23 October 2017
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Report
- Senior School Update
- Safer Schools Initiative
- Middle School Update
- House and CARE Update
- Sport News
- Academic Excellence News
- Maths News
- School Nurse News
- General News
- Student Achievements
- Dates to Remember
- Uniform Shop
- Administration
- PBC Alliance
- Community Notices
- ‘Below Average’ Comic Strip
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents,
It is that time of year where Christmas displays start appearing in the shopping centres that indicates it is performance and finals time at school. Over the past few weeks I have attended the Australian Rules Grand Finals, Netball State Finals, Visual Arts Night, Gold Coast Eisteddfod and PBC Under the Lights and the PBC Alliance Fundraising event. It has been a great experience to see our students perform at their best on such important occasions. The level of commitment displayed by the students and their teachers is impressive as is your support as parents. More details about the recent school achievements are included with this newsletter.
With the Christmas decorations comes the pressure of end of year exams and assignments. Students have copies of their assignment schedule well in advance and know the weeks that their exams will be held, so my only recommendation is to plan ahead, balance out the workload and don’t leave everything to the last minute.
This week sees the school undertake a Full School Review as a part of the Quadrennial school improvement cycle. The review will be conducted by the School Review Unit and headed by the Assistant Director General. Seven review officers and principals will be at the school for four days interviewing school staff, students, parents and external community agencies that have partnerships with the school. After the review process is completed, the school will receive a report outlining specific school strengths and recommendations for improvement. The report will be uploaded on the school website once available (probably in late November). The report will also be the basis for the school long term strategic plan and it will inform our actions over the next four years.
Finally, if your family intends leaving the school at the end of the year, please take the time to let us know so that we can plan more accurately for 2018 classes.
Recently PBC has established a sustainability committee with a driving focus for PBC students to have an understanding of, and concern for, stewardship of the natural environment, and the knowledge to contribute to ecologically sustainable development.
The Sustainability committee, led by PBC Alliance member Glowing Green environment education’s Larissa Rose, is made up of teachers, administration staff and students. A student think tank was held in September and has resulted in a vast list of ideas and indicatives that they student body would like to see implemented at PBC. As an initial step, paper recycling boxes have been introduced into classrooms. By diverting paper into recycling bins PBC can reduce the waste going to landfill and contributing to greenhouse gases, lowering our carbon footprint. This is the first step in a journey towards becoming a truly sustainable school. Currently, we are looking at ways to reduce waste and divert any recyclable waste we produce into the appropriate recycling streams. Some of our strategies involve only simple changes to behaviour, such as reducing electricity use by turning lights, fans and projectors off when classes are finished. Other strategies will involve the establishment of new facilities and procedures, such as the introduction of recycling bins in playground areas.
Chris Capra
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: The Department of Education and Training trading as Education Queensland International (EQI) CRICOS Provider Number 00608A
Senior School Update
Senior School students have entered what is perhaps the busiest time of the year, with opportunities regarding student leadership, recognition of student excellence and preparations for what lies ahead in 2018 all sandwiched around final assessment items for the year. It is at this time that our Senior School should be commended for the manner in which they have approached Term 4 and the opportunities that such a time holds for every student at PBC.
As parents and educators it is important that we maintain our high expectations of student engagement, uniform compliance and attendance throughout this term, particularly so, given its compressed length. Please ensure your student is allowing themselves the best opportunity to succeed by maintaining these expectations.
On another note, the coming weeks represents an opportunity to acknowledge our brilliant 2017 Student Leaders and welcome a new wave of leadership, both of House and School in 2018. Prospective School Captains and House Prefects in both the Middle and Senior schools have passionately addressed student cohorts and interviewed with members of staff. Mr Capra will announce the formal leadership success in the coming weeks. Congratulations to all of our nominated Leaders for their dedication, passion and value in PBC.
