16 August 2016
Newsletter Articles
- Principal's Report
- Senior School Update
- Middle School Update
- Middle School Deputy Report
- Head of Department Middle School Report
- Maths Department News
- Marine Science News
- Dates to remember
- Creative Arts News
- Sports News
- Student Achievements
- Senior School Guidance Officer Report
- Middle School Guidance Officer Report
- Pathways Centre News
- Uniform Shop Update
- Administration
- Student Lockers Available
- Second Hand Uniforms
- Saver Plus
- PBC Alliance
- QParents
- Gold Coast Oral Health Service
- Community Events
- The Ecovillage at Currumbin
- North Kirra Surf Club
- Coolangatta Surf Club
- Dads in Distress
- 'Below Average' Comic Strip
Principal's Report
Last week the 2016 National Assessment Program (NAPLAN) results were provisionally released to schools. NAPLAN is the measure through which parents, governments, education authorities and schools can determine whether or not young Australians are meeting important educational outcomes.
There are many elements of a well-rounded education however none are more fundamental to a student's future success than Literacy and Numeracy. Without competency in these areas students struggle to gain access to their preferred careers and are also at much greater risk of dropping out prior to graduation.
Recent research has also shown a strong correlation between high levels of NAPLAN performance and university success. Whilst we do not expect that all our students will or should attend university, I am a strong believer that they should all have the opportunity should they wish.
For this reason PBC places great emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy through having a quality middle school curriculum, core programs that target skill development and highly skilled teachers who map the progress of each of their students and support them individually.
This commitment led to the introduction of our Middle School Campus and the introduction of our new teaching philosophy that sees students study with the same teacher in Maths, Science, English and SOSE.
This focus has paid dividends for PBC students as the following table demonstrates.
PBC NAPLAN Minimum Standards and Mean Results Year 7 and 9 – 2016
Dimension |
Year 7 NMS |
Year 7 Mean |
Year 9 NMS |
Year 9 Mean |
Reading Comprehension |
98.2 |
557.5 |
96.2 |
586.5 |
Writing |
95.7 |
529.0 |
85.8 |
550.1 |
Spelling |
99.2 |
563.4 |
96.3 |
594.4 |
Grammar & Punctuation |
98.7 |
564.3 |
93.3 |
577.7 |
Numeracy |
98.9 |
582.1 |
98.5 |
601.1 |
Colour Key Legend
Green |
Above National School Standards |
Blue |
Similar to National School Standards |
Red |
Below National School Standards |
Our Head of Middle School Ms Anita Sgalippa has already commenced an exhaustive review of these results with our teachers which will include detailed analysis of individual growth, our curriculum and our teaching approach.
However even at this initial stage it is clear that the Year 7's have performed outstandingly and that our Year 9's have shown strong improvement since the last time they sat this test.
I would like to congratulate the staff and students for their commitment to learning and for those interested these results will be discussed in detail at the next P&C meeting on Tuesday 16 August.
Stephen Loggie
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: Department of Education and
CRICOS No. 00608A
Senior School Update
"Excellence is in the details. Give attention to the details and the excellence will come." Perry Paxton.
Senior students at PBC have enjoyed a successful return to school this term, facing the academic challenges with fresh vigour and behaving safely and respectfully. The new semester has also afforded the opportunity to renew our focus on the standards at PBC. Deans of Students have conducted morning walkthroughs throughout the school, ensuring the highest standards of uniform and academic preparedness as we enter a very busy term for the entire senior cohort.
Underpinning this focus on the specific details of our dress standards and academic rigour is the OPTIMA Code, outlining our commitment to safe, respectful learners at PBC. The responsible uniform choices that students make every morning before school are reflected in the academic achievement, behaviour and effort grades that have been achieved in the recent reports; those same students will continue to make sustained efforts to achieve their best in the assignments and tests that signal the end of term and shape future pathways.
Semester 1 reports have been sent home, it is an essential part of the process that a discussion between parent and child occurs, to reflect upon your child's progress. This discussion will assist in the setting of optima goals for the coming term and the remainder of the year.
Please also be aware if you feel your child's report needs further discussion with a teacher, do not hesitate to contact the school to arrange an appointment.
