4 June 2018
Newsletter Articles
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Last Wednesday Minister for Education, Hon. Grace Grace visited the school. The Hospitality Students continued their recent catering success by providing a full café experience with club sandwiches and barista coffee. The Hospitality students under the guidance of our teachers and canteen staff have been striking out into new territory by opening up a daily café for Year 12 students and staff, catering for over 200 people at the local Chaplain’s Dinner, catering for the school musical, assisting in the PBC Alliance Breakfast and hosting the Minister for Education for lunch.
The School Leaders showcased their presentation relating to bullying and what PBC does to promote student welfare and well-being. The presentation was followed by an in-depth question and answer session around what the government can do to support all Queensland children.
The last part of the visit had the Minister watch Molly Keen perform solo with the instrumental music students as a part of rehearsal for the school musical Grease. The cast of staff and students even used the photo opportunity for an impromptu sing along.
Chris Capra
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: The Queensland Department of Education trading as Education Queensland International (EQI) CRICOS Provider Number 00608A
Senior School Update
What is your child doing when they are studying?
As a parent it is a great feeling when your child says they are going to go and study. An article (Willingham D,2014, ‘Strategies the make learning last’) that a number of staff at PBC have read and discussed at our latest twilight professional development session suggests that there is more to it than that. The report suggests that when students are studying on their own they typically do 4 things: read through the chapter/section/work; mark important points with a highlighter; thirdly they don’t look at the work again till a day or two before a test when fourthly they look at the chapter/section/work again, focussing on the highlighted parts. There is evidence that re-reading provides a relatively weak boost to memory (although it is better than nothing!) compared to other study techniques that I will highlight below. It is interesting to note that students who leave study until the last minute can do quite well (in studies, students averaged 74% correct). However their recall 3 days later reduced their score to 29%! With the move towards external exams requiring up to a year’s worth of content in Queensland, it is vital that we can support our students to retain information better.
So what should they be doing?
There are four excellent study techniques that are easy to implement and students can use straight away.
1. Elaborative Interrogation and Self-Explanation
Sounds fancy but basically this means writing the work out in your own words and thinking about how the work you are doing relates to what you already know. This helps to cement the information into your memory. It may be more difficult to do than just reading or copying at first but when this technique is practised it will help students to deepen their understanding and recall.
2. Interleaved practice
This means that rather than practise one thing in a revision session, practise a variety. This is especially useful when learning vocabulary or doing almost anything in Maths. Students could create flash cards with questions and answers so you can test them. Shuffling and testing themselves or each other on a variety of concepts in one session can help students be better prepared during the stress of an exam when the questions do not always come in the order that is expected or has been practised before.
3. Practice testing
This links well with interleaved practice and is exactly what it suggests. Students should work through past questions and give themselves limited time and exam conditions to answer. Then look up the answers and correct any mistakes. Quizzing like this has proven results with students who do mini practice tests rather than re-reading perform on average 13-25% better in an exam.
4. Distributed practice
This means spreading out the revision rather than cramming all of it the night before. Students should create a study timetable that spreads out their subjects and their time and also starts early. This makes that final revision time actual revision rather than re-learning and also takes much of the stress out of it.
These techniques have been tried and tested (see Brown, Roediger & McDaniel, 2014; Carey, 2014).
Even if your child tried one of these or talked to their teacher about it they might find that their confidence, recall and results will improve.
If you would like to know more please feel free to contact the Dean of Studies in Senior School for further reading material around this.