Year 12
Our Year 12 students have commenced their final term with vigour as they work toward finalising their results in what is a much shorter Term prior to their final farewell. As always, Year 12 students are expected to attend every school day this term until the commencement of Shutdown Exams. Key dates for Year 12 students only are as follows:
Friday 3 November (Week 5) –
last timetabled day
Tuesday 7 November (Week 6) – Shutdown Exams
Tuesday 14 November (Week 7) – Final Exam
All students need to be aware that all assessment must be completed and that students need to be eligible to achieve the Queensland Certificate of Education to attend the school graduation on 16 November. The last scheduled day of school for Year 12s is Friday 17 November.
All year 12 students should have, by now, logged onto the student connect website at the link below. This is the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) record of their learning. Students should check that their details are correct especially their address and that all courses have been registered. The QCAA will issue QCE and OPs in early December. Any issues please contact Ms Ashby in Y block.
Other Senior schooling news
- The school is intending to offer a fast track Diploma of Business course for Year 12 students in 2018. The Diploma will achieve a rank of 82 which is equivalent to an OP of 9. This course is offered by Prestige Services Training in the school timetable at a cost of $1,990.
- Students whose OP prediction indicates that they will not secure a university offer (ie. greater than an OP of 15) should consider this pathway. Interested students should contact Ms McQueen in F block or Mr McDougall. An information night for this course will be held on Tuesday 24 October in the school theatre from 6pm.
- All Year 11 Op students have timetabled QCS classes commencing at 8:00am on Wednesday mornings. As such, all 11OP students do not need to attend sport in Term 4 unless they are in Sport Excellence. All non OP students still need to attend sport.
- Assessment calendars for term 4 are published on the school website under curriculum/testing and assessment.
- Year 10 and 11 students have 7 weeks of classes and a week of shutdown this term.
- Year 10 and 11 Shutdown exams will commence in the week of 20-24 November. All students may have timetabled exams up to and including the last day (24 November for 10s and 11s).
- Year 11 OP students will have an OP prediction interview with a designated teacher in the coming weeks.
- A reminder that all drafts and assignments are due before 9:00am on the due date and that exams cannot be given early to students because of other commitments. Please refer to the School Assessment Policy on the school website for further details.
Bike Safety
Late last term we worked collaboratively with the local police to attend PBC and assist with the enforcement of both bicycle helmets and compliant bikes to maximise the safety of our students who ride bikes to and from school. This was a big success with students gaining the chance to win prizes based on compliant behaviour.
Bike Security
This term we would like to reinforce how important it is to make sure students spend the extra few minutes to lock their bike up within school grounds and preferably within the caged area. Unfortunately we have had several bikes stolen in the last two weeks. These bikes have been locked on the outside of PBC gates and are not within the view captured by our CCTV cameras. We have successfully been able to retrieve several bikes this year that have been taken from within the caged area as we can use CCTV footage to identify people who take others property. The local police have advised that due to the increasing cost and quality of bikes being ridden to schools, they are becoming a hot commodity for thieves around the Gold Coast. It would be appreciated if you could have a discussion with your student about the importance of looking after their bikes by locking them up within school grounds to lessen the chance of it going missing.
Alyce Cleary, Acting Head of School – Senior
On behalf of the Senior School
Senior School Guidance Officer News
Pathways News
Safer Schools Initiative
Safer Schoolies Information Sessions
The Safer Schoolies Initiative is a whole of government response coordinated by the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services, in conjunction with nine government agencies (including the Queensland Police Service and Queensland Ambulance Service) as well as City of Gold Coast and numerous volunteering and community partners.
The Queensland Government does not promote participation in Schoolies but is committed to enhancing the safety and responsible behaviour of school leavers and minimising disruption to local communities where they gather. The Gold Coast Schoolies Community Safety Response is designed to manage the influx of thousands of young people choosing to holiday together in central Surfers Paradise and provides a range of support services on the street and nightly drug and alcohol free entertainment for those attending.
This year, alcohol and drug free activities will be held from 18 to 24 November on Surfers Paradise beach. Click here to find out more on the location, activities and services available.
The Queensland Government provides a suite of resources to enhance the safety and responsible behaviour of school leavers at Safer Schoolies locations. We encourage parents to Click here to find our resources available to help prepare their children for schoolies.
