students, 3:30-5:00pm |
1 Mar |
Beauty and the Reef Screening –6:00pm PBC Theatre |
8 Mar |
PBC Alliance Business Breakfast! 6:45-8:15am, $20 per ticket |
8 Mar |
School Photo Day – Catch up day 8-12pm only |
8 Mar |
University Showcase for Seniors – from lunch 1, Hall |
19 Mar |
P&C Meeting - TTC |
25 May |
PBC Gala Dinner! – Save the Date!! |
Beauty and the Reef
The true story of our changing seas.
Following PBC's Clean Up Australia Day activities we are holding a special screening of the acclaimed Beauty and the Reef movie.
Entry is: gold coin donation for Students, a note donation for the Public
There will be pre-show food from 5:00pm so come along early to grab something to eat!
Doors open 5:00pm | Film 6:00pm | Q&A 7:00pm
A tragedy of the modern era created over millennia Devastated in mere decades - Now is the time to turn the tide. This film takes us on a journey of the world’s largest ecosystem and the fight to save the Great Barrier Reef. If you want to make a difference first you have to understand the problem only then can you become part of the solution.
One of Australia’s leading natural documentary producers is launching a national tour of Beauty and the Reef: a call to action regarding the gravity of conditions in the Great Barrier Reef.
A qualified dive instructor and self-taught film-maker, Lin fell in love with marine life as a young girl. Beauty and the Reef was filmed over many years and after 10,000 dives. Lin states “All humans need to take ownership of the end result of our consumption in terms of ocean pollution and together we can help bring urgent reef awareness leading to better environmental practices,” she said. Lin has designed and dedicated her life to highlighting the importance of saving the Great Barrier Reef and environments all around the world - a fight none of us can afford to lose.
If love your life then this film is too important to miss and here is your chance to engage with community. Leading global organisations, leading scientists and environmental experts have been part of the film. Lin has completed 65 environmentally based TV shows – for commercial audiences networks like Channel 9, Discovery CBS USA, NZ, Russia, Asia, Europe and South America also showing her series.
Beauty and the Reef Trailer -
Cyber Safety – Parent Presentation
28 February 2019, PBC Theatre @ 6:00pm
Come along to our next Parent Connect event where we will learn about the importance of Cyber Safety. Thursday 28 February 2019
Covered will be...
- How to build your online brand, positive uses and benefits of social media
- Staying on top of social media privacy settings and how to deal with those random friend requests
- Responding to negative online content
- Social, legal and real world consequences of online choices
- how to handle yourself if you are having a difficult time online
PBC students will also receive this presentation during the school day so this event is targeted to parents.
Please rsvp to events@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au stating Cyber Safety in the subject and advising the number of people attending.
Year 7 2020 – Selective Entry @ PBC – Excellence Programs
20 February 2019, PBC Hall @ 6:00pm
Encourage your child to be part of something great, to be a RED!
Visit our website for more information on our Excellence Program in the link below.
This event is targeted to students entering Year 7 in 2020 and would like to participate in one of our Excellence Programs. All parents/students from within zone and out of zone are invited to attend. Come along to this information night to hear about our programs, how to apply and what is involved and find answers for any questions you may have.
The information presentation will begin at 6:00pm in the School Hall which is located at the back of the school alongside the oval. There will be no school tours on this night.
Please rsvp your attendance to events@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au stating 'Ex Info Night' in the subject and advising the number of people coming.
PBC is holding its first Gala Dinner in 2019. Save the date of Saturday 25 May. This event is for PBC parents and caregivers and will include performances from our students as well as guest speakers and presenters. More information to come!
PBC Alliance News
PBC Alliance Business Breakfast
Friday 8 March, 6:45-8:15am at the Trade Training Centre.
For our first business breakfast for 2019 we are celebrating International Women’s Day with Guest Speaker - Hon Karen Andrews MP, Member for McPherson, QLD - Minister for Industry, Science and Technology. Our Business Showcase Speakers will be Troy Methorst and Glenn Filtness from Veteran Mentors (Gold Partner).
Come along and;
- hear from our inspiring speakers,
- meet our Senior Student Leaders, comperes for the morning,
- enjoy a delicious breakfast created and served by our amazing hospitality teachers and students.
- see some select students receive scholarships from Veteran Mentors and Prestige Services Training.
- network with likeminded individuals; and
- support our PBC Alliance community and find out how you can be involved.
Tickets are just $20.00. RSVP today by clicking this link to secure you seat.
We are looking for lucky door prizes. If you have anything to contribute please email alliance@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
PBC Alliance Business Directory – support our local businesses
If you are looking to support our local businesses and local community when looking for a product or service look no further than the PBC Alliance Business Directory. All the listings are supporters of our students and local so please support those that support PBC.
Become a PBC Alliance Member or Partner
Would your business like to be acknowledged within our community for supporting our students to reach their potential? Parents, friends, alumni and the wider community are all invited to join the PBC Alliance as a partner, supporter or a member in 2019. The PBC Alliance provides a business networking platform where you can attend regular business breakfasts, network with like minded people, hear from guest speakers and see our hospitality students in action.
Belong to our wider business community and make new connections.
Membership is $25 for the year and includes a listing in our PBC Alliance Business Directory. Supporters/Partnerships start at just $100 and there are currently 5+ tiers all attracting a host of benefits including promotional support.
