15 September 2014
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents,
In 2012 PBC was selected to be an Independent Public School (IPS). One of the central tenants of an IPS is to be accountable to the community to have meaningful and broad engagement with our community at large.
My first principalship was at a primary school called Mistake Creek which had eight students and was situated about an hour west of Clermont in central Queensland. Living in such a small and close knit community made me very aware of the crucial role that state schools play in community building.
As a local resident I remain committed to this ideal and accept that I am accountable to the community, our parents and our students for ensuring PBC is the best it can be.
Our School Council plays a very important role in the development of our strategic direction as does our P&C Association in all operational matters. On Friday we held a function to release the next chapter in our community engagement strategy – the PBC Alliance.
The purpose of the PBC Alliance is to:
- Strengthen PBC’s position as a community hub by providing opportunities for local business to network
- Raise the school’s profile through celebrating achievement and engaging with former students via social media
- Raise funds through developing a sponsorship program
The launch was well attended and included:
- The Hon. Jann Stuckey MP
Member for Currumbin
Minister for Tourism and Major Events
Small Business and the Commonwealth Games - Mrs Karen Andrews MP, Member for McPherson
- Councillor Daphne McDonald, City of the Gold Coast
- Marnie Hudson current Hockeyroo and former student
The day was filled with enthusiasm for the school and what we will achieve in the years to come, in supporting and developing the young people of our area. Photos from the event and how to be involved in future events are available on the PBC website.
Stephen Loggie
Executive Principal
Newsletter Articles
- Principal’s Report
- Senior School Update
- The Pathways Centre
- Middle School News
- A sure way to be more successful in school.
- Middle School Leaders
- The STEM Convention
- From the Dean’s Office
- From the Dean’s Office
- Teen Study Space at Elanora Library
- Free Local School Holiday Activities
- QTAC reminder
- UNI Information
- Griffith University
- Griffith University
- Home Economics
- Ordered your 2014 Yearbook?
- Community News
- School Watch
- Enrolments
- Uniform Shop Update
- Administration
Senior School Update
If you been to one of my school presentations, you will have heard me speak of the importance of being at school every lesson every day. We have had a real focus on improving attendance this year but we want to do better. We need your help as parents to improve attendance. We need you to ensure that you put in place structures that ensure maximum attendance for your son or daughter.
All the research tells us that the more time spent with their teacher the better they will achieve academically and that is what we all want. Near the end of the term students traditionally tell their parents that they do not need to attend as we are doing no work. Please do not believe this and ensure they attend each day.
Year 12
For those Year 12 students about to head to university, it is critically important that they have created a QTAC account and if they are looking for Direct Entry that they have submitted the form. Details on how to do this are available in this newsletter and on the website.
I encourage all university eligible Year 12 students to apply to University even if they think at this stage they don’t want to go. Once you apply and get an offer, you can defer the course for 12 months, to do a gap year or go to work. You then have another year to make the decision.
For those students who are thinking of the workforce straight out of school, you need to register at the Pathway centre. We have a number of employers who contact us over the coming months looking for school leavers to fill positions.
Year 10 and 11
As you read this we will have had most families submit their 2015 subject selections. It is important that you are aware not only of the subjects that they have chosen, but how they align to their future pathway. At the end of the term we will create the timetable and then early next term, we will distribute draft timetables.
If you change your mind you will need to send your child to the Senior Office to do a subject change. They will be given a form to fill out and you may have to revisit your SET Plan if your child is currently in Year 10.
Nigel Hughes
Director Senior School
The Pathways Centre
School based traineeships are now available for Year 10/11.
Cert III Hospitality- Currumbin RSL, Zarraffas Pacific Fair, Beach café Surfers Paradise, Gourmet Espresso plus many more.
Cert III Business – Foodworks Tugun, Wealth Vision financial planning and Coast wide Roofing and Maintenance at Burleigh Heads.
Cert III Children Services – Applications opening soon to students currently in Year 10 only.
Cert III Children services traineeships at Kool Kids Childcare Centres. Information flyer with all the details is in the Pathway Centre.
Indigenous traineeships - ANZ bank – Helensvale Years 10 and 11, and expressions of interest is open to Year 10 and or 11 students wanting a Cert III Carpentry Apprenticeship (indigenous placement) or Cert II Business traineeship with banking institution in Burleigh at Stockland Shopping Centre.