Year 10 Semester 1 cut offs for Senior Subjects
Year 10s will soon commence planning for their subject selections and pathway for Year 11 and 12. The first session will be held in shutdown on Tuesday 19 June after the students Science exam. Parents and students are again reminded of the academic entry requirements for students to enter the ATAR pathway and English, Maths and Science subjects;
General English |
C5 or above in Year 10 English |
English Literature |
B1 or above OR Is a current student in Year 10 Literature |
General Maths |
C5 or above in Year 10 Maths |
Mathematical Methods |
B 10 or above in Core OR C5 above in Advanced Maths |
Specialist Maths |
B10 or above in Core OR B1above in Advanced Maths |
Biology |
B1 or above in Year 10 Science |
Chemistry |
B1 or above in Year 10 Science |
Marine |
B1 or above in Year 10 Marine Science |
Physics |
B1 or above in Year 10 Science |
- The Senior Schooling Exam timetable has been published on the school website (https://pbc-shs.eq.edu.au/Supportandresources/Formsanddocuments/Documents/assessment-calendars-and-shutdown-timetables/t2-wk9-10-2018-shutdown.pdf) and on the student curriculum drive. Exams will commence on Thursday 14 June for senior students.
- The school website also has a copy of the Assessment Policy and Application For Extensions/Change Of Date for students if required (https://pbc-shs.eq.edu.au/Curriculum/Testingandassessment/Pages/Testingandassessment.aspx)
- Year 12 QCS students will have QCS practice exams during Wednesday sport time on Wednesday 13 June and 20 June as well as during shutdown. Please note that students will not finish until 3:00pm on 13 June (as opposed to the normal 2:30pm finish during Term 2). Attendance at these sessions is compulsory if students wish to remain OP eligible. The practice tests will be professionally marked and the feedback from these results will inform the Term 3 QCS program. Students whose results in the practice tests indicate that they need extra support will be required to attend tutorials in Term 3.
- Students need to attend to complete their competencies in VET classes during VET catch up during shutdown. The expectation is that all students are up to date with their VET competencies by the end of shutdown. All students doing the Certificate IV in Fitness will have compulsory catch up sessions during shutdown on Tuesday 19 June and Wednesday 20 June.
- Parents and students are again reminded that teachers will begin term 3 work once exams are completed and that students will need to attend every day up until the end of term.
- Any Year 12 students wishing to complete a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) course during the last week of school should register with Ms Shreeve in Y block. The cost of this course is $50.
School based Traineeships and Apprenticeships (SATs)
Year 10 and 11 students should consider applying for a SAT as this gives the following benefits:
- Paid employment which develops both life and employability skills
- A nationally recognised Certificate III qualification
- 8 Queensland Certificate of Education points
All SATs take 12 months to complete and must be started in year 10 and 11. Year 10 students are strongly encouraged to apply. Please visit The Pathways Centre to register or for more information
Sustainability @ PBC
We are continuing to work PBC Alliance partner and Environmental Consultants, Glowing Green, to improve our sustainable practice and become a leader for environmental initiatives in our local community.
This year we have worked hard as a school to improve our community gardens, reduce paper use through our Print Free Friday initiatives and have introduced extensive recycling programs throughout our school. Our CARE classes have responded with positivity and enthusiasm around these initiatives as well, with our recent Upcycling competition proving a wonderful success, with over 100 student entries logged as students turned trash into treasure.
We will continue our crusade as a school community as we mark World Environment Day on Tuesday 5 June. Our staff and student body will actively compost any food scraps on this day to reduce methane levels in landfill and to help our compost programs flourish.
It has been enjoyable to see our students exhibit gratitude for our obviously beautiful grounds and geographic location by getting behind each of these initiatives.
School Guidance Officers News
For information about university options, open days and other information please click this link.
Pathways Centre News
For information about alternative pathways and job opportunities please click this link.
Middle School Update
Thank you to all middle school staff and students for the very warm welcome I have received in my first weeks at PBC. I am looking forward to leading this high performing team with excitement and enthusiasm. I encourage all families and community members to connect with our staff and myself so that we can continue to ensure that every student reaches their full potential. I look forward to working with you in the future.