Senior School Information Evening
Parents of Year 10 students are invited to attend the Senior School Information Evening from 6pm in the hall next Thursday 18 August as we deliver essential information for your child as they move into their QCE studies. A range of expert senior school staff along with an array of external providers will attend the evening to answer any questions you may have.
Please RSVP your attendance to dkeev5@eq.edu.au.
Upcoming SET Plan
Following the Senior School Information Evening parents are invited to attend an individual Set Plan Interview with their student on the Thursday 1 September. You may book your interview time by accessing the portal on the home page of the school's website. This is an important opportunity for students to be mentored in their selection of subjects for their Senior Program.
As you would be aware the Term 3 Optima Awards were held this week. The Optima Assemblies present a fantastic opportunity to celebrate student success and recognise those who have excelled in a number of categories.
Awards are presented for academic achievement, creative arts, community service and sport. There is also the most improved award which recognises the top 20 students who have had the greatest growth in their GPA from term 1 to term 2.
A new format was trialled for this term's assemblies which incorporated a more student-centred approach with guest speakers, dance and music performances and guest presenters. It was evident that the rejuvenated awards were a wonderful success with many parents of all year levels attending the assemblies.
A big thank-you must go out to Year Coordinators, Guest Speakers, Performers and Presenters for volunteering their time to make the Optima Awards a success. Also, thank you to teachers who were present at the assemblies with their respective classes. The respectful atmosphere and engagement of students was a credit to your hard work.
Senior School
Middle School Update
This week has seen the Middle School team pouring over NAPLAN and academic data to gain an insight into how we are all going in preparing our students for success. I can say that my overall view is that Middle school teachers and students are doing an excellent job.
The Middle School has exceeded its Semester One targets in relation to course pass rates with 95% of students passing all their courses and we have had 14% percentage of students with a GPA of 4.5 or above.
Whilst working on our Literacy and Numeracy skills is a daily activity at PBC it's this time of year that we can reflect on the progress we are making with our students through the release of the NAPLAN test results.
NAPLAN 2016 has had a successful outcome for our students, giving us evidence that we are consistently developing fundamental Literacy and Numeracy skills in our students. Commendation must go to the Maths and Science teams as numeracy has been a standout result with significant gains in student learning in the last two years. Other highlights include highest mean scores in Reading and Spelling as well as a high result for Year 9 students performing at the top level in Grammar and Punctuation. The percentage of students performing in the top two achievement bands is up in four of the five domains. Well done to the Academic Excellence team of staff and students.
To top it all the Year 7 cohort has achieved above national results in all reportable areas. Amazing job Year 7 team and students! We are very proud of these results as we know they do not come by chance – they are the culmination of having the right programs delivered expertly and consistently by teachers working with students who are motivated to improve their skills and produce high levels of effort day in and day out. I will be providing a full report at the P&C meeting next week and also at the School Council meeting the week after. I have shared these results at a debriefing after this week's Staff Meeting and with students and parents at OPTIMA assemblies.
The other analysis we have done with our academic data has been on students whose attendance rates are below 85%. This equates to more than 8 days away from school in a term which is a real concern due to the amount of learning that is lost. Whilst individual circumstances such as significant illness or injury are taken into account we would still like to see more of our students generally. Although there was not a high correlation with students who were not passing courses it is however more difficult to determine which of these students are not reaching their full potential. Everyday counts so I would encourage families to save days away from school to what is necessary to minimise days away from learning so that students maximise their success.
This year our school is reviewing our practices in relation to inclusive education for students with disabilities including students with significant health concerns. To assist in this the workgroup responsible is seeking parent, student and staff input into this process.
Your input in this survey is greatly appreciated and will be treated anonymously.
The survey link will be active until 24 August 2016:
Anita Sgalippa
Head of School - Middle School
Middle School Deputy Report
This term a focus area for the Middle School assemblies was Inspiration v Aspiration.
In the Middle School what should your child aspire to at PBC?
At PBC we have high expectations for all students to follow our school motto 'Nothing but the best' in all areas of school life and in the wider community. Our Optima Code 'Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner' is embedded within our PBC culture so every student can maximise their learning potential.
Productive partnerships between students, parents and staff are crucial and the Term 3 Optima Award Assemblies provided additional opportunities to celebrate student success with our families for achieving key Middle School targets.