Parents play an important role in preparing their child for end-of-year celebrations. We encourage parents to talk to their child about their plans.
The Safer Schoolies Initiative has a suite of resources including check lists and videos on the Schoolies Information for Parents Facebook page and Schoolies website. Parents and guardians can find further information here.
Please encourage the parents /caregivers of your students to watch and share with peers. The official Facebook pages SchooliesGC and Schoolies Info for Parents are excellent resources to encourage parents to follow as they provide official information and updates leading up to and throughout the Response.
We have prepared a series of short educational videos on key topics to help school leavers prepare for Schoolies. They cover topics such as accommodation and travel; drugs and alcohol; sexual health; mental health; and, protection of privacy. Click here to view the index of videos.
For more information on Schoolies please refer your students to the following key sections on the website:
Schools can also follow our official Facebook pages and share content via SchooliesGC and Schoolies Info For Parents.
Middle School Update
Over this two week period we are celebrating Term 3 achievement at our OPTIMA Assemblies. All parents are welcome to attend and we look forward to seeing you there.
‘Every day counts’ is an Education Queensland initiative that aims to assist in improving student attendance at school through a shared commitment by students, parents, caregivers, schools and the community.
The 2017 PBC attendance target is 95%. Parent/caregivers will be notified of an unexplained absence for their child following Period 1 via SMS. Your child’s attendance is monitored daily in every lesson by the class teacher and follow up by the Year Co-ordinator. In addition, the nominated parent/caregiver will be contacted if your child has repeated unexplained absences by the:
- Middle School Attendance officer – 4 days or less
- Year Coordinator – 5 days
- Dean of Students – 10 days
- Deputy Principal – 15 days or more
The Education Department views that parents/caregivers have a legal obligation in regard to enrolment and attendance of their child at school, or participation in an eligible option such as distance education.
Note: If a student is absent for more than 10 continuous school days an exemption must be completed by parent/caregiver. (If travelling overseas copies of dates and travel destinations must be included with the exemption submission). If your family requires an Exemption for Term 4 please complete the paperwork and return to the Middle School Student Services office asap.
Student intervention Programs
The Middle School has been very fortunate to be able to offer a number of intervention programs to support the social and emotional wellbeing of students while also supporting some behavioural change.
We are again running the Rock and Water program which assists students with self-awareness, self-respect, self-confidence, boundary awareness and intuition. It is a program founded on eastern philosophies and martial arts and is taught all around the world.
We have proudly linked in with the Bendigo Bank to bring the Men of Business program to our Year 9 & 10 boys this term. This is a physical and mentor based program aimed at getting boys back on track.
Some of our Middle School girls have started with the Radiance program on a Wednesday afternoon. This program too aims to address a number of issues specific to our younger girls.
Our RESTORE program continues to receive good feedback from students who participate in it. This program is largely for students who have had issues with managing their behaviour or have concerns regarding patterns of non-attendance at school. The program is designed to get students to be more cognisant of their behaviour and the resultant consequences for themselves and others.
Middle School Assemblies
The Year level assemblies in Week 4 will highlight ‘habits and beliefs’ for our Year 7-9 students. The Year Co-ordinators lead each assembly with Year 7 ‘developing yourself’, Year 8 ‘reaching out to others’ and Year 9 ‘leading others’. We look forward to welcoming parents/guardians and extended family to our Term 4 Optima Award assemblies to celebrate the Term 3 student successes.
Rewards and Acknowledgements
Many parents would be aware that this year, we have been acknowledging those students who make a special effort to do well in our Visible Literacy and Numeracy programs. These students’ names are featured at assembly, they win a small prize (such as a stationery item) and we send a postcard home to parents, so they are aware of their child’s endeavours. If a postcard arrives in your mail box, ask your son or daughter about which prize they chose and celebrate their success.