Alison Fahlbusch
Principal Middle School
2019 General Enrolment Evening
For parents who have younger siblings in Year 6 can I remind you that our General Enrolment night is on Wednesday 13 June from 6:30pm in PBC Theatre. Invitations for students enrolled in our feeder schools in our catchment area, will be posted home this week. This night is not for excellence programs and parents of students in these programs who are out of our catchment areas are reminded that the sibling rule does not apply in this case. The night is not compulsory but provides an opportunity to meet the Middle School team and to gain information about the current enrolment process. Enrolment packs will be available at the end of the presentation. Further details can be found on our school website. We look forward to seeing you there.
The Middle School attendance target is 95% and ‘Every Day Counts’ is a priority for our students, staff and parent/caregivers to optimise student achievement and wellbeing. The impact of 5 days absence per term results in one month non-attendance during the school year. Parent/caregivers will receive non-attendance letters if your child has had 5 or more unexplained absences this year.
We also have high expectations for students to arrive approximately at 8:30am so they are ready for CARE class at 9:00am and have a positive start to each day. The Optima team have aligned our Middle School student late process to the recent successful uniform non-compliance steps. We thank all parent/caregivers for your support in prioritising attendance and for our students to follow the Reds Pledge to make a commitment to uphold the Reds’ tradition, to relentlessly strive to be my best self and to actively support others to do the same. Any student that is late to PBC without an approved absence will follow this process.
Leaving early (sign out) notes need to be written and signed by a parent/caregiver and delivered to the Middle School Student Services prior to 8:45am. It is appropriate for you to sign out no more than 3 times a term for an appointment or an activity during school hours.
The sign out note must specify:
- The specific reason for signing out (doctors, dentist, etc)
- The time and date that you need to sign out of school
- If a medical appointment, the time, location and professional that you have the appointment with must also be listed.
End of Term Update
There are now fewer than twenty school days left until the school holidays, and the countdown to assessment is even closer. Students should be reflecting on their OPTIMA goals and considering what it is that they need to do to earn their best possible results. Unlike the Interim Report, which may only reflect one piece of assessment, the Semester Report shows a pattern of learning achievement, effort and behaviour.
Assessment may be due right up to the end of Term. Please respect our Holiday dates as removing students from class can make assessment difficult and stressful for them.
Being Busy Versus Being Stressed
Some students find the end of semester a particularly challenging time, especially if multiple assessment pieces over a short time span is a new experience for them.
A useful way to phrase discussion with your young person about this is that they will be busy, but they should not be stressed. A busy student has many demands on their time. They are completing the allocated home work each night, as well as undertaking their own study and review of topics, and work on assignments. The busy student has their assessment due dates written up and placed in a space that the whole family can see. They know what is due, and when. They set about tasks in ‘baby steps’, doing a little at a time and in a logical way. They ask their teachers for assistance early when they do not understand.
The stressed student doesn’t do homework or hasn’t written it down. They don’t study until the night before the test, or may not even know there is a test coming up! The stressed student looks at a large task and puts off starting work on it. They don’t let the teacher know that they are struggling with concepts.
Students should expect to be busy – there is no other option when you are striving to achieve your best. Key things that Middle School students should be doing now to avoid being stressed are:
- Use the Student Planner effectively
- Have assessment dates clearly displayed at home
- Break tasks into achievable chunks and work methodically on these
- Start writing summaries and study notes for exams
- Stay in touch with teachers when work is difficult
These strategies, in combination with good habits around sleep, diet and exercise, should help your young person maintain a sense of control over the coming busy weeks.
Community Service
Does your child participate in a community service activity, such as Surf Lifesaving, coaching a sporting team or helping an animal welfare organisation? If so, we would love to acknowledge their efforts formally here at school. For details, go to the link below:
Wellbeing Team Report
13 Reasons Why, Season 2
You may be aware that there are a number of shows airing on Netflix lately including 13 Reasons Why, Season 2 and One Bad Choice both of which are highly popular with adolescents. Headspace has collaborated with Netflix to develop supporting resources and discussion guides for young people, parents and schools which will be made available upon the show’s launch (Friday May 18 at 5pm).
