22 May 2017
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Report
- Senior School Update
- Deputy Principal Report
- HOD – Senior School Report
- Deans Report
- Middle School Update
- Deputy Principal Report
- HOD of Middle School Update
- House Update
- CARE Update
- EAC News
- Sports Ex News
- The Arts News
- Dates to Remember
- Student Achievements
- Senior School Guidance Officer News
- Middle School Guidance Officer News
- Pathways Centre News
- BYOD – Information for Parents
- PBC Canteen
- Uniform Shop Update
- Administration
- Student Lockers Available
- Second Hand Uniforms
- Saver Plus
- PBC Alliance
- QParents
- Community Notices
- ‘Below Average’ Comic Strip
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents,
“An individual with a
growth mindset believes that their intelligence, talents and abilities can
be developed through passion, education and persistence.”
Carol Dweck
As we move towards the second half of this term, it is timely to reflect on the challenges and opportunities faced by our students as they engage with learning new and often quite difficult concepts and content. It is around this time of each term that students have received their assignments with due dates pending; they are moving into the stage of their subject lessons where the surface knowledge has been covered and much deeper, higher order concepts are being delivered.
On top of the social, emotional and physical changes that engulf all teenagers at this crucial time of their life development, the additional challenge of learning for many can seem overwhelming and under-rewarding.
Firstly, I write this newsletter article to inform our school community that this ‘learning challenge’ or ‘learning pit’ is something that we all face when learning a new and difficult skill or concept. Secondly, the mindset and strategies that are used to take on these ‘learning challenges’ will ultimately be the determining factors if an individual will climb their way out of their ‘learning pit’ successfully and consistently.
At the commencement of this year, PBC introduced our new House and Care system. Some of the key aims of our House and Care system is to provide our students with a stronger network of peers and to engage them to connect with their Care class and House and ultimately, our school at much deeper levels. One of the principles that our system has been based on is that of supporting our students’ in developing a growth mindset. An individual with a growth mindset believes that their intelligence, talents and abilities can be developed through passion, education and persistence. There are a number of major benefits in supporting our students to develop a growth mindset. A growth mindset will enable an individual to:
- embrace learning challenges
- persist, despite obstacles
- see effort as the path to mastery
- learn from mistakes and feedback
- be inspired by the success of others
I look forward to observing our students proactively confront and embrace the challenges in their learning and witnessing the development of their positive and proactive mindset.
Middle School Student Leaders Attend Gold Coast Junior Secondary Leadership Summit
On 15 and 16 May, the Middle School Student Leaders attended the Gold Coast Junior Secondary Leadership Summit at Runaway Bay. At this very successful summit, the students made huge growth in their leadership capabilities.
Influence and leadership inspiration was the main theme of the summit and the workshops and interactive activities led by a range of presenters, including Stewart Robert MHR and Minister for Education Kate Jones, were well received by the students. Our Student Leaders participated in a range of hands-on activities and workshops that provided opportunities to develop their skills in critical and creative thinking, understanding differences, consultation, empowerment, public speaking skills, collaboration, team building and putting ideas into action.
The team will now present their work to the Middle School administration, and look for ways to implement the fundraising project they developed – a Year 9 dance – in Term 4.
Congratulations on your success at the Summit, Middle School Student Leaders!
Blair Hanna
Acting Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: The Department of Education and Training trading as Education Queensland International (EQI) CRICOS Provider Number 00608A |
Senior School Update
I would like to once again recognise the outstanding achievements of all the students that received Optima Awards in the past week. These awards are an important part of our school calendar. It was a great moment to witness the first time that our Houses were recognised at this forum for the efforts of their students in academic, behaviour and attendance categories. Next term Optima Awards will also recognise individual students with the greatest academic growth. This award is among the most meritorious of categories as it shines light on those students who have made the most concerted effort to improve. I encourage all of our students to compete for this award and challenge themselves to achieve nothing but their best.
An important reminder, at this time of term as assessment pressure increases, is for students to make a concerted effort to remain healthy and focussed, to prepare the best they can to learn each day. Simple ways of ensuring Senior students keep a clarity of mind as the term nears its end could be:
- Ensuring students get adequate sleep
- Minimising ‘screen time’, particularly on phones prior to sleep
- Encouraging exercise after school and prior to homework/assessment work
- Ensuring all students have an adequate breakfast prior to leaving home in the morning
Students have access to a range of welfare staff at PBC to assist them in strategies to minimise anxiety and stress, as well as other inhibitors to achieving their best. Should parents or students have any concerns about a child’s welfare, please encourage contact with your Year Coordinator or Dean, who can then arrange contact with our team of Guidance Officers and school-based nurses and psychologists.
Good luck in the lead up to those crucial pieces of assessment and remember to look after each other.
Alyce Cleary
Acting Head of School - Senior
Deputy Principal Report
Travel Safety
Students are reminded to keep alert as they travel to and from school, whether they arrive on bike, in cars or on foot. It is important for all students to be aware of their surroundings in the local community, and travelling in pairs or groups can assist in ensuring the safety of all of our students. Should any student notice any unusual activity at any time of the morning or afternoon, they should report this to the police or school administration immediately.
