21 November 2016
Newsletter Articles
- Principal's Report
- Senior School Update
- Head of Department Senior School Report
- Middle School Update
- Deputy Middle School Report
- Head of Department Middle School Report
- 45th Annual Academic Awards night
- The Arts News
- Maths News
- Science News
- EAC Update
- Soccer Ex News
- Athletics News
- Dates to remember
- Student Achievements
- Senior School Guidance Officer Report
- Middle School Guidance Officer Report
- Pathways Centre News
- Uniform Shop Update
- Administration
- Student Lockers Available
- Second Hand Uniforms
- Saver Plus
- PBC Alliance
- QParents
- Community Events
- 'Below Average' Comic Strip
Principal's Report
Dear Parents
The last few weeks has seen a variety of celebrations of achievement. The past fortnight we saw Sports and Arts Awards Nights and in this past week we have held the Graduation and Academic Awards Nights. These events have been well supported and it has been fabulous to see so many families come together to acknowledge the talents and dedication of our students.
One of the important aspects of the Academic Awards evening is to announce our School Captains for next year. Congratulations to:
Emily Ireland
Corben Thorsby
Student Leaders:
Beth Clark
Eloise Fisher
Ella Lockley
Kellie Meyer
Laura Suttle
Dylan Butler
Logan Chesebro
Connor Forbes
Corey Parker
Brock Styles
I look forward to working with these leaders and developing their capabilities in the upcoming year.
Strategic Renewal
In previous newsletters we have reported on the strategic renewal project that has been undertaken by the School Council this year.
This work centred on the following 6 key strategic challenges that face our school in the coming years:-
Area |
Challenge |
Governance |
How should we make decisions that ensure that PBC continues its quest to become a world class school and still meet the expectations of our community? |
School Culture |
How do we improve the student experience to ensure students feel better connected to each other by giving them a stronger voice and more responsibility for the running of the school and the supporting of each other? |
Inclusivity |
How do we ensure that all students are afforded equitable access to opportunity and in doing so, recognise that significant diversity in their individual needs? |
24/7 Schooling |
How do we evolve our school, so that technology is a routine resource in all subjects, that students develop the skills to use them as an integral tool to learning, and all stakeholders have instant access to the information that keeps them connected to all elements of school life? |
Excellence |
How will our programs adjust to the other strategic challenges and what are the next steps that need to be taken to ensure these programs remain cutting edge. |
Facilities |
How will our facilities need to be developed to adjust to the strategic challenges and provide better amenity for learning and school life? |
The school council appointed workgroups and endorsed study plans which entailed visiting 42 excellent schools, a review of research and discussion with stakeholders.
The recommendations are both exciting and far reaching and will be used to develop a roadmap for the future development of PBC.
I look forward to sharing them with you in the very near future.
Stephen Loggie
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: Department of Education and
CRICOS No. 00608A
Senior School Update
It has been a very busy couple of weeks in Senior School! Congratulations to our 2016 Year 12 cohort, who completed their schooling this week. It was an honour to be able to shake hands with the cohort as they received their graduation certificates. The entire school wishes you well as you move into the next phase of your lives.
To the Year 10 and Year 11 students moving into shutdown exams this week, good luck. Following this assessment period teachers will be writing end of Semester reports, parents can expect to receive these reports after Friday, 9 December 2016.
2017 Year 11 Camp
For the first time in PBC SHS history we are organising a camp for our 2017 Year 11 cohort. The purpose of the camp is to bring our Year 11 cohort together and to develop their leadership skills as they move into a key phase of their schooling journey. The 2017 Year 11 Leadership Camp at Tamborine Mountain is currently being organised.
The camp will be held Wednesday 22 March to Friday 24 March 2017. The anticipated cost is $275 and will include return transport, accommodation, meals and activities provided by an external company. The proposed itinerary will include a rainforest hike, mountain challenges, an amazing race, the opportunity to engage in a powerful presence of mind session, and much, much more!
If you would like your son/daughter to attend the trip please complete the form (see pdf link below) and return to Y Block Reception or by emailing kisse3@eq.edu.au by Wednesday 23 November 2016.
At the beginning of next year we will distribute all details regarding payments, timelines for these and the camp itinerary.
I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. I look forward to starting a new year with you in 2017.
Blair Hanna
Head of School – Senior
Head of Department Senior School Report
Release of year 12 results
The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) will release student QCEs, OPs and Senior Statements through student learning accounts on the Student Connect website below, from 9am on Saturday 17 December 2016.
Students must know their Learner Unique Identifier (LUI) and password to log in and check their results. Students will be able to access their results more quickly if they have previously activated their learning account.
Senior Education profiles will then be mailed out by the QCAA from Monday 19 December.
Students wishing to know their Selection Rank or Additional Rank need to contact the Queensland Tertiary Admission Centre (QTAC ) directly on 1300 GO QTAC (1300 467 822) or the link below; as these are not automatically sent out to students.
Year 10 and 11 Exams
Year 10 and 11 shutdown exams will commence in the week of 21 to 25 November during this time students will only have to attend school for exams or to catch up on VET work and assignments.
Student should by now be well aware that they must be in full school uniform to sit exams and that it is their responsibility to ensure they are present in the correct room with all necessary equipment at least 10 minutes before the exam commences.
A reminder that all drafts and assignments are due before 9:00am on the due date and exams cannot be given early to students because of other commitments. Please refer to the school assessment policy on the school website for further details.