In the meantime, headspace has created a blog post on the headspace website, which is available now, and provides young people and parents with information to consider prior to the release of the show. The blog post includes:
- Tips for discussing the show safely,
- Points to consider before watching the show.
- Questions to help start a conversation
Once the series is officially launched, people can be directed to 13reasonswhy.info where the resources will be available, including the information that can be found on the headspace blog. You can access the blog post here:
Further to this, eheadspace will be holding group chat sessions for young people and a session for adults. You can access the group chat sessions here on the link below and then scroll down to find more information about each chat session.
Finally, we would like to inform you that a range of measures have been put in place with Netflix to assist with safely launching Season 2 of the series. This includes:
- A designated webpage 13reasonswhy.info where resources and help seeking information will be provided.
- Inclusion of warnings and help-seeking information before, and at the end, of each episode of the show. The end frame directs users back to 13reasonswhy.info
- On the webpage you will find:
- Videos – One will feature the
cast of the show (coming out of character) to address issues depicted in
the show, and the other features Australian young people talking about the
importance of reaching out to family and friends and seeking help on mental
health issues.
- Resources – Tailored discussion guides for
young people, parents and schools
- Help seeking information – Detailed help
seeking information for young people.
It is important to note that 13 Reasons Why, Season 2 is rated MA15+ in Australia, therefore the resources have been developed for secondary schools, parents and secondary school aged young people. The resources are designed to promote help seeking and support having conversations with an individual young person and are not intended to be used for large groups or for classroom lessons.
Other support services include:
Lifelife: 13 11 14
Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800
Online Counselling:
Suicide Support Services: 1800
859 585
Suicide Call Back Services: 1300 659 467
ATODS: Alcohol and Other Drug Services in
Queensland (1800 177 833)
Sexual Abuse: 1800 737 732 or
From the Wellbeing Team: Anna Willis (MS GO), Steve Jones (SS GO) & Hilary Wilson (SBYHN)
House and CARE Update
House Buffs
PBC House Buffs are now on sale from the Uniform Shop. The house buffs are survivor style and there is one for each house featuring the house crest, name and colour. At just $7.00 these are great to have on hand for students to get behind their houses in our inter-house competitions. Head to the uniform for your house buff today.
PBC’s Got Talent
Wow! What an amazing array of talented students we possess here at PBC! PBC’s Got Talent is an Inter-House Comp that always generates an awesome buzz around the school! This year’s much anticipated Grand Final drew a HUGE crowd, who were wowed by Amelia Raitilava – singer (Vikings), Matt Kilgariff – Magician (Spartans), Charlie Priest – Flutist (Phoenicians) and Zackary Hubbard – Guitarist (Athenians). The judges were blown away by all contestants, but it was Zac who took home the trophy for 2018!
A huge congratulations to all students who auditioned, performed at the House Finals and of course Amelia, Matt, Charlie and Zac. It takes much courage to stand up and perform and you were all fantastic! The Grand Final was a gold coin donation which raised over $600 towards our school charity Livin.
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Krista I’Anson, Tim Hart, Jarrod Wells, Andrew
House Leaders
Science News
Middle School Science
This Term Year 7 students are conducting an investigation on forces. Students are required to construct and test a balloon powered vehicle to investigate how forces affect motion. This year students were extremely lucky to have Aeronautical Engineer Mr Josh Hately present an extremely fun and education sessional for students on how forces affect a vehicle. Thanks Mr Hately! Ask your child about turbulence, air resistance and friction.
Mr Hately being presented with a certificate of appreciation by his daughter Grace and teacher Kirsten McGilvray.
Towards the end of the Term we will be running our annual Balloon Powered Vehicle Challenge. Each Year 7 class will nominate a representative team to compete and the supreme car building team of 2018 will be recognised and awarded with a certificate and prizes.
Year 8 students have been investigating all things rocks. Students are investigating processes from formation to extraction and processes necessary for rehabilitation. Year 9 students have been investigating Body Systems. You may have heard talk of dissections. Students have observed and analysed dissections and tissue of rat, porcine pluck (lungs, heart, trachea and larynx), heart, brain, liver, kidney and bone. Ask your child about the relationship between the structure and function of lung tissue – if you dare!