A reminder that students should be actively using their planners to record their homework and other school commitments. Check your child’s planner for this. Should your student have lost their planner (and having checked their bedrooms and school bags), they should purchase a new one at the reduced price of $5, from Student Services so they can maintain their organisation. If your child does not seem to be receiving homework, do contact their teacher for clarification. The assessment, including assignments and exams that students are working towards, are listed on the assessment calendars on the school website:
Assessment Calendars
You should have received ‘Connecting for Success’, your child’s Term 4 Assessment Calendar. These were also published on the school website:
Assessment Arrangements and Absence
The PBC Assessment Policy is published on the school website at the link below. The policy is designed to ensure equity amongst students, accountability for teachers and the integrity of assessment items. Please understand that while students may submit assignments early, exams may not be sat before the assigned date. The very small group of students planning to finish the term before the end of Week 9 need to discuss their assessment arrangements with the Head of Department of those subjects with exams they will miss, well in advance.
Anita Sgalippa, Head of School – Middle School
For and on behalf of Middle School
Middle School Guidance Officer News
The end of year exam period starts soon!
At this time of the year young people around Australia experience extraordinary levels of stress. Stress not only effects mental and physical health but also can impact on exam performance.
To help our young people deal with this issue Generation Next and Sydney University's Department of Psychiatry have developed this free, evidence based, easy to use app.
Designed specifically for young people, it quickly and effortlessly upskills young people with a simple, evidence based mindfulness/meditation method that reduces stress and improves mental wellbeing.
The specific techniques and video sequences used in the app have been the subject of several clinical trials and field studies conducted in Australian state schools and hospitals under the auspices of the University of Sydney and the University of NSW, all of which have demonstrated specific effectiveness.
For a more detailed look at some of the key evidence, see the links below:
Although the Mental Stillness App was designed with school-aged young people in mind, it is also suitable for use by adults. You can download the Mental Stillness App using the links below.
Andrew Fuller
House and CARE Update
Our first Inter-House competition to test student’s strength, balance, coordination and grit was held in the last two weeks. The amazing Mr Zimmerle created a tough course which involved the bear crawl, hanging leg raises, box jumps, monkey bars, body drops and the crocodile crawl. Huge congratulations to Ben Lahiff (Spartans) and Darlene Barlis (Vikings) who took out the title of PBC’s Fittest.
House ranking from this event
- 1st Spartans,
- joint 2nd Athenians and Vikings,
- 3rd Phoenicians.
Congrats to all students who took the challenge and thanks to Mr Zimmerle for organising!
With the announcement of the PBC House Cup Champions in week 5, competition is really heating up. We are currently running our Visual Art Competition with entries for closing Friday 27 October. The hottest competition of the year will be held on Monday the 23 October when students battle it out to become the PBC Scissors, Paper, Rock Champion. House leaders would like to encourage all students to participate in these final two activities as it is the last chance to earn valuable points for your house.
In CARE this term students are exploring the concept of Active Constructive Responding (ACR). ACR refers to one of four ways in which we respond to good news; it is part of a theoretical framework proposed by psychologist Shelly Gable. Active and constructive responding is the most effective way to respond, giving both the deliverer of good news and the listener a positive outcome. (The other three ways include passive and constructive, active and destructive, and passive and destructive.) ACR helps develop and maintain strong personal relationships. If you retrain yourself to offer active and constructive responses to the people in your life, you will find yourself feeling more positive as well as receiving positive feedback from others improving overall wellbeing.
Jarrod Wells and Graeme Harding, CARE Coordinators
Abbey Bryant, Krista I’Anson, Mitch Kennedy & Tim Hart, House
Sport News
All Schools Touch Football 2017
PBC had 3 teams entered into the Queensland All Schools Touch Tournament this year. Run over 5 days and with over 440 teams competing, including teams from overseas, it makes for a very gruelling competition to come out on top.
The 13 Girls missed the finals on for and against by 1 touchdown after dropping their first game. They were undefeated in all of their other pool matches and showed great improvement so it was tremendously disappointing for them not to be there on finals day. They would have given the title a real shake.