Year 10 and 11 students officially finish school on Friday 25 November.
Year 11 OP predictions
All OP students should by now have received an OP prediction. Students who are currently predicted to get an OP of 15 or higher will most likely not receive a university offer in 2018. These students need to consider whether their pathway is appropriate and discuss their options with Mr McDougall or Mr Kennedy. Options can include undertaking a Diploma or Certificate III pathway in Year 12 which will give them a rank equivalent of an OP of 9 and 15 respectively.
Year 12 QCS and OP students
All students intending to complete the QCS next year and hence are OP eligible will be required to attend QCS classes commencing at 8:00am on Wednesday mornings and also selected afternoon Masterclasses (5 in total). A letter will be sent to all Year 11 OP students explaining these changes.
Mick McDougall
HOD – Senior School
Middle School Update
With less than four weeks to go we still have much to achieve to close out 2016 and be ready to begin the new school year. We have finalised reviews of our key programs and are now entering a consultation phase with staff on any changes for next year.
Transition Day on Monday 5 December is a key focus for us in the next few weeks. We have completed visits to our local primary schools to gather information on our incoming students and plans to form next year's classes are underway.
The final two weeks of school will see Middle School students finalise their assessment and gain feedback by the end of Week 9. Week 10 begins with Transition Day for incoming Year 7's and all other Middle School students will participate in an alternate program week starting on this same day. There will be no normal classes in this week with current teachers; however students will work on curriculum related activities with PBC teachers. Our school values collaborative professional learning and this model of staffing our last week enables this to occur. This model allows us to release our Middle School teachers to prepare and plan for 2017 in teams. Absences will be tracked as normal with rolls marked each day however as normal class groups will not be running the usual sms message for absent students will not be sent. Students will need to come in school uniform and should bring lunch as although the canteen will be open it will have reduced stock being the last week.
Our next significant event is our Year 9 Graduation ceremony that sees our Year 9's transitioning into the senior school. Parents are invited to attend. This will be on Monday 28 November at 8.45am. The Year 7's will hold their final assembly on Thursday 1 December and parents are invited to join us for this assembly.
Anita Sgalippa
Head of School - Middle School
Deputy Middle School Report
As we are approaching the end of Term 4 it is with pride I reflect on our REDs culture and Nil Sed Optima 'Nothing but the best' in Middle School performance. The special award ceremonies in Term 4 showcase the culmination of commitment to excellence in teaching and learning for Middle School students and staff. These events give us an opportunity to celebrate 2016 successes with students, staff, parents and the wider community.
Congratulations to the award recipients:
Term 4 Middle School Optima Awards
Students achieving 5 or more Excellent comments for Effort and Behaviour
Year 7 – 129
Year 8 – 102
Year 9 – 62
Restore Program
A new initiative for Term 4 has been the inclusion of the Restore Program which aligns with our strategic renewal toward a culture of positive education. Students who have experienced difficulties with school expectations are put through a proactive program that allows them to reflect on and understand their behaviour and discover new ways to behave. Students are taken through some activities that include mindfulness, functional behaviour and character strength identification. Apart from giving students an understanding about themselves, teachers and parents are also given new insight into how students behave and how to better support them. One comment from a Year 8 student stated 'I particularly enjoyed finding out my character strengths and how to use them at school and at home'. We are looking forward to the Restore Program continuing in 2017.
During the remainder of Term 4, attendance is crucial for learning. 'Every Day Counts' is a key priority until we complete the Alternative Program in Week 10.
Wendy Wise
Deputy Principal Middle School
Head of Department Middle School Report
Middle School Student Leadership
Students attending PBC have diverse interests and career aspirations. We strive to support students not only to achieve their personal goals, but to open their eyes to the amazing array of career and other opportunities that are available to young people in the modern world.
In the last month, a group of high achieving Year 8 students who may not have had exposure to university through their family's experiences, attended a special presentation by Southern Cross University, called UNIbound. The students learned the meaning of words such as 'campus' and 'degree', met students who were the first in their family to take on Uni studies, and watched film clips about university life. The music, the activities and the personal stories worked well in presenting university as accessible, friendly and achievable.
The Year 8s are looking forward to the next step of the program, a visit to the SCU campus in 2017.
Transition Day 2016
On Monday 5 December, we will welcome close to 400 future Year 7s to PBC. If you know a family who is yet to enrol their child for next year, please urge them to do so by Friday 25 November, so their young person can be part of the exciting 'first steps' at PBC.
Finishing Well
At this time of the year, both parents and teachers can notice young people becoming tired and losing focus. We have been stressing the very small number of school days left this year, and the importance of finishing with the best possible outcomes.
Assessment may continue up to and including the last day of Week 9, Friday 2 December. Full attendance is expected through this period, whether or not students have exams or assignments due on a particular day. Exam time can be stressful for students. A balanced diet, 30 minutes of exercise, regular bedtimes (before 10pm) and packing any technology away an hour before bed can all assist in reducing students' feelings of anxiety.
Final assemblies in this week will have special significance for the students: Year 7s will celebrate the successful completion of their first year of high school; Year 8s, their transition to being the leaders of the Middle School; and Year 9, their graduation and transition to Senior School.
In Week 10, we offer 'Special Programs', a range of activities that engage students in learning extension and fun. School finishes on Friday, 9 December.
I wish all of our Middle School students every success over the coming weeks!
