18 May 2016
Newsletter Articles
- Principal's Report
- Senior School Update
- HOD of Senior School Report
- Dean of Students Report
- Middle School Update
- Optima Code
- Head of Middle School Report
- PBC shines at All Schools Cross country Championships
- English Department News
- Maths Department News
- QuickSmart News
- Students Vs Teachers
- Bond University Mooting Competition
- Dates to remember
- Student Achievements
- Luan Faranda – Farewell Message
- Senior School Guidance Officer Report
- Middle School Guidance Officer Report
- Pathways Centre News
- Uniform Shop Update
- Administration
- Student lockers available
- Second Hand Uniforms
- PBC Alliance
- QParents
- 'Below Average' Comic Strip
- Answer to puzzle time
Principal's Report
Dear Parents,
Teacher quality is a topic that is regularly discussed in the media and with good reason. Research routinely shows that teacher effectiveness is closely associated to student achievement.
At PBC we believe that the future success of our school is also directly linked to our ability to provide every student with quality teaching. Education Queensland and the Queensland Teacher's Union have a joint commitment to implementing a rigorous performance review cycle which, at PBC, recommences in Term 2 each year.
Our school's approach incorporates:
- Comprehensive policy that outlines the standards of practice for teaching at PBC.
- Processes to ensure that these policies are routinely applied in every class
- Planning procedures that quality assures every course and ensures consistency amongst classes of the same year level.
- Extensive professional development across a range of priority areas
- Analysis of individual student achievement and identification of teaching strategies to promote individual achievement.
- Individual improvement plans for each teacher, articulating their learning priorities for the year. Each teacher works with a mentor to deliver this plan; this includes being observed by a colleague in the action of teaching classes.
- Every teacher receives written and verbal feedback on their performance.
- School leaders, including myself, will continue to spend time in classrooms each week to oversee this process and monitor student performance.
As an Executive Principal of an Independent Public School, I have a performance contract that is reviewed every three years by the Director-General of Education. The process for renewal includes extensive analysis of PBC's results and performance over the period of the contract.
In summary, my colleagues and I accept the premise that better teaching leads to better results for students. We welcome opportunities to improve our practice and are looking forward to the continued focus on Teaching Quality.
Stephen Loggie
Executive Principal
CRICOS Provider Name: Department of
Education and Training |
Senior School Update
Year 10 to 11 Subject Selection
Please take the opportunity to discuss with your Year 10 students that their academic performance in Semester 1 of Year 10 will affect their eligible pathways in Years 11 and 12.
To be OP eligible students must be receiving and A/B in both Maths and English in Semester 1 of Year 10.
For entry into specific OP subjects students must meet the grade requirements set out in the table below;
Subject |
Grade requirement |
English |
C5 or Above |
Maths B/C |
B10 or Above |
Maths A |
C5 or Above |
Chemistry, Physics, Biology or Science21 |
B1 or Above |
Optima Awards
I would like to once again recognise the outstanding achievements of all of the students who received Optima Awards in the past week. These awards are an important part of our school calendar.
Next term, the Optima Awards assemblies will also recognise the greatest academic growth. This award is among the most meritorious of categories as it shines light on those students who have made the most concerted effort to improve. I encourage each and every one of our students to compete for this award and challenge themselves to achieve nothing but their best.
Optima Code
Our senior students are focused on their school work and contributing to the school community in positive and productive ways. Attending all classes, actively participating in lessons, wearing the correct school uniform, and speaking and acting with respect to others, are the behaviours that form the foundation of PBC's Optima Code - Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be A Learner. These are also the behaviours that help keep PBC a safe and successful school.
In the Senior School, we will be focusing on maintaining these standards from our students. As important members of the school community, parents can assist by supporting our procedures and decisions when we expect our students to wear the school jumper rather than a hooded sweat shirt, for example, or by encouraging students to attend school all day every day unless there is a legitimate reason not to. When we work together to get the basics right, students' connectedness to the school and their academic achievement increases.