Middle School Targets - Year 7-9
Focus Area |
Targets |
Attendance |
94% or better |
Achievement |
93% students passing 5 subjects |
13% students GPA 4.5 or above |
Behaviour & Effort |
Excellent for behaviour & effort in 5 or more subjects |
How is your child inspired to maximise their learning potential and wellbeing at PBC during Term 3?
Regular school attendance will mean that your child has a better chance in life. Your child will achieve more when they go to school all day, every school day.
- they learn better
- they make friends
- they are happier
- they have a brighter future.
Learning and wellbeing are inextricably linked - students learn best when their wellbeing is optimised, and they develop a strong sense of wellbeing when they experience success in learning. We acknowledge there are individual differences and we provide opportunities for all students to learn and succeed. Any parent that would like additional support for your child to maximise their learning and wellbeing can contact our Middle School welfare team.
Middle School Welfare Team
Role |
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Coordinators |
Mr Adam Power |
Ms Alison Lovesey |
Mr Peter Hill |
Dean of Students |
Mr Paul Bullpit |
Ms Zoe Williamson |
Deputy Principal |
Mrs Wendy Wise |
Guidance Officer |
Ms Anna Willis |
School Nurse |
Ms Judy Nunn |
School Psychologist |
Ms Rebecca Griffith |
Wendy Wise
Acting Deputy Principal – Middle School
Head of Department Middle School Report
Recently, special assemblies were held to honour our OPTIMA Award recipients. At PBC, every child has the potential to earn an OPTIMA award, be it through excellence in their academics, sport or cultural pursuits, their participation in Community Service, their consistent high standards of effort and behaviour, or their improved results. Approximately 48% of students in Middle School received acknowledgement through the OPTIMAs, and we hope to see further students aspire to awards throughout this term.
Middle School Rewards
We know that students respond well to positive acknowledgement, not only through major awards but for small successes and actions in the classroom and playground.
At PBC, we have various informal ways of rewarding students. In the classroom, teachers may hand out small prizes. We use Spelling Stars on the wall to show student's success in our spelling program and attendance trackers to show the class's rate attendance each week.
More formally, teachers distribute OPTIMA Rewards, small tickets to acknowledge students being safe, respectful or a learner. Teachers will sometimes send home OPTIMA postcards to let parents know that their children have had a special achievement or success. Nearly 900 of these more formal rewards have been distributed in Middle School so far this year, helping to create a positive, productive learning environment.
Planning for Success
We have already reached the mid-point of Term 3 and students are currently receiving feedback on their first rounds of assessment. It is valuable to support children to look for ways to improve, so they might reach their OPTIMA goals recorded in their Student Planners. Are they on track? If not, what might they do differently in order to achieve their goals?
Building Resilience
Whatever one's natural abilities and strengths, perseverance, hard work and self-confidence are critical to success at school and beyond. At this stage of Term 3, it can be easy to tire of school. Students should be encouraged to show resilience, to know that their attendance and effort every day makes a positive difference to their learning, and to persist through difficulties. When work becomes challenging, seek an answer. Speak with a teacher. Attend a tutorial. Do some extra work. It all makes a difference.
Assessment Calendars
Parents are reminded that the assessment calendar is now published on the PBC website:
Students and parents should all make careful note of these important dates.
Sharon Hillcoat
HOD Middle School
Maths Department News
There have been a few staffing changes in Maths this term as we welcome new teachers to the Maths faculty at PBC. I am pleased to report that Phillpa Hyatt, Graeme Harding and Kirsten McGilvray have all settled in well and are making a difference to their classes. We will be sad to say farewell to Patrick Kearins who has been working in senior school Maths for the last 5 weeks but I hope that we will be able to welcome him back again soon.
Results for Semester 1 have been analysed and it is pleasing to note that the majority of our senior classes improved their pass rate compared to this time last year. This is a reflection of the combination of hard work and creativity of our teachers together with the dedication and determination of your young person. Please take time to discuss your child's Maths results with them and congratulate them on their success.
