14 June 2016
Newsletter Articles
- Principal's Report
- Senior School Update
- HOD of Senior School Report
- Dean of Students Report
- Middle School Update
- Middle School Deputy Report
- Head of Middle School Report
- Students verses Teachers
- Start Up Apprentice Demo Day
- School Based Trainee Graduation
- Arts Department News
- Education Access Centre News
- Cross Country Trials - PBC Reds Run Regionals
- International Department News
- Dates to remember
- Student Achievements
- Senior School Guidance Officer Report
- Middle School Guidance Officer Report
- Certificate courses for Year 11 students
- Pathways Centre News
- Uniform Shop Update
- Administration
- Student lockers available
- Second Hand Uniforms
- PBC Alliance
- QParents
- Thrower House School Holiday Program
- Gold Coast City FC Holiday Clinics
- 'Below Average' Comic Strip
Principal's Report
Dear Parents,
At PBC we try to make sure we take advantage of every available minute in the quest to ensure every student achieves their academic potential.
It is for this reason that the majority of our Semester 1 exams are conducted in the last week and a half before the holidays. As a consequence our staff correct the papers late in the term and over the holidays. The results are then moderated in the first few weeks in the new term.
This process has also led to a significant improvement in our overall attendance rates as most students remain at school right up until the holidays.
Semester 1 reports will be sent home Friday 22 July, however, students will know their results before this time and should be able to tell you. It is very important that parents discuss results with their child to help them get a sense of:
- The overall merit of the results and whether they match their capability
- Which grades improved or declined since last report and why?
- Are there any teachers that need to be contacted to discuss issues?
- Are any subject changes required?
- What modifications to study habits need to be made to promote further success?
Through this discussion it is critical that successes are acknowledged and goals are developed for the next semester. For senior school students it is also particularly valuable to reflect on how these results contribute to their SET plan and their preferred post school pathways.
I understand that these conversations are challenging and require careful planning, however I can attest that in my professional experience, the rewards are great and often result in a more focussed, motivated young person with better post schooling outcomes.
Stephen Loggie
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider
Name: Department of Education and Training |
Senior School Update
QCS Test
The Senior School team has been working tirelessly with the Year 12 cohort on their upcoming QCS test. Preparations for the test have included specialised QCS classes once a week, a QCS boost club that runs fortnightly, QCS Turbo days along with a myriad of resources available on the school drive for students to access.
I encourage all of our OP students, and any others intending to sit the QCS test, to put aside study time each week to work through past exams and practice questions.
Blair Hanna
Head of School – Senior School
HOD of Senior School Report
The Senior Schooling Exam timetable has been published on the school website under curriculum/ testing and assessment.
Shutdown commences for Year 11 and 12 students on Thursday 16 June. Year 10 shutdown commences on Tuesday 21 June.
During shutdown students only need to attend school for scheduled exams or VET catch up. Students need to be in full school uniform to sit exams.
Students in VET (Vocational Education and Training) subjects need to ensure that they are up to date with their VET competencies by end of term. Students who are behind will be required to attend school during shutdown to catch up on missing work. These students will be informed of the appropriate catch up sessions by their teacher and parents will also be contacted.
End of term and exam reminders
- Parents and students are again reminded that the school will continue to schedule exams in the last week of each term as this maximises the amount of classes that students have to prepare for the assessment
- Parents are reminded that students will not be able to sit exams early. The school assessment policy is published on the school website.
- Exams and assessment will be conducted up to and including the Thursday 23 June
- The school track and field carnival will be conducted on Friday 24 June.
Year 12 QCS students have compulsory masterclasses and practice tests during shutdown. On Thursday 2 June, the QCS cohort had a masterclass after school. It was very pleasing to see a large number of students attend and the presenter commented on the quality of the work that the students completed.
The Queensland Core Skills test (QCS) is critical to the outcome of all OP students. The performance of the Year 12 cohort on the QCS test is used to compare subjects and students across the state and put students in a rank order from 1 to 25. As such, the QCS test is the most important assessment piece for OP students this year.
All Year 12 OP students should ensure that they are focussed and engaged in QCS sessions and QCS classes.
Year 10 into 11 Subject Selections
Year 10 students will shortly begin the SETP process (subject and pathway selection).
Parents and students in Year 10 are again reminded that students' academic performance in semester 1 of Year 10 will affect their eligible pathways in Years 11 and 12.
To study five OP subjects and be eligible for an Overall Position students must achieve:
- An A or B in English and Maths
- Students wishing to study a science in Years 11 and 12 ( Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Marine Science or Science 21) must also get a B in Science
- Students wishing to study Maths B or C in year 11 must achieve at least a B10 in Maths
Students who get a C5 in Maths and English in Semester 1 Year 10 may still be able to study Maths A and English in Year 11, however, they will not be able to study five OP subjects. These students will still be able to pursue tertiary pathways via rank, certificate and Diploma options.
Mick McDougall
HOD – Senior School
Dean of Students Report
Year 12 Sport Arrangements for Semester 2
As of Term 3, all Year 12 students will be enrolled in one of three support programs during Period 4 Wednesday sport, designed to enhance learning outcomes and strengthen the commitment to pathways of all our senior students.
Attendance at the programs is compulsory and will impact all Year 12 students across Term 3. These programs will finish at 3:05pm and non-attendance must be supported by medical certification.