Blair Hanna
Head of School – Senior School
HOD of Senior School Report
Assessment – Information and Reminders for Senior School Students
- The Senior Schooling Exam timetable will be published on the school website shortly.
- Assessment calendars for Term 2 are available on the school website under curriculum – Testing and Assessment .
- Parents and students are again reminded that the school will continue to schedule exams in the last week of each term as this maximises the amount of classes that students have to prepare for the assessment. Exams and assessment will be conducted up to and including the Friday 24 June.
- All Year 12 QCS students will have compulsory masterclasses and practice exams on 23-24 June.
- All students enrolled in VET courses need to be up to date with competencies at the end of each term. Students who are behind will have to attend VET catch up during shutdown.
- Parents are reminded that students will not be able to sit exams early.
It was great to see over 75 students attend the last after school Mighty Minds Masterclass. The presenter was extremely impressed with the attitude and application of the students. These sessions are designed to extend our students and improve their QCS performance. The next Mighty Minds after school extension masterclass is on Thursday 2 June from 3:15 to 5:15pm. All students in QCS classes A, B, C and D should be attending, however, all students are welcome.
The next QCS numeracy boost session will be held in the Trade Training Centre on Thursday morning during Week 7 this term. All students are again strongly encouraged to attend.
Mick McDougall
HOD – Senior School
Dean of Students Report
As their final year progresses, we are seeing more and more Year 12 students receive their drivers licence and start travelling to school by car. With this gain in independence, a host of new factors come in to play when students are now travelling to and from school.
Please reinforce our assembly messages when having discussions with your senior student at home, these include:
- Being cautious of where cars are parked. Students can park out the front of the school but must be aware of nearby residential properties.
- Observing road rules including school zone speed restrictions, and taking caution when navigating our roundabout and pedestrian crossings.
- Not accessing their cars during school/lunch time. Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds at any time during school hours, even to access their personal vehicles. This ensures the safety of all our students whilst they are within our care.
It has been wonderful to see the vast majority of young drivers conducting themselves appropriately in their vehicles and operating within our local community. Your support of these safety messages is greatly appreciated.
Mitchell Kennedy
Dean of Students Year 11 and 12
Middle School Update
Thank You NAPLAN Parents!
Thank you to every parent who supported their child through NAPLAN by ensuring that they had a good night's sleep, ate breakfast and arrived at school punctually. These efforts made an important contribution not just to the children but to the smooth running of NAPLAN at PBC this year.
Our Year 7 and Year 9 students are to be congratulated for their amazing efforts over the three days of NAPLAN. They were calm, settled, prepared and almost every student visibly gave their best effort. They should be proud of their work.
The QCAA will release NAPLAN reports about mid-August, at which time they will be mailed home to families. Each year, PBC uses the data as part of its ongoing efforts to improve teaching and learning for every student. We look forward to sharing our school results in Semester 2.
Transition for 2017 Year 6 Students
We are already making plans for a smooth transition to high school for our local Year 6 students. In the remainder of the term we will begin the process of visiting our local primary schools.
The Middle School team will be speaking to students who live in our catchment zone who have not already been accepted through an Excellence Program offer for 2017. Our Year 7 General Enrolment Evening is on Wednesday 8 June and families living in catchment area are invited to attend this evening.
Anita Sgalippa
Head of School - Middle School
Optima Code
The foundation of PBC's expectations for all students can be found in the three simple messages from the Optima Code - Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be a Learner.
These expectations cover the full range of a student's experiences at school, from how to behave respectfully in the classroom to how to stay engaged in learning to reach one's full potential. Importantly, the Optima Code also details how to behave both inside and outside of the classroom to ensure that all members of the school community are safe.