Sharon Hillcoat
HOD Middle School
45th Annual Academic Awards night
Outstanding Academic Achievement
Year 7
Sophie Carter, Tiani Cashel-Patterson, Liam Comerford, Archer Curtis, Ivy Gleeson, Gabriella Kilgariff, Cleo Lewis, Jude McClay, Lola Sope, Jessica Trewin
Year 8
Liliana Cuic, Shenaya French, Kacey Gamble, Caleb Hayward, Molly Keen, Matthew Lee, Molly Mason, Jaime Pryor, Naomi Skinner, Maya Van Der Werff, Erin Woods
Year 9
Lauren Alderton, Nathan Beckwith, Kaitlyn Byrne, Matthew Kilgariff, Zali Maxwell, Matt Mihelcic, Aaron Morrow, Tom Nguyen, Isabelle Richters, Grace Selby
Year 10
Annika Danielsen, Laylla Minors, Callum Reilly, Amber Tansley, Kaitlyn Hayward, Sotari Turley, Myah Passmore, Mikaela Castro, Odin Lowsley, Jasmin Milcs
Year 11
Darcy D'Hotman De Villiers, Montana Wickens, Beth Clark, Moana Chavez, Shelby Craik, Emily Ireland, Danielle Ackerman, Connor Forbes
PBC Principal's Honour List
Middle School: Tuscany Barwick, Talulah Ratcliffe, Gloria Hair, Chloe Hofrichter, Matilda Beikoff-Smart, Melanie Dietrich, Megan Lu, Scarlet Kidd, Kobi Wickens, Abi Houston
Senior School: Amy Cooper, Chelsea Furniss, Laticia Josephson, Taj Ven Der Werff, Tahlua Zikmundovsky, Ella Lockley, Michelle Borg
Outstanding Student Awards
Year 7 - Bodie Potter, Talulah
Year 8 - Pancho Symes, Chloe-Jay Byrne
Year 9 - Kobi Wickens, Abi Houston
Year 10 - Taj Van Der Werff, Amy Cooper
Year 11 - Connor Forbes, Ella Lockley
Special Awards
Michelle Borg – 2016 DUX
Chloe Bergquist – 2016 Runner up to DUX
Harry Bartlett (Year 12) - Griffith University
Academic Excellence Bursary
Shelby Craik (Year 11) - McIlwain Award for
Excellence in Science (Griffith Uni)
Giselle Kilner-Parmenter (Year 12) – Bond
University Indigenous Scholarship
Michelle Borg (Year 12) –Service to Others (The
Hon Karen Andrews MP)
Lauren Alderton (Year 9), Samuel Kinstler-McAuliffe
(Year 9) – Citizenship – PBC Lion Award
Corey Parker (Year 11), Abi Houston (Year 9) –
Palm Beach Currumbin Lioness Club Bursary
Isabella Lee (Year 8) – Virginia Apanui Bursary
Ruby Allen (Year 10), Harry Bartlett (Year 12) –
ADF Long Tan Leadership Award
Sheldon Hernandez (Year 12) – Caltex All Rounder
Year 12 Subject Awards
Harry Bartlett – Accounting,
Physical Education
Jiya Martin – Ancient History, Hospitality
Seraphina Smith – Aquatic Practices
Chloe Bergquist – Biology
Tarryn Pyers – Business Communications
Brock Parker – CAX Dance, Dance
Conor Putland – CAX Drama, Drama
Taine Josephson – CAX Music
Daniel Lee Barlis – Cert I Construction
Beau Harm – Cert I Furniture
Kate Gillespie-Bozic – Cert II Business
Ritchie George – Cert II Engineering
Liliana Barnard – Cert II Tourism,
Levi Fredericks – Cert IV Fitness
Michelle Borg – Chemistry, English, English
Extension, Maths B, Maths C, Philosophy, Physics
Jemma Smith – Early Childhood
Giselle Kilner-Parmenter – Economics
Oscar Mahon – Engineering
Charley Trapp – English Communication,
Prevocational Maths
Rika Matsubara-Park – Film Television and New
Media, Information Technology Systems
Emily Jackson – Health
Ebony Wilson – Hospitality Practices
Trevor Adams – Industrial Technology
Lili Halliwell – Legal Studies
Angus Houston – Marine Science
Georgia Quinn – Maths A
Sheldon Hernandez – Music
Rhys Brandon – Recreation Studies
Georgia Lee Thurling – Science 21
Rayah Ward – Social and Community Studies
Caitlyn Taylor – Visual Art
In addition to the Academic Awards, Middle School students displayed their talents during inspirational performances by the Bpootharum Dance Team (Nakeeya Core, Ezekial Core, Jardi Knox), the Big Stage Band and the 'Duologue' (Scarlet Kidd and Shenaya French). The Senior School entertained with two excellent dance performances.










The Arts News
Arts Awards Evening
Arts Awards Evening 2016 welcomed this year, Guest Speaker and Performer Nadia Sunde. Nadia also brought along Aria Award winning musician, Nick Stewart who accompanied her in a fabulous rendition of David Bowie's 'Changes'. Nadia is, as well as being an ex-student of PBC, one of Australia's most celebrated and highly acclaimed children's theatre writers and performers. An internationally and nationally awarded song writer, she is also the author of two published illustrated children's story books and is an experienced music educator, actress, comedienne and ABC radio presenter.
If you ask Nadia what she does she will tell you she's an 'imagination cultivator'.