Some work experience opportunities are available at Robina Hospital in small engine mechanic and business administration sectors.
Love you current job? Would you like to turn it into a traineeship? Come to the Pathway centre and let’s see if we can create a traineeship for you in your current role.
The Pathway Centre is open before school and first break.
Sonia Shreeve
Industry Liaison officer
Middle School News
End of Term 3 and Report Card Information
I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our Middle School students for the dedication and work ethic they have demonstrated on a daily basis throughout Term 3.
Our Year 9 students are now entering the final term of their Middle School experience and are working towards creating the habits that will ensure their success, as they move into our Senior School.
Our Year 8 cohort of students are now fully aware of the behaviour and learning expectations that will allow them to be successful, as they complete their first year of secondary school.
Please take note of your son/daughter’s Term 3 Report Card that will be emailed to parents early next term. The important aspects to view are your son/daughter’s effort and behaviour results, across their different subject areas.
In early Term 4 please make contact with any particular teachers you require further information from, in regards to your son/daughter’s Term 3 Report Card.
Blair Hanna
Director of Middle School
A sure way to be more successful in school.
As the term break approaches it is important that all students keep focussed on their purpose at school. Many subjects are finalising their student assessment, so attendance is critical. For example, from among the different assessment techniques being undertaken, students may be presenting English Monologues, taking part in Maths and Science tests as well as handing in major Art pieces.
A quick check of the PBC website can identify each year levels’ published assessment program. Students should have the specific date for each piece of assessment recorded in their student planner from the beginning of term. It should not come as a surprise or a “I didn’t know” or “I wasn’t told”. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that they attend tests and submit assignments by the due date.
Feedback on students’ progress is provided by the teacher within a reasonable period after the assessment is completed, to assist students in understanding their results and how they can improve. Data indicates however, that among the most important factors in a students’ achievement is their application to the set task and their attendance at school.
Teachers and students are all working to the end of term.
Middle School Leaders
Apart from all the hard work put in around assisting out at events for parents with students transitioning to high school in 2015, the Year 9 leaders this term have focussed upon supporting students’ social and emotional development by running a very successful and fun Dodge Ball competition.
The competition has been a very exciting, somewhat scary weekly event with teams such as Big Dogs, Taipan and The Sitting Ducks making it through to the finals.
The event has proved so popular the leaders are considering a second round with a twist next term.
Di Stamp
HOD Middle School
The STEM Convention
The STEM Convention is an exciting opportunity for students to experience and participate in a conference of scientific, technological, engineering, and mathematical learning. The students have been applying their learning through real life investigative inquiries and will be presenting their learning to peers and academics next week.
We have had 14 students participating in the STEM convention.
Darcy D'Hotman De Villiers
Elaine Summersford
Isaac Jeffs
Saffron Jeffs
Elise Watkins
Beth Clark
Montana Wickens
Eloise Fisher
Moana Chavez
Charlotte Rayner
Annika Danielsen
Amy Cooper
Sean Petie
Ellie Schmidtke
They have been investigating topics such as:
- Wasted Clothes Materials - Recycle and Reuse,
- Cleaning an Oil Spill with Peat Moss,
- Healthy Waterways,
- The Relationship Between pH and Plant Growth,
- The Effects of Plant Growth and Deforestation on Ground Water,
- Water sustainability – Water Retaining Crystals,
- Investigating the Effects of Sunlight on Plant Growth.
These students are very excited to present their findings at the QLD Academy of Health Sciences.
Rachel Kousek
Science and Maths Teacher, Year 10 Science Co-ordinator
From the Dean’s Office
As part of our Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program, the Year 9 students are learning about good mental health in adolescents. Subjects discussed throughout the unit include the pressures of being a teenager, recognising when someone needs help, who is able to support them, impacts of mood disorders on decision making and risk taking.
The program has been developed by the school Psychologist, with resources from beyond blue.
Research shows that young people need to be exposed to these topics in a safe and structured environment, which the school provides. However, for some students these topics may trigger emotions that cause upset.
All students have the opportunity to opt out of these lessons if they feel distressed. Support staff will be notified and ‘check ins’ with those students will be organised.
Next term the Year 9 will begin a SEL unit on healthy relationships, based on programs from Life Education. The Year 10 students will begin a four week unit on safe behaviour (in the context of their own physical/emotional safety, as well as a legal context).
