20 August 2018
Newsletter Articles
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The students have been making the most of their Care activities this term in giving back to the community. One of our enterprising young students, Erin Woods has coordinated Daffodil Day where we will be raising funds for the Cancer Council with our casual dress day. There will be media follow up with this wonderful initiative and the school will look very yellow for the day. There is also a push from the students at present to consider the school assisting in the Drought Relief Appeal.
With Student Mental Health and social interaction increasingly becoming a priority for schools we have added a School Chaplain to our Well-Being Team. The School Chaplain is a qualified Youth Support Worker whose priority is to support individual students or groups of students with their engagement with school and to work through problems. If parents and students approach the Chaplain to work on spirituality aspects of a student’s life, that can be covered as well provided the parent and student have given approval. John Catterall joins us after eight years as the Youth Support Worker / Chaplain of Coombabah SHS and we look forward to all the proactive work John will do with our students. John is currently working directly under the supervision of the school Guidance Officers and works from Wednesday to Friday.
Year 10 Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan) Information Night is on Wednesday night at 6:00pm. If there is one night that is vital for parents of students entering into senior secondary school, it is this night. SET planning is more than just subject selection. I would encourage all parents/caregivers of students entering Year 11 in 2019 to attend this event to (1) understand the new senior syllabus release and the new subject offerings (2) learn about the new entrance procedures into university and TAFE and (3) learn about the new Queensland Certificate of Education criteria. This night is also the perfect opportunity to speak with senior staff including Heads of Department at the Subject Fair regarding your child’s future pathways and options.
Our school canteen endeavours to provide the healthiest menu options available that the students will purchase and enjoy. This balancing act of healthy menu options in relation to student purchasing power means that we make a fair amount of food on site. The canteen does however have some pre-packaged and frozen menu items. We are currently exploring local supplier options to replace our pre-packaged food items with locally made and owned products that we have input into regarding salt, sugar and fat content.
I am taking weeks 8, 9 and 10 off this term on long service leave and heading off to Ireland. John Cattoni, Principal of Currumbin SS will be the acting Executive Principal in my absence. John is looking forward to working with the Year 7 students and how their transition from primary to high school has progressed.
Chris Capra
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: The Queensland Department of Education trading as Education Queensland International (EQI) CRICOS Provider Number 00608A
Senior School Update
Youth Forum
It was an honour to accompany Braith Gausden and Harper Ashton to the Bendigo Bank Youth Forum this week. The forum gathered together young people from the local area together with the not so young to discuss the allocation of funding from the bank back into the community. Bendigo Community Bank was created in 1998 in response to bank closures and the Tugun branch opened in 2003. The bank is a locally owned, fully serviced bank with a difference – decisions on how the profits are distributed are shared with the local community. The Tugun branch has contributed to our school bus and they also support Lions Pride AFL club the local Men’s shed, Youth Music Venture, Fight 4 Youth and the Surf Club. Their motto is ‘People with purpose make great things happen’.
There was a great vibe in the room and some fantastic ideas were proposed including the development of a mental health hub, a covered performance space, an everyday breakfast program, graffiti art workshops, youth music festivals, emergency accommodation for at risk youth, and secondary and tertiary scholarships.
Braith, Harper and Blake Bartlett (who was representing Thrower House) all presented themselves extremely well. Harper was even complimented on having the neatest handwriting in the room (there were over 60 people there). Braith commented that it was great that that our students had the opportunity to be part of the start of ideas that will make a difference to the community.
2019 Student Leadership Process
The applications for the Student Leaders for 2019 have now opened. Students are able to apply for this exciting opportunity by completing an application form and then making a presentation to their peers. Those who are successful will gain a wide range of leadership and community experience in addition to their final year at school experience. This is a wonderful opportunity to gain leadership experience working with staff and students in the senior school and with members of the wider community. It is a chance to make a difference. Application forms can be obtained from Mr Hill (Year Coordinator) in Y block.
Year 10 SET Planning Information Evening and Interviews
Year 10 parents/caregivers have been emailed invitations to two important events, please check your junk mail if you have not received them. The Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan) Information Night will be held in the Hall on Wednesday 22 August from 6:00pm. This evening will include presentations on Senior pathways and also allow students and parents to engage with universities, external providers and faculties in the lead up to subject selection interviews on Wednesday 29 August and Thursday 30 August.