Nadia most recently has launched her partnership with Bloomsbury Press to present Harry Potter events across Australia and New Zealand. She is also involved in developing large scale works for the cultural program of the Commonwealth Games.
We were so lucky to hear Nadia speak to our students as well as hear both Nadia and Nick perform at the end of the evening. Nadia has supported PBC recently by providing valued coaching to our vocal ensemble who can't wait to see her back in the near future!
The Arts Awards Evening showed our best year yet with an amazing celebration of student achievement within the arts curriculum as well as outside of the curriculum.
Audiences were wowed by outstanding live performances from dance, drama and music. Joel Murphy performed his confronting and powerful Martha Graham inspired choreography task. He received an A+ for this task which was based on the life of his Uncle Punky who suffered the degenerative Motor Neurone Disease. It is a truly exceptional piece of work and heart wrenchingly moving.
Scarlet Kidd and Shenaya French also performed their Eisteddfod winning Duologue 'Skeleton Key'. Their flawless performance with exceptional characterisation kept the audience entertained and in good humour.
Wes Ambler and Chloe Finlay performed their beautifully arranged cover of 'Budapest'. This acoustic performance featuring beautiful close harmonies also won a first place at Gold Coast Eisteddfod.
All students who had the opportunity to attend the evening, I am sure would agree, it was a sparkling and beautiful night which showcased the highlights of the Arts at PBC and proved a huge motivation for the younger 'future stars' at PBC. Congratulations to all who won awards, you are all truly inspiring individuals.





Annette Joyce
HOD The Arts
Maths News
Year 10 students made an early start to Maths B this term by attending a series of classes run by myself and Ashleigh Hage before school to help them get ready for the Maths B course next year. Students enjoyed using the mini whiteboards and studied index laws, rearranging equations and factorising and solving quadratic equations. It is hoped that this period of extra study will support the students in their algebraic processing skills in Maths B next year. Feedback from the students was extremely positive and it was an absolute pleasure to start Tuesday mornings with such an interested and dedicated group of students. Thanks go to Ashleigh Hage (Year 10 Advanced Maths Coordinator and Maths B teacher) for giving up her time to support myself and the students in this activity.
Cathy Clipson
HOD Mathematics
Science News
Stem Trivia 2016
STEM skills are essential for the future economic and social well-being of our nation with an estimated 75% of the fastest growing occupations requiring STEM skills and knowledge. It is for this reason that PBC actively encourages and motivates students to study and participate in STEM whenever possible.
Our Griffith University STEM Ambassadors again organised and hosted a Trivia competition for interested students last week. Over three days, students competed against their peers and teachers in what was a fierce battle for the 2016 PBC Trivia Champion title. Congratulations to all who competed and in particular to our Winning Teams for 2016 listed below.
A big thank you to all those teachers who helped out or competed against the students – Ms Webb, Ms Kousek, Mr Allen, Ms Deague, Ms Apanui, Ms Kelly, Ms Sgalippa, Mr Loggie and Mr Russell. Also thanks to the ladies who assisted – Tegan, Kathy and Allison. Huge thanks to our STEM Ambassadors – Shelby Craik, Elise Watkins, Amelia Cody-Byfield, Annika Danielsen and Amy Cooper, who were assisted by students Abi Houston, Grace Selby and Amiee Van Gulik. The Science faculty would also like to thank the Palm Beach-Currumbin Leo's Club for donating $60 toward the event, which was used to give each student in the three winning teams a $5 voucher for the tuckshop.
Students wishing to become a PBC STEM Ambassador in 2017 are encouraged to see Mrs I'Anson in O block.
Year 7/8 Trivia Competition
Reef Thompson, Matthew Lee, Robbie James and Hayden Lewis
Runners Up – Team Donald Trump Goes to STEM
– Michael Lotscher, Kai Meath, Keon Ackerman & Cannon Crib
Year 9/10 Trivia Competition
WINNERS – Team Tributes –
Aaron Morrow, Tom Nguyen, Grace Selby, River Abel
Runners Up – Team The Reject Shop – Zeb
Colgan, Cory Lyon, James Young & Thomas Harris
Year 11 / Teachers Trivia Competition
WINNERS – Team Rip Glenn –
Eloise Fisher, Charlotte Rayner, Brittany Owen & Saffron Jeffs
Runners Up – Team DMTB – Finn Light-Law,
Matt Bowles, Damien Brewer & Connor Forbes





Mrs I'Anson
STEM Coordinator
EAC Update
It has been another fantastic year in the EAC faculty. We have had 96 Year 7 and 8 students participate in the QuickSmart Reading and Numeracy intervention program, 195 students in our Literacy and Numeracy (LAN) support program and 123 identified Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students supported through a variety of processes and programs. Congratulations to Isabella Lee who was awarded the Virginia Apanui Scholarship at our Academic Awards. You are a wonderful role model to our students and your happy disposition makes working with you an absolute pleasure.
I am incredibly proud of the dedication of our students and staff to support and celebrate the ever increasing success of these programs and individual milestones and I thank you all for your enthusiasm and energy. On behalf of the EAC staff we hope that you all have a well-deserved and restful break and a Merry Christmas with loved family and friends. We are looking forward to an equally wonderful year in 2017 and will see you when we return in January.
Elizabeth Gill
Acting HOD EAC
PBC Indigenous Academic Update





The Murri Jarjum group has progressed well in 2016. In Week 5 of Term 4, the Murri Jarjum Breakfast Award Assembly was held to recognise and celebrate the special achievements accomplished by the students in both the Middle and Senior Schools. It was great to see so many family members, friends and staff support the Murri Jarjum groups' academic, attendance and cultural progress.