The Under 15 Girls went through undefeated in the pool rounds racking up some big scores along the way. They scored 48 tries to 5 in the prelim rounds. Their round of 16 games went down to the wire and finished in a draw. Unfortunately they lost in the drop-off and bowed out of the competition losing to Bribie Island 5-4.
The Open girls also went through undefeated in their pool racking up a plus 63 points differential. On finals day they defeated Emmaus Rockhampton 5-4 in the round of 16 to progress through to the quarter finals. In the quarters’ they met eventual competition winners Benowa and were unfortunately beaten 6-4. To make the top 8 in the state in such a competitive age group was a fantastic achievement.
All teams represented the Reds with distinction with a never say die attitude across all games. It was great to see the tremendous support they showed for each other with a sea of red around the field when each team was playing.
With the current talent in the program the future looks very bright in Touch Excellence. Looking forward to an even bigger and better 2018.
Mr Eggert and Mr Russell
PBC Touch Sports Excellence Coaches
AFLQ Schools Cup State Championship Report
In some of the most horrendous conditions seen in a long, long time PBC’s junior and senior teams acquitted themselves very well at the recently conducted State Championship held in Maroochydore.
Both teams dominated their opposition in the state sem-finals. The senior team defeated Narangba Valley with Jacob Heron voted the Best Player on ground. The junior team convincingly defeated St Laurence’s College.
These two wins set up another titanic battle against long-time rivals Helensvale SHS. The junior team was unfortunately defeated in a close battle whilst the senior team went back to back defeating Helensvale 5-6–36 to 1-1-7. Jake Burrows was awarded player of the final.
Both teams are to be commended on their team spirit and the wonderful way they conduct themselves.
A big thank you to Mr Jason Jeffrey, Mr Peter Hill, Mr Chad Owens and Mr Jarrod Wells on their terrific work in preparing the teams. Finally a huge thank you to Amy Anderton (AFLQ) and our sponsors Fraser Financial Services and Southport Sharks.
Neil Mackay
Sports Excellence Head of Department
Academic Excellence News
For the second year running, PBC won the right to compete in the Australasian Philosothon held in Sydney in the second week of the holidays. Twelve schools from across Australia competed for the title of best school and best philosopher in their age group. Academic Excellence provided flights and accommodation for eight students who argued the pros and cons of democracy, values in science, immigration, the direction of evolution and the existence of truth. They also attended lectures from several University lecturers on a range of topics including: are soldiers guilty when fighting an unjust war and what’s so bad about death. PBC achieved 5th place and Ruby Allen came third in her age division. Others placed in the middle of, or better, in their field. As winners of the 2017 Queensland Philosothon, PBC has also won the rights to compete in next year’s competition held in Adelaide.
Sally Farrell
Academic Excellence Head of Department
Maths News
Last term in Maths we began to consolidate our preparations for the new senior curriculum with a number of initiatives. Staff in Maths have been involved in unseen assessment and cross-marking in Years 9, 10 and 11. Students will benefit from this initiative as feedback is enhanced with this marking style. Our Year 10 Maths coordinators, have been developing courses to create ones that will prepare students for the demands of the new senior Maths curricula in Year 11 and 12. These new courses will help students to prepare for an end of year exam worth 50% of their final mark at the end of Year 12. We will be working with the students to help them to further develop their study skills and mastery in Maths.
There is certainly an air of excitement in the faculty as we move towards the new curriculum.
Our current Year 10/11 students will still be studying the existing Queensland curriculum and this term our top Core students have been giving up an hour a week before school to attend a bridging course to help fully prepare them for the rigours of the Maths B course in Year 11 and 12. I have been impressed by the dedication of these students and am looking forward to seeing their continued success next year. Thank you to Ashleigh Hage who has worked with me running this course. A special mention should be made about a Year 9 student Matthew Lee whose passion for Maths has led him to join this group. It is great to see younger Mathematicians feeling confident to join the older students.
At the risk of being boring and repetitive I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that students are expected to continue to bring their scientific calculators to every Maths lesson.
And now to the puzzle… you might like to try this at home as a family.
- Take any five integers from 1 to 99 (inclusive).
- Put them in ascending order.