As the Senior Assessment and Tertiary Entrance (SATE) of Queensland has changed it is important that all parents/caregivers and students attend these evenings to ensure that students are in the correct pathways for Years 11 and 12. Under the new system there will be no subject changes allowed once students have commenced Year 11.
We encourage parents and students to consult the Year 10 Subject Selection Guide found on the school website prior to the Information evening and Interviews.
ATAR students are reminded that they need to complete the QTAC My Path capabilities and select a draft study plan and bring that to their interview on August 29 or 30; (https://mypath.qtac.edu.au/) A reminder that My Path is not supported on Internet Explorer and that students should use Google Chrome.
If you have any further queries about any of the above events please contact the Senior School Office on 5525 9384.
Shutdown commences for Year 12 students on Monday 3 September. All students will have a Maths exam this day, Year 10 and 11 students will commence their shutdown period on Thursday 6 September.
The Senior shutdown timetable has been published for students on the Student Drive at school and is also available on the school website under curriculum/testing and assessment . Please ensure that your student has checked this and knows the date, time and room of all their exams.
Assessment policy
Students are reminded that they must apply for an extension or change of date with the relevant Head of Department if they are going to miss assessment. They will not be allowed to sit an exam before the rest of the cohort. Going on holidays before the end of term does not constitute a valid reason for an extension/change of assessment date. Please refer to the School Assessment Policy on the school website for more information and for copies of the Application For Extension Form
All Year 11 and 12 students are again reminded that they are expected to be passing at least 5 of their 6 classes to demonstrate that they are “actively engaged in learning “at school. Students must remain QCE eligible to stay enrolled; as such all students should be busy revising, studying and completing assessment tasks at the moment.
Year 11 QCS preparation
Year 11 OP students and parents/caregivers please note that QCS classes will commence at 8:00am on Wednesdays in Term 4. As Year 11 OP students will be commencing school at 8:00am on Wednesdays they will be allowed to leave school during sport time in Term 4. All non OP students in Year 11 will have to continue to do sport in Term 4.
Year 12 QCS exam
Year 12 QCS students will sit the Queensland Core Skills test on Tuesday and Wednesday, 4 and 5 September. Students have had an extensive preparation for this test and we wish them well for this most important test in maximising their OP.
- A breakfast will be provided for all QCS students on these dates from 7:15am in the Trade Training Centre. All students are encouraged to attend.
- All students should by now have received the “Instructions to students” and signed a Statutory Declaration regarding the calculator they will use in the exam. Students are not allowed to use a calculator with a CAS memory unless it has been cleared and is in test mode.
- The school will provide all stationery required for the QCS exam except a scientific calculator or correcting tape.
Year 12 Graduation and Formal
A friendly message to all Year 12 parents/caregivers, the payment deadline for the November 13 2018 PBC Graduation and Formal night is 31 August. The ticket price is $110 for the student. The separate $12.50 tickets for family members/friends wishing to attend the Graduation Ceremony will go on sale at the start of Term 4. We would love to see as many of you there as possible, and these audience tickets are expected to sell out quickly.
Please also be aware that our minimum accepted attendance figure for senior school students is 85%. Please encourage your son/daughter to continue to attend every day at this most crucial time in their school education. Students significantly below this percentage without medical (or other) authorisation from the school may potentially not be invited to the evening.
We are really looking forward to seeing you and your child at this evening to celebrate their fantastic achievements.
Middle School Update
Building Resilience
When we talk about resilience, we’re talking about a child’s ability to cope with ups and downs, and bounce back from the challenges they experience during childhood – for example moving house, changing schools, studying for an exam or dealing with the death of a loved one. Building resilience helps children not only to deal with current difficulties that are a part of everyday life, but also to develop the basic skills and habits that will help them deal with challenges later in life, during adolescence and adulthood.
As a parent or carer, you can help to develop essential skills, habits and attitudes for building resilience at home by helping your child to:
- Build good relationships with others including adults and peers
- Build their independence
- Learn to identify, express and manage their emotions
- Build their confidence
At this stage of Term 3, it can be easy to tire of school. Students should be encouraged to show resilience, to know that their attendance and effort every day makes a positive difference to their learning, and to persist through difficulties. When work becomes challenging, seek an answer. Speak with a teacher. Attend a tutorial. Do some extra work. It all makes a difference.