A big congratulations goes to Giselle Kilner-Parmenter for receiving a half-scholarship at Bond University. This is a great achievement and well deserved for her consistent hard work in the senior school.
Term 4 has seen some other exciting programs occurring including the Year 7 Deadly Choices Program, which is run by ex-PBC student Luke Dumas. This group of students have been learning about important health issues as well as participating in a variety of physical activities. Mission Australia has also been working very hard with our senior students, helping them with their resumes and employment portfolios. We already have a number of students who have found employment and are heading in the direction of further study options in 2017. All Murri Jarjum students were invited to the last Aboriginal Islander Mentor Experience (AIME) excursion for the year and had a great time. Highlights included the dancing, singing and comedic entertainment by the indigenous mentors.
Finally, well done to the Year 12 Murri Jarjum Students for successfully finishing High School and attaining their QCE! This is a big achievement for all students and we wish them all the best in their future endeavours.
Chris Patison
Indigenous Education Liaison Teacher
Middle School Literacy and Numeracy (LAN) Update
It has been a fantastic year for the participants in our Literacy and Numeracy program. We have seen great successes amongst the students and the engagement in classrooms has been fantastic. We have celebrated the success of our students every term in our student achievement morning teas. These have been attended by our Head of Middle school, our year coordinators and our amazing teachers of the Literacy and Numeracy programs. The students are able to be rewarded for not only being the top of the subject but we also celebrated the most improved and the hard workers. We are looking forward to continuing this hard work and success with our 2017 cohort.
Courtney Halse
LAN Literacy Coordinator
Students in LAN Numeracy have continued to develop confidence in using Numeracy to solve problems in everyday life. Teachers have provided dynamic lessons which practice the skills taught in core Mathematics lessons and further develop skills in Numeracy. High achievements in technology based Numeracy programs such as IXL Maths have been recorded in most LAN classes with several students achieving overall grade level mastery. The LAN awards morning tea was received with healthy competition among the LAN students and it has been rewarding to see so many students make improvements of over 80% in Numeracy.





Kim O'Kane
LAN Numeracy Coordinator
QuickSmart Update
The 2016 QuickSmart students and Teacher Aides have worked tirelessly throughout the year. Success has been documented each lesson and the final results of post-testing are wonderful, in fact outright phenomenal for some students. As the end of the 30 week intervention program draws to a close we have once again reflected on the considerable improvement in school attendance, engagement and academic success of these students. Their ability to persevere, reflect and improve is to be congratulated.
This is the third year of the QuickSmart reading program and the first year of the Numeracy program. They have both been implemented extremely successfully and will continue in 2017. Our numeracy students have conquered their fear of number facts and are achieving above and beyond their own expectations. We would like to thank the PBC teachers for their support of the program and their ongoing flexibility when students are in and out of these lessons. We look forward to working with a new group of students next year.
Elizabeth Carter and Carol Johnstone
QuickSmart Coordinators
Soccer Ex News
2016 has been an extremely successful year in regards to result for the soccer program.
Wednesday 19 October saw 3 of the 4 squads play in the Grand Final in an attempt to be crowned SPL champions for 2016. The Year 8 boys were unfortunately knocked out in the SPL semi the week prior and finished equal 3rd overall.
After the Junior Girls (grades 7,8,9's,) Senior Girls(10,11,12's,) and the Senior Boys(11,12's) were successful in beating their semi-finals opponents their attentions turned to the Grand Final in Week 3. The University of Queensland hosted the event on their new artificial surface on a scorching hot day.
Junior Girls – After 60 mins of normal play and 10 minutes of extra time there deadlock between PBC and Kelvin Grove couldn't be broken. This match went to a penalty shootout and unfortunately for our girls we were on the bad side of the result on this occasion.
Senior Girls – Coming up against arch rivals Cavendish Rd SHS was always going to be a challenging encounter. On this occasion Cav Rd played and attractive style of play and were too strong for our girls on the day. They ended up 3-0 winners in a dominant display.
Senior Boys – As the season progressed the senior boys combinations have developed and this was clearly evident in the GF against Chancellor SHS. Charlie Frentz scored for PBC within the first 5 minutes of play from a corner set piece. With the 1st half drawing to a close Oskar Dillon produced a fine half volley strike from the edge of the box to go into the break 2-0. Chancellor started strong and were rewarded with a goal early in the 2nd half but the PBC boys battled hard and Nikola Bugarcic scored in the final 5 minutes to seal the victory. The Senior Boys were crowned the Sport Excellence Premier League Champions for the first time since 2012.
Congratulations to all squads on a very successful season!
Athletics News
Queensland State Track and Field Championships
QE II Stadium, Brisbane
18-19 October 2016
Omitted from last newsletter
was the wonderful result achieved by Tayla Miller.
12 year old Tayla Miller came 6th in High-jump.
Your coaches, parents and school are proud of you.
Mr.McDonald, Mr.Martinenko, Mr.Hart
Dates to remember
Yearbook 2016
The anxiously awaited PBC Yearbook 2016 has arrived and is being despatched over the next week to all those that have pre-purchased.
For those that haven't pre-purchased you are able to get your copy from Student Services for $30.00. Available while stocks last. No doubt your student will love to have this wonderful keepsake of their year at PBC in 2016.