Any student that rides a bike to school is also legally required to wear a helmet. Bike safety and the safety of our students is of utmost importance. This legality will be enforced by school administration and by local police on a regular basis. More information about Bike safety and road rules while riding can be found at the link below.
Mitch Kennedy
Acting Deputy Principal – Senior School
HOD – Senior School Report
The Senior Schooling Exam timetable will be published on the school website shortly; exams will commence on 9 June for Year 11s and 12s and 12 June for Year 10s.
Assessment calendars for Term 2 are available on the school website under the curriculum tab
Parents and students are again reminded that teachers will begin Term 3 work once exams are completed and students will need to attend every day up until the end of term.
Year 12 QCS students will have Masterclasses and practice writing task and multiple choice exams all day on 15 and 16 June. These compulsory sessions will be the last practice exam sessions before students sit the QCS on 29 and 30 August. Students whose results in the practice tests indicate that they need extra support will be required to attend tutorials in Term 3.
The school Althletics Carnival will be conducted on Friday 23 June.
QCAA learning accounts
All Year 12 students were recently issued with instructions to log onto the Student Connect website at the link below. It is important that students do this to ensure that their details such as correct spelling of their name, address and date of birth, and subjects studied are correct. At the end of Year 12 it is the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority, not PBC, which will issue and send out the Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) and OP and Senior Statement. Students who log on by 31 August are also in the running to win an Apple MacBook Air. Any students who find that their details are incorrect should contact Ms Ashby in Y block.
SET Plan
Year 10s will soon commence planning for their subject selections and pathway for Year 11 and 12. The first session will be held in Period 1 on Wednesday 14 June.
In preparation, students and parents need to be aware of the following requirements for students to study in the OP pathway in 11 and 12.
To study 5 OP subjects and be eligible for an OP students must achieve;
- An A or B in English and Maths in Semester 1 Year 10
- Students wishing to study a science in Year 11/12 (Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Marine Science or Science 21) must also achieve a B in Science in Semester 1 Year 10
- Students wishing to study Maths B or C in Year 11 must achieve at least a B10 in Maths in Semester 1 Year 10
Students who achieve a C5 in Maths and English in Semester 1 Year 10 may still be able to study Maths A and English in Year 11 however will not be able to study 5 OP Subjects in Semester 1 year 10.
Mick McDougall
HOD – Senior School
Deans Report
Our senior students are focused on their school work and contributing to the school community in positive and productive ways. Attending all classes, actively participating in lessons, wearing the correct school uniform, and speaking and acting with respect to others, are the behaviours that form the foundation of PBC's Optima Code - Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be A Learner. These are also the behaviours that help keep PBC a safe and successful school.
In the Senior School, we will be focusing on maintaining these standards from our students. As important members of the school community, parents can assist by supporting our procedures and decisions when we expect our students to wear the school jumper rather than a hooded sweat shirt, for example, or by encouraging students to attend school all day every day unless there is a legitimate reason not to. When we work together to get the basics right, students connectedness to the school and their academic achievement increases.
Amanda Stewart and Brad Dixson
Dean of Students Year 10, 11 and 12
Middle School Update
Thank You NAPLAN Parents!
Thank you to every parent who supported their child through NAPLAN by ensuring that they had a good night’s sleep, ate breakfast and arrived at school punctually. These efforts made an important contribution not only to the children but to the smooth running of NAPLAN this year. Participation levels were high so we are grateful that our parent community supports us in seeing that this testing provides a meaningful insight into students’ progress and especially a measure of the growth of their literacy and numeracy skills over a two year period.
Whilst our students have done their best and their teachers have continued to work with them daily to progress and improve their skills I would also like to acknowledge our colleagues in local primary schools for the solid foundations they have built for our students. As a school, we will continue to work closely with our cluster primary schools to ensure greater alignment and a shared purpose to improve literacy and numeracy in our area.
We are already making plans for a smooth transition to high school for our local Year 6 students. The Middle School Team will be liaising with local primary schools regarding invitations for our 2018 Year 7 General Enrolment Evening is on Wednesday 14 June. Families living in our catchment area, who have not already applied for or attended the Selective Entry @ PBC night, are welcome to attend this evening.
I had the pleasure of attending our Middle School Leaders presentation at the Youth Summit at Runaway Bay Leadership and Excellence Centre this week. Students participated in a 2-day leadership camp and were engaged with several high profile speakers including Kate Jones MP and several Olympians training at the centre for the Commonwealth Games next year. I look forward to seeing how these amazing young people put their newly developed skills into play this year.
Anita Sgalippa
Head of School - Middle
Deputy Principal Report
Goal setting
Middle School Term 2 challenge for students is to achieve an Excellent for Behaviour and Effort in 5 or more subjects.
At PBC we have high expectations for all students to follow our school motto - ‘Nothing but the best’ and the Reds’ Pledge - ‘strive to be my best self’ in all areas of school life and in the wider community. Our Optima Code ‘Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner’ is embedded within our PBC culture so every student can maximise their learning potential.
Productive partnerships between students, parents and staff are crucial and the Term 2 Optima Award Assemblies provided additional opportunities to celebrate student success with our families for achieving key 2017 Middle School targets.