Wearing the Uniform with Pride
PBC is well respected within the wider community and our students are representing our school whenever they are in uniform. We would like to congratulate the Middle School students in taking pride in wearing their school uniform, embracing positive behaviours and continuing to make a commitment to uphold the Reds’ tradition to relentlessly strive to be their best self and actively support others to do the same.
Road Safety
Road Safety Week is 27 - 31 August. Our local police will be targeting student road safety particularly the wearing of bike helmets and general road safety behaviour. There are prizes for local school students including a new iPhone. Entrants will be randomly selected by Police when observed complying with the road rules, including crossing the road safely! MacDonald’s vouchers will also be handed out randomly leading up to the Grand Prize draw of a new iPhone provided by Telstra the Pines on 30 August 2018. A PBC student won this competition last year, so good luck to all our students.
Athletics Carnival
A change of pace occurred on Friday of Week 3, when we enjoyed the annual Athletics Carnival. This year’s carnival was amazing, and included not only our high-level track and field events, but also the fun of a high inflatable, a novelty Obstacle Course, a climbing wall and bungee jump. Middle school students did not disappoint, wearing an array of House colours and costumes. Thank you especially to our Year 7s participating in this colourful, energetic event for the first time.
Optima Awards
Recently, special assemblies were held to honour our OPTIMA Award recipients. At PBC, every child has the potential to earn an OPTIMA award, be it through excellence in their academics, sport or cultural pursuits, their participation in Community Service, their consistent high standards of effort and behaviour, or their improved results. Approximately 43% of students in the Middle School received acknowledgement through the OPTIMAs, and we hope to see further students aspire to awards throughout this term.
Middle School Rewards
We know that students respond well to positive acknowledgement, not only through major awards but for small successes and actions in the classroom and playground. At PBC, we have various informal ways of rewarding students. In the classroom, teachers may hand out small prizes. More formally, teachers distribute OPTIMA Rewards, small tickets to acknowledge students being safe, respectful or a learner. Teachers will sometimes send home OPTIMA postcards to let parents know that their children have had a special achievement or success. Close to 600 of these more formal rewards have been distributed in the Middle School so far this year, helping to create a positive, productive learning environment.
Planning for Success
We have already reached the mid-point of Term 3 and students are currently receiving feedback on their first rounds of assessment. It is valuable to support children to look for ways to improve, so they might reach their OPTIMA goals, recorded in their Student Planners. Are they on track? If not, what is it that they might do differently in order to achieve their goals?
Enrolment Packs for 2019
All students need to re-enrol if they plan on attending PBC in 2019. These are currently being mailed home over the next two weeks. Please return completed forms as soon as possible as we are currently planning for next year.
Assessment Calendars
Parents are reminded that the Assessment Calendar is now published on the PBC website:
Students and parents/caregivers should all make careful note of these important dates.
Community Service
Does your child participate in a community service activity, such as Surf Life Saving, coaching a sporting team or helping an animal welfare organisation? If so, we would love to acknowledge their efforts formally here at school.
The 7 steps to a positive digital footprint
- Google yourself - Check your name and online usernames to make sure you're happy with what is out there. If you find any negative content, delete it or report to the website where it is hosted. If you find an old social media account, take steps to remove it. If you have lost access to these accounts, contact the social media provider and request it be deleted.
- Privacy overhaul - Stay on top of your privacy settings, social media platforms change these frequently. Set accounts to 'private' or 'friends only' to limit who sees your stuff. The less people who see it, the less chance there is for something to go wrong.
- Un-tag yourself - Have you been tagged in an embarrassing photo or video? Ask the person to delete it. If they won't, report the post and un-tag it yourself. Never share or tag photos and videos of others without their permission.
- Unfriend/unfollow - Have you added a 'random'? If you don't know and trust them in your real world, delete or block them. Don't be fooled by fake profiles or mutual friend suggestions. Unfriend your randoms today!
- Make positive choices - Stay in control of your online world. If you make poor choices while on social media or online games there may be social or legal consequences. Remember, anything can be screen captured. Keep your online interactions positive, useful and true.
- Build your brand - What you say and post could affect your future. Use the power of social media to brand yourself and connect to professional networks. Share your achievements, talents and passions online. Your social media accounts should portray you in a positive way.
- Remember… Treat others the way you would like to be treated. If you or a friend are experiencing a difficult time online, reach out for some offline support.