The programs are as follows:
QCS Program
- Students who are OP-eligible and participating in the QCS Program
- Will attend classes designed to enhance literacy and numeracy skills prior to the state-wide QCS exams in Week 8
Tutoring and Support
- Will impact students who failed one or more subject/s in 2016 in either academic achievement, effort or behaviour
- Will be staffed by expert teaching staff across a number of learning areas, designed to provide Year 12 students with extra assistance and tutoring to ensure they improve results and remain on track to attain their QCE
- Students enrolled in this program will be notified prior to the Semester break
Off-Campus Study
- Year 12 students who do not participate in the QCS Program and are passing all selected subjects across all facets of achievement will be provided with an off-campus study allowance
- These students may depart school at 1:55pm on a Wednesday only
- Students can remain at school to access library and tutoring services
Shutdown period
The end of Term 2 is approaching very quickly. Senior School shut down procedures will occur for Year 11 and 12 students from next Thursday 16 June and Year 10 from Tuesday 21 June.
This can be a stressful time for our students and it is easy to feel worried and overwhelmed. In terms of exam preparation, it is important that students are getting enough sleep, eating a well-balanced diet and, where possible, keeping active throughout the shutdown period.
If students are finding things tough, they need to ask for help from their teachers, Year Coordinators and or Deans of Students. The Deans highly recommend the Mind Gym program throughout this time period to assist students with relaxation techniques. Our Guidance Officers offer this program at School on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 8.15am in the virtual classroom in E block.
Reachout is also a fantastic online tool which gives practical advice to support students and their wellbeing during exam periods.
Good luck to all our Senior Students!
Mitchell Kennedy and Zoe Williams
Dean of Students Year 11 and 12
Dean of Students Year 9 and 10
Middle School Update
This has been a topic of discussion for Middle School students at assemblies. We have been talking about how we can show respect to our peers and members of the wider community not just by the things we say, but also through our body language. It has been interesting for students to reflect on how some really simple things can influence the relationships they have with others such as smiling and making eye contact.
Academic Performance
Late this term we will be asking our Middle School students to complete a reflection on how they believe they are tracking to meet their academic goals. We will also ask them to reflect on their effort and behaviour this semester and how that is contributing to their achievement. Whilst we are doing this, I have asked that we include a check-in with students around their wellbeing, in particular whether they have established healthy and productive relationships with their peers. This will all provide another level of insight for our teachers on how to support their students.
Active Literacy Program
This week a team of teachers have been working to support the development of next term's program. How you can support this at home would be to continue to encourage your young person to do some reading of their own choice each week and to track this in their reading log.
I would like to please ask you to make a habit of checking in with your student about how this is progressing and to check that they are completing their entries. You can also help by providing some reading material, in either electronic or 'old school' (hard cover). This is a simple yet effective way that you can support the development of their literacy skills which will impact on their academic results as they enhance their vocabulary and gain exposure to forms of writing and the structure of effective writing.
General Enrolment Year 7 2017
Thank you to all the future parents and students who attended our General Enrolment night on Wednesday 8 June in the PBC Theatre.
If you missed the evening, you can view the presentation on our website.
Our Middle School handbook is also a great source of information, please click here to view.
We look forward to receiving all of your enrolment applications for 2017 by Friday 5 August 2016. This will assist us greatly to be in the best position to support your young person at PBC.
Our Transition Day will be held on Monday 5 December, which will provide an opportunity for your student to be orientated, ready for their first year of high school at PBC in 2017. Students who are officially enrolled and placed into a class by this date will be invited to attend.
Anita Sgalippa
Head of School - Middle School
Middle School Deputy Report
School attendance can be critical for your child's success in their schooling years. At PBC, our attendance target for all students is 95%.
This term Year 7-9 weekly assemblies have been celebrating the success of our classes who achieve 95% or above. Congratulations to all students and classes reaching 95% or higher!
The Middle School Student Planner 'Optima Plan' (page 4) has attendance % goals for your child. At the end of this term, we will congratulate all Middle School students who have achieved 100% attendance at the year level assemblies. In addition, all students by the end of Week 10 will receive a Pride in Optima Reward if their attendance:
- Is at 95% or higher
- Has improved from Term 1 to Term 2.
In Week 11, all students will set their Term 3 attendance goals in their planners at their assemblies.
Education Queensland's 'Every day counts' campaign promotes four key messages:
- All children should be enrolled at school and attend on every school day
- Schools should monitor, communicate and implement strategies to improve regular school attendance
- Truanting can place a student in unsafe situations and impact on their future employability and life choices
- Attendance at school is the responsibility of everyone in the community.
Parent information is available on the Education Queensland website, please follow the link below:
Parents/caregivers, if your child is absent please contact the school Attendance Officer by email absences@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au or phone 07 5525 9381.
Wendy Wise
A/Deputy Middle School
Head of Middle School Report
Meeting commitments and enjoying well-earned holidays
Middle School students currently have numerous assessment items to complete before the end of semester. Please check the assessment calendar on the PBC website and ensure your child can tell you quite specifically what is due, and when. Staying organised through heavy assessment periods helps students manage their stress levels, and parents to manage theirs!
Students may have assessment up to Thursday of Week 11. Please ensure that your child attends school up until the final day, so that they can meet all of their commitments.
Our Middle School Assessment Calendars can be found here;
Athletics Carnival
A change of pace will occur on Friday of Week 11, when we will enjoy the annual Athletics Carnival. Students are currently nominating for events and all are encouraged to come dressed in house colours. Many will choose to style their dress to this year's theme, which Senior School leaders will discuss on Assembly.