Numeracy Bites
Students in all middle school classes are continuing to improve their Numeracy in class with regular Numeracy 'bites'. This has been replicated in senior school classes for students in Year 12 who are taking the QCS test. The benefits of being competent in Numeracy skills will (hopefully) continue to last even after school days are over. A massive thank you must go to Janine Watson and Brigitte Purcell for their work in this area.
Exam and Assignment Stress
At key assessment times I suddenly feel very popular with student's queueing at my door to request extensions on their assignment deadlines. I am more than happy to do this in advance for a planned reason (competing in a sporting event and representing the school or the state for example) and of course for students with medical issues. I am less happy to do this when I hear that a USB has been lost or a printer does not work or 'the dog ate it' (although this did once genuinely happen to my daughter!) The assessment calendars are published well in advance and are easy to access on the PBC website. Please take time to support your child in planning their time out for assessment and revision to help avoid some of these issues which can be very stressful for a young person.
Some of the Maths your child is studying may be quite different to how it was when you were at school. You can still help your son or daughter prepare for exams by asking them to try and teach you the work they have been doing. In going through this process they are able to recall and cement their knowledge (and you might learn something new too!).
Maths in the real world
These next few weeks are awash with data and number facts from the Olympics to the Census, giving you lots of great opportunities to talk Maths at home. Have fun!
Some Olympic Facts to get you thinking.
Answers at the end of the newsletter.
- How old is the oldest competitor to win a gold medal?
- By how many gold medals does Michael Phelps (USA) beat the total number of gold medals won by Brazil?
- How old is the youngest competitor at the Olympics?
- What percentage of revenue from the Rio Olympics will come from ticket sales?
Cathy Clipson
HOD Mathematics
Marine Science News
Peter Comerford from Tweed Sea Sports has joined the PBC Alliance as a Silver Partner, generously contributing towards a new boat and licence testing for PBC's Marine Science students. This contribution presents a huge benefit to those studying Marine Practices, Marine Science and Aquaculture.
If you would like to become involved in the PBC Alliance visit their website.
Dates to remember
Next P&C Meeting
Date: Tuesday 16 August
Time: 6.00 – 7.30 pm
Location: PBC Main Administration Building
Year 10 Senior School Information Evening
Date: Thursday 18 August
Time: 6.00 pm
Location: PBC Hall
Building Resilience - Parent Connect Forum
You are invited to attend 'Wellbeing of your Teenager – Building Resilience', with Anna Willis, Middle School Guidance Officer
Date: Tuesday 30 August
Time: 6.30 – 7.30 pm
Location: PBC Trade Training Centre
Anna Willis, Middle School Guidance Officer will be discussing issues that most affect teens and strategies parents can use to improve wellness.
Please RSVP to events@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au by Monday 15 August 2016.
This Forum is for Parents/Guardians only.
Foodbank Appeal 2016
PBC's Foodbank Appeal kicks off this Friday!
PBC is joining the food fight by holding its annual Foodbank Appeal from Friday 19 to Thursday 25 August 2016.
We can help fight hunger in Australia by donating cans of food to the cause. Cans received will be distributed to those adults and children in need via hampers put together by Foodbank who, on average, provide 166,000 meals a day!
We are trying to beat a school of half our size that collected 19,000 cans this year!!
We encourage all students to bring in cans of food (why not two or more!) for the appeal. Drop them into the designated collection bins by Thursday 25 August. You can bring as many cans as possible to Student Services, Administration or relevant Year Assembly (see below).
Year 11 – assembly week 6
Year 12 – assembly week 7
Year 7-10 – assembly week 7
Let's join the food fight!
Creative Arts News
Eisteddfod Results
Gold Coast Eisteddfod
Year 12 Music Excellence students |
Year 12 Music Excellence |
2nd Place, String Ensemble:
Performers were Tayla Moryta, Kiara Hunter, Luka Duffy, Holly Lyons, Asha Beutel, Amelia Cody - Byfield, Robbie James, Shelby Craik, Andy William, Tayla Miller, Val Bayley, Lance Bayley, Ethan Klem, Megan Lu, Lucinda Monger, Aaron Morrow, Isabelle Richters, Miranda Turley, Sotari Turely, Andy Williams, Kaleah Hickey.