Academic Excellence News
Maths Competition
Recently, nine students from Years 7 and 8 competed in the Queensland Association of Mathematics Teachers Maths Competition at Hillcrest Christian College. Forming teams of three that had to include at least one Year 7 student, nearly 30 teams battled it out in a tough competition over four hours that involved both individual and group problem solving as well as a speed test. Our three PBC teams performed strongly, placing 16th, 11th and 3rd amongst the teams present. The team made up of Johnathon Chi (Yr 8), Ryan Pead (Yr 8) and Bella Withington (Yr 7), placed third and will be likely to qualify for the State Finals held later in the year. Congratulations to all the students who competed. It was an enjoyable, challenging experience for all.
Pedagogical Practices Update
Student Feedback
No one has a bigger stake in teaching effectiveness than students. It makes sense therefore, for teachers to seek feedback from their students – but how often are we asking them? This question (and the opening sentence) underpinned our recent professional development session at Twilight on “Student Feedback”. Sixty-five PBC teachers chose to attend the session where they further developed their understanding of why student feedback is useful and how they could implement it in to their classroom.
Why ask students?
We teach students, not subjects, and if the learning environment that we are creating for our students is not working for them then we should take that on-board as formative feedback and look at adjusting our practices. This can be confronting for a teacher at first, as students are usually pretty (brutally?) honest, but when done regularly it can help to create an atmosphere of trust in the classroom. Also, if the teacher acts on the feedback and makes changes to their pedagogy it can lead to improved student outcomes.
Strategies for obtaining feedback
There are many many ways that teachers can obtain information about their teaching and about their students’ learning. At the session we talked broadly about two different ways – in the moment and built in.
‘In the moment’ feedback consists of those check-in strategies and monitoring moments that may or may not be planned for in the unit plan. Some examples include the red/amber/green traffic light system and the muddiest point card, where students write down what is still unclear (muddy) from the lesson and gives it to their teacher.
More formal, often written, opportunities for feedback may be built in to the unit plan at key times throughout a term. At the start of a unit students may sit a pre-test (to find out what they already know), during the term they may keep a learning journal (for example, weekly) and at the end of a unit they may complete a student survey.
Regardless of the strategy used for obtaining the feedback, the real power lies in what happens next. That is, how the pedagogy is changed in response to the information from the students. At PBC our teachers have a lot of support around them (colleagues, coaches, HODs) so they don’t have to navigate this path alone.
We would like to encourage you as parents to talk to your young person about how they might give constructive feedback to their teacher. What do they do if they do not understand something? It is perfectly ok (and encouraged) for students to start this dialogue with their teacher – they do not have to wait until they are asked to do a survey!
Elizabeth Gill and Fiona Scannell
Pedagogy Coaches
News from the Wellbeing Team
For information from the Wellbeing Team including the Senior School Guidance Officer, Middle School Guidance Officer, the School Chaplain and School Nurse please click the following links.
School Chaplain / Youth Worker News
Hi, my name is John Catterall and I am the new School Chaplain / Youth Worker here at PBC. Firstly, let me say what a privilege it is to be working in such an amazing community! My time at PBC has been short but I have felt so welcomed and included in the life and activity of the School. Everyone from the administration staff to support workers, teachers and students have been so gracious in helping me to settle in to the role. I realise for many that the job of a School Chaplain / Youth Worker may be unfamiliar as I am the first one to work at PBC, so in short my role as the Department of Education defines it is to provide social, emotional and spiritual support to students, parents and staff. I look forward to being able to paint a fuller picture of what that means over time, but for now let me say that my purpose is to work within the wellbeing framework that has already been implemented by the School’s administration and support staff. I hope that the chaplaincy / youth worker role will add value to the service of prioritising the welfare of the members in this amazing community, and I’m grateful to be a part of that effort. So, thanks for allowing me to be a part of what happens here at PBC, I look forward to meeting more of you soon!
John Catterall.
Youth Support Worker/Chaplain
Senior Guidance Officer’s Report
Information about university options, open days, scholarship and competitions and other opportunities.
Middle School Guidance Officer’s Report
Teen wellbeing article
Pathway Centre News
For information about alternative pathways and job opportunities please click this link.
General News
Restaurant Week
Don’t forget to book your table for Restaurant week, where the Year 11 Hospitality students are cooking and serving a three course dinner with canapés and drinks on arrival.