The Middle School has recently experienced some injuries from unsafe play at lunchtime. Whilst we appreciate the benefits of running around and using up some energy at lunchtime, the safety of the students will always be a priority. Students receive reminders via assemblies, messages and student notices, and the playground duty staff are being extra vigilant.
Cyclists – Please wear a helmet
Still on the message of safety, the local police have informed me that they are focusing on students wearing helmets when riding to and from school. Please remind your child to wear their helmet while riding.
Thank you for supporting the school by reinforcing these messages with your child/ren at home - we all want our young people to be safe at all times.
Optima Awards
Lastly, there has been so many fantastic academic and behaviour/effort results from the Middle School in Term 1. The Year 7 cohort in particular, has produced such strong results in their first year of high school. Hopefully, you were able to attend the Optima assembly to witness our formal acknowledgement of these results.
We look forwarding to meeting you at the upcoming Parent/Teacher interviews.
Tracey Cardinal
A/Deputy Principal of Middle School
Head of Middle School Report
Parent-Teacher Interviews
We look forward to meeting parents at Parent Teacher Interviews in Week 6. Some tips for first-time PBC parents are:
- Prepare for the meeting by making sure that you have read your child's Term 1 report, and if appropriate, consider what improvements you hope your teacher is now seeing.
- Make notes so that you can refer to feedback and the plan forward at a later time.
- Involve your child by including them in the interview, so they engage in the process of support and feedback.
- Look for common themes as you speak to a variety of teachers. This will help you to support your student to establish meaningful goals.
Sharon Hillcoat
HOD Middle School
PBC shines at All Schools Cross country Championships
Saturday 30 April saw the All Schools Cross Country event conducted at Kedron SHS in Brisbane.
PBC sent along a very strong team and the athletes were rewarded for all their hard work with some magnificent individual and team results.
In the 18's boys eight kilometre race Jack Adams came first in a brilliant time of 29m: 26 sec. In the boys 16 years 6km event Tommy Campbell ran a great race to finish second in a time of 20min: 22 seconds with Tom weeks running a 20:47 to take sixth. Sam McAuliffe finished 4th in the boys 4km race.
Drew Younger in the girls 4k (3rd) and Charley Trapp in the 6k (5th) led home our female runners.
In the team's section our 16 years boys' team comprising Tommy Campbell, Tom Weeks and Harley Adams came first overall. PBC's 15 years girls team registered a 3rd place overall. Congratulations to team members, Drew Younger, Amber Tansley and Mia Flint.
Neil Mackay
HOD Sport Excellence
English Department News
As you may be aware, the Queensland Government is revising senior assessment and university entrance systems.
In preparation for the introduction of a new senior assessment system from 2018, PBC has been selected to be one of the approximately 250 Queensland schools taking part in external assessment trials. This will involve a group of our Year 11 students sitting a short English paper on Friday 27 May, 2016.
The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) has developed the trial assessment in close consultation with subject experts and practising teachers.
To maximise the learning opportunities for the trial, the assessment will be administered under secure conditions, and graded externally. This will enable QCAA to evaluate the effectiveness of its processes for delivering external assessments. The trial also offers an opportunity for our school to become familiar with the use of subject-based external assessments and gain additional information about the progress our students are making in their senior studies.
As the trial will involve Year 11 formative assessment only, there will be no impact on students' Year 12 exit results or on their OP rank for tertiary entrance.
Students have embraced the challenge.
May Christiansen
HOD English
Maths Department News
Puzzle time
What is unique about 8549176320?
(See the end of the newsletter for the answer).
Senior School Maths Choices
These last few weeks have been busy in Senior Maths, making sure that students are enrolled in the most appropriate Maths course for their chosen pathway and ability.
It is vital that students and parents are aware of the entry requirements of the various Maths courses in Year 11 and the preparation that is needed in Year 10 to ensure that students can access the course they need for their chosen future pathway. With this in mind, I would like to remind you of the entry requirements for the Year 11 Maths courses and OP eligibility:
To be OP eligible students must be receiving and A/B in both Maths and English in Semester 1 of Year 10.
