17 October 2018
Newsletter Articles
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The first newsletter back into the school term and we already have a lot to report on both on what has happened and what is coming up. Tuesday night last week witnessed the PBC Dance Night 2018 where 31 acts were performed with a high degree of quality, skill and enthusiasm. The students were so excited and their effort, dedication and commitment payed off as each and every performance showcased potential becoming delivered performance. The Creative Arts Faculty now prepare for PBC Under the Lights (Music) & Visual Arts Excellence Exhibition which will be held on Thursday 25 October commencing at 6:00pm.
Last weekend both the Junior and Senior Netball girls competed in the Vicki Wilson State Netball Championships. The Senior girls won their place with a Wild Card entry and fought hard but got knocked out. The Junior A team flew through all 7 games undefeated to the Grand Final against Canterbury College and won 25-23 and name State Champions! The touch football girls also commenced their state competition on Wednesday with the All Schools Titles in the Open, Under 15 and Under 13 divisions. This week sees the Open Australian Rules Boys play their State Semi-Final against Cairns SHS and then hopefully the State Final at Maroochydore.
Finally, the Academic Excellence program sent a team to compete in the Australasian Philosothon in Adelaide (PBC qualified for this at the 2017 Qld Philosothon) where the students competed against schools across Australia. During the holidays we had successful international trips to Japan (language and culture), New Zealand (skiing) and the Open Rugby League Team finished their year on a high by undertaking work in Fiji that involved community engagement / work and playing sport.
On a disappointing note, a few students have decided that it would be funny / attention seeking / intimidating / harassing, to clearly and loudly call out teacher first names constantly across a number of days and now into weeks. Students have been spoken to on assembly about this harassing behaviour. The appropriate consequences will be issued to students as per the Student Responsible Behaviour Plan.
Construction work will commence on the new Library precinct next week. It is anticipated that our new classrooms, library and function areas will be ready by the September holidays in 2019. In addition to these works, the Sports Hall is receiving a new roof and new foyer area to replace the water damage and the E Block Virtual Classroom is being demolished and rebuilt as a Biology Laboratory.
PBC became Silverlakes High over the school holidays for the purposes of the new Dora Movie which was being filmed by Paramount Studios. Due to the Confidentiality Agreement that the school had to sign, except for some key staff and student performers, we were unable to publicise this event in advance. The two weeks of filming will result in about 15 minutes of the movie having PBC as the backdrop / scene. The school received payment for the use of our grounds which will be investing straight back into facility improvements and maintenance.
The Southern Gold Coast Chamber of Commerce hosted their monthly meeting at the school last Thursday. Over 70 business owners and managers attended a wonderful breakfast meeting which was catered for by our Year 12 hospitality students. As the guest speaker I was able to relay why PBC students make great employees and what educational pathways we offer our students.
Message from our local Police:
Police are urging parents to ensure their children are wearing bicycle helmets when commuting.
Late Wednesday afternoon, a young cyclist was travelling home from school when she was struck by a vehicle and knocked off her bike at an Elanora pedestrian refuge.
Police were advised that the motorist stopped and spoke briefly with the young cyclist, before driving away. A second vehicle stopped and assisted the young cyclist.
This is the second incident at this crossing where a young person on a bicycle has been struck by a vehicle, thankfully in both instances the riders were wearing helmets.
In the first case in April 2016, the injuries could have been catastrophic if the rider had not been wearing a helmet as his head hit the windscreen of the vehicle.
Police campaigns such as Road Safety Week have assisted in raising awareness of the importance of wearing a helmet, but the responsibility lies with the rider, supported by the parents.
Any motorists using this area at school time are urged to be aware of pedestrians and cyclists.
Chris Capra
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: The Queensland Department of Education trading as Education Queensland International (EQI) CRICOS Provider Number 00608A
Senior School Update
Welcome back to Term 4! This term is set to be a busy one in Senior School, with only 5 weeks left for our Year 12 cohort and only 8 weeks for Year’s 10 and 11! A highlight of the beginning of the term is the commencement of the student leadership process for 2019. Aspiring student leaders have already presented speeches to their peers and staff at a recent assembly, interviews are underway. We look forward to announcing our new student leadership team at the upcoming Academic Awards Night on Monday 12 November.