The incredible effort students make to dress for the sports carnival is not matched by many schools, and we look forward to our Year 7 students participating in this colourful, energetic event for the first time. Students may wish to bring money to purchase from the Student Council sausage sizzle, which is fundraising for charity at the Sports Carnival. The tuckshop will also be open.
Semester 1 Reports
As we assess up until the end of term, reports are available at the end of Term 3, Week 2. They will be emailed home, so please ensure we have your email address recorded. Please contact A Block Administration should you have concerns, on 5525 9333.
This Semester Report is a detailed, written report, showing what your student has studied, their results, and strategies for improvement or consolidation. Most students have been working hard to achieve their best, so Reports should provide moments for celebrating successes.
Sharon Hillcoat
HOD Middle School
Students verses Teachers
Last week we had the annual student verses teacher debate, with the topic 'Debating is a pointless exercise'.
The students took the affirmative and won the debate – again! Despite efforts from Ms Reid that explained how enjoyable arguing is, how one may need it in a court of law to save one's life, humorous anecdotes involving Justin Bieber from Mr Russell and his strongest point; even if we win or lose – we win, this was not enough to convince the judges. We thought we had it in the bag when Mr Loggie pointed out that he does everything in his power to prevent wasting his time by delegating his work to others (leaving the audience wondering what he actually does do) and, therefore, he would hardly waste his time at this event if it was a waste of time.
Taine Josephson opened the affirmative team's case strongly followed by Tommaso Lo Giudice who was late to the debate, then left immediately after speaking – because it was a waste of time. However, Michelle Borg pointed out the numerous flaws in the teachers' case and slammed it home with philosophy. A winning combination of students and a well-deserved victory.
Debbie Reid
Academic Excellence Teacher
Touch Football
In what was a very hotly contested affair, the teachers ran out narrow winners 6 touchdowns to 5 over the Senior Touch Football Excellence girls. The contest went down to the wire with a last second length of the field intercept from the very elusive Mr Johnstone, stealing the game for the teachers.
Each team started strongly with the students posting a try early through Eveie Kennedy-Brown from a wonderfully worked set piece. The teachers then replied quickly via some fancy stepping from Mr Johnstone close to the line after great lead-up work from Mr Brown and Mr Loggie. After repelling numerous sets on their own line, the students built up a lot of pressure on the teachers and the always elusive Eveie scored again through great lead up work by the King twins, Abby and Roxy.
Mr Johnstone was at it again mesmerising the defence and scoring a great individual touchdown to tie it up 2 all. The game was going set for set until Mr Patison gave a long pass to Italian international Mr Maccan onto 154 Qld Cup gamer Mr Davis to score in the corner to break the game open. Vintage stuff. Not to be outdone, the students hit back immediately with Teagan Phillips scoring off great lead up work by Courtney Thomas and Abby King. Right on the stroke of halftime is was that man again Maccan who read the play beautifully and took an intercept pass to run the length of the field to put the teachers up 4-3 at half-time.
The second half started with the teachers jumping out to a 2 touchdown lead thanks to a beautiful flick pass from Mr Johnstone to Mr Davis to put Mr Patison over to score in the corner. The students once again hit back with a great dive-over try by Kellie Meyer after some mesmerising play by middles Teagan and Abby. The students then built some pressure spending a long time on the teacher's try-line before the teachers defence cracked allowing Abby King to score a great individual try to tie it up 5-all. With the siren imminent, the students were pushing hard for the win when Man of the Match Mr Johnstone plucked the ball out of the air and raced the length of the field to score the winning touch-down for the teachers.
Congratulations to both teams on a fantastic game and better luck next year to the students.
Geoff Eggert
Senior Touch Football Excellence Coach
Once again a full house were in attendance to see the annual Teachers verses Students basketball grudge match. A nervous start by both teams soon turned into an early lead for the energetic students as the staff (Mr Chris Pattison) could not get anything to drop. The teacher's best dressed player, Tim Maccan, soon turned up the heat on the students along with Ty Russell, who brought the staff team to life. A magical play by Year 8 student Meika Shortland who seemingly broke Mr Chad Owens' ankles before landing a long range three pointer on the half time buzzer to give the students a commanding 10 point lead.
The second half was more of the same until Mr Loggie's first basket of the game started a revival for the staff with Mr Adam Brown making consecutive three pointers to help the staff scrap back and into the game on the full time buzzer for the game to finish with a 49 point tie.
Thanks to all involved in what was a great time had by all.
Tim Smith
Senior Basketball Excellence Coach
Start Up Apprentice Demo Day
Startup Apprentice Demo Day was held at PBC yesterday, where eight teams were selected to pitch their business ideas and models before three community judges.
All teams were extremely well prepared with MVPs, websites, Apps, and videos outlining how their product worked. Students learnt about and discussed marketing channels; revenue streams; and customer feedback to validate product and intellectual property.
All in all, the Start Up Apprentice Program involved over 80 Year 10 Business and Financial literacy students, broken into 21 teams. Of these 21 teams, 8 made the finals, and only one was selected as the winner...
Congratulations to the "Go Buoyant" team consisting of Juliet Hall, Milli Limkin, Tiahni Bailey and CEO Scarlette Pyers on their winning pitch!
Neil Mackay
Head of Department
School Based Trainee Graduation
Congratulations to our students who graduated from their school based traineeship this week.