For entry into specific OP Subjects students must meet the grade requirements set out in the table below;
Subject |
Grade Requirement |
Maths B/C |
B10 or Above |
Maths A |
C5 or Above |
If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact me: cacli0@eq.edu.au
Competition time!
As a bit of an inspiration for current Year 10 Core Maths students who wish to be considered for the Maths B course in Year 11, I am offering a brand new Casio fx-CG20 AU graphical calculator as a prize to the student in Year 10 who performs the best on Core Maths and chooses Maths B for their Year 11 course. The calculator is a requirement of the Maths B course and retails at over $200 so it is something to aim for. Good luck to all Year 10 students with this.
Pi challenge
Students in 8D have been competing this week to see how many decimal places of the irrational number pi they can remember. Congratulations to Shanti Barlow and Kye Behenna who recalled pi to within 2 decimal places of each other.
They will be enjoying a pie of their choice this week to celebrate. Students used some great methods to help them remember including gathering the digits in groups and setting them to music like the Macarena!
It has been fantastic to see how well prepared students in Year 7 and 9 have been for the NAPLAN numeracy test this week. Students have been working on specific skills in the weekly NAPLAN numeracy lessons and also improving their mental maths capacity through the Numeracy Bites activity which starts every Maths lesson in Middle School.
I am looking forward to the results of these tests. Thank you to all the teachers and parents who have supported our students on the NAPLAN journey.
Tutoring opportunities
Students should by now be familiar with the Tuesday afternoon tutoring sessions after school in the library. This is a great opportunity to get a little extra help to improve with Maths specialists on hand each week.
For Year 11 Maths A students, Mr Conneely is providing a tutoring session before school on Monday mornings in H block. All 11 Maths A students are welcome to attend. Many Maths teachers also offer informal extra tutorial sessions at key times. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Cathy Clipson
HOD Mathematics
QuickSmart News
QuickSmart Numeracy spaces have all been finalised, student attendance and enthusiasm is a real positive this term as they become more familiar with their timetables.
There are 48 students attending the program and we look forward to a very productive Term 2. Parents have been invited to observe their child participating in the program during Week 9, Term 2.
Thanks again to all classroom teachers for their ongoing support of QuickSmart.
Carol Johnstone
SEP Teacher Aide
Students Vs Teachers
Game 1 - Soccer
Students vs Teachers game 1 - Soccer goes to: Teachers!
The staff vs students' soccer match was an even affair, with the final result going the teachers way with the final kick of the game.
A few Year 12 students were injured which probably swayed the favour towards the teachers prior to kick off. After an even first five minutes with limited scoring opportunities, Chris Patison found himself with a bit of space in the box, somewhat tripping over his own feet, and the ball mysteriously found its way into the back of the net. 1-0 teachers.
Student Charlie Frentz looked menacing down the right hand flank and he got his due reward for his efforts with a neatly taken finish past the advancing keeper into the top left corner. 1-1. After an even spell in the match, new recruit teacher Tim Hart whipped a ball from a corner to an evasive Mr Loggie, who found himself unmarked in the opponent's 6 yard box. He disposed of the ball into the back of the net with a well-timed right footed volley to give the teachers a 2-1 lead.
With 3 minutes remaining, a well work combination of passes down the left flank between students Christian Lawrence and Jay Rich occurred with the final product being a well delivered out swinging cross to Marley Arreola who headed home to level the scores at 2-2.
With the match drawing to a close, and only seconds left to play, the ball was passed across the defensive zone of the students, enter Mr. John Costello… Many years' experience came to this pivotal moment in his career, he spotted the position of the keeper and with the confidence and poise of a professional marksman he pulled off a technical 'rabona' strike which rattled the back of the net to the rapturous applause of the student and staff spectators. 3-2 teachers.
