26 March 2018
Newsletter Articles
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The end of Term 1 is here already and Commonwealth Games preparation for the Palm Beach Currumbin communities is just about complete. We have had a great first term with our students engaging in their school work and life above and beyond 2017 as evidenced in the increased levels of attendance and decrease in behaviour incidents as referred by the teachers. This week will see classes as normal and the teachers working long hours to ensure that the Interim Report Cards are ready to go.
Over the holiday period the school will be shut with only tradesman working on site during the first week. The second week will see the front of the school fenced off for Commonwealth Games events.
On Friday I was fortunate enough to undertake a virtual 3D tour of the new proposed school library and classrooms. The building is extremely impressive in both scale and design. We are up to the final design drawings and commenced the colour scheme discussions for internal fit out. The new building will be a wonderful asset to the students through the day and community groups after hours as there are a number of sizable function areas that we anticipate will be available for hire. The new civic heart of the school will be a welcome addition to our existing teaching and learning areas. Construction work is due to commence in October 2018.
Students not wearing bike helmets continues to be an area of concern for the school community. In a recent Traffic Enforcement Command blitz in the area, a number of our students were not wearing helmets. To assist in the wearing of helmets (which by law is compulsory) we are partnering with the local police to increase the number of students wearing helmets. Last year we ran a positive program that provided rewards and incentives for students to wear helmets, and this will occur again this year. In addition to the positive reinforcement Police, who stop students not wearing a helmet, will ask for their Student ID Card so that the school can follow up the next day to work with student in wearing a helmet.
Each year in Term 1 the issue of air-conditioning becomes a concern for parents, students and staff. Although the school receives no funding for air-conditioning it is our belief that before next summer, our worst two blocks for heat blocks K and P will both have air-conditioning installed and operational.
Uniform Policy Update
To increase teaching and learning time the school, in collaboration with the P&C, has made the following adjustments to the uniform policy:
Students may enter school in their HPE or Sport Excellence uniform when they have HPE or Sport Excellence in period 1. They may also exit the school in these uniforms where they have the class in period 4.
Students must attend all other classes, with the exception of Wednesdays, in full blue day uniform.
Have a fantastic Easter break and I look forward to seeing the students back on Tuesday 17 April.
Chris Capra
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: The Department of Education and Training trading as Education Queensland International (EQI) CRICOS Provider Number 00608A
Senior School Update
As we approach the Easter break, Senior students should be commended for their efforts and application through the recent Exam Shutdown period. For our Year 10’s, the past week has signalled their very first shutdown, which for many can be a daunting experience. Periods such as this are both challenging and beneficial as students are trusted with the maturity to self-manage their study and preparation for exams during this time. This process is particularly important for our current Year 10’s, the first cohort to be impacted by the state-wide changes to Senior Assessment and Tertiary Entry to be implemented next year. For the most part, our Year 10 cohort adapted well to a process which is entirely new to them and very much a part of being a Senior at PBC.
To our Year 11’s and Year 12’s, the diligence and dedication shown across the entire term of assessment, but most evident during Shutdown, has been wonderful to see. You have done an excellent job of maintaining a standard of excellence across the rigours of your academic program whilst still dedicating yourself to every other opportunity our school offers outside the classroom.
Congratulations to our Senior School students on their efforts across this Term. Have an outstanding break and enjoy the Games.
CARE Prefects
The CARE focus across our school in Term 1 has been growing leadership capacity and teamwork capabilities within all of our students. The skills covered and encouraged in CARE have helped our students settle into 2018 and already begin excelling in everything PBC offers. One exciting opportunity within CARE is the chance to be elected as a CARE prefect – 2 students from each class that have been identified by their peers as having strong leadership capacity and pride in representing the student body. With this process now complete, PBC now has 200 CARE prefects across our school, serving the student community in an official leadership capacity.
We look forward to hearing from each CARE prefect across the year, and formally inducting them as leaders of our school at a special assembly in Week 3 of term 2 which will detail how they can utilise their position in the school to represent the voice of the students in all things PBC. Congratulations to our elected CARE prefects – we look forward to working with you.
Year 12 Formal & Graduation
To parents/caregivers of Year 12 students – the date for the 2018 Formal & Graduation has been booked. This year’s event will take place at the Gold Coast Convention Centre on Tuesday 13 November 2018. This event is a wonderful night on the school calendar, combining both a Graduation Ceremony and a Formal dinner for our graduates to enjoy. More information will be delivered to students as the year progresses – payments for this will open in Term 3.