- Generate four new numbers by adding your first and second number, second and third number, third and fourth number, fourth and fifth number.
- Each square number earns you two points. Each prime number also earns you two points. Each cube number earns you three points. (Cubes that are also squares still earn three points).
- What's the highest score you can get? In how many ways can you get this?
- What's the lowest score you can get? In how many ways can you get this?
Cathy Clipson
HOD Mathematics
School Nurse News
Anger is a normal, healthy emotion that can help us to express, and deal with, difficult feelings and situations. It can also motivate us to change things we don’t like about our life.
Anger becomes a problem when it affects a person’s daily life and relationships. This might be because they find their feelings of anger overwhelming or hard to control, or because they express their anger in ways that might hurt themselves or others around them. Anger can also be a common sign of distress that may be masking sadness or depression.
Learning to be aware of our anger and to express it appropriately is an important part of good mental health. If you feel angry a lot or have trouble controlling your anger, there are lots of things you can do to help manage your anger in a healthy way.
Please click on the link for further information on anger and aggression from HeadSpace.
Health and Wellness to all,
Hilary, your School Based Youth Health Nurse
General News
Sustainability at School
2017 Yearbook
If you haven’t already pre-ordered the 2017 Yearbook for your students now is a great time to do so! The Yearbook is in production and due to be available at the end of November 2017. It includes a huge amount of photos from all the fun and events that have been had this year. All year cohorts are represented! To order a 2017 Yearbook download and complete the attached order form and return to Student Services. At just $30 this is a wonderful keepsake for all PBC students.
PBC Alliance Business Directory
If you are looking for a product or service from a local business that supports our school, look no further than the PBC Alliance Business Directory. All the listings in this directory are supporters of our students so please support those that support our students.
Feature many businesses over many different categories you are sure to find what you are looking for as well as a special offer for Alliance Business Directory users!
Council Notification – Thrower Drive Bridge
Student Achievements
We encourage parents/caregivers to email your student’s excellent recent achievements to us. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student’s achievement and include at least one photo, and/or any links to media articles that we can share via our Parent Newsletter, internal communications and Facebook.
Carter Brodhurst-Hill – Kayaking
Congratulations to Carter Brodhurst-Hill on his recent Australian representation in Kayaking. Carter recently travelled to Europe to represent Australia at the Olympic Hope event for Kayaking. He made it to the semi’s in all 3 events. Over 600 competitors from 34 countries. Results were:
- 1000m K1 event Semi-final finishing 6th
- 500m k4 semi-final finishing 6th
- 200m k4 semi-final finishing 9th.
- All in PB’ times.
2018 Commonwealth Games – Baton Bearer!
Congratulations to Tynan Neveceral who has been chosen to be a Baton Bearer for the 2018 Commonwealth games! Tynan will be holding the Baton on the 99th day and in the Gold Coast and as he always says, he wants to encourage young athletes to get in there and commit.
Tynan also recently participated at the All Schools Queensland State Championships. His first event was the 4 x 100 metres which he won Gold. Unfortunately, after this race he received an injury. On advice from an emergency sports Physio appointment on the Saturday morning, he was advised to pull out of the 200 metres (which he was a contender for Gold). He came fourth in the 100m after his injury which was great considering his pain.
Isabella Carroll - Futsal success!
Congratulations to Isabella Carroll’s (Year 7) who competed in national Futsal competition in Brisbane recently. She played in the U14 Northern NSW team. Her team went through the whole tournament undefeated and won the Grand final 6-4. Bella was then selected to join the U14 Australian girls team and will travel to the UK next April to compete.
Shona Coxsedge – Australian Junior Squash Championships
Congratulations to Shona Coxsedge Year 7 who recently competed at the Australian Junior Squash Championships (Nationals) held in Geelong Victoria. Shona finished 5th in the individuals for U13's.
In the Australian Junior Championships Team Event the Queensland U13's team won that age group, which Shona was a part of. Queensland won the overall Championship for the 14th year in a row!