The school based trainees are employed by Prestige Service Training and hosted at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary
Each students should be congratulated for their achievements.
Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison Officer
Arts Department News
Fanfare 'All Gold' Success!
The instrumental music staff and students of Optima Wind Ensemble, Infinity Wind Ensemble, Optima String Ensemble and Junior and Senior Stage Bands are to be congratulated on their participation in this year's Fanfare competition. Fanfare is the state-wide festival of bands and orchestras from Queensland state schools and are awarded either Bronze, Silver or Gold in their division.
This year saw a clean sweep of Gold Awards for PBC ensemble groups! Audiences were left in awe of the students who conducted themselves in a professional and commendable manner. Adjudicators were blown away by their performances particularly the Optima Wind Ensemble who received this feedback from the panel: "Splendid, splendid, splendid".
As the new Head of Department within the Arts faculty, I was very proud to be associated with the staff and students of PBC and look forward to Optima's performance in the Fanfare Finals; PBC being one of six ensembles out of 222 schools to be invited to perform. Kayla Latte, Band Director, said 'This is quite an honour' and I for one can't wait to hear them perform again!
Well done students and congratulations Kayla Latter, Justin Hart and Reuben McClean on achieving these outstanding awards:
- Infinity Wind Ensemble – Division 3 – GOLD
- Optima Wind Ensemble – Division 1 – GOLD
- Optima Strings – Division 3 – GOLD
- Junior Stage Band – Division 3 – GOLD
- Senior Stage Band – Division 2 – GOLD
Queensland Symphony Orchestra visit PBC
Distinguished performers Richard Maddon (trumpet) and Jason Redman (Principal Trombone Player) from the Queensland Symphony Orchestra joined brass players from the Infinity and Optima Wind Ensembles on Tuesday 31 May offering two hours of expertise to the Optima and Infinity brass students.
At this workshop, students were taught techniques to build their range (because all trumpet players want to play high!), correct breathing and play with better tone. Students were able to ask questions and play alongside these musicians who are up there with the best in the country. Both Jason and Richard were impressed with the quality of PBC musicians.
Earlier in the year, Warwick Tyrell, a conductor from the QSO worked with the Optima Wind Ensemble during their preparations for Fanfare. The students were inspired by his energy and passion, enjoyed his feedback and are looking forward to working with him again in July.
Instrumental Music Good News
The students and staff of the Instrumental Music Department have expressed their thanks and are grateful for the constant support of the PBC admin team. This year the program has seen considerable growth and have therefore been in need of equipment upgrade and replacement.
This year we are excited to be introducing a Malletkat (Electronic Mallets) into our ensemble, a high quality percussion instrument which will generate the sounds of multiple percussion instruments from one machine. We have also been able to procure a new bass clarinet, oboe, tenor saxophone, three flutes and a clarinet. The students are incredibly grateful to be able to use these instruments, create smooth tone and play technically demanding music with precision and ease.
International Tour
A huge thank you to the Year 10 and 11 students who performed for a group of 25 overseas agents for the International Department's 'Famil Tour' on Thursday 26 May.
The students performed their award-winning Eisteddfod dance which took out first place in the Brisbane Eisteddfod earlier in May. The students hosted the whole performance which formed part of a school tour.
There were also some outstanding solo performances from students Tahli Gawler, Hannah Soda and Holly Johnston.
Eisteddfod Update
Well done to the Year 7 Jazz Dance Group who competed in their first Eisteddfod competition together on Thursday 26 May, and congratulations to the Year 8 and 9 Contemporary Group who came first in their section. This is an outstanding achievement! We look forward to tracking these students progress over the upcoming competitions in Beenleigh and the Gold Coast, best of luck!
Further congratulations are due to the Year 11 and 12 Contemporary Dance Group coming first in their section and the Year 10 Jazz Dance Group coming in second at the Ipswich Eisteddfod an on Monday 6 June.
Outstanding achievements all round, well done!
Drama Bytes!
Drama Bytes is one of the Drama department's new initiatives. Open to all, students are given the opportunity to perform and showcase current work and work in progress.
Students, Phoebe Horn and Logan Chesebro have hosted these lunchtime performances which have showcased the work of Drama and Drama Excellence students in the Middle and Senior School.
So far audiences have enjoyed snapshots of the Year 11 Drama Director's Projects, Year 8-9 CAX Broadcast News Performances, 'Animal Physicalisation' Exercises and Year 11 Australian drama acting scenes.
The sessions are open to all students, particularly those students interested in drama for future electives or simply to get an idea of what happens in drama. Please support the department and enjoy dramatic snapshots at Drama Bytes every Friday, during first lunch in the Theatre.
Shake and Stir
This month our Year 9 Drama students, led by Drama Excellence Teacher Suzanne Parker, enjoyed an introduction to 'The Bard' which dispelled their fear of Shakespeare through recontextualisations. These recontextualisations included the hit show "Bacherolette", much to the student's enjoyment.
The show which took place on Thursday 2 June was engaging, entertaining and provided a contemporary take on the works of Shakespeare. What a wonderful opportunity for our Drama students!
Voices in Paradise Excursion
Lead by Mrs Tassone, 13 of our students attended 'Voices in Paradise' on Saturday 28 May. Voices in Paradise is one of the biggest youth a cappella workshops on the Gold Coast which is held annually.
Featuring industry professional educators, students learned current a cappella arrangements and participated in a whole day workshop in preparation for a concert in front of an audience of 650 people.