Senior Drama Festival group: Congratulations on a fantastic performance of 'Hospital Food'. It was a very emotional and mature piece, with just the right balance of humour. Excellent work from all involved. What great ambassadors for the school. All students were Highly Commended for ensemble work. Highly Commended for set. 'Magic Moment' award went to 2 of our students and Highly Commended was awarded to 4 of our students
Middle School Combined Jazz: Very Highly Commended
Middle School Combined Contemporary: 2nd Place
Year 7 Jazz: 1st Place
Year 8 & 9 Contemporary: Very Highly Commended
Beenleigh Eisteddfod
Dance Excellence Success!
Last week our dance excellence students competed in a number of sections at the Beenleigh Eisteddfod for Dance. We had some great results winning:
Best High School (Year 9 and Under)
Best High School (Year 12 and Under)
Best Overall High School
In the Jazz Section – Grade 9 & Under: 1st
Place for year 7s
2nd place for 7/8/9 combined dance
Contemporary/lyrical – Grade 9 & Under: 1st
place for year 7/8 Dance
Highly commended for 7-12 combined
In the Jazz section – Grade 12 & Under: 1st
place for the seniors
Highly commended for the mixed age group
In the Contemporary/lyrical – Grade 12 &
Under: 2nd Place for year 11/12 Dance
Highly commended for combined group
Drama Festival Juniors (Year 7 CAX Drama Group) highly commended for all and one member of the group won Best Actor Award!





Sports News
SQBD Touch 2016
PBC had 4 teams participate in the South Queensland Border Districts Touch Football Tournament this year held at Coomera.
The 15's boys took a very young side into the competition and acquitted themselves well to finish second in their pool. Unfortunately this meant they did not progress through to the finals.
The 13 girls had their first taste of a full day carnival and played really well to progress through to the semi-finals. They are improving every game but unfortunately they were defeated by a very strong Helensvale team in the semi.
The Open girls had a successful carnival once again beating Marsden 6-1 in the quarter-finals. They played Helensvale in the semi and unfortunately after a slow start they went down 2-1.
The Under 15 girls swept all before them, topping their pool and beating Marsden in the semi-final 7-1. In what was a very tense final PBC came out winners 5-4 against a very strong Benowa team.
All teams represented the Reds with distinction with a never say die attitude across all games. The tournament was great preparation for the QLD All Schools in October and the National Schools competition for the 15 Girls in mid-September.
Abby King
Congratulations to Abby King who was recently named in the Queensland Schoolgirls under 15 Touch Team. Abby was an integral member of the undefeated South Coast team who swept all before them at the recent state titles held at Southport.
Abby is a real star in the making and we wish her all the best for the Nationals held in Perth later in the year.
Geoff Eggert, Ty Russell and Mr McCarthy
Touch Sports Excellence Coaches
Recent Sporting Success
Rugby League Opens: PBC v
Woodridge - 60-6 WIN
AFL SNR Quarter Finals: PBC v St Laurences 82-20
AFL JNR Quarter Finals: PBC v St Laurences 108-25
Student Achievements
PBC would like to encourage parents to email us with any great recent achievements from your student. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student's achievement, photos, and/or any links to media articles that we can share.
QLD Rhythmic Gymnastics State Championships
Sunny Bower competed at the QLD Rhythmic Gymnastics State Championships Sunday 14 August on the Gold Coast performing 4 amazing routines with rope, hoop, ball and clubs, coming 1st overall in Level 7. Sunny received four medals on the day; 2 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze and a trophy.
This is an outstanding result. Sunny is dedicated, hardworking and truly talented devoting up to 20 hours a week in training. Sunny's dream is to one day represent Australia at the commonwealth games.
Senior School Guidance Officer Report
UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS - QTAC (Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre) – Year 12
Any year 12 students wishing to go to University please be aware applications ARE NOW OPEN! All Year 12 students have now received a QTAC Guide to help them with their application and courses available to choose for next year. Page 5 of the Guide gives information on how to do the application.
Please find link below:
In addition, please go to the link below.
Southern Cross University – STAR Program
Any year 12 students who would like direct entry into Southern Cross University are strongly recommended to apply through the STAR Early Entry Scheme. If recommended by school and accepted by SCU students will receive direct entry into the course of their choice (some courses unavailable). Students are advised of their outcome on 12th October which alleviates a lot of pressure waiting for OP/RANK scores.