Middle School Targets - Year 7-9
Focus Area |
Targets |
Attendance |
95% or better |
Achievement |
95% students passing 5 subjects |
15% students GPA 4.5 or above |
Behaviour & Effort |
Excellent for behaviour & effort in 5 or more subjects |
‘Every day counts’ every lesson, every day will maximise your child’s learning potential and wellbeing at PBC during the remainder of Term. Learning and wellbeing are inextricably linked - students learn best when their wellbeing is optimised, and they develop a strong sense of wellbeing when they experience success in learning.
Regular school attendance will mean that your child has a better chance in life and will achieve better when they go to school all day, every school day.
- they learn better
- they make friends
- they are happier
- they have a brighter future.
The Middle School Optima Team will regularly contact you if your child has unexplained or unauthorised absences and formal letters will be sent to advise parents of your legal obligation for your child attend school.
MS Student Wellbeing @ PBC
This year our strategic priority of the Positive Education Framework has been successfully embedded in our CARE curriculum, the House system, Orientation week and the HPE Australian Curriculum Year 7-10.
A priority area within HPE ‘Adolescent Development’ not covered by HPE classes will be delivered by an external provider. Queensland Health is providing a team of health nurses to deliver this lesson for one period only to our Year 9 cohort on Monday 19 June. Queensland Family Planning will also deliver a similar program to the SEU students.
There will be an information session ‘Adolescent Development’ for Year 9 parents on ‘Adolescent Development’ delivered by our school based health nurse, Judy Nunn on Thursday 8 June in the Trade Training Centre at 8:15am. Please email lbort5@eq.edu if you wish to attend.
Non-negotiable behaviour
Wendy Wise
Deputy Principal Middle school
HOD of Middle School Update
Thank you to every parent who supported their student through the NAPLAN testing last week, and who actively stayed in touch with the school about absences. We had a large number of students attend the catch up tests on Friday, which means that families will now get a fuller snapshot of their students’ progress in their essential literacy and numeracy.
Our Year 7 and Year 9 students are to be congratulated for their amazing efforts over the three days of NAPLAN. They were calm, settled, prepared and almost every student visibly gave their best effort. They should be proud of their work.
The QCAA will release NAPLAN reports about mid-August, at which time they will be mailed home to families. Each year, PBC uses the data as part of its ongoing efforts to improve teaching and learning for every student. We look forward to sharing our school results in Semester 2.
This year will have been the final ‘paper’ NAPLAN for our Year 7 students. We plan to move to computerised testing in 2019, along with every other Queensland school. Teachers will be focussed on preparing students for the changed testing environment over the coming two years.
Connect For Success
By the time this newsletter is published, you should have received by email Connect for Success, a list of all Term 2 student assessments and the due dates. While ultimately it is the students’ responsibility to organise their time, it can help the planning of family schedules if parents know when their child can expect to be busy with assessment, need an early night and so forth. This year, in response to parent feedback, we have included additional information about every assessment item. Please contact your child’s teacher for further information on any particular item.
Please note that core assessment this term spans across Weeks 7 to 10. When the assessment occurs well before the holidays, teachers will be commencing the next unit of work, and students will be involved in significant work up to the last day of term. For this reason, we request that parents arrange for students’ holidays to be taken during the official holiday period only.
Sharon Hillcoat
HOD Middle School
House Update
Term 2 of House activities have commenced with the next couple of weeks jam-packed with events celebrating and recognising the creativity and enthusiasm of our wonderful students. Our Inter-House Air Guitar competition has had students from all areas of the school jamming out on any available ‘air-instruments’, with the quest of house points proving a lure for many. At the time of writing, the Inter-House Air Guitar page has 700 students actively following it on Instagram and celebrating the enthusiasm and humour of each clip. All up, over half of the student population at PBC has ‘liked’ or interacted with the instagram-based competition – creating a buzz through CARE class and lunch breaks each day.
Our annual PBC’s Got Talent performances will commence and conclude over the coming weeks. This year, each House will host a semi-final celebrating four sensational student acts. Winners of each semi-final will go on to compete in the PBC’s Got Talent Grand Finale in Week 7 which is always a huge day on the school calendar. With the winner of the Air-Guitar Comp set to kick off the proceedings, this year’s event promises to be the biggest and best yet!
Abbey Bryant, Krista I’Anson, Mitch Kennedy & Tim
House Leaders
CARE Update
Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
Our mindset is what shapes our attitude and it is the ultimate factor which determines our success or failure. Professor Carol Dweck believes that we basically have either a fixed-mindset which implies that we believe our attributes and abilities are inherently fixed and unchanging. Or, a growth-mindset that suggests, we believe our talents and abilities can be improved and developed. In fact, much of what we think as our personality, drive or setbacks, actually grow out of our mindset.
The Fixed-Mindset
In a fixed-mindset, the aim is to achieve validation. The person constantly tries to prove themselves, and is highly sensitive to being wrong or making a mistake. So, failure brings doubt, demeans their character, and destroys confidence. As a result, a person with a fixed-mindset, always feels anxious and is vulnerable to setbacks or criticisms.
The Growth-Mindset
Growth-mindset is about achieving mastery and competence. The person believes that superb personal qualities can be learned, developed or cultivated. So, they view failure only as feedback about their performance, and not as a judgement of their personality, potential or value.
Therefore, a person with growth-mindset feels eager to learn to boost performance and enjoys exploring, experimenting and stretching herself. Those with a growth mindset are not sensitive to criticisms and setbacks don’t hurt so hard.