Year 12 Graduation and Formal
As Year 12 approach the end of their formal schooling, excitement is mounting for their graduation and formal on Tuesday 13 November 2018. We are in the final stages of organising this and we would like to take this opportunity to give you answers to frequently asked questions.
What time should we get there?
Graduation arrivals commence at 4:45pm for a walk on the red carpet and a cheer from the crowds. This means that all make up and pre-graduation preparation appointments need to made in plenty of time to ensure that the students arrive on time.
What time does the ceremony start?
The ceremony itself starts at 5:45pm in Arena 2 at the Gold Coast Convention Centre.
How do I get tickets?
Tickets are available from student services and are selling FAST. There is no limit to the number of tickets you can purchase but please buy them soon to avoid disappointment. They are priced at $12.50 each.
How long will the ceremony go for?
It is hoped that all students will have graduated by 7:45pm. There will then be approximately 30 minutes to take a few final photos before the students move to their formal dinner at 8:15pm.
What time does the formal dinner end?
The formal dinner ends around 10:00pm and all students should be collected by 10:45pm.
We have very high expectations of our students and the privilege of attendance to this event is still dependent on excellent attendance and behaviour.
We are very much looking forward to this event and celebrating the success of the 2018 cohort with you.
Year 12 - Academics
Students and parents need to be aware that the final exit grades are those which will determine their OP, Rank and QCE eligibility and as such Year 12 students need to ensure that they continue to follow the school motto of nil sed optima, nothing but the best, as they complete their last assessments to the best of their ability. Year 12 students only have 4 weeks of classes this term before shutdown in week 5 (November 5)
All students need to be aware that all assessment must be completed and that students need to be eligible to achieve the Queensland Certificate of Education to attend the school graduation on 13 November. The last scheduled day of school for Year 12s is Friday 16 November.
All Year 12 students should have by now logged onto the student connect website at the link below. This is the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) record of their learning. Students should check that their details are correct especially their address and that all courses have been registered. The QCAA will issue QCE and OPs in early December. Any issues please contact Ms Ashby in Y block.
Year 10 and 11
- All year 11 OP students have timetabled QCS classes commencing at 8:00am on Wednesday mornings. As such all 11OP students do not need to attend sport in Term 4 unless they are in Sport Excellence. All non OP students still need to attend sport.
- Senior school admin is currently reviewing the academic performance of 10s and 11s. A reminder again that all students need to be passing at least 5 of their 6 subjects and that students that continue to fail more than 1 class may have their enrolment reviewed.
- Assessment calendars for term 4 will soon be published on the school website under curriculum/testing and assessment.
- Year 10 and 11 students have 7 weeks of classes and a week of shutdown this term.
- Year 10 and 11 Shutdown exams will commence in the week of 26 – 30 November. All students may have timetabled exams up to and including the last day (30 November for 10s and 11s).
- Year 11 OP predictions should be finalised this week and sent via email to parents.
- The school is intending to offer a Year 12 fast track Diploma of Business Course for Year 12 students in 2019. The Diploma will achieve a rank of 81 which is equivalent to an OP of 9. This course is offered by Prestige Services Training in the school timetable at a cost of $1,990. Students whose OP prediction indicates that they will not secure a university offer (i.e. greater than an OP of 15) should consider this pathway. Interested students should contact Ms McQueen in F block or Mr McDougall next week.
- A reminder that all drafts and assignments are due before 9:00am on the due date and that exams cannot be given early to students because of other commitments. Please refer to the School Assessment Policy on the school website for further details.
Middle School Update
Welcome Back to Term 4
The Middle School team welcomes all our students and families back to Term 4. For our Year 9 cohort, this is the final term with us in Middle School as they progress into Senior School next year. I’d like to take this opportunity to wish our Year 9’s all the very best for the remainder of the year and to remind you all to finalise your subject selections for 2019!
Thank you and a big congratulations to all Middle School students who participated in Dance Night last week, what a fabulous showcase of our talented dance and music students. Give yourselves a huge pat on the back for a job well done. Thank you to our Middle School Arts teachers for supporting and mentoring our students.