Stem Girls
STEM Girls Leadership Day
Year 10 student Jaime Pryor, recently attended the STEM Girls Leadership Day with 28 other girls from secondary schools across the South East Region. The event was held at Sea World and Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, with the aim of building leadership capability amongst a team with a passion for STEM.
The day started with Jaime conducting water quality tests in a closed aquarium using specialised water testing equipment to ensure it meets certain water quality parameters. Jaime said she particularly enjoyed the opportunity to learn more about the animals and to go behind the scenes at Shark Bay. The STEM girls discussed with Sea World staff how some human activities are threatening the survival of seals, and actions that we as individuals and globally can help with animal conservation.
The day culminated in planning and leadership workshops at Griffith University’s Red Zone. Jaime found the day valuable and was pleased with the opportunity to meet back up with the other STEM girls from the STEM Girl Power Camp she attended last term. She is currently working on initiatives that can be implemented as part of the STEM Ambassador team at PBC.
21st Century Scientist Event
Our three senior STEM Ambassador girls – Jaime Pryor, Annika Danielsen and Amy Cooper – recently attended the 21st Century Scientist event in Brisbane. The day was attended by 60 girls and 11 female scientists, as part of Fuel – Girl Shaped Flames, a Brisbane based initiative that runs events and other activities to inspire girls.
The day opened with the girls listening to scientists Cecile Goode, Samantha Nixon and Lee Constable, who were selected to travel to Antarctica on the Homeward Bound project to join the world’s largest all-female expedition visiting research stations and teams across the continent.
The girls then participated in Networking Roundtables where they spent time with each of the extraordinary scientists from diverse fields such as molecular biology, zoology, chemical science, space research, and medical research. Jaime, Annika and Amy particularly enjoyed talking with the scientists who gave insights into their day to day work. The event ended with interactive workshops on persistence & resilience, led by Dr Chamindie Punyadeera, and communication & collaboration led by Dr Talitha Best, which included activities to identify their personal strengths.
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Humanities News
It has been a whirlwind 7 weeks within PBC Humanities as there have been so many amazing learning experiences going on for our students both within and outside our school. I would like to thank our Business, Languages, History and Geography Course Coordinators for going above and beyond their expected duties to push our culture of high expectations and make these exciting and engaging experiential learning experiences possible.
So far this term our Geography students have: travelled up to North Queensland to conduct research on the Great Barrier Reef and Daintree Rainforest, evaluated the Cruise Ship Terminal Proposal through an excursion to the Southport Seaway/Spit, and conducted field work through a catchment study in the local Tallebudgera Creek area. Our History students have been busy analysing and evaluating sources at the Abbey Museum. Whilst our Legal Studies and Business students: solved crimes at Queensland Police Museum, learned court processes and witnessed criminal prosecutions at the Supreme Court and Southport Courts, created an app prototype with Iyouth in a full day App Building Workshop, completed assessment at the Dreamworld Educational Centre and Theme Park for BCT and Accounting, and attended workshops with the Griffith Business Program and the Griffith Ambassadors Program.
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PBC Students have also had the opportunity to engage in many academic enrichment opportunities such as entering into the Australian History Competition, Australian Geography Competition, Australian Economics Competition and the Australian Business Studies Competition. We experienced some outstanding results last year with individual students receiving High Distinctions in each of the competitions and as such we can expect even bigger things this year with cash prizes and international trips on offer for nationwide winners!
What’s next in PBC Humanities?
We have our Mooting team debating at Beenleigh, Languages cultural eating program, MLTAQ Languages Speech Contest, Careers in Commerce excursion at Griffith University, Japan Trip and the South East Asia tour.