Please use the link below for more information and how to apply:
University Scholarship Information
Any year 12 students interested in scholarships please look at links below. Griffith, UQ, Southern Cross and BOND have already presented information on scholarships this year at PBC.
Griffith University -
Southern Cross University -
University of Queensland
Academic Scholarships -
Sporting Scholarships –
UQ Link Scholarships –
Steve Jones
Guidance Officer – Senior School
Middle School Guidance Officer Report
Supporting A Friend Who Self-harms
When you and I were young it was unlikely we ever had to support a friend who was self-harming, simply because self-harm was not widespread. I consider this is a huge ask for any 14 year old. It can create an incredible amount of stress for young people who genuinely want to see their friends thrive. Feelings can range from shock, concern, helplessness and anxiety. Some young people feel highly responsible for their friend's behaviour and become burdened with the job of helping them.
If you are a young person who is supporting a friend who is self-harming I want to commend you for your courage and care. A friend can make all the difference during a challenging time. I hope these five tips will empower you to be the best friend you can be.
Tip 1: Know Your Place
You aren't their mother, so save the lectures and check in phone calls. You aren't their counsellor, so don't attempt to solve their problems or come up with all the answers. You are their friend, and heaven knows they need a friend right now. Friends love unconditionally, care, listen, have fun and protect one another. Stay in this headspace and you are well on your way to being a great support to them.
Tip 2: Don't Change a Thing
When you first find out that a friend is self-harming one or both of you might feel awkward, uncomfortable, embarrassed or scared of how it may change your relationship. The temptation is to either throw yourself into crisis mode and spend every waking moment together or avoid each other altogether. I suggest that you do neither. Make a conscious effect to keep your friendship routine normal. Don't change a thing! Talk about normal things and enjoy normal things.
Tip 3: Make a Deal
A friend would never humiliate a friend who was self-harming by sharing that information with other people. However, that doesn't mean that you won't need to talk to an adult from time to time. I suggest you make a deal with your friend. Ask your friend to help you choose an adult you could contact if you were ever worried about them. If your friend ever mentions suicide you need to be strong enough to ask for an adult's help. That can take courage.
Tip 4: Educate Yourself
The opposite of self-harm is self-care. People who self-harm have often forgotten how to care for themselves. "I-cope" is a great app (available of $3.49 from the App Stores) which outlines self-care strategies which fall into the following categories:
Social – Talk to a friend, be
with people, help someone else, go to a public place
Physical – Exercise, go to the gym, rip up paper,
go swimming
Constructive – Do homework, clean room
Comfort – Cuddle toy, take a shower, wear your
PJs, drink hot chocolate
Fun – Watch a DVD, surf the internet, see a
movie, listen to music, read, play with a pet
Creative – Write a letter, do some art, play
music, make a compilation
All of these strategies are great replacements for self-harm and things you can suggest to a friend who is feeling like they want to self-harm.
Tip 5. Don't Forget About Yourself
One of the most important things that you can do when caring for others is to care for yourself. Don't feel guilty for turning your phone off when you have another priority. Don't ever neglect your own goals or your schoolwork. Stay true to who you are and allow those who love you to talk to you if they feel you are extending yourself beyond what you can handle.
Anna Willis
Guidance Officer Middle School
Pathways Centre News
School based traineeships available for Year 10 and 11 students in 2016
We have many exciting opportunities in the Pathway Centre Y Block. Job boards are updated regularly with new positions.
Commonwealth Bank Indigenous Traineeships – Open to year 10/11 students. Two Gold Coast branches are looking for a school based trainee
Bunnings Warehouse - Arundel School based traineeships Cert III Business/ Retail open to year 10 & 11's Group screening is August 23rd
Hospitality Traineeships:
Raw Energy – Burleigh – New store
opening soon!!!
California Tacos – Burleigh
Zarraffas – Coolangatta
Blackboard - Varsity Lakes
BSKT – Mermaid Beach
Burleigh Sports Club – Burleigh
Hudson Café @ John Flynn Hospital – Tugun
Paradise Family Resort – Surfers Paradise
Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary – Currumbin
Latitude 28 - Surfers Paradise
Subway - Palm Beach
Le Café Enchante - Coolangatta
Love your current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let's see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.