Transition Day
Date: Monday 5 December.
Where: PBC Hall
Time: 8:15am – Arrive –
8:30am – Welcome
9:40am – Parent Meeting (1 hour)– Please rsvp if you haven't already, to
events@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au if you are wishing to
attend this meeting.
2:50pm – Collection from the front gate
If you have a student commencing at PBC in 2017 in Year 7 please be sure to have them fully enrolled by 25 November so they can take part in this wonderful introductory day at PBC.
Year 9 Graduation Assembly
Date: Monday 28 November
Where: PBC Hall
Time: 8:45am
Outgoing and incoming Middle School Leaders will be acknowledged, Students who have earned special awards will receive them at this assembly. Parents are welcome to join us for this occasion.
Student Achievements
PBC would like to encourage parents to email us with any great recent achievements from your student. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student's achievement, photos, and/or any links to media articles that we can share.
Gold Coast Trade College's graduation was held last week. We are very proud of the PBC students that graduated from their Cert II Electrotechnology Course. Well done!
Congratulations to Abi Houston and Kaitlyn Byrne, QLD state awards winners of the $20 Boss Challenge. They won the Most Successful Business in QLD award for their enterprise called Twisted Love. Photos are of students at National Awards Ceremony in Melbourne
Tayla Moryta competed in the Annual 1500m Classic at Queensland University and placed 3rd in her event.
Tuscany Barwick Year 7, has won third prize in the Footpath Library Short Story Writing Competition. It was open to all Australian school students and there were no age categories. They are coming to award her prize at Assembly next week. Photograph to follow in next newsletter. Congratulations Tuscany! A fantastic effort in this open age event!
Senior School Guidance Officer Report
Preparing for Success at SCU Program
If you're not able to meet the entry requirements for your preferred SCU Degree, or if you are returning to study after some time, consider Preparing for Success, a free and intensive 12 week program that will boost your confidence and equip you with study skills appropriate for university.
UQ Toolkit
UQ Toolkit should answer all your questions about starting at UQ.
2016 Qld Year 12 students applying for courses not requiring their Year 12 results will start to receive their tertiary study offers from Midday, Friday 18 November 2016.
You should remember that this is the first day that you can receive such an offer. If you don't get an offer on this date, then you may through the coming months.
Some offers will be made between the release of Year 12 results and the 16 January offer round date to courses not requiring you to compete for a place.
Most offers in courses will be made on their major offer round date.
Check our Course offer dates page to find out when your institution will make offers.
Find out how we work out if you'll get an offer.
Go to your Application Services account to check your application status.
For more information email go.enquiries@qtac.edu.au.
Australia's Navy, Army and Air Force can give you experiences money can't buy – a career that not only improves you personally, but means doing something worthwhile for your country.
The Australian Defence Force is now recruiting for a wide range of trade and apprenticeship positions such as Marine Technician, Electrician and Avionics Technician. In these jobs you will be able to work on some of the country's most advanced hardware – from F/A-18 Hornet Fighter Jets to M1A1 Abrams Tanks to Seahawks.
You will also receive many great benefits, such as free healthcare and subsidised accommodation. Currently serving ADF Trade Personnel will be on hand to provide valuable information to help assist you through the recruiting process and into a rewarding ADF Trade Career.
To learn more, attend the ADF Trade Careers Information Session.
When: Wednesday, 23 November
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Where: Defence Force Recruiting Gold Coast –
Ground Floor, 14 Edgewater Court, Robina
To RSVP the link below or email cptgoldcoast@dfr.com.au
Industry update – Engineering, Health and Science:
Graduate outcomes – is going to Uni worth it?
What's Uni Like
A free online course funded by the Commonwealth government. It helps people answer the following questions: Is university for me? What should I expect at university? What academic skills will I need?
Campus Quest
A game designed to help people understand and prepare for life at Uni.
Holland Code Personality Test
Widely used in career guidance, the Holland Theory centres on the theory that people are most likely to enjoy, develop and grow in careers that match their personality.
Careers with Animals
Discover the variety of careers that involve working with animals with this UK website.
Cultural Care Au Pair Information Session
Offers work placements as au pairs/nannies in the US. Past au pairs will share their experiences and advice.
- Online: Monday 28 November, 6:00pm (AEST)
- Brisbane: Saturday 3 December, 10:00am @ EF International Language School
The Muse: 6 Reasons You Didn't Get the Job (That No One Will Ever Tell You)
Casual & Part Time Jobs
Now is the time to start searching for casual and part time jobs that can complement tertiary studies or provide money for a Gap Year.
Many retailers and fast food chains accept online applications and expressions of interest.
Steve Jones
Guidance Officer – Senior School
Middle School Guidance Officer Report
We are made of pretty much the same stuff as the stars, so it's no surprise the moon can make us mad and a lack of sun can make us sad. More and more, researchers understand the effect of the sun on our physical, emotional and mental health.
It's the best and most natural form of vitamin D and, if we get too little of it, we are at risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). But, a new study reveals that sunshine matters more than we thought and even those of us who don't get SAD, suffer when we don't get our time in the sun. The research, published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, came about by accident, following a chance conversation between Mark Beecher, clinical professor and licensed psychologist at Brigham Young University (BYU) and Lawrence Rees, a physics professor at BYU.