By now you will have received your child’s Interim Report for Term 3. Should you have any particular concerns, do make contact with your child’s teacher through the PBC website; all teacher emails are listed in the Contacts List:
Students do not see nor are they sent a separate copy of their report. So please take an opportunity to show your child their report, celebrate their successes and make a plan with them for the term. Teachers are working hard to ensure students have the best possible learning outcomes by the end of the year and welcome your involvement in student improvement. If an expected report has not arrived by email, do check your junk mail. Following that, please contact the school Administration to rectify the issue.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is moving online. This means moving NAPLAN from the current paper based tests to computer based testing. One of the main benefits of taking NAPLAN online is a feature known as ‘tailored testing’, where the test automatically adapts to a student’s test performance and asks questions that match the student’s achievement level.
Tailored testing is more engaging for students, it matches student achievement levels without increasing test length, and measures student achievement more precisely (especially for higher performing students and students who are experiencing difficulty) to inform teaching and learning.
To ensure we are ready for NAPLAN On-line all Year 8 students will be participating in the School Readiness Test in Term 4. The School Readiness Test is …..
- A chance to check technical readiness
- An opportunity for teachers and students to become familiar with the assessment platform
- Time to trial test scheduling with improved flexibility
- An opportunity to become familiar with administration processes and logistics
The School Readiness Test will not….
- Test student literacy and numeracy ability
- Collate and collect student performance data
- Produce any student achievement summaries
If you are the parent of a Year 8 student please look out for an email with further information and instructions for your child’s BYOD device.
Cyber Safety
PBC Middle School Cyber Safety presentations were delivered by the QLD Cyber Safety Team to Year 8 and 9 students in Week 1. The key topics included:
- How to build your online brand; positive uses and benefits of social media
- Staying on top of social media privacy settings and how to deal with those 'random' friend requests
- Responding to and reporting negative online content
- Social, legal and real world consequences of online choice
- How to handle yourself if you're having a difficult time online
Information for parents
Remember, you already possess the skills to supervise. Apply these skills to technology and the online world. To help keep your child safe when they are online, you can:
- put computers in open spaces within your home
- remind your child that content can be posted instantaneously, the downfall is that they can potentially post something without thinking about the ramifications.
- educate your child about appropriate online behaviour and the need for respectful communication with other internet users
- keep an eye on what your child is doing online (both in the home and on any mobile devices they may have access to e.g. phones, music devices and tablets)
- set clear rules about what sites and activities they are allowed to access
- install software to limit their use and monitor/restrict the sites they visit
- discuss a plan with your child about how to address any cyber safety issues that may arise (make sure they know you will be supportive if they mention anything and that they will not get in trouble)
- encourage them to find someone they feel safe talking to, such as yourself, a relative, a teacher or a trusted adult.
The link below provides important information for parents about cyber safety and cyberbullying. It suggests what parents and caregivers could do if their child is the target of, or is responsible for, inappropriate online behaviour.
Report Cyberbullying
If you or your child are concerned about cyberbullying, report it.
Bookmark that webpage on your child’s bring-your-own (BYOD) device so they can:
- make a complaint
- find someone to talk to
- get advice on dealing with cyber issues
There's help for removing cyberbullying material from websites and social media, and for reporting offensive or illegal content. There's also a direct link to Kids Helpline, offering free and confidential online and telephone counselling 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
A new report cyberbullying icon is now featured on all state school computers. The digital world is fundamental to education and entertainment in this technological age. However, it needs to be a safe and secure place for our young people.
Reporting cyberbullying and getting inappropriate content removed is one step towards a safer online world. The new report cyberbullying icon is an initiative of the Department of Education.
Assessment Calendars
The PBC Middle School is once again abuzz with activity as students return for Term 4. Assessment must be completed by the end of Week 9, promising a very busy time for students and teachers. In addition, Year 9s are stretching themselves to meet the challenges of Senior School and are planning their future directions. We look forward to another positive term.
The Term 4 Middle School assessment calendar is now available on the PBC website, and you should have received a copy via email. Students can use this to record all assessment dates and should copy all relevant information into their diaries. Please note that in the Middle School, assessment is completed up to and including Week 9. It is an expectation that students will complete all assessment before departing at the end of the year.
Contact Details
If you move, change jobs, swap sim cards and get a new phone number, it is important that you let us know so that we can:
- Contact you in an emergency
- Phone home to update you about your child’s progress
- Send school reports to your current email address
If you are aware that you have had changes in your contact details since the start of the year, please phone the school or email cgree192@eq.edu.au.