Andrew Griffin
Humanities HOD
General News
Selective Entry @ PBC – Sport Excellence
For students that have applied for selective entry @ PBC in the Sport Excellence Program will have received notification of their upcoming sports trial. Please find attached the schedule for the Sports Selective Entry Trials 2019. Please note these trials are by invitation only.
PBC Fundraising
The new 2018 | 2019 Entertainment Books are HERE!!!
PBC P&C is excited to be offering the 2018/2019 Entertainment Book to School families & Staff!
Let’s support local merchants by getting out there and enjoying their wonderful restaurants and other activities whilst supporting our School and helping us raise funds!!
Save $$ when you visit Palm Beach SLSC, The Beach Shack, Avia, Club Talle, Lester & Earl, Tugun SLSC, Subway, Bakers Delight, Maries Pizza, Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and many more local merchant partners.
Order your 2018|2019 Entertainment™ Membership today to receive up to $20,000 in savings!
Choose from the traditional Entertainment™ Book or the NEW Entertainment™ Digital Membership, which puts the value of the Book onto your iPhone or Android smartphone!
Each membership has hundreds of 25% off, 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for restaurants, cafés, attractions, hotels, shopping, groceries and travel and contain over 2,000 offers that you can use whenever you like until 1st June 2019.
PLUS PBC retains 20% of the price of every Membership sold which will go towards our new Library precinct!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Nicola on 5593 2063
Student Achievements
We encourage parents/caregivers to email your student’s excellent recent achievements to us. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student’s achievement and include at least one photo, and/or any links to media articles that we can share via our Parent Newsletter, internal communications and Facebook.
Sprint Canoe Success!
Congratulations to Year 8 student Ava Lund who is now the Australian U14 Sprint Canoe Champion!!
Ava recently competed at the National Sprint Canoe Regatta and received an amazing 11 Gold Medals in K1, K2 and K4 U14 events. Ava also competed in South Australia at the National Canoe Marathon and came first in K1 and K2 U14 events which were 11.75 km.
Ava is now ranked number 1 in Australia in all disciplines in U14 age group! What a fantastic achievement Ava.
Congratulations also to these amazing PBC students that also competed including:
Hannah Lund who won the
U16 K2 Gold and K1 Bronze,
Daniel Hardwick won U14 K1 Silver
Sarah Hardwick won U12 Silver K1 and Gold
Brisbane Eisteddfod
Congratulations to the Senior Dance Excellence Team and Open Contemporary team who received 3rd for their Extension Jazz routine, 3rd for their Extension Contemporary, 4th for their Jazz and 1st place for their Lyrical routine at the Brisbane Eisteddfod. We competed against 38 other schools across Queensland and the team were professional both on and off stage and did PBC very proud!
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Debate news
Year 7- 8 Academic Excellence are again representing the school in the Gold Coast Debating Association competition against schools from all over the Gold Coast. Both Year 7 teams (pictured) won their debates, arguing against the topic that technology in schools does more harm than good. The Year 9 team has also won two debates. Congratulations to all these proficient and passionate young speakers.
Photo 1: Cameron Thompson,
Joshua Hill, Hannah Daley
Photo 2: Jezebel Ratcliffe, Annika
Photo 3: Annika Peterkin, Jezebel Ratcliffe,
Layla Ahern, Kianna Cox
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Netball Success!
Congratulations to Netball Excellence Student Abi Houston (Year 11) on winning GOLD and representing REDS in the Australian U16 Netball Team. Abi has also recently competed for Netball QLD in the U17 Australian Netball Championships, gaining selection into the AIS (Australian Academy of Sport) U17 Squad. Thank you to Miss Kadry (Netball Excellence Teacher), who has guided Abi since she started at PBC in year 7. Go REDS!