Year 12 Senior Jerseys
The Year 12 Senior Jerseys will arrive over the holidays and will be distributed to Seniors in Week 1 of Term 2. Please note that this jersey is an outer layer of uniform, not a replacement for a school shirt. Students are expected to wear this jersey as a substitute for the school jumper in the cooler months. Any student who wears their senior jersey as a standalone shirt will receive a uniform infringement as per our Uniform Policy. We look forward to seeing our Year 12 cohort wearing their Senior Jersey with pride.
End of term
Parents and students are reminded that Term 2 work is being completed in classes and that students should be attending all classes up to and including Thursday 29 March. Reports will be emailed home at the end of term.
Performance Monitoring
Student results will be analysed and reviewed at the end of term. At PBC all students need to demonstrate that they are actively involved in the learning process by passing at least 5 of their 6 classes. This is a basic requirement for continued enrolment in Year 11 and 12. Students with poor academic performance will enter the performance monitoring process. This may mean a change of pathway for students to ensure that they are eligible to receive the Queensland Certificate of Education at the end of Year 12.
Subject changes
An information session for students regarding subject changes was held on Thursday of Week 9. Subject changes will be available at the end of term and should be finalised during Week 10. Parents and students need to be aware that the school timetable was created based on student subject selections and as such there may only be room for limited subject changes due to class sizes. All subject changes require a signed parent permission form.
OP predictions
Year 12 OP predictions will be calculated once Term 1 results are completed. All students will then have an OP estimation interview in the first weeks of Term 2. Students who have a high OP above 18 will be better served changing to selection rank or completing a Certificate III course and using the rank from that course as a pathway for tertiary entrance. Please contact Mr McDougall if you wish to discuss these options.
Year 11 OP predictions will be calculated after Semester 1 results are finalised. Students are reminded that OPs are calculated based on the students position in the subject and getting low Cs will not secure a pathway into University.
Arriving late to school
In the 21st century there is a growing recognition the school environment plays a major role in the social and emotional competence and wellbeing of young people. At PBC our Care curriculum and House and Care system goes a long way to address this recognition. In Care class, students mix with others in the same house but different year groups and build relationships that are likely to be long-lasting and supportive. In addition their Care teacher has an opportunity to get to know them well outside of normal curriculum time and is the first port of call should a young person need help or support. When students are late to school they miss this first important and valuable contact of the school day and this can have an impact on both student connectedness and performance. The PBC planner states that, ‘students are expected to be in school by 9:00am’. Late arrivals will only be approved with the presentation of a detailed and valid written note from the parent or care-giver. Non-approved notes or failure to present a note will result in detention. Please encourage your Senior School student to arrive in plenty of time for the 9:00am class to start. If your student has a reason for arriving late on a regular basis, please arrange a meeting with your Year Coordinator. Let’s work together to ensure the best outcomes for our young people.
Other senior schooling news:
- Parents and students are reminded that completing English OP is a pre-requisite for the majority of Universities in Queensland.
- Year 10s and 11s are again encouraged to register for School based traineeships and apprenticeships (SAT) in Y block. A SAT will give students paid employment, work experience and a Certificate III qualification which gains extra QCE credits, but also opens up a tertiary pathway. Please contact Ms Shreeve in Y block for more information.
School Guidance Officers News
For important information about university options and open days please click this link.
Pathways Centre News
For information about school future pathways and job opportunities please click this link.
Middle School Update
Academic Reporting
Reports will be out soon for Term One’s work and so it’s a key time to reflect with your child on the efforts that they are putting in at school each day and on their ‘at home’ tasks and assignment work.
Questions to ask them, as a good place to start are
- Do they think they are putting in their best each lesson and all lesson?
- What is getting in the way of them doing their best?
Term 1 Reports are interim reports, giving grades to indicate your student’s academic progress as well as their effort and behaviour in each subject. Reports will be emailed home on Thursday 29 March 2018. Should your expected emailed Report not arrive by Saturday morning, please contact cgree192@eq.edu.au.
If you do not have an email address registered at PBC, then a Report will be mailed home.