Another fantastic spectacle in 2016, seeing the teachers take the trophy for the second consecutive year. Many thanks to all for a very entertaining and enjoyable match.
Luke Morley
Soccer Excellence Coach
Game 2 - Netball
The 2016 Teacher vs Student Netball Champions are…. the students, AGAIN!
The Teacher vs Students netball match was a tight competition for the first two minutes... until the students ran away with a 20 point lead by the end of the 30 minutes. This was not without effort from the teachers who were missing the star basketball shooters Mr Smith and Mr Brown.
Centre court speedsters Sophie Meehan and Captain Jada Gafa left Mr Davis, Mr Johnston and Mr Robinson chasing shadows over the court. Mr Patison and Mr Owens eventually developed a great combination in the circle, but this was shut down consistently by the reds defenders: Emma Lapham, Sade Williams, Rosie Gale, Jamie Phillips and Abi Houston.
The talented Gale girls one again caused havoc over the court to their opponents; yet still found time to have a smile at their opponents. Charlie Duke used her dynamic speed and power to control out of court fly balls through the ring to continue the damage.
With a few sneaky clicks of the buttons on the scoreboard, the teachers had the lead by 10 points, but this fake lead was again turned by shooters Tayla Harper and Rhianna Bevege. Even without Courtney Kelly Scholes (Australian Indigenous team) and Ebony Aston, the girls have retained the title for another year.
The most aggressive player
award: Mr Maccan and Mr Russell.
The shadow chaser award: Mr Robinson.
The most consistent: Mrs I'Anson.
We look forward to 2017 with our new recruit of Tara Gonzales moving the teachers one step closer to taking a victory.

Jasmine Kadry
Netball Excellence Coach
Bond University Mooting Competition
This term, three Legal Studies students had the opportunity to compete in the annual Bond University Mooting Competition.
This year's topic concerned a negligence claim and team members Seraphina Smith (Senior Counsel), Giselle Kilner-Parmenter (Junior Counsel) and Tayla Harper (Solicitor) were required to present arguments to a moot (mock) court presided over by two judges.
The students spent six weeks preparing submissions for the Respondent, the party for whom they were acting in a High Court appeal. The girls' oral and written submissions received excellent feedback and in particular the judges praised their courtroom etiquette. Well done Seraphina, Giselle and Tayla!
James Poirrier
Legal Studies Teacher
Dates to remember
Optima Awards
- Year 7: Thursday 19 May
- Year 9: Monday 16 May
Parents of students receiving awards will receive an invitation to attend but all parents are welcome at these assemblies. We encourage you to be in the Hall by 8.45am and we aim to finish by 9.30am with a coffee catch up to follow
Parent teacher Interviews
Parent Teacher Student Interviews are being held in the Hall in Week 5, at the following times:
- Tuesday 17 May from 3:30pm to 8.00pm
- Wednesday 18 May from 3.00pm to 7.30pm
- Thursday 19 May from 3.30pm to 8.00pm
Parent / Teacher / Student Interview nights allow parents and carers to follow up Interim Reports and discuss ways in which students are setting themselves up for success.
Please see our Parent Teacher Interview booking instructions . Bookings can be made online via the PTO website , or by downloading the PTO mobile app. For more information regarding the PTO mobile App please click here.
Formsanddocuments/Documents/support-and -
Please note: When using the PTO app, you will need to add your school using code 5vk2a.
P&C Meeting
The school P&C meeting will be held on Tuesday 17 May between 6:30-7:30pm in the main administration building. All are welcome to attend.
Student Achievements
PBC would like to encourage parents to email us with any great recent achievements from your student. These achievements can be in The Arts, sporting, academic or community service. We would love to hear from you! Please email us at news@pbc-shs.eq.edu.au with details of your student's achievement, photos, and/or any links to media articles that we can share.