Contact student services to book for Wednesday 17 October or Thursday 18 October.
Business and Economics Excursion
On Thursday a group of eight high performing Year 10 Business and Economics students were invited along with valued industry partners to the annual Industry Partners Engagement Luncheon, hosted by the Department of Accounting, Finance and Economics at Griffith University Gold Coast Campus. This was an opportunity for students to share their table and connect with business and commerce industry professionals including high level accountants, lawyers, business leaders, economists and academics. Whilst feasting on a gourmet two-course meal, students heard from two Women in Commerce industry leaders who reflected on their personal career highlights and discussed the challenges and opportunities that are available for the leaders of tomorrow. The guest speakers, Annick Donat, CEO of Madison Financial Group and Janelle Manders, Director at William Buck Gold Coast, were extremely inspiring, offering students sage career and life advice to ensure they are best placed to fulfil the PBC Motto, Nil Sed Optima - nothing but the best.

South Queensland Touch Champions
PBC entered an U13, U15 and Open Girls team in the recent South Queensland Border Districts (SQBD) tournament on Saturday 28 July. In what was a gruelling day all 3 teams played seven 25 minute games. The 13’s and 15’s teams played some sensational touch and went through the prelims undefeated to make the Grand Final. Unfortunately both teams went down to very strong Helensvale squads in the decider.
The Open girls were beaten early in the day by last years’ QLD All-schools Champions Benowa but reversed the earlier result with a sensational win in the Grand Final against their arch rivals 5 touchdowns to 4.
All teams are shaping up well to be major forces in the main tournament of the year, Queensland All-Schools from 10-14 October at Whites Hill in Brisbane.
Athletics Carnival
Term 3 welcomed the Athletics Carnival to PBC! Once again it was a highly competitive competition with students representing their Houses with the hope of making it through to the District finals. The Oval was a sea of Green, Yellow, Red and Blue as students dressed up in their colours and took part in the march past where we saw the Viking clap, the Athenian Cheer team and the Spartans and Phoenicians war cries. The standard of competition was as high as ever with many students achieving PB’s throughout the day in the different events. To ensure that all students were catered for and entertained PBC had a number of ‘alternative activities’ such as a climbing wall, bungee trampolines, giant inflatable slide and 2 inflatable obstacle courses. The atmosphere throughout the day on the oval was electric and one which will stay in the memories for years to come. After a long day of competing the total points were calculated and the 2018 Track Field House Champions were the Vikings, with Phoenicians coming a close second and Spartans and Athenians coming 3rd and 4th respectively. Congratulations to the Viking House and we look forward to next year’s event.
PBC Leos Club
It has been a busy few months for the PBC Leo’s. We sadly farewelled Ms King as she moves on to retirement and have been busy planning our term 3 events!
Ongoing events:
Saturday morning BBQ at Currumbin Fair IGA
Come buy a sausage sandwich and support the Leo’s!
Upcoming events:
“PBC Leo’s Morning Tea”
All money raised will be donated to the Cancer Council
When: Sunday 26th August at 10:00am
Where: The Lion’s Den, Murtha Drive, Elanora
Cost: $10 per person
Includes morning tea, lucky door prize and entertainment!
There will be multiple raffles on the day for you to enter into
Bookings are essential
To book please call: 0413 855 710
Interested in becoming a LEO?
Interested in community work, helping others and perhaps volunteering with the PBC Leos’?
Come along to the meetings in the TTC every Thursday morning at 8:00 am.
Miss McQueen, Mrs Withington & Mrs Apanui
Uniform Shop Trading Hours
Please be advised that the Uniform Shop trading hours are now:
Tuesday 8:15am to 12:30pm
Thursday 8:15am to 12:30pm
Entertainment Books for Sale Now!
PBC is raising funds for our new Library precinct.
Please support our fundraising by purchasing the 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Membership from us today. Hundreds of great value offers are ready for your enjoyment, while also helping our fundraising! Be quick, the new Membership is selling fast!
School Opinion Survey
You are invited to participate in this year's School Opinion Survey and have your say about what our school does well, and how it can improve. Participation in the survey is anonymous and all the information that you provide will be treated confidentially. The online access codes for this survey are not linked to individuals. Your feedback will be provided back to the school in such a way that you cannot be identified. The survey will be available until 24 August 2018, should take less than ten minutes to complete and can be completed.