The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break to apply for any of the above positions
Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison Officer
Uniform Shop Update
Uniform Shop Trading Hours
Please note the following trading times for the Uniform Shop commencing Monday 11 July.
Day |
Dates |
Times |
Monday to Friday |
11 July to 16 Sept 2016 |
8.15am to 12.30pm |
Dance wear for Creative Arts Students
Dance wear has arrived and is now available to purchase.
Dance Wear |
Cost |
Crop Top |
$35.00 |
Ladies Singlet |
$45.00 |
Bike Pants |
$50.00 |
Full Length Tights |
$65.00 |
Unisex Shirt |
$30.00 |
Boys Short |
$45.00 |
PBC Jumper
The PBC Jumper is available to purchase for $48.00
We currently have a couple of sizes out of stock. Please contact uniform shop for further information.
Lost Property
The uniform shop is holding a large amount of named and unnamed lost property including shoes, training gear and bags. If your child has lost something can you please ask that they come and have a look through the lost property bin.
Bucket hats/ PBC caps
Bucket hats are currently OUT OF STOCK.
PBC caps are a compulsory part of the uniform and are recommended for all outdoor activities and are available to purchase from the Uniform Shop. Cost is $15.00.
PBC school bags
PBC School Bags are now available from the uniform shop and selling fast.
Features include:
- Lifetime guarantee
- Padded laptop pocket
- Water resistant
- Ergonomic design
- Mesh drink bottle holder
- $70 each
Volunteers needed
If there are any volunteers who would love to spend a couple of hours each week in our very busy Uniform Shop and or Canteen we would love to hear from you!
Please contact Mandy on 07 5525 9331 for further details.
Flexischools Orders
If you have made an order for your child via Flexischools can you please ask that they come and pick it up from the Uniform Shop.
Payment methods available:
- Flexischools Online (link below)
- Credit Card
- Cash
- Cheques not accepted
If you are unable to come into the Uniform Shop you are more than welcome to call on 07 5525 9331 and pay for any uniform item over the phone.
To all of the lovely Parents, Grandparents, Caregivers and Students of PBC I just wanted to let you all know that I am sadly leaving PBC. I have appreciated looking after you all over the last three and half years and you have all brightened each and every one of my days here at the school.
Uniform Shop Coordinator
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School's Bank Account: PALM
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID
AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can
be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2016
SRS8 or 2016 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2016 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$340 |
Overdue |
Excellence Program Fees |
Excellence program 2016 students |
Various |
Overdue |
New Zealand trip |
Year 11 students |
Final installment: $700 |
Overdue |
Early Childhood Education |
Year 11 students |
$500 |
Overdue |
Graduation |
Year 12 |
$50 Deposit |
Overdue |
$50 Balance |
16 September |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
Lost Property
Please check with Student Services for items like pencil cases, lunch boxes, etc. If you have lost an article of clothing (jumpers, shoes, hat) please check with the Uniform Shop.
Student Lockers Available
Student lockers are available for hire at PBC.
- $6.00 for locker hire
- $24.00 for PBC approved combination lock (this will be the property of the student)
- Lockers available are located at G Block
- Payments can be made at Student Services
Please visit the Facilities tab of the school website to read the locker hire agreement.
Second Hand Uniforms
If you are holding on to old or unwanted school uniforms, please donate them to student welfare.
If your uniforms are in good condition, please drop them off at Student Services.
Saver Plus
Saver Plus is a financial inclusion program with matched savings that benefits families and their children's education. Please see link to flyer below, or click here for further information.
PBC Alliance
PBC Alliance Breakfast – Friday 19 August
If you are part of a local business or organisation, a past student of PBC, or just looking to get involved in your local business community, it's not too late to RSVP for the PBC Alliance Breakfast on Friday 19 August.
When: Friday 19 August
Time: 6:45am – 8:15am
Cost: $20.00
Where: PBC State High School Trade Training
Guest speaker: Gail O'Neill, Councilor for
Division 14
Business Showcase: Peter Comerford from Tweed Sea
Parent Special Deal: BUY 1,
GET 1 FREE Tickets -
Come along to our PBC Alliance Breakfast. Click the link to RSVP and bring
along your business partner for free.