"Mark and I have been friends and neighbours for years, and we often take the bus together," said Rees. "And of course you often talk about mundane things, like how are classes going? How has the semester been? How 'bout this weather? So one day it was kind of stormy, and I asked Mark if he sees more clients on these days. He said he's not sure; it's kind of an open question. It's hard to get accurate data." They decided to use their access to the data of 16,452 adults to find out.
"Rees said, 'Well, I've got weather data' and I'm like, 'I've got clinical data, let's combine the pair!'" Beecher explained. They looked at various different weather conditions over the course of six years and compared them with therapy distress measures. "Increases in sun time were associated with decreased mental health distress," Rees and Beecher found. Similarly: "Increased mental health distress was found during periods of reduced sun time hours."
Interestingly, while conditions like pollution also impacted people, time in the sun seemed to mediate the effect. It's not just our mental health the sunshine affects, but our sleep. Nam Baldwin is the performance coach of various elite athletes including Mick Fanning, Stephanie Gilmore and the New Zealand Warriors. His advice for the best way to wake up and set your hormones for the day?
"Aim to get 10 to 15 minutes of direct sunlight or some form of exposure to natural light every morning," he said. "This will assist in maintaining healthy melatonin production and a balanced body clock for sleep/wake cycles."
Sunlight holds distinct advantages over artificial light, says Alex Korb, a neuroscientist at the University of California and author of The Upward Spiral: Using Neuroscience to Reverse the Course of Depression, One Small Change at a Time. "It has ultraviolet (UV) light, it is much brighter than standard man-made light, and occurs at the appropriate time," Korb explains. Via the UV we absorb through our skin that causes serotonin-producing vitamin D as well as the intensity of light through our eyes, which also produces serotonin (the so-called happiness hormone), the light lifts our mood.
So sunshine warms us up inside and out and it also helps us wind down – but how much do we need? "When the UV index is 3 or above (such as during summer), most people maintain adequate vitamin D levels just by spending a few minutes outdoors on most days of the week," advises the Cancer Council. "In late autumn and winter in some southern parts of Australia, when the UV index falls below 3, spend time outdoors in the middle of the day with some skin uncovered. Being physically active (gardening or going for a brisk walk) also helps boost vitamin D levels."
– Sarah Berry
Anna Willis
Guidance Officer Middle School
Pathways Centre News
School based traineeships available for Year 10
We have many exciting opportunities in the Pathway Centre Y Block. Job boards are updated regularly with new positions.
Last chance to secure a traineeship before the Christmas Holidays and begin your qualification in the new year
Hospitality and Business Traineeships:
Wendys the Pines
Gold Coast Island Buggy's admin
Shark leathers motorbike shop
Coming Home Co.
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
Burleigh Surf Club
Royal Pines Ashmore
Northcliffe Surf Club
Crema Espresso Pacific Fair and Robina
52 Marine Coolangatta
Coco Cubana Pacific Fair
Honey Eater Kitchen Robina
Soul Origin Robina
Good Wolf Miami
Grill'd Coolangatta
Oskars on Burleigh
Vida Espresso Robina
Reflections Coolangatta
Rainbow Bay Reality
Cert III Sport and Recreation traineeships at Burleigh and Miami
Cert III Aquatics – Mudgeeraba Pool
Kmart the Pines – Indigenous traineeships open to year 10 only
Casual Job – Caltex Elanora
Year 12 school leaver opportunities:
Aussie Diffs Mechanical Engineering
Mens barbering – Gold Coast hair
Surfboard Warehouse
Caltex Elanora
Grand Motors Automotive Apprenticeship
Cert III children services at kindy and learning centre
Riviera Coomera. Boatbuilding, lamination, upholstery
Air con and refrigeration, need licence
Digital Press/Graphic designer
Scaffolding – Currumbin
Landscape and Carpentry – Looking for Labourer
Vision stream – Telecommunications
Year 12's should register in the Pathway Centre if they would like to receive text messages for future opportunities
Love your current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let's see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.
The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break to apply for any of the above positions
Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison Officer
Uniform Shop Update
Uniform Shop Trading Hours
For the next week, our uniform shop will be open for extended trading hours:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Week commencing 21/11/2016 |
7:00am - 12:00pm |
8:15am – 5:30pm |
7:00am - 12:00pm |
8:15am – 7:30pm |
7:00am - 12:00pm |
8:30am – 3:30pm |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Week commencing 21/11/2016 |
7:00am - 12:00pm |
8:15am – 5:30pm |
7:00am - 12:00pm |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
Week commencing 21/11/2016 |
8:15am – 7:30pm |
7:00am - 12:00pm |
8:30am – 3:30pm |
Uniform Shop Normal Trading Times for Term 4 2016 |
Monday to Friday |
8:15am to 12.30pm |
Dance wear for Creative Arts Students
Dance wear has arrived and is now available to purchase.
Dance Wear |
Cost |
Crop Top |
$35.00 |
Ladies Singlet |
$45.00 |
Bike Pants |
$50.00 |
Full Length Tights |
$65.00 |
Unisex Shirt |
$30.00 |
Boys Short |
$45.00 |
PBC Jumper
The PBC Jumper is available to purchase for $48.00
Bucket hats/PBC caps
Bucket hats are back in stock.
PBC caps are a compulsory part of the uniform and are recommended for all outdoor activities and are available to purchase from the Uniform Shop. Cost is $15.00.
Lost Property
The uniform shop is holding a large amount of named and unnamed lost property including shoes, training gear and bags. If your child has lost something can you please ask that they come and have a look through the lost property bin.