Maths News
This term Year 7, 8 and 9 mainstream mathematics will sit an exam for their assessment this term. A more detailed breakdown of assessment is available on the PBC website (click here for more assessment information as well as the PBC assessment policy and application for extension or change of date form). Please see below for assessment due dates:
Middle School Term 4 Mainstream Mathematics Assessment
Year |
Assessment |
Date/s |
7 |
Exam – Data and Geometry |
Date: Monday, Week 9 |
8 |
Exam - Rates and Ratios, Linear Relationships and Congruence |
Date: Tuesday, Week 9 |
9 |
Exam – Probability, measurement and Linear and Non-linear Relationships |
Date: Monday, Week 9 |
Students are encouraged to reflect on their understanding of course topics understandings earlier rather than later and seek clarification from their teacher if needed.
Tuesday Tutoring will be held in the Trade Training Centre (3:15pm – 4:00pm) this term due to the construction of the new Library. Students needing help with their assessment and homework in core subjects and languages are encouraged to attend.
Year 7 Visible Numeracy
The following is an excerpt of ‘Speedy Facts’ from the year 7 Visible Numeracy program. At the start of each math lesson student complete 20 minutes of numeracy practice. The activity below is aimed at developing automaticity. Challenge your child to a race!
Bianca Deague
MS HOD Maths and Science
Science News
Putting the SCIENCE into STEM
Science Club
Science Club is up and running, with the theme being flight this term. Science Club is held each week in O1 on a Thursday, first break. Each week will involve a hands-on activity, and hopefully learn some science about flight along the way. Week 1, students made cup gliders to demonstrate the Magnus Effect. Jaida Flynn and Liam Locher were the most successful in getting their cup glider to fly. Students of all year levels are more than welcome to come along. The help support our Science Club, PBC was successful in a $2000 grant as part of The Inspiring Australia STEM Club pilot program.
When: Each Thursday, lunch 1
Where: O1
Bring your lunch
University of Waterloo Timeline of Elements project
Over the holidays we were informed that we were successful in our application to design an element tile for the University of Waterloo Timeline of Elements project. Schools from over 26 different countries were given one of 118 element in this International Year of the Periodic Table project. PBC will be completing a tile for the element 99 - Einsteinium – an element named after famous scientist Albert Einstein. PBC’s contribution to the project, to be completed by March 1 next year, is being led by students Jaime Pryor and Isabelle Richters. These project leaders will be working with Ms Hall and a handful of her visual arts students to create a tile that reflects the element. At the end of the project, all the element tiles produced by students all over the world will be used to produce a poster, website and wall mural.
Any other visual art or digital students may also like to contribute to the companion project to celebrate 2019 International Year of the Periodic Table. Students may create a portrait of Dmitri Mendeleev using any media; these tiles will be used to create a mosaic of Mendeleev, who is known as the ‘father’ of the periodic table. Any students interested in the Mendeleev project to see Ms Bramley in J block.
Junior Marine Day
At the end of last term, the 2019 Year 7 Academic Excellence science students came for the day to participate in various marine activities. It also gave students the opportunity to make some new friends ready for next year. Mr. Brentnall conducted a plankton activity, where students used a microscope to identify species of phytoplankton and zooplankton trawled from the back of the school in Currumbin Creek. With Mr. Jeffrey, students fed the crayfish in our aquaculture room, then got them out to observe their anatomy and behaviours. Mr. Potter took students on the boats in Currumbin Creek, learning some boating principles, examined safety situations and looked at the local mangrove ecosystem. The crowd favourite each year is fish dissection with Mr. Stephens. Students dissected very large mullet to examine their anatomy – very smelly, dirty business. A huge thankyou to those who make the activities run – the teachers, the labbies who prepare everything, along with the many, many PBC students helpers.
Lee-Anne Bramley
HOD Science
Sports Ex News
Rugby League Open Boys – National Champions!
What a week it has been, last Wednesday we were excited to be crowned QLD state champions, and 2 days ago we became the National Champions, for the 3rd time in the school’s proud history.
Our captain and halfback Tom Dearden was named player of the competition and received the prestigious Peter Sterling Medal, the highest honour in Schoolboy rugby league and he showed why when he beat 5 tackles from a kick off and ran 70m to score next to the posts. It will go down as one of the best individual efforts in a national final ever.