Last month six of PBC's Year 11 and 12 Dance Excellence students (Joel Murphy, Holly Johnston, Riley Johnston, Santana Haynes, Jorja Coe and Grace Parker) travelled to the USA for a professional development tour, taking classes at some of the world's premier dance studios.
Follow the link below to view the daily blog which documented their trip:
Congratulations to Year 10 student Thomas Carvalho for taking out second place in the under 16 division of the Fox Grom Shootout. The event was presented by World Championship Tour surfer, Bede Durbidge, at Stradbroke Island over the Labour Day long weekend.
Students Morgan Whitaker, Year 10, Emily Jackson, Year 12, and 2015 graduate Demi Thomas, recently competed at the Cheerleading World Championships in Florida, USA.
All three girls competed at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Arena at Disney World Florida, where they placed 2nd out of the five Australian teams and 9th overall in the World with Queensland Cheer Elite, out of 61 Teams at Open Level 5.
The girls also competed in the American Showcase in Los Angeles where they placed 2nd.
Surfing Excellence student Pacha Luque-Light has showed tremendous community involvement through her support of the 'Climate Change for Good' conference, a collaboration between Griffith University Gold Coast campus and Gecko - Gold Coast and Hinterland Environmental Council.
Pacha was invited to the launch of the 'Climate Change for Good' conference as an ambassador last week, to raise awareness about GECKO's positive initiatives to address climate change locally.
Year 9 Sport Excellence student Jesse Grey has recently represented Queensland Under 15 in Rugby Union against NSW.
Jessie was named Vice Captain of his state, leading his team to a very commanding win. Queensland won this game by 62-10, with Jesse playing in the backline at fly half and scoring a try and kicking 4 from 6 goals.
Jessie was also named Captain of the Gold Coast team which competed in the Under 15 Gold Cup, losing only one game by 3 points and beating the overall winners, Western Australia.
Lastly, Jessie was just named in the South Coast rugby union side at fly half, to play in the state championships in July. Congratulations on your fantastic achievements Jessie!
Congratulations to the following students, who played as a part of the team taking out the Queensland School Sport Rugby League State 15 Years Championships at Longreach from 5-8 May:
- Ryan Garner
- Jovahn Tearoti
- Juwan Compain
- Jed Edwards
- Will Evans
- Kyah Watts
- Nelson Grove
- Toby Sexton
With the help of their coach, PBC Sportsmaster, Geoff Eggert, the team went through the championships undefeated. Two Queensland sides were selected from the carnival; Juwan, Will, Jed and Nelson made the Maroons team; and Kyah and Toby made the Whites Team.
Luan Faranda – Farewell Message
One of our Year 7 Academic Excellence students, Luan Faranda, will leave us next semester to live for a period of time in Innsbruck, Austria, where his family are relocating for work reasons. Luan, due to his excellent academic record at PBC has gained entry into Akademisches Gymnasium in Innsbruck - the best academic school in the whole of Tyrol (the state).
We wish the family all the very best for their time in Austria and look forward to welcoming Luan back to PBC upon their return to Australia.
Sally Farrell
HOD Academic Excellence
Senior School Guidance Officer Report
University Scholarship Information
Year 12 students who are interested in applying for a university scholarship, please follow the links below for more information. Griffith, University of Queensland, Southern Cross and Bond University are all booked in to run sessions here at school regarding scholarships.
Griffith University:
Southern Cross University:
University of Queensland (UQ):
Queensland University of Technology (QUT):
University of Southern Queensland (USQ):
Bond University (applications close on 31 July):
Griffith University - Key Dates
Scholarship applications open (closing dates vary) mid-July 2016.