Please check with Student Services for items like pencil cases, lunch boxes, etc.
PBC school bags
PBC School Bags are now available from the uniform shop.
Features include:
- Lifetime guarantee
- Padded laptop pocket
- Water resistant
- Ergonomic design
- Mesh drink bottle holder
- $70 each
Volunteers needed
If there are any volunteers who would love to spend a couple of hours each week in our very busy Uniform Shop and or Canteen we would love to hear from you!
Please contact Admin on 07 5525 9333 for further details.
Flexischools Orders
If you have made an order for your child via Flexischools can you please ask that they come and pick it up from the Uniform Shop.
Payment methods available:
- Flexischools Online www.flexischools.com.au
- Credit Card
- Cash
- Cheques not accepted
If you are unable to come into the Uniform Shop you are more than welcome to call on 07 5525 9331 and pay for any uniform item over the phone.
Cashier Window Operating Hours
The last day for the Student Services payment window is Friday 2 December 2016. Over the counter payments can only be accepted up until 1pm on Friday 2 December 2016. Alternatively, you can make payments via BPoint or Direct Deposit.
The Student Services payment window will re-open on Monday 16 January 2017.
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School's Bank Account: PALM
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID
AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can
be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2016
SRS8 or 2016 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2017 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$350 (total) $175 (1st Installment) |
Overdue |
Student Resource Scheme |
2016 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$340 |
Overdue |
Excellence Program Fees |
Excellence program 2016 students |
Various |
Overdue |
Early Childhood Education |
Year 11 students |
$500 |
Overdue |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
Student Lockers Available
Student lockers are available for hire at PBC.
- $20.00 for annual locker hire from 2017
- $24.00 for PBC approved combination lock (this will be the property of the student). $20 of this represents a security deposit that will be credited back to student on return of the lock (in good working order) at end 2017.
- Lockers available are located at G Block
- Payments can be made at Student Services
- Link to Locker Hire Agreement document below.
Second Hand Uniforms
If you are holding on to old or unwanted school uniforms, please donate them to student welfare.
If your uniforms are in good condition, please drop them off at Student Services.
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a financial inclusion program with matched savings that benefits families and their children's education. Please see link to flyer below, or click here for further information.
PBC Alliance
Support local businesses that support us!
Head to our Business Directory to find a local business that can help you. There are many categories of businesses that support our school community so please support them. The directory is easy to navigate and everyone listed has connections to PBC.
If you are part of a local business or organisation, a past student of PBC, or just looking to get involved in your local business community, become a PBC Alliance Member and get a listing for your business in our Business Directory.
Being part of the PBC Alliance Business directory aims to connect your business with a network of friends, parents, and other members of the PBC Alliance business community.
A link to the Business Directory is included in the fortnightly PBC parent newsletter, PBC Alliance Facebook page and the school website.
For all information about how to get involved with the PBC Alliance, including membership and partnership information; details for upcoming events; and to view our business directory, make sure you head on over to the website:
To list your business in the PBC Alliance Business Directory please complete a PBC Alliance membership form and Business Directory form and return these to alliance@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au.
Visit and like the PBC Alliance Facebook page to stay up to date:
The PBC Alliance
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians to interact with the school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child's student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
QParents enables parents to access and manage student:
- Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence
- Behaviour details
- Academic report cards
- Class timetables
- Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
- Viewing and updating student details, including medical conditions and address
- Enrolment details
If you haven't yet registered, visit the QParents website to register today!
Community Events
List Your Community Event with the PBC Newsletter
If you are holding a community event, sign-on day or fundraiser and want to get the word out to the community, you can list your event at the end or our Newsletter.
If you would like to promote your event please email the details and any accompanying material (e.g. photos, fliers) to News@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au. Upon approval of the Executive Principal we will list your event.
Elanora Community Carols
Community Carols Night at Elanora Uniting Church: Tuesday 6 December at 6pm.
Thrower House Holiday Program
Surfside Bus Passes
It is time to renew your Bus Pass!
Gold Coast Oral Health Service
Free dental check-ups
Gold Coast Oral Health Services are offering free dental check-ups to children in year's 7, 8, 9 and 10.
This service will be provided ONSITE by Mobile Dental Clinic 86B Hours of operation for this clinic are Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm.
To arrange an appointment for your child telephone:
The Oral Health Client Service Centre
1300 300 850
Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 4.30 pm
Excluding Public Holidays
Child Dental Benefit Schedule Vouchers are accepted. When your child's $1000 cap is reached, there will be no out-of-pocket expenses provided your child meets *eligibility criteria.
* Eligibility – All Queensland resident children aged four years or older who have not completed year 10 of secondary school.
'Below Average' Comic Strip
About the Comic
High school. It's a daunting place, especially when you're at the bottom of the social ladder where we find four friends trying to survive their final days of senior year. Join Marina, Maddison, Amy and Olivia as they embrace adolescence with a refreshing and humorous approach to daily life in this new addition to the Palm Beach Currumbin High School Newsletter.
Below Average is a fortnightly webcomic created by cartoonist Nicholas Cleaver in mid-2010. It follows the day-to-day adventures of four not-so average teenagers: Marina, an inventor suffering with obsessive-compulsive disorder; Maddison, a blissfully ignorant foodaholic; Amy, a sarky game fanatic; and Olivia, the kookiest member of the group.
The strip's primary theme is humour, and focuses largely on friendship, school and the four girls' incompatibility with established society.