Students conducted themselves in a highly professional manner and thoroughly enjoyed the day.
Creative Generation Excursion
As mentioned in our previous parent newsletter, we will be taking 60 students to watch Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage on Friday 15 July.
This is a daytime show, and Arts students will be able to attend this performance, however, tickets will be limited.
Permission notes have been handed out in lessons to interested students. We ask students to please return these as soon as possible. Students will not be able to reserve a ticket without returning the pink form. If you require a form, please see Mrs Joyce or Mrs Shinn in Q Block Staffroom.
Auditions and Interviews for 2017 Students
In Term 3 we will be taking applications for new students who wish to secure a place in our Creative Arts Excellence classes in Year 8–12 in 2017. Application information will be available at the beginning of Term 3. Keep your ears open in assembly and on student notices for further information.
Annette Joyce
HOD – The Arts
Education Access Centre News
Murri Jarjum
We welcome our new indigenous teacher aide, Tracie Morrison who is focussing on 'Closing The Gap' on Murri Jarjum Year 7-12 attendance. Another new team member this term is Alfie Summers from Krurungal 'Duran Program' supporting our senior 'at risk' students to achieve their QCE.
Term 2 Academic Support
Day |
Time |
Location |
Year levels |
Tutors |
Wednesday |
8am-8.45am |
B Block |
Middle School |
Tracie M |
Resource Centre |
Senior School |
Wednesday |
1-2.30pm |
B Block |
Year 7-12 |
AIME Tracie, Selwyn, Alfie |
Thursday |
8am-8.45am |
B Block |
Year 7-12 |
Tracie M |
Friday |
8am-8.45am |
B Block |
Year 7-12 |
Tracie M |
Our Term 2 Breakfast Award Assembly was extremely successful with 70 attending including our students, parent/carers and wider community.
Thank you to the parents that attended our first Parent Consultative meeting at 7.30am prior to the breakfast assembly. Your feedback is always welcome so we can have stronger partnerships and shape further success for our Murri Jarjum.
2016 Term 1 results
Year |
Top Achiever |
Most Improved |
GPA 3.5 -3.9 |
GPA 4 and above |
7 |
Christopher Burgess |
N/A |
Jordan Ayers |
Harper Bourke |
8 |
Isabella Lee |
Taylah Hawke |
Ezra Hayes |
Isabella Lee |
9 |
Charli Hart |
Shara Saunders |
Kalani Anderson Jasper Garner |
Bridie Prater |
10 |
Jasper Garner |
Montana Underwood |
Jye Hutchinson Braith Gausden |
Kai Sampson |
11 |
Summa Mount |
Lachlan Hamilton |
Shana Kowron-Rigney |
Summa Mount |
12 |
Giselle |
Cooper Harris |
Isaiah Barker |
Charlie Duke |
Year |
Top Achiever |
Most Improved |
GPA 3.5 -3.9 |
GPA 4 and above |
7 |
Christopher Burgess |
N/A |
Jordan Ayers |
Harper Bourke |
8 |
Isabella Lee |
Taylah Hawke |
Ezra Hayes |
Isabella Lee |
9 |
Charli Hart |
Shara Saunders |
Kalani Anderson Jasper Garner |
Bridie Prater |
10 |
Jasper Garner |
Montana Underwood |
Jye Hutchinson Braith Gausden |
Kai Sampson |
11 |
Summa Mount |
Lachlan Hamilton |
Shana Kowron-Rigney |
Summa Mount |
12 |
Giselle |
Cooper Harris |
Isaiah Barker |
Charlie Duke |
2017/2018 QATSIF eligibility
QATSIF have advised all schools that Term 3 applicants must be able to show 'Proof of Aboriginality' to obtain a scholarship.
This year both students and parent/carers will be required to upload information to QATSIF prior to the closing date. If your child is in Year 10 or 11 and passing all subjects with 90% attendance and is a role model embracing their aboriginality they may be eligible for a scholarship.
Following the Semester 2 reporting, PBC students will be advised of their eligibility re school requirements. For any further information email Elizabeth Gill Acting HOD EAC on egill62@eq.edu.au
To keep up to date with PBC Semester 1 - Murri Jarjum parents can
- Visit the PBC website
- Like PBC on Facebook:
- Register for QParents
NAIDOC Assembly
PBC will be holding an all-school NAIDOC assembly in Term 3, on Wednesday 13 July at 9am. All are welcome to attend.
Year 10 Murri Jarjum
The Murri Jarjum group has been operating well this term and the students are working hard to extend themselves in the classroom to achieve their Optima goals. In Week 3, the Murri Jarjum Breakfast Award Assembly was held to recognise and celebrate the special achievements accomplished by the students in both the Middle and Senior Schools. It was great to see so many family members, friends and staff supporting the students on their academic, community and sporting endeavours. Also this term, the Year 10 Murri Jarjum group has been participating in a Careers Program. They have been lucky enough to be visited by local universities including Bond and Griffith, as well as TAFE, the Trade College and ADF. These information sessions have been an excellent way for the Year 10's to explore their future options.
Finally, a number of students have been visited by the Indigenous team teachers in the last fortnight regarding the need for improvement in a subject area. It is important that these students, and any others requiring support, attend the Homework Club in the Library on Tuesday afternoons, or The Mibunn group, on Wednesday and Friday mornings upstairs in B Block.