Partners can support PBC by sponsoring programs, donating their time, products or services or by donating money to support an area that is important to you. If you have something to offer our students please give us a call. For more information on how to take part please visit our website. We look forward to welcoming you on board for 2019
We would like to give a huge shout out to our 2019 PBC Alliance Partners! The support of these amazing businesses, for our students, is hugely appreciated.
Bendigo Bank – Tugun Community Bank
Struddys Sports
Aurora Training Institute
Prestige Service Training
Griffith University
Southport Sharks
Veteran Mentors
MSP Photography
Stone Style
Capital Pest Management
Currumbin RSL
Firewire Surfboards
GCU Gold Coast United
Mighty Minds
Trade Glass
Tweed Sea Sports
Fraser Financial Services
Wilson Haynes Solicitors
Big Screen Video
Titans Sports Management
Burleigh Bears Rugby League
Currumbin Junior Rugby League
Palm Beach Surf Club
Uniform Shop
Cashier Window Operating Hours
Over the counter payments can only be accepted between 8:00am and 1:00pm on Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can make payments via BPOINT from your invoice or statement or Direct Deposit.
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: |
BSB Number: |
064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads |
Account Number: |
00090303 |
Reference/Details: |
Record both Student ID AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2018 SRS8 or 2018 ACEX10) |
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2018 Fees |
$350 (total) |
Overdue |
Student Resource Scheme 2019 |
Years 8-12 |
$180.00 1st Instalment |
Overdue |
Excellence Programs |
Excellence programs 2018 students |
Various |
Overdue |
Senior Study Skills |
Year 12 |
$50.00 |
15.02.19 |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
For credit card payment or to request bank details for direct bank transfer, please telephone the school, or visit Student Services between 8:00am-1:00pm.
SRS Fees
Make payments the quick and easy way using BPOINT. Visit the link below, follow the prompts or phone BPOINT on 1300 631 073.
Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulty can email ParentSupport ParentSupport@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
Payment plan options are available including Centrepay -a service to families whereby periodic payments can be made to the school or Direct Debit via credit card (monthly). Paperwork is available from the Student Services Office to activate either of these plans.
To secure a locker, please return the Locker Hire Agreement attached and make payment to Student Services as soon as possible. Locker Hire is $44.00 for the year, which includes the hire of a padlock.
Saver Plus
What a huge year we had in 2018!
Feedback: In 2018 we were able to assist 140 families in the Southern Gold Coast alone with their educational costs, totalling close to $70,000 in matched savings.
This is a massive achievement, and we are currently on track to assist almost 60 more families as we support them through our Saver Plus Program into the 2019 school year.
Community Notices
NRL Girls Program
The Pines Elanora will be donation central for toys, clothes and cash relief for the people of Townsville during the TOYS TO TOWNSVILLE FLOOD APPEAL, on now until End February.
Clean up Australia Day – Register to take part
If you are unable to help at the PBC Clean Up Day on Friday 1 March from 3:30pm, you can still register for the Sunday event at your local location.
Gold Coasters are invited to join in cleaning up our city by participating in Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday, 3 March 2019.
Over the last 26 years, our volunteers have donated more than 31 million hours and removed more than 331,000 tonnes of rubbish from their streets, beaches, parks, bushland and local waterways.
Please join the initiative and follow this link to register for Clean Up Australia Day and join your local Clean Up Site location.
The Pines Flood – Toy Drive
Mobile Dental Clinic – Gold Coast Oral Health Service
The School Dental Van will arrive at PBC on 11 March 2019 and are offering FREE dental treatment.
To book your child's FREE* dental check phone 1300 300 850. If a parent is unable to attend, please get your child to collect a consent form from the van and bring it to their appointment. This is a free service for eligible students.
* Eligibility criteria applies. For more information visit the link below.
TUGUN Seahawks Junior Rugby League Club
Sign on day. Ages Under 6's to under 16's boys and girls welcome
Saturday 16 February 2019 from 10:00am – 2:00pm
Tugun Seahawks
44 Boyd Street, Bilinga
Beat the Cyber Scammers
You're invited to the *How to beat the Cyber scammers* event.
Guest speaker – Chris Haigh, Chief Information Security Officer, Mercury IT, will show you how to protect yourself against Cyber crime and the scammers that are all too prevalent these days, costing the unsuspecting public and business, millions of dollars!:
Chris Haigh is a Cybersecurity expert and leader with over 20 years’ experience helping businesses manage their Cybersecurity risk and training security professionals, across four continents: Australia, Europe, USA and South Africa.
He has seen firsthand, the dramatic effects of cyber-crime on business and people and feels passionate about Cybersecurity and getting the basics right.
As we are experiencing the worst Cyber threat environment in history, Chris is driven to help educate both businesses and individuals, in practical ways to improve their Cybersecurity posture. He focuses on practical and achievable techniques to reduce Cybersecurity risk and loves sharing his knowledge and expertise.
Come along, learn how to protect yourself – and defeat the Cyber scammers!
Time: 5:00 for 5:30pm, Thursday 21 February at the Currumbin RSL
Your local senior police want to hear from you – come and tell them what is happening in your area that you feel needs attention! And find out what's happening with law and order in your community.
We invite everyone to come along and voice any concerns, do your bit for the community and see how you can best help your local police, to help us!
Please RSVP:- amazing@iangrace.com.au, to help us assess the numbers, thank you!
PBC Alleygators Rugby Club
This year the PBC Alleygators Rugby club has targeted our teenaged teams as an important focus for the future of our club. We have implemented a Rugby Pathways focus, which will see the development for Boys and Girls from U13’s through to U17’s, as we look to attract new players to these teams.