From the Dean’s Office
We have received a request from Crime Stoppers Queensland to include the following information in our newsletter for your consideration.
Do you love the colour orange? Terrific – so do school leavers every year!
New Volunteers are currently being sought to register as Schoolies Support Team (SST) Volunteers for the annual Gold Coast Schoolies Community Safety Response.
In November each year following the conclusion of Year 12, thousands of school leavers descend on the Gold Coast to celebrate their achievements. As a result the Queensland Government coordinates a Safety Response.
In excess of 1,000 Volunteers from all walks of life and a variety of community organisations, participate each year to support the school leavers and help them to enjoy their celebrations safely.
Annually, the SST Volunteers assist with authorised wristband distribution, conduct street and beach patrols and provide walk home services, giving a friendly smile and a wise ear to school leavers. The SST Volunteers wear bright orange tabards whilst on shift, in order to be easily identified and provide important information about the schoolies hub, safety response and overall experience.
Volunteers are being sought for this year’s Safety Response. Some Volunteers are required during the day on the first Saturday with the rest of the week, involving night time work 6pm to midnight approximately. You can volunteer for as little as one shift or if super keen you can participate every day!
All Volunteers are required to hold or obtain a Positive Notice (Blue Card) for Working with Children from the Queensland Governments Public Safety Business Agency. You will be assisted to obtain your Blue Card, free of charge, as part of the volunteer recruitment process.
Being an SST Volunteer is a fantastic way for parents of school leavers to connect with the safety response without cramping the style of their children. Often Mums and Dads also volunteer in the years prior to their children leaving Year 12, so that they can experience the safety response directly and be more assured and prepared for the day their own child wants to join in the excitement.
Consider volunteering today. Visit the website for more information or to register your interest: schoolies volunteer or call Crime Stoppers Queensland who are the SST Volunteer Coordinators on 1300 309 355. Crime Stoppers Queensland is a registered charity and community volunteer organisation.
Teen Study Space at Elanora Library
The Elanora Library has created a teen study space for you to study or read. It is available every second Tuesday after school. This service is held during term time only on Tuesdays from 2 September to 18 November from 3.30 pm to 4.30 pm. Free Wi-Fi is available and library staff will be on hand to help with your research questions.
The library is located at The Pines Shopping Centre, Guineas Creek Road, Elanora. Call 5581 1671 for more information.
Free Local School Holiday Activities
Thrower House and the Southern Community Hub have two free activity programs running over the school holidays. You can access more information on the great range of fun things to break the boredom in the community events section or by visiting the Southern Community Hub Facebook page or Thrower House.
Tracey Cardinal
Dean of Students
QTAC reminder
Any student going to University, TAFE or you are deferring next year then you must apply through QTAC. Applications before 30 September cost $35. After this date it will cost you $130 so you are running out of time.
QTAC and Tertiary Entry
The QTAC application. QTAC (Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre) administers the application and offer processes for participating tertiary institutions in Queensland and a few interstate institutions. Information about the participating institutions can be found in Section 2 of the QTAC Guide.
The QTAC application is an online application on the QTAC website. Visit the QTAC website - QTAC (click on Online Services). Year 12 students apply via the Twelve to Tertiary (TTT) application. The QTAC application opens on 5 August 2014. The due date for on time applications is 30 September, 2014.
On time applications for Year 12 students cost $35.
Late applications (i.e. from 1 October 2014) cost $130.
You can apply for up to six courses at different institutions on the one QTAC application. You will receive one offer. It is essential that you submit one application only.
QTAC provides a number of resources to help with the application, including:
Movies (How to apply; Ordering your preferences; Tracking your application; Responding to your offer) on the website at (QTAC Online Services)
A demonstration application (to practice on) on the website at (QTAC Online Services
Year 12 – How to apply on the website.
How to order preferences on page 56 of the QTAC Guide.
Once you have applied, you automatically have access to the QTAC Current Applicant online service, which includes three free course preference change sessions.
The full list of online services is in the QTAC Guide (page 57) and on the QTAC website at QTAC Online Services.
To begin your QTAC application you need your LUI and a PIN (day and month of your birth). At the completion of your online application you will be given a QTAC application number. You can use this number or your LUI to go back into your application to change preferences and to see if you have an offer.