Dates to Remember
13 Jun |
Year 6 into Year 7 2019 General Enrolment Information Evening |
19 Jun |
P&C Meeting |
29 Jun |
Last day of Term 2 |
16 Jul |
Start Term 3 |
17 Jul |
P&C Meeting |
18 Jul |
Naidoc Ceremony |
26 Jul |
Year 12 Optima Assembly |
27 Jul |
Year 10 Optima Assembly |
31 Jul |
Year 11 Optima Assembly |
3 Aug |
Athletics Carnival – Whole School |
P&C Meeting
The next PBC P&C Meeting will be on Tuesday 19 June at 6:30pm in the Trade Training Centre. During this meeting we will be discussing fundraising opportunities. We are eager to meet with members of the PBC community to discuss ideas and to connect with anyone willing to assist with fundraising. This is a chance to support PBC for the quality education and amazing opportunities it provides to our kids!
PBC Alliance News
PBC Alliance Breakfast
The PBC Alliance Breakfast was held last Friday with a full house. The function was set up by our own hospitality students who then went on to serve guests during the breakfast and provide barista coffee. The delicious breakfast was produced by our Canteen Coordinator Deb Reid who received fantastic feedback as usual. We enjoyed hearing from a number of guest speakers including Michael Wyatt of Stone Style, Larissa Rose of Glowing Green and Ian Grace from the Youth Music Venture. If you would like to be invited to the next breakfast please sign up to our database here…
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PBC Alliance Partners
Thank you to all the wonderful businesses that are 2018 PBC Alliance Partners! The support of these amazing businesses, for our students, is hugely appreciated.
- Glowing Green Australia
- Aurora Training Institute
- Prestige Service Training
- Stone Style
- Griffith University
- Southport Sharks
- Struddys Sports
- Capital Pest Management
- Currumbin RSL
- Firewire Surfboards
- GCU Gold Coast United
- Mighty Minds
- Trade Glass
- Tweed Sea Sports
- Tree Trunk Digital
- MSP Photography
- Retire Me Young
- Fraser Financial Services
- Wilson Haynes Solicitors
- Burleigh Bears Rugby League
- Currumbin Junior Rugby League
PBC Alliance Business Directory
If you are looking for a product or service look no further than the PBC Alliance Business Directory. All the listings in this directory are supporters of our students so please support those that support PBC.
Would you like to advertise your business in the PBC Alliance Business Directory? Membership is just $25 which includes a business directory listing, invitations to all our events and inclusion on our newsletter database so you can be kept up to date with PBC Alliance news. Head to the link below to sign up!
Please see our website for details:
Cashier Window Operating Hours
Over the counter payments can only be accepted between 8:00am and 1:00pm on Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can make payments via BPOINT from your invoice or statement or Direct Deposit.
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: |
BSB Number: |
064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads |
Account Number: |
00090303 |
Reference/Details: |
Record both Student ID AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g. 2018 SRS8 or 2018 ACEX10) |
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2017 & 2018 Fees |
$350 (total) |
Overdue |
2018 Japan Trip |
3rd Deposit 4th Deposit |
$700.00 $700.00 |
Overdue 15/06/18 |
Senior Studies Training Program |
Year 12 |
$50.00 |
Overdue |
Excellence Programs |
Excellence programs 2018 students |
Various |
Overdue |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
For credit card payment or to request bank details for direct bank transfer, please telephone the school, or visit Student Services between 8:00am-1:00pm.
SRS Fees
Make payments the quick and easy way using BPOINT. Visit the link below, follow the prompts or phone BPOINT on 1300 631 073.
Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulty can email ParentSupport ParentSupport@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
Payment plan options are available including Centrepay -a service to families whereby periodic payments can be made to the school or Direct Debit via credit card (monthly). Paperwork is available from the Student Services Office to activate either of these plans.
Saver Plus
Community Notices
Mobile Dental Clinic – Gold Coast Oral Health Service
The School Dental Van is currently at PBC and offering FREE dental treatment. We will be leaving the school on 22 June so if you have not made an appointment yet please do so by calling 1300 300 850 as soon as possible.
If a parent is unable to attend, please get your child to collect a consent form from the van that you can sign and your child can bring it to their appointment on their own.
Currumbin Community Special School Movie Night
Optimum Tennis Camps
Fortnightly Funny…