Middle School Leadership 2018
Middle School students presented speeches to their Houses last week in the hope of gaining a MS Leadership position for 2018. Congratulations to all applicants who have now completed a written application, interview and speech. All students presented strong, engaging speeches, and should be extremely proud of themselves. The positions of MS Head Prefects, Sports Captains, Cultural Captains and International Captain will be announced shortly. The leadership skills shown by these students leaves us assured that the future of PBC is in great hands. (Athenian applicants shown)
Year 8 Art Excellence
The Year 8 Art excellence students have been working on paintings to be hung in the athletes village at the Commonwealth Games. Athletes will be able to keep the artwork from their room as a souvenir of the games. The theme for the project was “Our Place” so Palm Beach and Currumbin landmarks were chosen by the students as their focus.
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Year 7 Movie Pass winners!
Congratulations to the Year 7 students who won double movie passes at last week’s Optima Awards. Any student who received an Optima Award this year got a ticket in draw. 20 double movie passes given out at each Middle School ceremony.
Dates to Remember
24 October |
Year 11 Optima Assembly 9:15am PBC Hall |
24 October |
Fast Trace Diploma of Business Course Information Night for Year 12s in 2018, The Theatre from 6:00pm. |
24 October |
Dance Night 6:30pm The Arts Centre Gold Coast Tickets: www.theartscentregc.com.au |
26 October |
Year 9 Optima Assembly 9:15am PBC Hall |
27 October |
PBC Alliance Industry Awards Breakfast 6:45-8:15am Trade Training Centre |
27 October |
Year 12 Optima Assembly 9:15am PBC Hall |
1 November |
Sports Awards Night |
2 November |
Arts Awards Night |
7 November |
Academic Awards Night |
17 November |
Final date for Year 12 attendance in 2017 |
24 November |
Final date for Year 11 and 10 students in 2017 |
PBC Dance Night
Palm Beach Currumbin State High would like to present Dance Night 2017. This year’s showcase is an exciting mixture of performances from students in Years 7-12 across the Dance and Dance Excellence programs. Come and watch our award winning Eisteddfod routines, student choreography, snippets of our curricular work and guest performers. Our talented choreographers include PBC alumni Anna Johnston, Kira Stray, Nicole Wells and Shannon Burns alongside teachers Loren Skyring and Abby Swanborough. Featuring over 150 students, this will be an entertaining evening combining all styles of dance. Do not miss out. Ticket will sell fast!
Uniform Shop
Winter Jackets
Please note that all PBC navy jackets purchased earlier this year can now be swapped, for the new jackets now in stock, at the Uniform Shop.
Students need to bring their current jacket, purchased earlier this year, to the Uniform Shop between 8:15am and 9:00am or during Lunch One, Monday to Friday, to swap for a new jacket.
Parents are welcome to come in to swap jackets between 8:15am and 12:30pm Monday to Friday, but must have the old jacket, purchased this year, with them.
Please note that the cut-off date for swapping jackets is 10 November, 2017.
Cashier Window Operating Hours
Over the counter payments can only be accepted between 8:00am and 1:00pm on Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can make payments via BPOINT or Direct Deposit.
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: PALM
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID
AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can
be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2016
SRS8 or 2016 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2018 Fees $350 (total) |
$175 1st inst $175 2nd inst |
Overdue 5 Feb 18 |
Student Resource Scheme |
2016 & 2017 Fees |
$350 (total) |
Overdue |
Excellence Programs |
Excellence programs 2016/ 2017 students |
Various |
Overdue |
Cert III Fitness |
Year 11 students |
$200 |
Overdue |
2017 Graduation |
Year 12 students |
$50 deposit $60 balance |
Overdue Overdue |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
To make a credit card payment or to request bank details for direct bank transfer, please telephone the school, or visit our Student Services department between 8:00am and 1:00pm for all other payments.
SRS Fees
Thank you to all our parents/caregivers for their valued support. Prompt payment of Student Resource Scheme Fees is greatly appreciated. The only SRS fees that should be outstanding at this time of the school year should be for 2018 SRS Fee’s or future extra-curricular activities/excursions or balances remaining for those on official School approved payment plans.