How do I do the Survey
You are able to access the survey via the link below, select Parents/Carergivers Survey and use the two codes emailed home on 6 August. If you have not received an email please check your junk mail or contact the school on 5525 9333.
If you have any questions about this survey, please contact 1800 067 971 (this is a free call).
Student Achievements
We encourage parents/caregivers to email your student’s excellent recent achievements to us. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student’s achievement and include at least one photo, and/or any links to media articles that we can share via our Parent Newsletter, internal communications and Facebook.
World Junior Championships - Kayaking
A huge congratulations to our own Carter Brodhurst-Hill. He has recently returned from competing in Bulgaria at the World Junior Championships where he competed in the K1 500m. He made the C final and finished 6th dropping over 5 seconds for a new PB. This is impressive as Carter was the youngest competitor in his age group and is still only 16 Carter will be able to compete in the same age group next year. He is now coached full time by Australia Canoeing’s and Olympian David Smith at the AIS at Miami. What a fantastic result!
Peter Doherty Awards
Congratulations to PBC's Amy Cooper and Braith Gausden (both Year 12) who received awards at the Peter Doherty Stem Awards at QUT. Amy received a Peter Doherty Outstanding Senior STEM Student Award, and Braith received a Peter Doherty Outstanding Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Senior STEM Student Award. There were 16 student recipients of various awards from across the state, and 25 awards presented in total. What a fantastic result for both Amy and Braith! Well done!
Debating success
Congratulations to PBC's Intermediate B Debate team who are now through to the quarter finals after winning 5 consecutive debates.
Photo: Kai Meath, Talulah Ratcliffe, Jet Pires, Aiden Eddywing
Surfing Success – School State Surfing
For a full wash up of School State Surfing results see below. 8 out of 13 QLD team members are from PBC. You can access scores and progressions through the URL link:
1st U19 Boys MR – Thomas Carvahlo / Josh Boyle (QLD Team)
1st U19 Girls MR – Shaye Leeuwendal / Eden Grey (QLD Team)
1st U16 Boys MR – Archer Curtis / Jackson Graham (QLD Team)
1st U16 Girls MR – Raya Campbell / Lucy Tandler (QLD Team)
U19 Boys
1st Josh Boyle (QLD Team)
3rd Thomas Carvahlo
4th Yutaro Saito
U19 Girls
2nd Shaye Leeuwendal (QLD Team)
4th Konatsu Ido
U16 Boys
2nd Archer Curtis (QLD Team)
4th Matt Boyle
U16 Girls
3rd Lucy Tandler
4th Grace Kama
Congratulations to all students for these outstanding results.
After four days of competition surfing at Duranbah for the Queensland School State Titles, Josh Boyle won every heat and then won the Allstars as an individual surfer.
NSW State Grommet Titles 2018
Congratulations to PBC Student California Barrett who won U/14G NSW State Grommet Titles 2018. In May, California won the U18G Far North Coast Junior Regional Titles which earned her a spot to compete at the 2018 Havaianas NSW Grommet Titles at Maroubra 27-29 July 2018. California travelled down to Maroubra late last month and competed in the U/14G NSW State Grommet Titles, she dominated her age division winning every heat. Then taking out the final with impressive critical turns and claiming her 2nd NSW Grommet State Title.
California has now earned a spot at the 2018 Surf Dive N Ski Australian Junior Surf Titles to be held Dec in South Australia.
Hockey success!
Congratulations to PBC student Jordyn Fuller who was invited to be part of the U16 Qld School Girls Hockey Team. Jordyn competed this month for Queensland at the Australian School Hockey Championships. Queensland came away with a silver medal, Jordyn was then selected in the Australian team as a shadow. What a fantastic achievement for Jordyn!
Dates to Remember
21 Aug |
P&C Meeting |
22 Aug |
Set Plan Information Night for Year 10s going into Year 11 in 2019 |
QCS Masterclass |
24 Aug |
PBC Alliance Breakfast |
Daffodil Day – Casual Dress Day with gold coin donation |
28 Aug |
School Council Meeting |
29-30 Aug |
Set Plan Interviews |
31 Aug |
Gold Coast Show Day – No School |
4 Sep |
QCS Exam |
5 Sep |
QCS Exam |
PBC Alliance News
Support our PBC Alliance Partners
There are many businesses that help our students reach their potential at PBC by sponsoring various school programs. We would like to give a huge shout out to all of the 2018 PBC Alliance Partners! The support of these amazing businesses, for our students, is hugely appreciated.