Finally, I'd like to welcome Tracie Morrison to the Indigenous Team. She has made a keen start looking at student attendance and academic results and we welcome her to the team.
Chris Patison
Academic Liaison
Learning Support - "Focus on Year 7"
7O and 7P – Mathematics and Science update
In 7O and 7P Maths this term we have studied square numbers, index notation, fractions and positive and negative integers. The students have enjoyed the hands on activities whilst learning these concepts and have demonstrated improved understanding and skills.
Throughout the term we have played fraction dominos, used pegs and string to display number lines and introduced the students to a new way to revise for exams using Kahoot. The last weeks of this term will see us moving towards geometry and differentiating between different types of quadrilaterals and triangles.
Science has also been an eventful affair with the students enjoying creating dichotomous keys and classifying animals. The exam results were positive and demonstrated a fantastic improvement of skills and understanding. The next few weeks will see Year 7 students studying the Patagonian Toothfish and the Antarctic food web. The assignment will focus on the effects of legal and illegal fishing and how bycatch influences the marine ecosystem. We also consider how the removal of one animal would affect the entire Antarctic food web.
Jessica Haidley
7O Maths/Science teacher
Learning Support - "Focus on Year 9"
9O and 9P – English and History update
9O have been developing a range of skills in their Literacy and Numeracy lessons in preparation for NAPLAN which occurred earlier in the term. Our focus on these specific skills not only applies to the work currently being undertaken, but also the skills they will apply to other subject areas in the future.
These students have all succeeded in the criteria of improvement, which is particularly pleasing, and will no doubt continue to broaden the range of skills they already possess as they roll into the first History unit of the year – Making a Nation.
So far this year, 9P has had a range of different assessment items that they have tackled like true champions. They have worked their way through reading sections of a novel, created a radio transcript (that included some very fascinating radio station names), presented a persuasive speech and are now writing a short story. I am reading about alien invasions, some magical beast stories and a few government conspiracies tales at the moment.
With such a jam packed first term and a hectic start to the second, I am so proud when I watch the continued effort that 9P are putting into every lesson of every day. Sometimes we are tired and a little cranky but as a group we pull together to make sure we get everything done.
I am looking forward to beginning history with this group of students, particularly as it is a favourite subject of mine. I am sure that my enthusiasm for the subject will rub off on them.
Ben Opie
English and History teacher
9O and 9P – Mathematics and Science update
Year 9 Maths and Science classes have had a great start to the year and are now well and truly settled, with great effort and positive behaviour shown from all students.
Students have been enjoying learning about expanding and factorising equations and solving algebraic equations in Math. Students have tackled these complex areas with vigour and enthusiasm.
In Science, students have finished a unit on chemistry learning about radioisotopes, completing an assignment where they designed a superhero based on a chosen radioisotope.
The next few weeks will see 9O and 9P Maths classes studying the Pythagoras theorem and trigonometry. In Science, students will investigate geological processes involved in Earth movement. This unit draws our attention to Our Ever-Changing Earth. We will be investigating how earthquakes, volcanoes, ocean trenches and mountains are formed. Students really enjoy this unit, engaging with a lot of real world, and hands-on examples.
We look forward to working hard over the coming weeks to ensure we have a strong finish to the term, before going on a well-deserved break. The assessments will be an in-class examination in Week 11.
Ryan Jesser and Shaun Nipperess
9O and 9P Maths/Science teachers
Learning Support - "Focus on Year 9"
Year 10P English
The Year 10P English class have completed two assessment items this term with "Boys of Blood and Bone." The class is now analysing the song "Changes" by Tupac. Students are writing an essay concentrating on the language and poetic devices used to express the authors' perspective of a moral, ethical or social issue within the song. The main focus of this essay will be how these ideas are expressed.
A great effort in each unit has been displayed by all students in this class.
Timothy Smith
English teacher
Literacy and Numeracy – Year 8
Students in Year 8 LAN Literacy classes have been analysing the issues, messages and language choices in songs to support the two assessment tasks being completed in English this term. We have also been learning about the metalanguage specific to Indigenous issues in Australia. This has been a fun term and all classes are working exceptionally well.
In LAN Numeracy, students are focusing on improving their core Maths results via repeated practice of base skills that supplement the core program. It is awesome to see such enthusiasm from the students in all classes. The IXL Maths program also supplements basic concepts learned during lessons and provides encouraging rewards and certificates to students.
Elizabeth Gill LAN Literacy Coordinator and
Kim O'Kane LAN Numeracy Coordinator
QuickSmart - Literacy Intervention Program
We have enjoyed meeting some of the parents this week, who were invited to attend their child's lesson, for both the QuickSmart Literacy and Numeracy programs. Topics covered this term are related to ecosystems, the process and importance of photosynthesis, and non-Newtonian substances, which the students have had a go at creating.
Mid-year intervention testing has begun and results thus far are very positive. All students are working well and making fantastic progress.
Elizabeth Carter
QuickSmart Literacy Coordinator
Cross Country Trials - PBC Reds Run Regionals
On Tuesday 7 June, PBC took a strong team of over 50 athletes to compete in the Regional South Coast Cross Country Trials at Runaway Bay. PBC once again showed the mental and physical strength needed to succeed in blustery conditions. A lot was at stake for these athletes who knew that a top six finish would result in their going forward to represent the South Coast at the State Championships.
PBC students were rewarded for their hard work and 'never give up' attitude, as their results demonstrated. The students finished the day with 19 in the top ten, ten of which will go on to the State Championships.