Follow the link below to view a great clip, which further explains fixed vs growth mindsets
Jarrod Wells and Graeme Harding
PBC CARE Coordinators
EAC News
Week 6 Term 2 is already upon us and what an interesting term it has been. Term 1 ended abruptly with Cyclone Debbie making her presence known and then we have had somewhat staggered start to the term with short weeks and a number of special assemblies, including our farewell to Mr Stephen Loggie who is off on an exciting adventure in Hong Kong. Considering the changes to regular routine experienced, the students and teachers we work with have settled well, are clearly focussed on progress and have an enthusiastic attitude to learning. We could not ask for more.
Australia wide NAPLAN testing took place last week and we are confident that our Year 7 and 9 students could demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills to the best of their ability. We look forward to seeing the results and celebrating the progress you have made over two years.
The EAC faculty has several events taking place this Term and as always it is an exciting, positive, busy and energetic place here at PBC. Feel free to contact us if you would like further information regarding any of our programs or wish to discuss the individual progress of your young person. Thank you.
Elizabeth Gill
Acting Head of Department EAC
Murri Jarjum Update
This term we are trialling a new meeting and celebration alternative based on feedback from our students. Instead of a breakfast each term a morning tea will be taking place. We are endeavouring to make this a more informal gathering and an opportunity to share with students upcoming events, excursions and opportunities. As always we will celebrate the highest achieving students in each year level for the previous term and the students with the highest rate of attendance. We invited Mr Karl Black who is the coordinator of the AIME program at Bond University and Mr Andrew Zaro who has taken over from Mr Luke Dumas for the Deadly Choices program.
Deadly Choices has begun for our Year 7 cohort and they are proving to be a bright and enthusiastic bunch of students. Please remember that all permission forms were due back by Wednesday 10 May if you wished to participate. Kalwun Health checks are scheduled for Week 7 and 8 of this term and permission forms will be distributed shortly.
Our first excursion for AIME will take place this week on Thursday 18 May for our Year 9 and 10 students. To attend we need to have a full bus of students so permission forms must be returned by the Tuesday of Week 5 to ensure this opportunity goes ahead.
Remember that we are available to work with you each Wednesday P4 during sport in B02. Bring the work you need assistance with. We look forward to seeing you there. Have a wonderful Term 2.
Cameron Williams
MJ Academic Liaison teacher
VISIBLE LITERACY the tangible understanding of key literacy knowledge and skills
The Australian Curriculum maps out the teaching and learning requirements of each year level and our Visible Literacy program matches this with English program learning priorities each term. Our program is progressing well in the Middle School and the feedback from students and teachers is extremely positive. These 20 minute ‘literacy bites’ that take place at the start of every English lesson aim to build student confidence in areas of spelling, reading, grammar, punctuation and writing. The targeting of specific skills and the explicit nature of the lessons allow students to focus closely on their personal understanding and skill level to build upon their knowledge base.
Samantha Wahlin
Visible Literacy Coordinator
LAN (Literacy and Numeracy) Support lesson
It has been a pleasure to see the students in Year 7 and 8 working so well in the LAN lessons. Teachers have continued to create exciting lessons which ensure all students are engaged and achieving at their best. It has been a delight to see individual reading in Year 7 literacy during visits to the classrooms. Last Friday we celebrated Effort and Achievement for the most consistent LAN students with a morning tea and award presentation. The food was delicious, the manners impeccable and the pride very tangible. We look forward to our next celebration.
Courtney Halse and Kim O’Kane
LAN Coordinators
QuickSmart has been in operation for more than 14 years and is currently available in over 1,130 schools. It is a 30-week intervention program devised by the University of New England that is aimed at middle school students whose numeracy or literacy outcomes are below minimum standards. At PBC we offer both of the programs available – QuickSmart Literacy and QuickSmart Numeracy. The programs are designed to enhance a student's fluency improving their information retrieval times.
Our 2017 program is off to a roaring start with 70 students in Year 7 and 8 being intensively supported to improve their reading and numeracy skills. Students work in pairs with one teacher aide for 30 minutes three times a week. During these sessions they worked through a very structured program in five minute intervals. These short learning segments target focus words or focus maths facts, flash card activities to improve automaticity, a speed sheet that reinforces the focus words or facts, an OZCAAS computer assessment that measures response speed, independent work that further reinforces the area of focus and then a five-minute game.
If you have any questions regarding the program or the progress of your child, please contact us. You are also welcome to make a time to come and discuss your child’s results.
Elizabeth Carter, Carol Johnstone and Cath Modini
QuickSmart instructors
Sports Ex News
The Sports Excellence Program is proud to announce a partnership agreement with Tim Brown from Summit Physiotherapy at Palm Beach. Tim has a wealth of knowledge and experience working with elite sporting teams and individuals in a number of sports. The partnership will see Tim offer an injury clinic for Sports Excellence students every Monday afternoon at PBC starting at 3:15pm. The injury clinic will provide initial consultations of injuries and recommend a course of action to be undertaken. The consultations are free. Students need to book their appointments with Ms Bannan at the Sports Excellence office. In addition, Summit Physiotherapy will also be offering the opportunity for parents to have musculoskeletal screenings conducted on their child for a reduced fee. These screenings will begin next semester so stayed tune for details.