Additional entry requirements for performing and visual arts courses
Some of the performing and visual arts courses you can apply for through QTAC for entry in semester one 2015 have entry requirements in addition to Year 12 subject prerequisites. It is essential to carefully read the prerequisites section in Section three of the QTAC Guide for each course in which you are interested. Also check the Fixed Closing Dates table on pages five and six of the QTAC Guide.
How are applicants selected for courses through QTAC?
Entry to many of the courses you can apply for through QTAC is very competitive. Consequently institutions use specific selection criteria to select students for their courses. Selection is based on –
- meeting minimum entry requirements. These may include subject prerequisites, a folio, interview or audition, tests or questionnaires, the successful completion of a course, and age, and
- merit (based on OPs and FPs or a QTAC Selection Rank).
Through the QTAC process, eligible applicants (i.e. those who meet the minimum entry requirements) are considered in order of merit (i.e. OP or QTAC Selection Rank). In simplistic terms, the OP or Rank of the last person to get into the course before all places are filled becomes the cut-off for that course in that offer round.
UNI Information
What Degree? Which University? Website
This website at What degree which university provides information and advice on courses, universities, lifestyle, student housing, survival skills and what to do when you finish your studies. It is a site made for students by students. From the site you can subscribe to a free fortnightly newsletter.
Griffith University
2015 Scholarships now open
Applications for scholarships for 2015 are now open. Griffith offers more than 700 scholarships with a total value exceeding $5 million dollars. Our scholarships support and encourage students from different backgrounds, and are available across a range of categories including, academic, equity, sports, study area, accommodation and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
Find out about applying, key dates and eligibility for Griffith scholarships
Griffith University
Griffith University Early Start to Tertiary Studies Program (GUESTS)
The GUESTS program is for motivated OP eligible senior students who wish to undertake a single course (subject) at Griffith.
New Semester one course offerings and requirements are now available for Architectural Design, Design, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy and Medical Laboratory Science. A summer Semester is available in a limited range of courses.
Year 11 students interested in GUESTS for Summer Semester 2014 or Semester 1 2015, should apply by 15 October 2014.
Students can apply as soon as they have their Year 11 Semester 1 school report. Find out more about the GUESTS Program
New course offered at Griffith University for 2015 - the Bachelor of Sport Development.
This course is a blend of sport and exercise science, sport coaching, health promotion, sport management and marketing.
Steve Jones
Guidance Officer Senior School
Home Economics
Practical arts
I really enjoy visiting the practical subjects and seeing the students enjoy using their hands and displaying their creative talents. The Year 11 Hospitality students under the guidance of Mrs Maher have been busy making a Steamed chocolate pudding with berry coulis. When visiting the class the students were enthusiastic about the project and all looked like they were Master Chefs. Unfortunately I was not available to taste test the finished product. Well done to Mrs Maher and her students.
Likewise, Mr Howards class are applying the finishing touches to their utility chests. What I did notice is that although they had a standard plan to work off, the students were adding their own touches to the finished projects. All students are now engaged in the project and gaining valuable skills to utilise in the workplace. Good work!





Don Saunders
HOD Home Economics and Technology
Ordered your 2014 Yearbook?
Don’t miss out on having a wonderful reminder of this year at PBC. The OPTIMA yearbook is filled with photos of school happenings, sports and of course your friends from the year as well as articles. They are $30. What a great keepsake.
Order yours today! (No payment required for Year 12 students.)
Payment Options
Pay in person:
- Payment can be made at the Student Services office 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
- Credit Card and Debit Cards (EFTPOS), Cash, Cheques and Money Orders are accepted.
Pay by phone (by credit card only):
- Call the school on 5525 9333 Monday to Friday between 8:00am to 3:00pm
- Please have the account and your credit card details with you when you call.
- VISA and MasterCard accepted.
Pay by Direct Credit:
- You have the option to make the payment direct to the school bank account. Please quote the reference below to ensure payment is credited to your account.
- Account Name: Palm Beach Currumbin SHS General Account
- BSB: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads
- Account No: 00090303
- Reference: Please record both your Student’s Id and the reference code 2014MAG
Lynne Riley
Student Services
Community News
The PBC Leo club has been named Leo Club of the Year for 2014
This award is well deserved. These community minded young people have supported their community with fund raising activities at the weekly IGA barbeque, giving up time over their weekends to work alongside the Lions at the IGA fundraisers.