Winger Ryan Garner had the game of his life, scoring 2 tries and saving one late in the game when it was all on the line. The win however was due to the fearless efforts of our entire forward pack against the huge Blacktown forwards, with backrowers Juwan Compain, and Josh Bevan in particular punishing in defence. Damon Somerville showed his class to constantly rip holes down the left edge and put the team back on the front foot.
None were better though than fullback Will Evans who earnt the man of the match award, after terrorising the opposition defence in setting up one try and then sealing the game with his own four pointer with only 3 minutes remaining. Five eighth Toby Sexton then converted into the howling headwind from an acute angle with the ball bouncing off the upright.
With the game almost won, it now came down to desperate defence and the inspirational pre-match words from forward leader Jovahn Tearoiti about sacrificing everything for your mate, carried the boys home. When the siren sounded, we were victorious 20-12 against a school who had contested 5 of the last 7 national finals.
The scenes as the siren sounded with 400 or more of their peers, ex-students, teachers and families celebrating in the stands and then storming the field were unforgettable and it highlighted the great pride and culture that the school has for its’ students.
Coach Aaron Zimmerle gushed with pride when he said, “We were without doubt the most courageous team in Australia on Wednesday, and for 60 minutes, those 17 boys were as close to perfection as they will ever be. They are truly deserving of the title; National Champions.”

Airport Grant for PBC REDS Sport Psychology
For a second year running PBC has received a grant from the Gold Coast Airport. And for the second year these funds have been used to bring in sport psychologist Abra Garfield from Summit Performance Psychology to provide workshops and individual support for student athletes in the REDS Sporting Excellence program. Abra works with professional and elite athletes, as well as performers and high achievers of all kinds helping to improve wellbeing, performance excellence and leadership. Abra provides services to the AFL PA, Swimming Australia, BMX QLD and Squash Australia.
In mid-September approximately 100 students from the PBC REDS Athletics, Surfing and Tennis programs attended a 2 hour workshop called Growth and Performance Minds. They were introduced to tools and techniques to enhance their training towards their goals, as well as sport psychology skills for managing their minds prior to and in competition. In term 4 we have spots available for student athletes from the REDS program to work with Abra one-on-one to help them reach their potential. PBC is proud to once again partner with a local business to offer high quality specialist sport science services to its student athletes.
For more information on sport and performance psychology services provided by Summit Performance Psychology please contact Abra Garfield.
Web: www.summitperformancepsych.com
Email: abra@summitperformancepsych.com
Phone: 0405259127
Sustainability Update
We’ve had a fantastic Term 3 achieving our main objectives of educating, reducing and integrating environmentally sustainable outcomes for PBC.
Term 3 was kick started with sustainability presentations to CARE classes focusing on this core theme to develop a sustainable business concept. CARE classes presented these business concepts at a ‘market style’ showcase in the hall in Week 9. The business showcasing highlighted the innovative and high level of entrepreneurial thinking that students have at PBC.
Some other achievements throughout the term were:
1. Environmental House Ambassadors – we had our second nomination intake for ambassadors and they were badged at the Gratitude Assembly in Week 10. Congratulations to these leaders who will be driving forward initiatives at a student level to ‘enact’ on PBC following its Sustainability Vision.
2. No Print Friday NPF – We have a new name for our NO
printing on Week 6 Friday. This term we have successfully reached these
a. In 2017, an average of 6.2 sheets of paper per
student per day were being consumed. In the first three terms of 2018, this
was reduced to 4.5 sheets of paper per day per student.
b. By reducing paper consumption in the first three
terms of 2018, PBC was also able to reduce paper related water consumption
and greenhouse gas emissions by 28%. Hence reducing the schools overall
carbon footprint.
3. Environmental Thinktank Workshop #3 – What a success the Term 3 workshop was. We had students devise 4 initiatives that they wanted to turn into project outcomes for PBC. Students broke out into groups with teachers to develop a project scope, identify the objectives and create solutions on any barriers, then presented their project pitch at the end of the workshop. Now the heat is on where they will need to write up and present a full project pitch to Mr Capra this term.
The success to the roll out of all these PBC programs and initiatives is attributed to the support of teachers and non-teaching staff to assist with the implementation.