Supporting your child with their reading log, their weekly spelling list and their regular maths homework are routines that you can help build into the week around their family and extra-curricular commitments. With holidays coming up it’s a great time to encourage some extra reading by visiting the local library or downloading some ebooks. Reading logs are used across Middle School English to support the following:
- Mileage - increasing the amount of reading that occurs in the Middle School ensuring that all students access a variety of texts
- Meaning - providing opportunity for students to understand and communicate what they read
- Enjoyment - encouraging students to enjoy reading through rating the novels they read
Parent Interviews
Parent interviews are held in Week 3 and I would encourage you to meet with your child's teachers to work together to get the best outcomes for them.
Along with reflecting on this completed term it's also the time to set some goals for the new term and what actions will be needed to achieve them. I ask our teachers and our students to challenge themselves in this goal setting as it’s from discomfort and pushing ourselves that great growth will come.
PBC is again participating in the 2018 Queensland Health’s School Immunisation Program. The Year 7’s first round of immunisations have been successfully completed with Ms Condon, Acting Year 7 & 8 Dean of Students and the Year 7 Co-ordinator Mr Jesser being extremely busy with 300 students vaccinated. The vaccinations offered included the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) and the Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis.
Student Support Available
- PBC Homework Centre PBC Library Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 7:45–8:45am and Tuesday 3:15-4:15pm
- Thrower House Suspension Program to support students and families Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 1:30-5:30pm and Wednesday 2:30-6:30pm. Phone 5581 1622
- Thrower House has an extensive school holiday program from 3 April to 13 April. All activities are free. See the bottom of this newsletter for the program details.
Naplan 2018
Next term, Year 7s and Year 9s will sit their NAPLAN tests. These tests provide our school, parents and students with a snapshot of their progress against national benchmarks, and our teachers with valuable information on how best to support student learning.
The NAPLAN program is as follows:
Tuesday 15 May Periods 1 and 2. Normal classes
periods 3 and 4.
Wednesday 16 May Period 1 only
Thursday 17 May Period 1 only
A ‘catch-up’ day for absent students is on Friday 18 May, to allow students who may have been ill during the week to complete the full program of tests.
All parents of Year 7 and 9 students should have received a letter (sent as an email attachment) concerning NAPLAN and parents of students supported by the Inclusive Practices Department should also have had separate contact from HOD Tammy Burn.
Should you have any concerns about your child sitting NAPLAN, please contact the Head of Dept Middle School Sharon Hillcoat as soon as possible (ph: 5525 9340).
National Day of Action Against Bullying
Last Friday 16 March, we acknowledged the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. Middle School students made ‘Hands of Hope’, colourfully conveying messages of support for victims of bullying and violence. These were printed in House colours and used to form displays in our CARE classrooms.
We hope that our education of students about bullying will contribute to a school culture more resistant than ever of bullying and violence. Should you or your child ever become aware of bullying at PBC, please report it immediately to the Dean of Students. Our students are also aware of Stymie, an app that allows them to immediately and anonymously report bullying; this app empowers our students to take positive action against bullying immediately.
Leaving Early
Leaving early (sign-out) notes need to be written and signed by a parent/caregiver and delivered to the Middle School Student Services prior to 8:45am that day. Notes approved by a Dean of Students should then be collected prior to signing out of school.
The sign-out note must specify the following:
- The specific reason for signing out (doctors, dentist etc.)
- The time and date that you need to sign out of school
- If a medical appointment; the time, location and professional that you have the appointment with must also be listed
It is appropriate for you to sign out no more than three times a term for an appointment or an activity during school hours.
Parents/caregivers must notify and provide an explanation of a student absence by email to absences@pbs-shs.eq.edu.au stating student’s name, year level, reason for absence and length of absence.
If a student is likely to be absent for more than two days, parents/caregivers are requested to contact the office.
We are encouraging all students to lock their bikes with a padlock within the designated bike area adjacent to N Block for safety. You will be at risk of bike theft if your bike is left outside the school perimeter. It is a legal requirement for all students to wear a helmet when riding.
Middle School Guidance Officer Report
Click here to read about the importance of teenagers getting a good nights rest:
House and CARE Update
Congratulations to Lucy Brown of the Vikings for taking out the Middle School Snack Attack competition with her amazing Raw Chocolate Jaffa Balls. Lucy, along with many other MS students, took on the challenge of creating a healthy, nutritious and delicious snack suitable for an active 14 year old. Whilst some Inter-House competitions are easy to join in on the day, this competition required far more planning and effort from those who entered, and the results were outstanding. The judges (aka hungry teachers) were very impressed by the high level of skill and commitment displayed by students. Congratulations to the Athenians who had the highest participation and the following students on placing in this competition.