The IGA barbeques provide a regular source of funds that allow the Leo club to make donations to worthy causes in the community. In a combined effort the Leo club donated funds for an iPad that was donated to the counsellors of the school. The Lions and Lioness clubs of Palm Beach also provided funds to the school counsellors for additional iPads to be used for student welfare.
Members of the Leo club also participated in the Relay for Life event and donated $1000 for cancer research. As part of a community awareness campaign, members of the Leo club also supported the homeless as they participated in a sleepover organised by the Gold Coast Suns at Metricon stadium.
This was a very worthwhile cause which all the participants enjoyed. Some of the Leo members volunteered to be marshals at the recent triathlon event held in the Currumbin area. Thanks to all Leos who volunteer their time for the community.
School Watch
Please keep a watch on our school these holidays. With the holidays fast approaching, we need you to look out for after-hours crime in our school.
If you see anything suspicious, please don't attempt to intervene. Call the School Watch number - 13 17 88.
The School Watch Program is a partnership between Education Queensland, the Queensland Police Service and the State Government Protective Security Service. It aims to reduce vandalism, theft and arson in Queensland schools.
Michelle Whitbread
Facilities and Operations Manager
If your student will not be attending in 2015, please advise administration as soon as possible. Please advise your name, year level in 2015, destination (i.e. new school, work, etc.) and your contact details.
Jeanette Rowsell
Administrations and Enrolments
Uniform Shop Update
CAX Shirts
If you ordered a CAX Shirt they are now available to be collected from the Uniform Shop.
Extra Sport Excellence Uniforms
The Uniform Shop currently has some extra sport ex stock available for parents to purchase. Please feel free to pop in and see our friendly staff that can assist you with sizing. Also please note not all sizes are available but we will do our best to assist you and your child in that regards.
Please contact Mandy between the hours of 8am - 2 pm Monday - Friday if you have any questions or would like to see if your student’s size is available. Also, remember you can make your payments with Mandy over the phone.
Bucket Hats/PBC Caps
Bucket hats and PBC caps are now available to purchase from Uniform Shop and are a Compulsory part of the Uniform and is recommended for all Outdoor activities. Cost is $15 each.
Jumpers are now available and are selling FAST, You can purchase your warm knitted jumper from the uniform shop which has samples available to try on for sizing, all sizes available, and cost is $48.
Trading Times:
Monday to Friday – 8.15am to 9.30am
Payment methods available:
Flexischools Online www.flexischools.com.au
- Credit Card
- Cash
- Cheques not accepted
If you are unable to come into the Uniform Shop you are more than welcome to give Mandy a call on 07 55259331 and pay for any uniform item over the phone.
Mandy Webb
Uniform Shop Co Ordinator
Cashier Window Operating Hours
Please be advised that the operating hours for the cashier/payment window at the school are strictly 8am to 1pm, Monday to Friday.
For internet banking please use the details below:
School’s Bank Account: PALM BEACH CURRUMBIN SHS General A/C
BSB Number: 064-404 CBA Branch Burleigh Heads
Account Number: 00090303
Reference/Details: Record both Student ID and the reference Code to ensure your payment can be recorded correctly (Reference Code = ITEM BEING PAID FOR e.g.: 2014 SRS8 or 2014 ACEX10).
Resources and Activities Schedule
To assist parents with budgeting, detailed below are current fees and activities with due dates for payment (due to short timeframes some excursions may not be listed).
Student Fee Excursion/ Activity |
Activity Details |
Amount Due |
Date Due |
Excellence Program Fees |
Excellence program 2014 students |
Various |
Overdue |
Course Fees |
Year 12 students |
$50 |
Overdue |
Certificate I – Furnishing |
Enrolled Year 11 and 12 students |
Year 11 - $200 |
Overdue |
Certificate I - Engineering |
Enrolled Year 11 and 12 students |
Year 11 - $200 |
Overdue |
Certificate I - Construction |
Enrolled Year 11 and 12 students |
Year 11 - $200 |
Overdue |
Student Resource Scheme |
2015 Fees Year 7 to Year 12 |
$330 |
12 September 2014 |
Please note that all students are requested to present their Student ID card when making any payments to Student Services. |
Most excursions do not appear on student statements. If you have any queries please call Lynne Riley in Student Services on 07 5525 9308.
Lost Property
Please check with Student Services for items like pencil cases, lunch boxes, etc. If you have lost an article of clothing (jumpers, shoes, hat) please check with the Uniform Shop.