The Arts News
Creative Generation - State Schools Onstage (CGEN) 2017
Will celebrate its thirteenth year as Queensland's largest youth performing arts event at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre with four performances on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 July. More than 1800 students from Prep to Year 12 will represent state schools from across Queensland.
CGEN aims to mentor and foster the next generation of performers and provides opportunities for them to work with and learn from professional artists. This annual entertainment event has launched the professional careers of many students who have gone on to star in theatre, television and musical productions.
Rehearsals are now underway for what promises to be a spectacular show.
Congratulations and good luck to
Drama excellence students
Kai Johnson
Jade Bergsma
Ashlee Thomas
Ruby Gonzales-Judd
Mia Beame – Featured
Alyssa Park – Dancer
Featured Vocalist ensemble member
Laura Suttle Featured Vocalist Ensemble
Amelia Cody-Byfield
Tickets for the Thursday 14 July matinee show will be on sale shortly and the school community are invited and encouraged to attend to support our talented PBC community.
The 48 Hour Film Festival
Congratulations to Year 10 Media Excellence students Jadin Spicer, Matthew Kilgariff and Matt Mihelcic for winning the Staff Choice Award and Year 8 Media Excellence students Ginevra Lo Giudice, Ivy Gleeson, Indy Baker and Jaeda Francis for taking out the Audience Choice Award.
Thank you to those students who performed at Optima Assemblies this Term. All these performances were wonderful and enjoyed by parents, staff and students.
- Cleo Lewis (Yr 8 Dance X)
- Alyssa Park (Yr 8 Dance X)
- Shanti Barlow (Yr 9 Dance X)
- Holly Johnston (Yr 12 Dance X)
- Year 7 Music Excellence class
Dates to Remember
Adolescent Development
Year 9 Parents are invited to attend a talk given by PBC School Nurse, Judy Nunn:
When: Thursday 8 June
Time: 8:15am
Where: PBC Trade Training Center (TTC)
RSVP: lbort5@eq.edu.au
2018 Year 7 General Enrolment Evening
When: Wednesday 14 June
Time: 6:30pm
Where: PBC Theatre
PBC Alliance Breakfast
When: Friday 2 June 2017
Time: 6:45am-8:15am
Where: Trade Training Center
Cost: $20 – includes buffet breakfast, tea and
Athletics Carnival
When: Friday 23 June 2017
Where: PBC Oval
Student Achievements
We encourage parents/caregivers to email your student’s excellent recent achievements to us. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student’s achievement and include at least one photo, and/or any links to media articles that we can share via our Parent Newsletter, internal communications and Facebook.
Congratulations to all students who received Optima Awards at the recent Optima Assemblies.
Cross Country Winners
The PBC Cross Country Runners ran at the Queensland All School Cross Country Championships at Kedron State High School in Brisbane on Saturday 6th May. All athletes did really well particularly Tommy Campbell (4th), Mackenzey Ormiston (4th), Ethan Gray (11th) and Ruby Price (5th) - Well done all competitors
BMX Success
Jordan Sharpe has just competed in the Australian National BMX Championships on 28 April. Jordan was the current National Champion for his age (13 years old) and after coming first all day in his races, he crashed in the finals losing his first place position for a seventh place. He was fortunate not injured and still qualifying for the UCI Worlds BMX Championship which will be held in Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA in July. He will be training in Australia until the 8 July when he travels to America to represent Australia. What a fantastic achievement Jordan!
Rugby League Success
Congratulations to PBC Students Reico Ratana and Shannon Donaldson who were part of the U13 Gold Coast Vikings Rugby League Team taking out the championship at the Hill Stumer carnival in Ipswich.
Senior School Guidance Officer News
Please use the following links to look at scholarship opportunities with information on application dates and how to apply.
Griffith University: Application Guidance Videos
Griffith University are developing a growing suite of 1 minute videos for prospective students and their parents. These videos provide clear and concise information, explained in common everyday language.
SCU STAR Early Entry
SCU STAR Early Entry enables Year 12 students to gain early admission to Southern Cross University on the basis of their school Principal's recommendation. STAR Early Entry matches an individual student to a particular Southern Cross University course based on their likelihood of success in their chosen discipline.
Applications for current Year 12 students will open on 12 July, 2017 for study in 2018.
SCU Head-Start
SCU Head-Start provides an opportunity for exceptional Year 11 and 12 students to complete a unit of university study while completing their senior study. On successful completion of the program, students gain direct entry and advanced standing into a variety of courses offered at Southern Cross University.
More information on SCU Head-Start can be found at the link below. Registrations for Head-Start 2018 (for current Year 10 or Year 11 students) will be open from 1 May - 13 October 2017.
Keep up to date with our events by following us at SCU Future Student Facebook page
University of Queensland Young Scholars Program
Applications open Monday 29 May 2017
UQ's Young Scholars Program is designed to nurture and develop exceptional high school students.
Students will gain valuable insights into university life and fields of study they may not have encountered as part of the school curriculum. They will hear from leading thinkers and engage in discussions and collaborative forums in group settings. A range of social, sporting and cultural activities will complement the academic program.
Reminder: Griffith University GUESTS Program
Applications close Monday 30 May for Semester 2 July intake.