Over each term we are collating data to begin the process of showcasing the reductions in carbon emissions – environmental benefits and economic savings that PBC is achieving.
We look forward to seeing some fantastic results for PBC this year and shaping a fantastic sustainability narrative to our students, teachers and wider community on the environmental success story of PBC.
Larissa Rose
Director, Glowing Green Australia
News from the Wellbeing Team
For information from the Wellbeing Team including the Senior School Guidance Officer, Middle School Guidance Officer, the School Chaplain and School Nurse please click the following links.
Senior Guidance Officer’s Report
Information about university options, open days, scholarship and competitions and other opportunities.
Middle School Guidance Officer’s Report
Click to find an article on dealing with Anxiety and Depression in students.
School Health Nurse Report:
Pathway Centre News
For information about alternative pathways and job opportunities please click this link.
General News
$20 Boss Challenge
Year 9 Economics and Business Studies students have been creating their own businesses as part of the $20 Boss Challenge. Lots of yummy food, drinks and games were available for the school community to purchase and try during market days.
Make every day count this term
It’s the last term so let’s make sure we all support our students to turn up every day. Check out some fun, useful resources on the importance of going to school – every day. The Every day counts campaign includes a comic and animation, and features Sam Thaiday as Sam the Dog, along with Johnathan Thurston and former Firebird netballer, Beryl Friday.
Free tafe for Year 12 graduates
To support Year 12 graduates into work, the Queensland Government offers free tafe in high priority areas. While completing a qualification, students gain experience and skills employers want – giving them a competitive edge, without the student loan. Eligible Year 12 graduates must enrol and start training in a high priority qualification within the calendar year after leaving school.
There are nearly 160 qualifications to choose from across a range of industries. Some qualifications are delivered on campus or as part of an apprenticeship or traineeship.
A message about ‘My Health Record’
The Australian Government wishes to remind all Queenslanders that a ‘My Health’ record will be created, unless you tell them you don’t want it.
It’s an online summary of your key health information that will be created automatically.
However if you have questions, or wish to opt out, please visit the My Health Record website or phone 1800 723 471 before 15 November.
Career opportunities in hospitality and tourism
Did you know employment in the hospitality and tourism industry is predicted to grow by 13.8% over the next five years?
There are plenty of exciting career opportunities to consider, from Tourism Operator to Executive Chef. Training can start at school with a school-based apprenticeship or traineeship or through the Food, Wine and Tourism Gateway to Industry Schools project.
Watch this video to find out more.
Student Achievements
We encourage parents/caregivers to email your student’s excellent recent achievements to us. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student’s achievement and include at least one photo, and/or any links to media articles that we can share via our Parent Newsletter, internal communications and Facebook.
Secondary Schools Citizenship Award
Year 12 student Sotari Turley was recently recognised as one of only twelve students state-wide to receive the 2018 Order of Australia – Secondary Schools Citizenship Award. Sotari is a worthy recipient of this acknowledgement, recognising her years of community service to both our school and region including her most recent role as President of the PBC Leo’s Club.
Sotari was fortunate enough to briefly speak at Queensland Parliament House during the ceremony and is pictured with her award alongside Her Honour Catherine Holmes, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
On behalf of our school, congratulations to Sotari and her family on their commitment to strengthening our community. A very well deserved acknowledgement.
Lailani Brown – Basketball Champion!
Congratulations to Lailani Brown on winning a Gold medal at the U14 national club championships for Gold Coast Basketball. A fantastic achievement and even better victory knowing your team is the best in the country! Well done Lailani !
Netball News
Congratulations to the Junior Netball Sport Excellence teams for being crowned Gold Coast Cross over Final Champions in a dominant display of netball. The WORLD OF SPORT GRAND FINAL results were as follows;
Year 9 PBC defeated Trinity College by 52 points,
Year 8 PBC defeated Helensvale SHS by 25 points, 37-12.
Congratulations to the Junior Netball Excellence Netball team, who defeated Canterbury College 23-21 in the Netball QLD, Vicki Wilson Shield Grand Final. The team progressed undefeated through the entire competition, displaying courage and discipline to be crowned 1st place in QLD!