Visit and like the PBC Alliance Facebook page to stay up to date:
PBC Alliance Website
For all information about how to get involved with the Alliance, including membership and partnership information; details for upcoming events; and to view our business directory, make sure you head on over to our new website:
The PBC Alliance
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians to interact with the school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child's student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
QParents enables parents to access and manage student:
- Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence
- Behaviour details
- Academic report cards
- Class timetables
- Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
- Viewing and updating student details, including medical conditions and address
- Enrolment details
If you haven't yet registered, visit the link below to register today!
Gold Coast Oral Health Service
Free dental check-ups
Gold Coast Oral Health Services are offering free dental check-ups to children in year's 7, 8, 9 and 10, starting with grades 9 and 10.
This service will be provided ONSITE by Mobile Dental Clinic 86B Hours of operation for this clinic are Monday to Friday 8.00am – 4.00pm.
To arrange an appointment for your child telephone:
The Oral Health Client Service Centre
1300 300 850
Monday – Friday 8.00 am – 4.30
Excluding Public Holidays
Child Dental Benefit Schedule Vouchers are accepted. When your child's $1000 cap is reached, there will be no out-of-pocket expenses provided your child meets *eligibility criteria.
* Eligibility – All Queensland resident children aged four years or older who have not completed year 10 of secondary school.
Further information on public funded oral health services can be accessed via URL:
Community Events
List Your Community Event with the PBC Newsletter
If you are holding a community event, sign-on day or fundraiser and want to get the word out to the community, you can list your event at the end or our Newsletter.
If you would like to promote your event please email the details and any accompanying material (e.g. photos, fliers) to info@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au. Upon approval of the Executive Principal we will list your event.
Coolangatta Surf Club
Nippers Sign on
Coolangatta SLSC Nippers is having its sign on and club open day on Sun 21st August & Sun 11th September and sign on and pool proficiency on Sun 28th August & Sun 18th September for existing and new members.
Surf lifesaving is built on volunteers and is an amazing activity for growing a child's confidence, knowledge and skills in the beach environment. The Nipper program is focused on play, participation and fun. Not only do children have fun and meet new friends they become part of an iconic organisation that has served the Australian community for over 100 years.
Dads in Distress
Dads in Distress is meeting weekly on the Gold Coast supporting fathers to be the best parents they can be… whatever the circumstances.
When: every Wednesday night
Where: Unit 3, 60 Junction Road, Burleigh, QLD
4220, 2 minutes from M1 - Exit 87
DIDS Contacts:
1300 853 437 (9am to 5pm)
Local Facilitators
Ben: 0427 888 418
Stephen: 04 143 04 243
Rob: 0432 253 933
If you are a dad in distress, come along.
If you know of a dad in distress, pass this along.
'Below Average' Comic Strip
About the Comic
High school. It's a daunting place, especially when you're at the bottom of the social ladder where we find four friends trying to survive their final days of senior year. Join Marina, Maddison, Amy and Olivia as they embrace adolescence with a refreshing and humorous approach to daily life in this new addition to the Palm Beach Currumbin High School Newsletter.
Below Average is a fortnightly webcomic created by cartoonist Nicholas Cleaver in mid-2010. It follows the day-to-day adventures of four not-so average teenagers: Marina, an inventor suffering with obsessive-compulsive disorder; Maddison, a blissfully ignorant foodaholic; Amy, a sarky game fanatic; and Olivia, the kookiest member of the group.
The strip's primary theme is humour, and focuses largely on friendship, school and the four girls' incompatibility with established society.
Maths Quiz Answers
- The oldest competitor to win a gold medal was Oscar Swahn aged 64 - Stockholm 1912
- American Michael Phelps' Olympic record of 18 gold medals eclipses the entire gold medal tally of hosts Brazil (11 gold).
- The youngest competitor at the games is Nepal's Gaurika Singh (13 years - DOB 26/11/02), who is competing in the 100m backstroke.
- 92 percent of the revenue for the Rio Olympics will come from Broadcasting rights and Corporate sponsorship, with only 5 percent coming from ticket sales.