Through the Griffith University Early Start to Tertiary Studies (GUESTS) Program, motivated students can study a university subject while at high school.
Boilermaker Apprenticeship-Gold Coast
Applications close Friday 19th May
There is currently a vacancy in Ashmore for an Apprentice Boilermaker.
Australian Apprenticeship Pathways Career Resources
This site provides information and links to a huge range of sources of information about finding and doing an apprenticeship.
NIDA Holiday Workshops
Drama Schools Year 7-10
St Hilda’s School, Gold Coast: Mon 26
June-Friday 30 June
Queensland Academics Creative Industries, Brisbane: Mon 26 June- Friday 30
Queensland Academies Creative Industries, Brisbane: Mon 25 September- Fri
29 September
NIDA Acting Year 11-12
St Hilda’s School, Gold Coast: Mon 26 June-Fri
30 June
Queensland Academics Creative Industries, Brisbane: Mon 26 June-Fri 30
Acting Boot Camp Years 7-10
Queensland Academics Creative Industries, Brisbane: Sat 8 July-Sun 9
ABC Indigenous Technology Intern and Scholarship Opportunities
For indigenous students who are interested in studying either Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Project Management or Telecommunications. For further information contact ABC Technology on 02 8333 3073.
Steve Jones
Guidance Officer Senior School
Middle School Guidance Officer News
Supporting Parents and Carers of LGBTIQ+ Children and Young People
True offers family education programs to support parents and carers to talk about gender and sexuality education with their children.
Children with supportive parents are more likely to have increased confidence and is an important determinate of health and wellbeing in life.
This parent and carer education session aims to build confidence and to affirm LGBTIQ+ children and young people. This workshop will encourage open communication about health, gender and sexuality diversity within families. It will provide parents and carers with strategies and resources to support children to be safe, healthy and informed.
Course Content
Key terminology and concepts associated with gender and sexual diversity;Information and facts about mental health;
- Exploring concepts of parenting, caregiving and kinship care within diverse family settings;
- Strategies for affirmative support in the context of child mental health and wellbeing;
- Strategies for caregiving reflection, evaluation, and self care;
- Navigating social support structures including school systems;
- Understand where and how to access further information, support, and referral pathways.
Please note: LGBTIQ+ acronym represents the diverse Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer cultures. The plus represents the changing nature and titles of the diverse cultures that sometimes include themselves and to allow for error in an attempt for inclusivity.
Cost |
$0 - $25.00 |
Class Size |
15 |
Length |
2 hours |
Sessions |
Thursday, 15 June 2017 |
Anna Willis
Guidance Officer Middle School
Pathways Centre News
School based traineeships available for Year 10 and 11
Again we have many opportunities available in the Pathway Centre Y Block. Job boards will be updated regularly with new positions.
Hospitality and Business Traineeships:
Prouds the Jewellers – Robina and the Pines
JFK Woodfire Kitchen and Bar
Plantation House Café West Burleigh
Barrio Café Burleigh Waters
Mannequins Café – Pacific Fair
The Fish House Burleigh – front and back of house
Paradise Resort Surfers Paradise
The Deck Café Currumbin
Coffee Club Stocklands
The Lake Brewhouse – Varsity Lakes
Zarraffas Tugun
Crema Espresso the Pines
Wholesale Toners – Business admin and IT/Digital Media
Burleigh Sports Club
Soul Origin Robina
Muffin Break Burleigh Heads and Robina Town Centre
Wendy’s the Pines
Jersey Mikes
Coming Home Co. The Kitchens Robina
Crema Espresso Pacific Fair
Man on a Bike - Tallebudgera
Bunnings Warehouse Burleigh – Year 10’s only. Taking expression of interest now for Cert III Business traineeships, beginning term 3
Cert III Horticulture Wild Valley Propagation
Tallebudgera Valley
Cert III Tourism – Q1 Qdesk
Cert III Children Services – Kools Kids centres – applications close 26 May
Cert III Commercial Cookery – Fish House Burleigh and Plantation Café
Cert III Hairdressing, at local salon
Cert III Children Services – local centres, taking applications now ready
for term 2 intake.
Cert III Sport and Recreation Miami and Burleigh Pools
Prestige Training Services vacancies, Please visit this link for more opportunities
School based traineeship and apprenticeship of the year award nominations are now open. If you are currently doing or recently completed a school based traineeship and would like to complete an application, please see Ms Shreeve in the Pathway Centre to see if you are eligible. Closing 26th May
There are more opportunities on the job boards. Please come into Y Block to register.
Love your current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let’s see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.
The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break to apply for any of the above positions
Sonia Shreeve - Industry Liaison Officer
BYOD – Information for Parents
We are committed to moving students and staff forward in a contemporary learning environment and the BYOD model has given parents and students a greater choice in device, functionality and budget.
All students are encouraged to take advantage of the BYOD program.
BYOD Advantages:
Your child will have access to school information at his fingertips. We are implementing software that will enable your child to access classroom information at school and at home.
Your child will have secure access to a personal directory where they can back-up their homework, as well as collaborative areas within the school network.
No need to wait for a computer to print their assignments as they can print directly from their laptop and collect from various printers across campus.