A reminder to parents that SRS Fees are required to be paid in full (or payment plan up to date) for students to be eligible to purchase the Year 12 jersey, to attend the Year 12 Formal and attend incursions/excursions including camps and other extra-curricular activities.
2018 SRS Fee payments are due in full or if paying via the installment option, first instalment is due by 6 October 2017 and the second instalment by 5 February 2018. This year we will be sending out a direct deposit link to set up the automatic deduction of the second instalment as a service to assist parents with this process.
Make payments the quick and easy way by using BPOINT. Visit the link below and follow the prompts or phone BPOINT on 1300 631 073.
Parents who may be experiencing financial difficulty can contact our Finance Office on 5525 9333 (Press 2 for Finance) or email ParentSupport ParentSupport@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
Payment plan options are available including Centrepay -a service to families whereby periodic payments can be made to the college or Direct Debit via credit card (monthly). Paperwork is available from the Student Services Office to activate either of these plans.
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians to interact with the school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child’s student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a financial inclusion program with matched savings that benefits families and their children’s education. Please see link to flyer below.
PBC Alliance
Industry Awards Breakfast
Community Notices
Cycling Australia Masters Road National Championships
Please read this IMPORTANT information outlining these changed traffic conditions and how residents are able to travel during the event. Please see attached for timetable and detour maps. Event to be held on Sunday 29 October 2017
Kids In Need DragBoats
GC City Libraries
City Libraries invite you to Make Create Day on Saturday 28 October 2017.
Make Create Day will be a simultaneous family fun day of programs, workshops and events showcasing activities with a maker or creative focus across our library locations. Programs and activities will be interactive, hands on, with something for everyone in the areas of science, engineering, the arts and technology. Discover a new craft, make something, learn a new skill and connect with your local community.
PBC Alliance Partners
Thank you to all of our Partners that continually support our students strive to reach their potential.
Aurora Training |
Synergy Fitness |
Stone Style |
Southport Sharks |
Summit Physiotherapy |
Struddys Sports |
Griffith University |
Currumbin RSL |
Mighty Minds |
Tweed Sea Sports |
Tree Trunk Digital |
Bendigo Bank, Tugun Community Bank |
Trade Glass |
On Time Guardrail |
MSP Photography |
Burleigh Bears Rugby League Club |
Currumbin Junior Rugby League Club |
Fraser Financial Services |
Jann Stuckey MP |
Storm Cycles |
Wilson, Haynes Solicitors |
Dave Danes, First National Palm Beach |
Southern Seas Marine |
Aurora Training |
Synergy Fitness |
Stone Style |
Southport Sharks |
Summit Physiotherapy |
Struddys Sports |
Griffith University |
Currumbin RSL |
Mighty Minds |
Tweed Sea Sports |
Tree Trunk Digital |
Bendigo Bank, Tugun Community Bank |
Trade Glass |
On Time Guardrail |
MSP Photography |
Burleigh Bears Rugby League Club |
Currumbin Junior Rugby League Club |
Fraser Financial Services |
Jann Stuckey MP |
Storm Cycles |
Wilson, Haynes Solicitors |
Dave Danes, First National Palm Beach |
Southern Seas Marine |
‘Below Average’ Comic Strip
About the Comic
High school. It's a daunting place, especially when you're at the bottom of the social ladder… where we find four friends trying to survive their final days of senior year. Join Marina, Maddison, Amy and Olivia as they embrace adolescence with a refreshing and humorous approach to daily life in this brand new addition to the Palm Beach Currumbin High School Newsletter.
Below Average is a fortnightly webcomic created by cartoonist Nicholas Cleaver in mid-2010. It follows the day-to-day adventures of four not-so average teenagers: Marina, an inventor suffering with obsessive-compulsive disorder; Maddison, a blissfully ignorant foodaholic; Amy, a sarky game fanatic; and Olivia, the kookiest member of the group.
The strip’s primary theme is humour, and focuses largely on friendship, school and the four girls’ incompatibility with established society.