First – Lucy Brown (Vikings)
Second – Charlotte Simpson (Athenians)
Third – Cyra Iliuk (Spartans)
Fourth – Mia Johnson (Phoenicians)
If you would like to give Lucy’s sensational snack a try, you’ll find her recipe entry below! Trust me, you’ll be adding it to your ‘favourite recipes’ compilation!
Our Senior School students have been busy studying and completing exams, but had their chance to enter the Snack Attack comp last Friday. We look forward to sharing our best senior’s recipe next newsletter!
The last chance to contribute to House Points this term is through the Soccer Mega Games in Week 10. All students are invited to head on down to the oval and join in the fun of the non-stop, rolling substitutions, Inter-House Soccer matches. Remember, participation is key with every student earning valuable participation points for their House. So get together with your friends and head on down to the oval for a kick!
Week 10 MS – Monday, SS – Tuesday.
Sustainability has also been high on the agenda in House and Care. Care classes have been working on an upcycling project, turning old, unwanted goods into re-purposed usable items. The winning entry will be determined by number of likes on the House Instagram page. New recycling bins have also been introduced around the school, with students encouraged to use these to help minimise PBC’s footprint.
Earth Hour occurs worldwide this coming weekend, encouraging the world to switch off as a symbol of support to protect our planet for future generations.
Last Friday PBC (#REDSGOGREEN) turned off the lights during period 3 (12:15pm - 1:25pm), decreasing our electricity usage and CO2 output By doing so, we joined thousands of schools across the country who did the same, reducing our emissions and positively impacting our community.
Look out for more Earth smart initiatives here at PBC.
Humanities News
Humanities Experiential Learning and Academic Enrichment
In the Humanities Department here at PBC we have a strong focus on Experiential Learning and Academic Enrichment with opportunities for both provided within all subjects. Experiential learning is about getting students out of the classroom and into the real world so that they can have a hands-on experience that connects them to the topic and subject that they are learning. Academic Enrichment provides students with an opportunity to challenge themselves by broadening their educational experience. Our programs provide these additional layers to the curriculum so that students are able to have deep learning experiences.
Experiential Learning Experiences offered this term/coming up:
Year 12 Geography’s Great Barrier Reef/Daintree
Rainforest Excursion
Year 11 BCT Excursion to Dreamworld
Year 11/12 Economics RBA Seminar
Year 10 Geography Field Trip to the Spit
Year 11 Legal Studies Southport Courts visit
Japan Trip
South East Asia Trip
Academic Enrichment Opportunities
- MLTAQ Languages Speech Contest (Japanese and Spanish)
- Australian History Competition- The primary goal is to provide an interesting and challenging competition for students
- Australian Geography Competition- A nation-wide competition that enables students to test themselves against other students from around the nation to compete for prizes and a position on the Australian Geography team.
- Australian Economics and Business Competition- The competition encourages awareness of current economics, business and political environment. These questions are not explicitly aimed at meeting the Australian Economics and Business Studies high school examination syllabi, but will stretch students in their understanding of those topics.
- Mooting- Students test their debating skills against opponents from other local High Schools both private and public.
Sport Excellence News
Year 12 student, Jye Gillard, recently competed at the Australian Junior (U20) Athletic Championships in Sydney. Representing Queensland, Jye ran a brilliant Personal Best of 48.4s, placing 3rd in the 400m U 18 final.
This was a thoroughly deserved result as Jye has dedicated himself to countless early morning sessions and training during his holidays, on top of his allocated Sport Excellence times. In the space of 4 years, Jye has transformed himself from a raw athlete unable to qualify for Regional titles to an athlete who is in the top 3 in Australia. Congratulations Jye.
Mr. MCDonald
General News
Windy and showery weather didn’t deter twenty PBC High Leos from taking part in the Tweed Valley Cancer Council Relay for Life at Kingscliff on the weekend of 10/11 March at Cudgen Oval, Kingscliff. The club raised over $1,600 for the event, with notable individual efforts from Leos Katelyn Dunshea, Grace Emmett, Anai Williams and Lily Suttle.
We’ve had guest speakers from Legacy and the Currumbin Woodwork Craft Club at recent meetings, to explain the community service activities of their organizations. In both cases, we made donations to assist them in their projects.