Our library is moving to a digital environment and your child will have direct access to these resources. Devices allowed within the library during breaks and before and after school hours
The IT department offers support to assist your child with any network issues and IT problems they are faced with within the school.
- Offers a one to one, computer to student, experience;
- School work/digital media, more readily available;
- Free download of the latest Microsoft Office package;
- More opportunity for learning to continue beyond school;
- Enhanced student engagement, and ability to keep work in one place;
- Offers a learning experience with fewer restrictions. This advantage will become increasingly important as we move towards a web based school management system;
- Lockers available for laptop storage.
Please find below a link to specifications for various devices.
The information can also be found on the PBC Website and search for the BYOD 2017
We have identified devices from as low as $350 that will adequately cater for students during their high school years. BYOD need not be an overly expensive exercise and is a great investment in your student’s learning for their high school years.
PBC Canteen
Canteen Specials!
Winter is almost here and to celebrate the canteen has two delicious daily specials on offer. Each day features a different flavour for both specials so check the canteen notice board daily.
- Flavoured Rolled Oats for Breakfast - $3.00
- Soup of the Day with homemade bread! - $4.50
Please find the new Canteen Menu with this link:
Uniform Shop Update
Uniform Shop Trading Times for Term 1 |
Monday to Friday |
8:15am to 12:30pm |
Please note that Shop is closed from 12:00pm on Wednesdays |
PBC Trackpants – Winter Sale!
PBC Trackpants have been reduced to $50!
Sizes XXS – XL in stock- samples available to try on.
Winter Jackets – Available for Pre-order
Pre-orders for Jackets are still being taken, expected delivery will be after the 30 May and parents of students with pre-orders will receive a text message advising when these have arrived and are ready for pickup
Students can now try on the PBC winter jackets at Uniform Shop and pre-order for estimated delivery is within the next few weeks. Cost is $70.
PBC Jumpers – Jumpers are in stock. Cost is $48.
Sports Excellence and Creative Arts Polo Shirts
Stock has now arrived for all orders that were placed in 2016 for Sports Excellence and Creative Arts Excellence Polo Shirts. Please collect yours from the Uniform Shop.
Out of Stocks
We are currently out of certain sizes of Day and Sports uniforms. We are expecting delivery of new stock in Term 2. Apologies of any inconvenience.
Bucket hats/PBC caps
Bucket hats are in stock. PBC caps/hats are a compulsory part of the uniform and are recommended for all outdoor activities and are available to purchase from the Uniform Shop. Cost is $15.00.
PBC school bags
*Special Offer* - When you spend $150 in the Uniform Shop you will receive $10 discount off the PBC School bag!
Features include:
- Lifetime guarantee
- Padded laptop pocket
- Water resistant
- Ergonomic design
- Mesh drink bottle holder
- $70 each
Lost Property
The uniform shop is holding named and unnamed lost property including shoes, training gear and bags. If your child has lost something please have them take a look through the lost property bin located at the uniform shop.
Please check with Student Services for items like pencil cases, lunch boxes, etc.
At the end of the term all unclaimed/unnamed lost property will be disposed of, so please check for your missing items before they disappear.
Volunteers needed
If you are able to spend a couple of hours each week in our very busy Uniform Shop and/or Canteen we would love to hear from you! Please contact Admin on 07 5525 9333 for further details.
Flexischools Orders
If you have placed an order for your child via Flexischools please have your student come and pick it up from the Uniform Shop.
Payment methods available:
- Flexischools Online www.flexischools.com.au
- Credit Card
- Cash
- Cheques not accepted
If you are unable to come into the Uniform Shop you are more than welcome to call on 07 5525 9331 and pay for any uniform item over the phone.
Cashier Window Operating Hours
Over the counter payments can only be accepted between 8:00am and 1:00pm on Monday to Friday. Alternatively, you can make payments via BPOINT or Direct Deposit.
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: PALM
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID
AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can
be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2016
SRS8 or 2016 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2017 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$350 (total) $175 (1st installment) $175 (2nd installment) |
Overdue Overdue |
Student Resource Scheme |
2016 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$340 |
Overdue |
Selective Entry Program Fees (formerly Excellence Programs) |
Selecrtive Entry program 2016 and 2017 students |
Various |
Overdue |
Cert III Fitness |
Year 11 students |
$200 |
Overdue |
Cert IV Fitness |
Year 11 students |
$400 |
Overdue |
NZ Ski Trip |
Year 11 students |
$625 (2nd installment) |
Overdue |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
Reminder that the second instalment of 2017 SRS fees are now due, and any other outstanding amounts on student’s accounts. To make a credit card payment or to request bank details for direct bank transfer, please telephone the school, or visit our Student Services department between 8am and 1pm for all other payments. Statements will be sent out at end of Term 1 as a reminder of students account balances.
Student Lockers Available
Student lockers are available for hire at PBC.
- $20.00 for annual locker hire in 2017
- $24.00 for PBC approved combination lock. $20 of this represents a security deposit that will be credited back to student on return of the lock (in good working order) at end 2017.
- Lockers available are located at G Block
- Payments can be made at Student Services
Second Hand Uniforms
If you are holding on to old or unwanted school uniforms in wearable condition, please donate them to student welfare. These can be dropped off to Student Services.
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a financial inclusion program with matched savings that benefits families and their children’s education. Please see link to flyer below, or click here for further information.