Twilight Seminars: 10 – 12 May
Medicine Information Evening: 17 May (Gold Coast)
Year 10 Parent Evenings: 7 – 9 June
Open Day 24 July
Year 12 Parent Evenings: 23 – 25 August
Q&A Sessions: 19 – 30 September
Tertiary expos
Brisbane Careers and Employment Expo: 27 – 28 May
TSXPO (Tertiary Studies Expo): 16 – 17 July 2016
Steve Jones
Guidance Officer Senior School
Middle School Guidance Officer Report
Mindfulness: Being Where You Are and Doing What's Important
The problem of the "wandering mind" is that you may find you simply are no longer psychologically where you are physically. That's not so bad unless your aim is to do something you consider important. Since there is no time or place when one can do ANYTHINGâincluding important thingsâexcept right here and right now, then psychologically, being some place other than the present moment is a problem.
Please follow the link to the PDF below to read the rest of the article and find out more:
Mind Gym
PBC runs mindfulness sessions which we call 'Mind Gym' every Monday Tuesday and Thursday from 8.15-8:30am in the virtual classroom E Block.
This is a great settling and calming routine for young people to get into. If you like to encourage some of this at home. Smiling Mind is a free app that we would suggest is useful for adolescents.
Anna Willis
Guidance Officer Middle School
Pathways Centre News
School based traineeships available for Year 10 and 11 students in 2016
We have many exciting opportunities to start the term in the Pathway Centre Y Block. Job boards are updated weekly with new positions.
Bunnings Warehouse: Year 10 students only. Taking expressions of interest now. School based traineeships Cert III Business at Bunnings Warehouse Burleigh. Trials will be offered to successful applicants at the end of Term 2.
Hospitality traineeships: Zarraffas Surfers Paradise, Grill'd Coolangatta, Cherry Red Café Burleigh, Wendy's the Pines, Crema Espresso Robina, Surfers Paradise Beach Café, and Fiery Deli Burleigh.
Cert III Tourism: Ripleys Believe it or Not! Surfers Paradise
Cert III Business: Wild Cards and Gifts Pacific Fair, Angus and Coote Robina, Blooms the Chemist the Pines, Aurora Institute of Training, Subway Stores – various locations.
First National Real Estate Palm Beach and Burleigh. Cert III Business traineeships. Duties include reception and property management.
Cert III Sport and Recreation: Burleigh Pools - get your Bronze Medallion, pool lifeguarding and CPR as part of your traineeship.
Cert III Business Trainee Caltex Elanora: Administration role. Two positions available, both school based. One position is for Year 12 student and will continue to part time/fulltime next year
Love your current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let's see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.
The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break to apply for any of the above positions
Gold Coast Trades College Open Day
Please follow link to PDF below to find out more about the Gold Coast Trades College Open Day. All welcome.
Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison Officer
Uniform Shop Update
Uniform Shop Trading Hours
Term 2 |
Day |
Dates |
Times |
Monday to Friday |
11 April to 24 June 2016 |
8:15am to 12:30pm |
PBC Navy Jacket
The PBC Navy Jacket is now available to purchase from the uniform shop and also online at flexi-schools at a cost of $70.00; limited stock is available. Samples are available to try on.
Please note, sizes 12 and XS are now sold out.
PBC Jumper
The PBC jumpers have been restocked and are available to purchase for $48.00
Bucket hats/ PBC caps
Bucket hats and PBC caps are currently out of stock, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.
PBC school bags
PBC School Bags are now available from the uniform shop and selling fast.
Features include:
- Lifetime guarantee
- Padded laptop pocket
- Water resistant
- Ergonomic design
- Mesh drink bottle holder
- $70 each
Volunteers needed
If there are any volunteers who would love to spend a couple of hours each week in our very busy Uniform Shop and or Canteen we would love to hear from you!
Please contact Mandy on 07 5525 9331 for further details.
Flexischools Orders
If you have made an order for your child via Flexischools can you please ask that they come and pick it up from the Uniform Shop.
Payment methods available:
- Flexischools Online
- Credit Card
- Cash
- Cheques not accepted
If you are unable to come into the Uniform Shop you are more than welcome to call on 07 5525 9331 and pay for any uniform item over the phone.