- Bendigo Bank – Tugun Community Bank Branch
- Struddys Sports
- Glowing Green Australia
- Aurora Training Institute
- Prestige Service Training
- Stone Style
- Griffith University
- Southport Sharks
- Veteran Mentors
- Capital Pest Management
- Currumbin RSL
- Firewire Surfboards
- GCU Gold Coast United
- Mighty Minds
- Trade Glass
- Tweed Sea Sports
- Tree Trunk Digital
- MSP Photography
- Retire Me Young
- Fraser Financial Services
- Wilson Haynes Solicitors
- Titans Sports Management
- Burleigh Bears Rugby League
- Currumbin Junior Rugby League
- Merc Electric
- Daryl Joyce – Carpet Layer
PBC Alliance Business Directory
If you are looking for a product or service look no further than the PBC Alliance Business Directory. All the listings are supporters of our students so please support those that support PBC.
Would you like to advertise your business in the PBC Alliance Business Directory? Membership is just $25 which includes a business directory listing, invitations to all our events and regular newsletters so you can be kept up to date with PBC Alliance news. Head to the link below to sign up!
Cashier Window Operating Hours
Over the counter payments can only be accepted between 8:00am and 1:00pm on Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can make payments via BPOINT from your invoice or statement or Direct Deposit.
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: |
BSB Number: |
064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads |
Account Number: |
00090303 |
Reference/Details: |
Record both Student ID AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2018 SRS8 or 2018 ACEX10) |
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2017 & 2018 Fees |
$350 (total) |
Overdue |
Senior Studies Training Program |
Year 12 |
$50.00 |
Overdue |
New Zealand Ski Trip |
2nd Deposit 3rd Deposit 4th Deposit |
$ 670.00 $1000.00 $ 700.00 |
Overdue Overdue Overdue |
Excellence Programs |
Excellence programs 2018 students |
Various |
Overdue |
2018 Graduation |
Year 12 |
$50 deposit $60 balance |
Overdue 31/08/18 |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
For credit card payment or to request bank details for direct bank transfer, please telephone the school, or visit Student Services between 8:00am-1:00pm.
SRS Fees
Make payments the quick and easy way using BPOINT. Visit the link below follow the prompts or phone BPOINT on 1300 631 073.
Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulty can email ParentSupport ParentSupport@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
Payment plan options are available including Centrepay -a service to families whereby periodic payments can be made to the school or Direct Debit via credit card (monthly). Paperwork is available from the Student Services Office to activate either of these plans.
Saver Plus
Community Notices
Surf Life Saving Queensland
The start of the Life Saving season is upon us, in particular the start of the Junior Activities (Nipper) season. Junior Activities is open to children from the age of five up to 13 years (age for a season is calculated as of midnight September 30) and runs from September through to April the following year with registrations beginning in August. The program is a great way for kids to have fun and make new friends while learning beach safety and lifesaving skills.
Please see attached the Junior Activities Sign On Day information for all Gold Coast clubs.
Tallebudgera Nippers Sign-on Dates:
Pacific SLSC Nippers Sign-on Dates:
Mudgeeraba Little Athletics
Mudgeeraba Little Athletics starts on 6 September 2018. We are holding an information day on 25 August 2018 and would appreciate your school placing the attached advertisement in your next newsletter (I have attached it in both jpeg & pdf formats depending on your requirements).
Check it Fest
The Check It Fest returns to Broadwater Parklands this August, setting Gold Coast alight with the best in local entertainment, food vendors, services, activities, and live music for young people aged 12-18. Best part of it all? It's totally FREE!
There will be over 25 local organisations coming together to promote good times and good mental health! Our key messages are to 'Check Yourself' 'Check Your Mates' and 'Check Your Space'.
There are tons of giveaways on the day so bring your friends and enjoy a day in the sunshine at 11:00am on Saturday August 25th.
Community Consultative Committee
Come and meet your local senior police and find out what is happening in your community. This meeting is focusing on how lifesavers and police keep our community safe.
When: 23 August 2018 at 5:00pm
Where: Currumbin RSL