PBC Alliance
PBC Alliance Breakfast
The next PBC Alliance Breakfast will be on Friday 2 June 2017. We have two guest speakers and both are from the digital media space. Their insights into online marketing and promotion should be found to be very interesting and helpful.
Brynley King is PBC Alumni! and most known for her blog “Going Coconuts with Brynley King”, Head to the link below to check out her blog which focuses on clean eating, recipes, food photography, travel and beauty. Brynley is a multi-award winning business entrepreneur and has worked with the Banaban Virgin Coconut Oil brand for many years. She has an Instagram following of over 17.6k and a Facebook following of over 26k.
Our second speaker is Matt Rebello of Tree Trunk Digital. Matt is a PBC Alliance partner. Tree Trunk Digital’s expertise is creating stories through the use of video distributed across all mediums.
When: Friday 2 June 2017
Time: 6:45am-8:15am
Where: Trade Training Center
Cost: $20 – includes buffet breakfast, tea and
PBC Alliance Business Directory
Support our local businesses that support us!
Head to the PBC Alliance Business Directory to find local businesses to fulfil your needs! Follow the link:
2017 Membership and Partnership opportunities
Thank you to all our PBC Alliance Partners for 2017:
- Griffith University
- Aurora Training
- Synergy Fitness
- Southport Sharks
- Struddy’s Sports
- Currumbin RSL
- Mighty Minds
- Tweed Sea Sports
- Tree Trunk Digital
- Trade Glass – Pete Dunn
- MSP Photography
- Burleigh Bears Rugby League
- Currumbin Junior Rugby League
- Dave Danes – First National Real Estate
- Fraser Financial Services
- Wilson Haynes Solicitors
- Ontime Guardrail – Stephen Millington
If you know of any businesses that would like to get involved with PBC and help our students in their education and studies, please direct them to the PBC Alliance website:
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians to interact with the school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child’s student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
QParents enables parents to access and manage student:
- Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence
- Behaviour details
- Academic report cards
- Class timetables
- Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
- Viewing and updating student details, including medical conditions and address
- Enrolment details
If you haven’t yet registered, visit the link below to register today!
Community Notices
Next Combined Burleigh, Palm Beach and Elanora Police and Community Consultative Committee Meeting
You're invited!
Come and meet your local senior police – find out what's happening with law and order in your community – and ask any questions you may have!
*Have your say on hooning!*
Guest speaker – Senior Constable Mark Keogh - A veteran of the Gold Coast Road Policing Unit. Mark has significant policing experience in both NSW and QLD and will speak to the audience in relation to traffic related issues, in particular hooning and the associated legislation.
6:00 PM Thursday 18 May at the Currumbin RSL
Our local Currumbin and Burleigh MP's Jann Stuckey and Michael Hart will also be in attendance!
The combined Burleigh, Palm Beach and Elanora (Police) Community Consultative Committee was established to develop a partnership between the Police and the community and meets every three months in an open forum to:-
- Update the public on law and order matters in the community
- Give everyone the opportunity to meet the senior Police at the Palm Beach and Elanora Police stations – whose responsibility is also Burleigh.
- Discuss any issues regarding community safety
Everyone likes to feel safe in their community and this is a great opportunity for the public to share information and air any concerns, fears or grievances they may have, so the Police are able to act accordingly – with hooning being a current hot topic!
Also, to develop a close relationship with their local police and initiate ongoing cooperative communication.
So, we invite everyone to come along 6:00pm Thursday 18 May at the Currumbin RSL, to see what a great job our police are doing, do your bit for the community and see how you can best help them, to help us!
Palm Beach Soccer Club Squirts Program
Madonna King Interview – Bond University
You are invited to join Catherine O’Sullivan, Pro Vice-Chancellor Pathways & Partnerships, Bond University when she interviews Madonna King about her book - Being 14.
Date: Wednesday, 7 June
Time: 6:00pm
Venue: Basil Sellers Theatre, Level 3, Building
Address: Bond University, 14 University Drive,
Robina QLD 4226
This is a great opportunity to hear Madonna talk about the underlying research for her book and its development, as well as the issues that are facing our 14 year old girls.
Please RSVP to publicity@hachette.com.au
Junior Girls AFL
AFLQ & AFLGC Juniors are developing Junior Girls AFL programs to support the growth of Girls AFL across the region, attached is a flyer regarding our first Junior Girls (u6’s to u9’s) program.
1-2-3 Parenting Program
‘Below Average’ Comic Strip
About the Comic
High school. It's a daunting place, especially when you're at the bottom of the social ladder… where we find four friends trying to survive their final days of senior year. Join Marina, Maddison, Amy and Olivia as they embrace adolescence with a refreshing and humorous approach to daily life in this brand new addition to the Palm Beach Currumbin High School Newsletter.
Below Average is a fortnightly webcomic created by cartoonist Nicholas Cleaver in mid-2010. It follows the day-to-day adventures of four not-so average teenagers: Marina, an inventor suffering with obsessive-compulsive disorder; Maddison, a blissfully ignorant foodaholic; Amy, a sarky game fanatic; and Olivia, the kookiest member of the group.
The strip’s primary theme is humour, and focuses largely on friendship, school and the four girls’ incompatibility with established society.