Mandy Webb
Uniform Shop Coordinator
For Internet banking please use the details below:
School's Bank Account: PALM
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID
AND the reference Code to ensure your payment can
be recorded correctly. (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2016
SRS8 or 2016 ACEX10)
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Course Fees |
Student Resource Scheme |
2015 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$330 |
Overdue |
Student Resource Scheme |
2016 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$340 |
Overdue |
Excellence Program Fees |
Excellence program 2016 students |
Various |
Overdue |
New Zealand trip |
Year 11 students |
2nd installment: $580 |
Overdue |
3rd installment: $1,000 |
13 June |
Final installment: $700 |
8 August |
South East Asia study tour |
2nd installment: $1,150 |
Overdue |
3rd installment: $1,000 |
Overdue |
4th installment: $1,000 |
Overdue |
Early Childhood Education |
Year 11 students |
$500 |
Now |
Instrumental Music Participation |
Instrumental Music students |
$75 |
Overdue |
Instrumental Music hire |
Instrumental Music students |
$100 |
Overdue |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
Lost Property
Please check with Student Services for items like pencil cases, lunch boxes, etc. If you have lost an article of clothing (jumpers, shoes, hat) please check with the Uniform Shop.
Student lockers available
Student lockers are available for hire at PBC.
- $6.00 for locker hire
- $24.00 for PBC approved combination lock (this will be the property of the student)
- Lockers available are located at G Block
- Payments can be made at Student Services
Please visit the Facilities tab of the school website to read the locker hire agreement.
Second Hand Uniforms
If you are holding on to old or unwanted school uniforms, please donate them to student welfare.
If your uniforms are in good condition, please drop them off at Student Services.
PBC Alliance
PBC Alliance Breakfast – Friday 20 May
If you are part of a local business or organisation, a past student of PBC, or just looking to get involved in your local business community, it's not too late to RSVP for the PBC Alliance Breakfast on Friday 20 May.
When: Friday 20 May 2016
Time: 6:45am – 8:15am
Where: PBC State High School Trade Training
Guest speaker: Wayne Hickson, Program Manager
Communication and Media for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games
Corporation (GOLDOC).
Visit and like the PBC Alliance Facebook page to stay up to date:
New Website
The PBC Alliance is pleased to announce the launch of our official website:
For all information about how to get involved with the Alliance, including membership and partnership information; details for upcoming events; and to view our business directory, make sure you head on over to our new website!
Caitlin Lea
PBC Alliance Coordinator
The QParents web and mobile application provides a more convenient, easier way for parents and legal guardians to interact with the school. Parents will have secure, online access to their child's student information, anytime, anywhere, through a smartphone, tablet or computer.
QParents enables parents to access and manage student:
- Attendance and absence details, as well as the ability to notify the school of an absence
- Behaviour details
- Academic report cards
- Class timetables
- Viewing unpaid invoice details, payment history, and making payments online
- Viewing and updating student details, including medical conditions and address
- Enrolment details
If you haven't yet registered, visit below to register today!
'Below Average' Comic Strip
About the Comic
High school. It's a daunting place, especially when you're at the bottom of the social ladder… where we find four friends trying to survive their final days of senior year. Join Marina, Maddison, Amy and Olivia as they embrace adolescence with a refreshing and humorous approach to daily life in this new addition to the Palm Beach Currumbin High School Newsletter.
Below Average is a fortnightly webcomic created by cartoonist Nicholas Cleaver in mid-2010. It follows the day-to-day adventures of four not-so average teenagers: Marina, an inventor suffering with obsessive-compulsive disorder; Maddison, a blissfully ignorant foodaholic; Amy, a sarky game fanatic; and Olivia, the kookiest member of the group.
The strip's primary theme is humour, and focuses largely on friendship, school and the four girls' incompatibility with established society.
Answer to puzzle time
It is the digits 0 to 9 in alphabetical order.
Cathy Clipson
HOD Mathematics