A special mention must go to four of our students who won their individual races to take the Regional Title!
They were:
- Mackenzey Ormiston
- Sam McAuliffe
- Tommy Campbell
- Jack Adams
Others to qualify for State were with outstanding performances were:
- Drew Younger, 5th place
- Tom Weekes, 2nd place
- Ruby Price, 4th place
- Charlie Frentz, 5th place
- Charlie Trapp, 3rd place
- Jack Evans, 6th place
Lastly, the nine students who will make the reserve list after coming in the top 10 were:
- Amber Tansley
- Antonia Cuic
- Reece Finn
- Alisa Yamada
- Liliana Cuic
- Sam Delaney
- Kirah Bembrick
- Harley Adams
- Cassidy Ormiston
Tim Hart
Track and Field Coach
International Department News
Famil Tour
On Friday 26 May, PBC opened its doors to a group of 25 overseas agents visiting International Schools in South East Queensland. The agents were from over 10 countries including, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, South Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia.
After learning more about the school and the international program at PBC, the agents were given a tour of the school by International Student Coordinator, Corinne Van Put, with the assistance of some of PBC's international students.
The group observed special performances by the Dance Excellence students, and learned more about our Sport Excellence Program, thanks to Head of Department Neil Mackay, including kayaking on the beautiful Currumbin Creek. The agents then had the opportunity to see our senior students cooking in the Trade Training Centre and taste some of the delicious produce!
This tour allowed the agents to see firsthand our wonderful facilities and varied subject choices for future international students. We look forward to fostering relationships with these agents and welcoming new international students to PBC.





Corinne Van Put
International Student Coordinator
Dates to remember
Athletics Carnival
It's almost that time of the year again, PBC's inter-house athletics carnival will be held on Friday 24 June and is an all-day, compulsory school event.
The school canteen will be open and a sausage sizzle will be run by the Year 12 students.
Students are encouraged to attend wearing their house colours, as per the table below:
House |
Surnames |
Colour |
Vikings |
A-E |
Green |
Spartans |
F-K |
Royal Blue |
Phoenicians |
L-R |
Red |
Athenians |
S-Z |
Gold |
Student Achievements
PBC would like to encourage parents to email us with any great recent achievements from your student. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student's achievement, photos, and/or any links to media articles that we can share.
Congratulations to Middle School students Ezra Ubaldino, Bailey Martin, Kaden Somerville and Hendrix Bryce who have made the Gold Coast Vikings Under 13's Junior Rugby League Squad.
Ezra, Bailey and Kaden have also made the U13 South East Queensland squad, a fantastic effort!
Senior School Guidance Officer Report
Exam Survival
Exams and studying for exams can be a really stressful period in your life.
To help reduce stress and ensure that you're as organised as you can be, learn more about planning and looking after yourself and about staying focused in order to be as ready for the exam as you can be.
Please follow the link to the PDF below to read these exam tips:
Griffith University – Term 2 Updates
Follow the link below to view the Griffith University Term 2 updates, including information about Year 12 bonus scheme, new bachelor degrees available, and school experience days:
Steve Jones
Guidance Officer Senior School
Middle School Guidance Officer Report
8 Ways You May be Raising Your Child to Be a Bully
We want our kids to grow up happy and successful, but putting happiness and success before caring is raising a generation of bullies.
Admit it. You've watched and wondered: is my kid a bully?
Not all the time. Not most of the time. But some of the time. The rough-handed grab, pushy attitude, resentful looks. Is it a bad day, a phase, or something more? Maybe no one has told you to your face you're raising a bully, but sometimes you can't help but wonder if other parents are talking about it behind your back.
Bullying starts and ends with an imbalance of power. Too much or too little, the results are often the same: bullying behavior is simply a means to gain more power.
So how do you make sure you're raising a kind child, and not a bully?
Please follow the link to the PDF below to read the rest of the article and find out more:
Anna Willis
Guidance Officer Middle School
Certificate courses for Year 11 students
Certificate II courses available for Year 11 students beginning Term 3:
Gold Coast Trades College, Currumbin:
- Certificate II in Horticulture
- Certificate II in Electro technology
- Certificate II in Automotive
North Coast TAFE, Kingscliff:
- Certificate II in Warehousing
- Certificate II in Hairdressing
Completion of these courses equates to 4 QCE points.
Interested in hairdressing?
Try a one day taster course at Kingscliff TAFE on Thursday 16 June.
Please see Miss McQueen for more details.
Bethany McQueen
VET Studies Coordinator
Pathways Centre News
School based traineeships available for Year 10 and 11 students in 2016
We have many exciting opportunities to start the term in the Pathway Centre Y Block. Job boards are updated weekly with new positions.
Cert III Business School based traineeship at News Xpress The Pines. Weekend work is also available. Fast passed newsagency, must be energetic.
Hospitality Traineeships:
- The Koffee Shack, Burleigh
- Hudson Café at John Flynn Hospital
- Lava Carts, Robina
- Grill'd, Coolangatta
- Paradise Family Resort, Surfers Paradise
- The Shingle Inn, The Pines
Cert III Business available through Account For it. This business is looking for a school based trainee working one day a week in their accounting office in Palm Beach
Cert III Hospitality traineeships available at Wendys the Pines.