During the term, many Leos have been introduced to the art of the sausage sizzle at our regular Saturday morning IGA Currumbin Fair barbeque. We’ll be putting that experience to the test during the holidays at the Bunnings barbeque at the Burleigh Waters store on Tuesday 3 April. These activities enable the club to support a variety of causes. If you’re near either of those venues, we’d love to have your support.
Until Term 2...
PBC ANZAC Day Ceremony
Our Annual Anzac Day Ceremony will be held at the school on Tuesday morning, 24 April. All parents/caregivers are welcome to attend, please click this link to find your invitation.
Please RSVP your attendance to events@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au the number of people coming and stating PBC Anzac in the subject.
ANZAC Day Mid-Morning Service – Currumbin RSL Cenotaph
The Anzac Day Service on 25 April will be held at the Currumbin RSL Cenotaph. All PBC Students are invited to march at this Service. Attending this march will count towards student’s community service hours. Click the link for more information.
Please RSVP your attendance to events@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au the number of people coming and stating Anzac Day March in the subject.
Creative Arts Excellence Senior Music Concert
Tuesday 27 March, will be our first Music Excellence concert of the year. Throughout Term 1 the Senior Music Excellence students have been working on their performances for assessment and would love to share them with their families and the school community.
We invite you to be an audience member to support the students and give them a real-life audience to perform for.
Selective Entry @ PBC ~ Creative Arts Excellence
For students entering Year 7 in 2019 and wanting to take part in the Creative Arts Excellence program, the closing date for submission of your application is Thursday 29 March at 2:00pm
Please note: Creative Arts Applications are being taken for Dance and Instrumental Music, Instrumental music includes voice.
BYOD News – Are you BYOD ready?
We are very happy to see the uptake of the BYOD program from students this year. Our curriculum is moving to a digital platform and a BYOD device is becoming a huge advantage for students.
If you have not yet gotten your student a device please be aware that PBC is a Windows Operating System based school, this means that your student needs to have a Windows based device (PC) to avoid any limitations that other operating systems, such as iOS (Mac), Android, Windows RT, Chromebook or Linux experience at PBC. In order to give your student the best experience with their device at school, make sure they have a PC/Windows device (not a Mac/iOS).
Please also note that iPads are not an acceptable device.
Please see our website for more details:
PBC Alliance News
Business Directory
If you are looking for a product or service look no further than the PBC Alliance Business Directory. All the listings in this directory are supporters of our students so please support those that support PBC.
Would you like to advertise your business in the PBC Alliance Business Directory? Membership is just $25 which includes a business directory listing, invitations to all our events and inclusion on our newsletter database so you can be kept up to date with PBC Alliance news. Head to the link below to sign up!
2018 Partners
We would like to thank all the businesses that have signed up for Partnership with the PBC Alliance in 2018! The support of these amazing businesses for our students is hugely appreciated. Please support those that support our students.
- Glowing Green Australia
- Aurora Training Institute
- Prestige Service Training
- Stone Style
- Griffith University
- Southport Sharks
- Struddys Sports
- Capital Pest Management
- Currumbin RSL
- Firewire Surfboards
- GCU Gold Coast United
- Mighty Minds
- Trade Glass
- Tweed Sea Sports
- Tree Trunk Digital
- MSP Photography
- Retire Me Young
- Fraser Financial Services
- Wilson Haynes Solicitors
- Burleigh Bears Rugby League
- Currumbin Junior Rugby League
Student Achievements
We encourage parents/caregivers to email your student’s excellent recent achievements to us. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student’s achievement and include at least one photo, and/or any links to media articles that we can share via our Parent Newsletter, internal communications and Facebook.
National U16 Triathlon Champion
Congratulations to PBC Year 11 Student Sam Kinstler-McAuliffe! Sam competed at the Schools Triathlon State Championships in March. He came 5th earning him a position in the QLD team that will complete in Sydney next month.
The following weekend Sam competed in the Luke Harrop Memorial Triathlon which was also the age group National Championships. Sam won this event and is now the National Champion for the U16 category. What a fantastic achievement!