PBC Alumni selected for Moulin Rouge
A huge congratulations to PBC Alumni Holly Johnston who has been accepted into the Moulin Rouge in Paris. There only 3 girls from around the world joining the Moulin Rouge family this intake and all three are Aussie girls. Holly is bursting with excitement and can’t wait to start.
Dates to Remember
16-17 Oct |
Restaurant Nights – Hospitality Students |
22 Oct |
Staff Development Day - Pupil Free Day |
23 Oct |
Year 10 Optima Assembly |
25 Oct |
Visual Arts Excellence Art Exhibition |
Under The Lights Music Showcase |
26 Oct |
Year 11 Optima Assembly |
29 Oct |
Year 8 Optima Assembly |
30 Oct |
Year 7 Optima Assembly |
31 Oct |
House Champion Assembly |
31 Oct |
Year 12 Optima Assembly |
Sports Excellence Awards Night |
1 Nov |
Year 9 Optima Assembly |
2 Nov |
PBC Alliance Industry Awards Breakfast |
Year 12 Walk Out |
8 Nov |
Creative Arts Awards Night |
12 Nov |
Academic Awards Night |
13 Nov |
Year 12 Graduation and Formal |
15 Nov |
Academic Excellence Farewell Supper |
PBC Alliance News
Support our PBC Alliance Partners
There are many businesses that help our students reach their potential at PBC by sponsoring various school programs. We would like to give a huge shout out to all of the 2018 PBC Alliance Partners! The support of these amazing businesses, for our students, is hugely appreciated.
Bendigo Bank – Tugun Community Bank
Struddys Sports
Glowing Green Australia
Aurora Training Institute
Prestige Service Training
Stone Style
Griffith University
Southport Sharks
Veteran Mentors
Capital Pest Management
Currumbin RSL
Firewire Surfboards
GCU Gold Coast United
Mighty Minds
Trade Glass
Tweed Sea Sports
Tree Trunk Digital
MSP Photography
Retire Me Young
Fraser Financial Services
Wilson Haynes Solicitors
Titans Sports Management
Burleigh Bears Rugby League
Currumbin Junior Rugby League
Merc Electric
Daryl Joyce – Carpet Layer
PBC Alliance Business Directory
If you are looking for a product or service look no further than the PBC Alliance Business Directory. All the listings are supporters of our students so please support those that support PBC.
Uniform Shop
2019 Student Enrolments
If your student is not returning to PBC in 2019, please advise Front Reception phone 5525 9350 (message bank) or email direct to admin@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
Cashier Window Operating Hours
Over the counter payments can only be accepted between 8:00am and 1:00pm on Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can make payments via BPOINT from your invoice or statement or Direct Deposit.
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: PALM
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID
AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can
be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2018
SRS8 or 2018 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2017 & 2018 Fees |
$350 (total) |
Overdue |
Student Resource Scheme 2019 |
Years 8-12 Year 7 |
$180.00 1st Instalment $300 1st Instalment |
Due 12.10.1 Due 12.10.188 |
Excellence Programs |
Excellence programs 2018 students |
Various |
Overdue |
2018 Graduation |
Year 12 |
$50 deposit $60 balance |
Overdue Overdue |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
For credit card payment or to request bank details for direct bank transfer, please telephone the school, or visit Student Services between 8:00am-1:00pm.
SRS Fees
Make payments the quick and easy way using BPOINT. Visit the link below, follow the prompts or phone BPOINT on 1300 631 073.
Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulty can email ParentSupport ParentSupport@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
Payment plan options are available including Centrepay -a service to families whereby periodic payments can be made to the school or Direct Debit via credit card (monthly). Paperwork is available from the Student Services Office to activate either of these plans.
Saver Plus
Community Notices
Movies Under the Stars
The Movies Under the Stars program will be run between October 2018 and February 2019.
Below is a list of the dates, venues and movies to be shown.
27 October 2018 |
Schuster Park, Tallebudgera |
The Greatest Showman |
10 November 2018 |
Palm Beach Parklands, Palm Beach |
Coco |
24 November 2018 |
Schuster Park, Tallebudgera |
The Secret Life of Pets |
22 December 2018 |
Palm Beach Parklands |
The Star |
26 January 2019 |
Palm Beach Parklands |
Paper Planes |
2 February 2019 |
Kingsmore Park, Reedy Creek |
To Be Advised |
Mateship Run Schools Campaign