RSA course – In Term 3 the Pathways Centre will be holding another Responsible Service of Alcohol class. Students who will like to participate must put their name down in the Pathway Centre to avoid disappointment as there are limit spaces.
Love your current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let's see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.
The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break to apply for any of the above positions
Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison Officer
Uniform Shop Update
Uniform Shop Trading Hours
Term 2 |
Day |
Dates |
Times |
Monday to Friday |
11 April to 24 June 2016 |
8:15am to 12:30pm |
PBC Navy Jacket
The PBC Navy Jacket is now available to purchase from the uniform shop and also online at flexi-schools at a cost of $70.00.
Please note, only size L and XL are available, all other sizes have now sold out. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
PBC Jumper
PBC jumpers and are available to purchase for $48.00. There are currently a number of sizes which are out of stock, but will be restocked in the next fortnight.
Bucket hats/ PBC caps
Bucket hats and PBC caps are currently out of stock, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
PBC school bags
PBC School Bags are now available from the uniform shop and selling fast.
Features include:
- Lifetime guarantee
- Padded laptop pocket
- Water resistant
- Ergonomic design
- Mesh drink bottle holder
- $70 each
Volunteers needed
If there are any volunteers who would love to spend a couple of hours each week in our very busy Uniform Shop and or Canteen we would love to hear from you!
Please contact Mandy on 07 5525 9331 for further details.
Flexischools Orders
If you have made an order for your child via Flexischools can you please ask that they come and pick it up from the Uniform Shop.
Payment methods available:
Flexischools Online
- Credit Card
- Cash
- Cheques not accepted
If you are unable to come into the Uniform Shop you are more than welcome to call on 07 5525 9331 and pay for any uniform item over the phone.
Mandy Webb
Uniform Shop Coordinator
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School's Bank Account: PALM
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID
AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can
be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2016
SRS8 or 2016 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2015 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$330 |
Overdue |
Student Resource Scheme |
2016 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$340 |
Overdue |
Excellence Program Fees |
Excellence program 2016 students |
Various |
Overdue |
New Zealand trip |
Year 11 students |
2nd installment: $580 |
Overdue |
3rd installment: $1,000 |
Overdue |
Final installment: $700 |
8 August |
Early Childhood Education |
Year 11 students |
$500 |
Overdue |
Instrumental Music Participation |
Instrumental Music students |
$75 |
Overdue |
Instrumental Music hire |
Instrumental Music students |
$100 |
Overdue |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
Lost Property
Please check with Student Services for items like pencil cases, lunch boxes, etc. If you have lost an article of clothing (jumpers, shoes, hat) please check with the Uniform Shop.
Student lockers available
Student lockers are available for hire at PBC.
- $6.00 for locker hire
- $24.00 for PBC approved combination lock (this will be the property of the student)
- Lockers available are located at G Block
- Payments can be made at Student Services
Please visit the Facilities tab of the school website to read the locker hire agreement.
Second Hand Uniforms
If you are holding on to old or unwanted school uniforms, please donate them to student welfare.
If your uniforms are in good condition, please drop them off at Student Services.
PBC Alliance
PBC Alliance Website
For all information about how to get involved with the Alliance, including membership and partnership information; details for upcoming events; and to view our business directory, make sure you head on over to our new website:
New Members and Partners
We would like to welcome on board all of our new Alliance members and partners.
Please follow the links to view each businesses' listing in the PBC Alliance Business Directory and their fantastic offers for Alliance customers!
- Tweed Sea Sports - Proud Silver Partner of the PBC Alliance, offering Learn to dive courses, scuba diving, and open water diving.
- The Deck Cafe – Eat, drink and shop with the locals at the The Deck Café Currumbin
- Ignite Education – Registered Training Organisation specialising in hospitality and business training.
Fee-free training for 2015 Year 12 Graduates
Need to get your teenager off the couch? Ignite Education are running fee-free training for 2015 Year 12 graduates!
Community Workshops at The Deck Cafe
One of our fantastic local businesses, and Alliance member, The Deck Cafe, are hosting a range of fantastic community focused workshops.
These include:
Children's cooking
- IT support for beginners
- Healthy cooking by Ironwoman Karla Gilbert
- Manners, etiquette and life skills for children
- Tie dye
Please view the flyers below for information about these programs.
The PBC Alliance
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians to interact with the school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child's student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
QParents enables parents to access and manage student:
Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence
- Behaviour details
- Academic report cards
- Class timetables
- Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
- Viewing and updating student details, including medical conditions and address
- Enrolment details
If you haven't yet registered, visit the QParents Website to register today!
Thrower House School Holiday Program
Please follow the link to the pdf below to view the Thrower House School Holiday Program:
Gold Coast City FC Holiday Clinics
'Below Average' Comic Strip
About the Comic
High school. It's a daunting place, especially when you're at the bottom of the social ladder… where we find four friends trying to survive their final days of senior year. Join Marina, Maddison, Amy and Olivia as they embrace adolescence with a refreshing and humorous approach to daily life in this new addition to the Palm Beach Currumbin High School Newsletter.
Below Average is a fortnightly webcomic created by cartoonist Nicholas Cleaver in mid-2010. It follows the day-to-day adventures of four not-so average teenagers: Marina, an inventor suffering with obsessive-compulsive disorder; Maddison, a blissfully ignorant foodaholic; Amy, a sarky game fanatic; and Olivia, the kookiest member of the group.
The strip's primary theme is humour, and focuses largely on friendship, school and the four girls' incompatibility with established society.