PBC Alumni Odin Lowsley Art Achievement
PBC Alumni, Odin Lowsley spent 2017 studying the Diploma of Graphic Design at TAFE and won TAFE Queensland Gold Coast’s 2017 VET Student of The Year as well as recognition by his own faculty. Odin did really well in the year he spent studying the Diploma of Graphic Design with us and has now just commenced a double degree in Graphic Design and Business at Griffith – only 16 years old. What a fantastic effort! Click the link to see an article featuring Odin from last year. A piece of his computer generated artwork has been chosen to be replicated on a city wall.
Dates to Remember
27 Mar |
Creative Arts Excellence Senior Music Excellence Concert - Theatre |
29 Mar |
Selective Entry @ PBC Creative Arts Excellence Applications Close at 2:00pm |
29 Mar |
Last day of Term 1 |
17 Apr |
First day of Term 2 |
19 Apr |
Selective Entry @ PBC Creative Arts Ex Dance Auditions |
24 Apr |
PBC Anzac Day Ceremony |
25 Apr |
Anzac Day Dawn Service and Mid-Morning March |
26 Apr |
Year 12 Optima Assembly |
27 Apr |
Year 11 Optima Assembly |
30 Apr |
Year 10 Optima Assembly |
8 May |
Year 7 Optima Assembly |
10 May |
Year 8 Optima Assembly |
11 May |
Year 9 Optima Assembly |
Cashier Window Operating Hours
Over the counter payments can only be accepted between 8:00am and 1:00pm on Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can make payments via BPOINT from your invoice or statement or Direct Deposit.
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: PALM
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID
AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can
be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2018
SRS8 or 2018 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2018 Fees $350 (total) |
$175 1st inst $175 2nd inst |
Overdue Overdue |
Student Resource Scheme |
2016 & 2017 Fees |
$350 (total) |
Overdue |
South East Asia Study Tour |
Payment 4 Payment 5 |
$ 750.00 $1,000.00 |
Overdue 23/04/18 |
2018 Japan Trip |
2nd Deposit |
$700.00 |
29/03/18 |
Senior Studies Training Program |
Year 12 |
$50.00 |
Overdue |
Excellence Programs |
Excellence programs 2018 students |
Various |
Overdue |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
To make a credit card payment or to request bank details for direct bank transfer, please telephone the school, or visit our Student Services department between 8:00am and 1:00pm for all other payments.
SRS Fees
Thank you to all our parents/caregivers for their valued support. All SRS Fees are now overdue except for parents/caregivers who are on a payment plan or Centrepay.
Make payments the quick and easy way using BPOINT. Visit the link below, follow the prompts or phone BPOINT on 1300 631 073.
Parents/caregivers experiencing financial difficulty can email ParentSupport ParentSupport@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
Payment plan options are available including Centrepay -a service to families whereby periodic payments can be made to the school or Direct Debit via credit card (monthly). Paperwork is available from the Student Services Office to activate either of these plans.
The QParents application provides a convenient, and easy way for parents and legal guardians to interact with the school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child’s student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a financial inclusion program with matched savings that benefits families and their children’s education. Please see link to flyer below.
Community Notices
Mobile Dental Clinic – Gold Coast Oral Health Service
The School Dental Van is currently at PBC and offering FREE dental treatment. We will be leaving the school on 25 June, so if you have not made an appointment yet please do so by calling 1300 300 850.
If a parent is unable to attend, please get your child to collect a consent form from the van and bring it to their appointment.
Join the Human Rainbow
Study Gold Coast is creating a Human Rainbow at Kurrawa Beach on 4 April, at the start of the Commonwealth Games as part of our Embracing Diversity campaign. We ask for your support to share our message and ask Palm Beach Currumbin State High School students and community to be involved in our Human Rainbow. This is a massive event not only for our sector, but the city. We want to send a loud and clear message about who we are and that we, as a city, embrace diversity.
As a celebration of our multicultural city we need as many students and Gold Coast community members to join our Human Rainbow. The more people that attend the event the louder the more prominent our message will be. There will be giveaways and prizes for those who attend!
For students and Gold Coast community members to register they can follow the link below.
Thrower House Holiday Program
Thrower House is excited to tell everyone that they will be open over the April school holidays. All our activities are completely FREE for all youth aged 12-17yo.
Ikin Dance – Holiday Program
All money raised from these programs goes towards funding the full-time dance students (training hard to be professional dancers) for their Graduation Concert costumes.
Fortnightly Funny…
Comics credit: rubescartoons.com and gocomics.com via Pinterest.
Happy Easter!